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摘要:鸡蛋是人们日常生活中不可或缺的营养品,然而,鸡蛋也是最常见的引起过敏反应的食物之一。婴儿和儿童是鸡蛋过敏的高发人群,鸡蛋过敏反应主要是由血清免疫球蛋白E(IgE)介导的,引发皮肤、消化道、呼吸道相关的症状,甚至可导致危及生命的严重过敏反应。鸡蛋过敏目前尚无特效治愈方法,患者严格避免摄入鸡蛋成分被认为是最有效的预防手段,但严格避食会影响患者的生活质量和膳食营养,且因意外摄入鸡蛋过敏原导致过敏症状出现的情况屡屡发生。可见在鸡蛋过敏的应对方面,迫切需要新的有效方法。食品加工技术作为从鸡蛋致敏的源头上控制过敏反应的方法,近年来发展迅速。本文综述了各种常见食品加工方法对蛋清致敏性的影响,为后续开发低致敏鸡蛋产品提供思路。  相似文献   

食物过敏是全球范围内被广泛关注的食品安全问题之一。小麦是世界上生产和消费最广泛的食物之一,同时也是公认的八大过敏性食品之一,食用小麦会诱发多种过敏症状。麦醇溶蛋白和麦谷蛋白是小麦中主要过敏原,在它们链结构中,重复的氨基酸序列区域存在大量抗原表位,摄入或接触均可能会诱发过敏反应。对小麦中的主要过敏原、过敏病症和现阶段过敏原的检测方法以及抑制过敏原抗原性的方法进行了综述。为低敏性小麦制品的开发提供参考。  相似文献   

小麦及其制品已经是人们日常饮食非常重要的部分。小麦引发的食物过敏问题已经越来越受到专家学者和老百姓的关注和重视。研究小麦中致敏蛋白的种类、发病机理及表现出来的相关症状,有利于对小麦过敏的诊断。小麦过敏会引发特异性皮炎、面包师哮喘、小麦依赖运动激发过敏症、乳糜泻症、复发性荨麻疹等,影响人们的健康。降低小麦的致敏性十分必要,已有研究证明致敏性可以通过热处理方法来降低。  相似文献   

正炎炎夏日,随着温度的升高与湿度的加大,人们的食欲有所下降。温度高、湿度大,微生物易于生长繁殖,食物容易腐败变质,稍不注意就会引发食物中毒,轻则腹痛、腹泻,重则危及生命。但是,腹痛、腹泻、呕吐等症状并非均由食物中毒或误食不洁食物所引起,也可能是食物过敏反应,切不可将两者混为一谈。食品过敏原的定义为食品中能使机体产生过敏反应的物质,常见的食品过敏原主要包括大豆、花生、小麦、坚果、牛奶、鱼、蛋类及甲壳纲动物等8大类。据统计,我国存在2亿多过敏患者,其中约90%是由食物过敏原引发的过敏性疾病。然而  相似文献   

食物过敏是机体针对摄入的食物产生的一种有害的、具有复发性的特定免疫反应,能够引起食物过敏反应的物质称为食物过敏原,食物中含有的致敏蛋白是引发食物过敏反应的一大来源。大米是世界上公认的最重要的粮食作物之一,全球约有一半以上的人口以大米为主食。大米蛋白占大米总量的8%~10%,含有丰富的必需氨基酸,易于被人体消化吸收,是公认的谷类蛋白中的上佳者。传统上认为,大米是低致敏性谷物,已被广泛应用于婴幼儿及配方食品中,但近年来的研究表明,大米也可引发食物过敏反应,可诱发过敏性皮肤炎、过敏性荨麻疹等症状,严重者还可引起过敏性休克。本文从大米过敏的流行性分布、主要的大米过敏蛋白以及过敏蛋白的检测方法等方面阐述了大米过敏的研究进展。  相似文献   

正日常生活中,人们有时会看到这样一个现象:有的人吃了鱼、虾、蟹等食物后,会发生腹痛、腹泄、呕吐,或皮肤奇痒难熬;有的人吸入花粉或尘土后会诱发鼻炎或哮喘;有的人注射青霉素后会发生休克……这些都是过敏反应的表现,而严重的过敏反应,甚至会导致死亡。引起过敏反应的物质在医学上被称为过敏原,当人体抵抗抗原侵入的功能过强时,在过敏原的刺激下,就会发生过敏反应。食品过敏原的定义为食品中能使机体产生过敏反应的物质,常见的食品过敏原主要包括大豆、花生、小麦、坚果、牛奶、鱼、蛋类及甲壳纲动物等8大类。  相似文献   

正近日,中国科学院上海生命科学研究院宗耕课题组揭示了麸质摄入与长期Ⅱ型糖尿病风险之间呈负相关的关系。研究指出,对于没有麸质过敏反应的人群而言,刻意回避日常膳食中的麸质对预防Ⅱ型糖尿病没有好处,反而会导致谷物纤维和其它有益于健康的营养物质摄入降低。相关研究成果发表在《糖尿病学》期刊上。据悉,这也是国内外第一个研究麸质摄入与长期Ⅱ型糖尿病风险之间关系的前瞻性队列研究。麸质是小麦、大麦和黑麦胚乳中的主要贮藏蛋白。中国人日常饮食中,所吃的"面筋"就是面粉经过  相似文献   

乳糜泻是一种遗传易感个体因摄入含麸质蛋白的谷物(小麦、大麦和祼麦)及其制品而诱发的慢性自身免疫性肠病,影响着世界上约1%人口的健康,并呈增长趋势;在中国可能也存在乳糜泻"冰山"现象,发生率远比原先预计的高;然而目前,中国从事医疗卫生和食品工业的专业人员对乳糜泻的认识仍存在不足。本文着重介绍了国内外在乳糜泻的流行病学、发病机制、临床症状、诊断和治疗等方面的研究进展。全面了解乳糜泻的相关知识,提高对乳糜泻的意识,有助于推动中国对乳糜泻的预防和控制,促进无麸质食品的开发和研究。  相似文献   

运动员、健身爱好者等在运动过程中常常会消耗大量的体能, 需要摄入运动营养食品以恢复身体机能。谷物是大米、小麦、小米、大豆等及其他杂粮的总称, 营养丰富。一些谷物还含有某些具有保健作用的特殊成分或活性物质, 这些成分在运动营养食品加工的应用方面具有较大潜力。本文对谷物的种类、营养价值、保健功效进行了介绍, 并综述了谷物在我国运动营养食品中的应用现状, 为促进谷物运动营养食品产业的发展提供重要的参考依据。  相似文献   

正炎炎夏日,随着温度的升高与湿度的加大,人们的食欲有所下降。温度高、湿度大,微生物易于生长繁殖,食物容易腐败变质,稍不注意就会引发食物中毒,轻则腹痛、腹泻,重则危及生命。但是,腹痛、腹泻、呕吐等症状并非均由食物中毒或误食不洁食物所引起,也可能是食物过敏反应,切不可将两者混为一谈。食品过敏原的定义为食品中能使机体产生过敏反应的物质,常见的食品过敏原主要包括大豆、花生、小麦、坚果、牛奶、鱼、蛋类及甲壳纲动物等8大类。据统计,  相似文献   

Baker's asthma, food allergy to wheat, and wheat-dependent, exercise-induced anaphylaxis (WDEIA) are different clinical forms of wheat allergy. We investigated the correlation of solubility and digestion stability of wheat allergens with the IgE-reactivity patterns of different patient groups. Three wheat protein fractions were extracted according to their solubility: salt-soluble albumins and globulins, ethanol-soluble gliadins, and glutenins soluble only after treatment with detergents and reducing reagents. Sera from subjects with history of each variant of wheat allergy were characterized by CAP FEIA and immunoblotting. There was a high degree of heterogeneity of recognized allergens between the different subject groups as well as within these groups. However, subjects with WDEIA showed similar immunoglobulin E (IgE)-reactivity patterns to gliadins and especially to a 65 kDa protein. Subjects with baker's asthma as well as the food-allergic subjects had the most intense IgE-reactivity to the albumin/globulin fraction. The latter group additionally showed IgE-reactivity to the other fractions. Divergent results of immunoblotting and CAP-FEIA demonstrated that the detection of wheat-specific IgE highly depends on the applied method, thus the diagnostic tool must be carefully chosen. Most wheat allergens were rapidly digested as analyzed by determination of IgE-reactivity on immunoblots to wheat extracts after simulation of gastric and duodenal digestion. However, ethanol-soluble gliadins were stable to gastric enzymes and exhibit low solubility in gastric and duodenal fluids. Therefore, they are likely to be important in food allergy to wheat.  相似文献   

In the spectrum of wheat-related disorders, WDEIA is defined as immediate type-1 allergy. It is rare, but potentially life-threatening and caused by the exposition to wheat proteins and the presence of one or more cofactors. Patients suffer from anaphylactic reactions affecting the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts, the skin and the cardiovascolar system with different severity. GPT, the storage proteins of wheat, are the most commonly reported WDEIA allergens. Thereby, the ω5-gliadins are known as major allergens and the HMW-GS as minor allergens. Reactions to other GPT and HWP are also reported. The golden standard to diagnose WDEIA is still an OFC, which puts patients at risk of anaphylaxis. The aim of this work was to further investigate the allergenicity of gluten and HWP in the context of WDEIA to contribute to a better understanding of the underlying mechanisms and expand diagnostic possibilities. First gluten and HWP were comparatively characterized (SDS-PAGE, content of free ammonium and RP-/GP-HPLC). Based on the results, products were selected from which ATS were prepared in order to investigate the BAT-FACS as a possible alternative diagnostic tool. Thereby, anti- CCR3-PE-mAb (BG identification marker) and anti-CD63-FITC-mAb (BG activation marker) were used. Second, patient studies with control subjects were carried out. The results showed that the BAT-FACS is very promising to supplement WDEIA routine diagnosis, as especially the ATS from ω5-gladins and sHWP showed very good test sensitivity and specificity. Individual senzitization profiles of the patients were generated after isolation of single GPT and their application as ATS in the BAT-FACS study. Gluten from a wheat/rye translocation line (G-ω5, 89% reduced content of ω5-gliadins in comparison to representative gluten G) was also applied in the BAT-FACS study to evaluate whether this could possibly be used as a hypoallergenic food. However, allergenic basophil activations in patients were documented, consequently this product is not recommended as hypoallergenic food for WDEIA patients. Our findings still leave a wheat-free diet and/or avoidance of cofactors as the only safe option for WDEIA patients. Further on, fast and easily preparable ATS, usable in clinical routine diagnosis where elaborate preparations are unwanted, were generated and sucessfully tested on patients and controls. Thereby, a detailed characterization of the contained proteins in the ATS was performed (SDS-PAGE, RP-/GP-HPLC and proteomics-based untargeted high-resolution UPLC-TripleTOF-MS). These results together with the determined BAT results indicated that non-gluten proteins are also relevant allergens in the context of WDEIA since high percentages of ATIs were determined in the ATS (G, G-ω5, sHWP). In addition, yet unidentified allergenic epitopes need to be present in the fast preparable ATS (G, G-ω5, sHWP, eHWP) because the identified proteins were searched for known WDEIA epitopes and only one epitope was found. Consequently, the known epitopes cannot explain the allergenic basophil activations triggered by these ATS in WDEIA patients. Innerhalb des Spektrums der weizenbedingten Erkrankungen wird die WDEIA als unmittelbare Typ-1- Allergie definiert. Sie ist selten, aber potenziell lebensbedrohlich und wird durch die Exposition gegenüber Weizenproteinen und das Vorhandensein eines oder mehrerer Kofaktoren verursacht. Die Patienten leiden unter anaphylaktischen Reaktionen, die den Magen-Darm-Trakt, die Atemwege, die Haut und das kardiovaskuläre System in unterschiedlichem Ausmaß betreffen. Glutenprotein Typen (GPT), die Speicherproteine des Weizens, sind die am häufigsten beschriebenen WDEIA-Allergene. Dabei sind die ω5-Gliadine als Hauptallergene und die HMW-GS als Nebenallergene bekannt. Es wird auch über Reaktionen auf andere GPT und hydrolysiertes Weizenprotein (HWP) berichtet. Der goldene Standard für die WDEIA Diagnose ist nach wie vor eine orale Provokationstestung mit dem verursachenden Lebensmittel oder Gluten, die die Patienten dem Risiko einer Anaphylaxie aussetzt. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Allergenität von Gluten und HWP im Kontext der WDEIA zu untersuchen, um zu einem besseren Verständnis der zugrunde liegenden Mechanismen und Erweiterung der diagnostischen Möglichkeiten beizutragen. Zum einen wurden Gluten und HWP vergleichend charakterisiert (SDS-PAGE, Gehalt an freiem Ammonium und RP-/GP-HPLC). Auf dieser Grundlage wurden Produkte ausgewählt, aus denen allergene Testlösungen (ATS) hergestellt wurden, um den basophilen Aktivierungstest kombiniert mit fluoreszenz-aktivierter Zellsortierung (BATFACS) als alternative Diagnosemöglichkeit für WDEIA zu untersuchen. Dabei wurden Anti-CCR3-phycoerythrin- monoklonale Antikörper (Identifikationsmarker für Basophile Granulozyten) und Anti-CD63- Fluoresceinisothiocyanat-monoklonale Antikörper (Aktivierungsmarker für Basophile Granulozyten) verwendet. Es wurden anschließend Patientenstudien mit Kontrollpersonen durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass der BAT-FACS eine vielversprechende Ergänzung zur Routinediagnostik der WDEIA darstellt, da insbesondere die ATS aus ω5-Gladinen und je sHWP je eine sehr gute Testsensitivität und -spezifität aufwiesen. Durch die Isolierung einzelner GPT und deren Verwendung als ATS in der BAT-FACS-Studie wurden individuelle Sensibilisierungsprofile der Patienten erstellt. Gluten aus einer Weizen/Roggen-Translokationslinie (G-ω5, 89% reduzierter Gehalt an ω5-Gliadinen im Vergleich zu repräsentativem Gluten G) wurde ebenfalls in der BAT-FACS-Studie eingesetzt, um zu evaluieren, ob dies möglicherweise als hypoallergenes Lebensmittel verwendet werden könnte. Es wurden jedoch allergene basophile Aktivierungen bei Patienten dokumentiert, so dass dieses Produkt nicht als hypoallergenes Lebensmittel für WDEIA-Patienten zu empfehlen ist. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass eine weizenfreie Ernährung und/oder die Vermeidung von Kofaktoren die einzige sichere Option für WDEIA-Patienten ist. Weiterhin wurden schnelle und einfach zuzubereitende ATS generiert, die in der klinischen Routinediagnostik eingesetzt werden können, wo aufwendige Zubereitungen unerwünscht sind. Diese ATS wurden erfolgreich an Patienten und Kontrollen getestet. Dabei wurde eine detaillierte Charakterisierung der in den ATS enthaltenen Proteine durchgeführt (SDS-PAGE, RP- /GP-HPLC und Proteom-basierte nicht-zielgerichtete hochauflösende UPLC-TripleTOF-MS). Diese Ergebnisse deuten zusammen mit den ermittelten BAT-FACS Ergebnissen darauf hin, dass auch NichtGluten-Proteine relevante Allergene im Rahmen der WDEIA sind, da hohe Mengen an α-Amylase- Trypsin-Inhibitoren in den ATS bestimmt wurden (G, G-ω5, sHWP). Darüber hinaus zeigte sich, dass in den einfach-herstellbaren ATS (G, G-ω5, sHWP, eHWP) nicht identifizierte allergene Epitope vorhanden sein müssen, da die identifizierten Proteine auf bekannte WDEIA-Epitopen analysiert wurden und lediglich eines der bekannten Epitope gefunden wurde. Folglich können die allergenen basophilen Aktivierungen bei den WDEIA-Patienten nicht durch das Vorhandensein bekannter WDEIA- Epitope erklärt werden.  相似文献   

Gliadin and glutenins comprising the prolamins of gluten present in wheat flour are well recognized for allergic properties. There are four kinds of symptoms of adverse reactions to wheat flour: celiac disease, Baker??s asthma, atopic dermatitis and food-dependent-exercise-induced anaphylaxis. Studies have shown that wheat flour becomes hypoallergenic by hydrolyzing peptide bonds near the essential proline residues of the epitope structure. Present study was framed with the main objective to develop modified gluten flours by various bio-processing methods and to study their rheological, biochemical and immunological characteristics. T. durum semolina was incubated with proteolytic enzymes such as pepsin, pancreatin and protease for 4, 6, 8, 10?h and overnight. Similarly, the semolina flour was treated thermally using microwave heating at different wavelength such as 360, 540, 720, 960?W. Apart from this, non-gluten blend was prepared by blending semolina with 40% of non-gluten flours. The resultant samples were subjected to different biochemical and immunochemical studies. Microstructure and Rheological characteristics are also studied. Results revealed affected microstructure of gluten matrix and rheological properties of the microwave- and enzyme-treated flour. The electrophoresis pattern of pepsin-treated flour showed decrease in the intensity of protein bands corresponding to allergen profile than control. The flour treated with protease also showed distinct bands than control. The electrophoresis pattern of non-gluten blends also showed decrease in the intensity of the bands corresponding to allergens. Immunochemical studies confirm the use of proteolytic enzymes is efficient method for reducing wheat allergens.  相似文献   

Oranges are clinically relevant allergenic foods. To date, orange allergens have not been characterized in detail. The study is aimed at analyzing the sensitization profile in orange-sensitized subjects with and without clinical allergy, and to identify orange allergens. Fifty-six sensitized subjects with self-reported reactions to orange were grouped into reactors (anaphylaxis or multiple episodes of immediate reactions and/or positive challenge tests) and non-reactors (negative open food challenge tests). Allergens were characterized by IgE immunoblotting, N-terminal sequencing, IgE-inhibition assays, and mediator release assays were performed to determine the allergenic potency of orange profilin. Of 56 subjects, 23 were classified as orange allergic showing mainly an oral allergy syndrome. Of 23 subjects classified as orange allergic, 22 were sensitized to profilin, Cit s 2. In patients with mono-sensitization to profilin in vitro histamine releases up to 75% from basophils were induced using orange extract and purified plant profilins. Of the allergic patients 78% were sensitized to germin-like protein, Cit s 1. Both allergens showed retained IgE reactivity in heat-processed orange juice. Interestingly, subjects with and without clinical allergy showed a comparable sensitization profile. Profilin and germin-like proteins are major orange allergens. The potential clinical relevance of orange profilin was indicated by its strong capacity to release histamine from basophils. However, a predominant sensitization to both allergens in subjects without symptoms also indicates a high frequency of clinically insignificant sensitization.  相似文献   

BackgroundEgg is one of the most nutritious foods that is easily available and it has become a favorite source of major nutrients like lipids and proteins around the world. However, eggs can trigger severe allergic reactions, especially in infants and children. The reactions are mostly IgE-mediated with a range of symptoms related to nose and throat and further can lead to life-threatening anaphylaxis. A total of ten allergens have been recognized to date and researchers are actively working on understanding their structure-function relationship which could help reduce the allergy incidences. Major egg allergens are abundant in egg white which include ovalbumin (OA), ovomucoid (OVM), ovotransferrin (OVT) and lysozyme (Lys). In addition to allergens, avidin present in egg white is also extensively studied due to its anti-nutritional properties. Avidin is known to form a complex with biotin which makes it unavailable for absorption.Scope and approachThis review focuses on the effects of thermal and non-thermal processing methods on the structure and functional properties of various egg proteins including a wide range of allergens and anti-nutrients.Key findings and conclusionsNovel processing techniques including various non-thermal techniques show promising results in reducing the allergic reactions of egg. Anti-nutrients like avidin can be partly inactivated under combined high-pressure processing and heat treatment.  相似文献   

A WHO position paper states that allergen immunotherapy is an effective treatment for allergic diseases, and well characterized allergens should be used in immunotherapy. The house dust mite is a major cause of allergic disease. However, the biological activity of the mite extracts currently used cannot be clearly determined, since these extracts contain various impurities. The use of recombinant allergens can avoid this problem. However, there remains a risk of contamination by other impurities, such as host cell-derived proteins (HCPs). Advanced purification techniques are thus required to remove these contaminants. C8/119S is a mutant of the major house dust mite allergen Der f 2, and is expressed and accumulated as an inclusion body in Escherichia coli. The C8/119S was refolded and purified through three column chromatography steps. Using this method, we could obtain about 2 g of the purified C8/119S in one purification batch. This amount is equivalent to 100,000 of the maintenance doses required for immunotherapy based on the WHO position paper. The purity of the C8/119S was 99% or more. The antigenicity of HCPs in the C8/119S was examined by passive cutaneous anaphylaxis assays. When the C8/119S was administered at 40 μg/kg, no local anaphylaxis was observed. C8/119S was thus highly purified with an extremely low level of impurities, and our procedure was shown to be an effective advanced production-scale purification process for this Der f 2 mutant. In this study, we established an advanced purification processes for C8/119S, then characterized the purified C8/119S and evaluated its purity.  相似文献   

Anisakis simplex is a fish parasite that is a public health risk to those consuming raw or poorly cooked marine fish and cephalopods because of the possibility of becoming infested with live larvae. In humans, penetration of the larvae into the gastrointestinal track can cause acute and chronic symptoms and allergic anisakiasis. Excretion and secretion products released by the larvae are thought to play a role in migration through the tissues and induce an immunoglobulin E-mediated immune response. The aim of this preliminary study was to detect parasite antigens and allergens in fish tissues surrounding the migrating larvae. Hake and anchovy fillets were artificially parasitized with Anisakis larvae and stored in chilled conditions for 5 days. Larvae were evaluated for fluorescence, fish muscle tissue was examined with transmission electron microscopy, and immunohistochemical reactions of two rabbit polyclonal antisera against a parasite crude extract and the allergen Ani s 4 were recorded. Larvae immediately migrated into the fish muscle, and no emission of bluish fluorescence was observed. Fish muscle areas in contact with the parasite showed disruptions in the structure and inclusion of granules within sarcomeres. Both parasite antigens and the Ani s 4 allergen were located in areas close to the larvae and where sarcomere structure was preserved. These findings indicate that parasite antigens and allergens are dispersed into the muscle and might cause allergic symptoms such as dyspnea, vomiting, diarrhea, urticaria, angioedema, or anaphylaxis in some individuals sensitive to A. simplex.  相似文献   

The emergent health issue of food allergens presents an important challenge to the food industry. More than 170 foods have been reported in the scientific literature as causing allergic reactions. Clearly, it would be impossible to deal with the presence of trace amounts of all these in the context of food labeling. If the decision to classify major allergens is based solely on the knowledge and experience of allergists and food scientists in the field, without scientifically defined criteria, it is likely to lead to a proliferation of lists. Such practices may lead to an unnecessary elimination of foods containing important nutrients. This paper defines food allergy, food intolerance, and food anaphylaxis and identifies criteria for classifying food allergens associated with frequent allergic reactions. A practical list of food allergens that may result in potentially life-threatening allergic reactions is provided. A mechanism-based (i.e., immunoglobulin E mediated), acute life-threatening anaphylaxis that is standardized and measurable and reflects the severity of health risk is proposed as the principal inclusion criterion for food allergen labeling. Where available, prevalence in the population and threshold levels of allergens should be used as an additional guide to identify possible future labeling needs.  相似文献   

Wheat is an important staple food globally, providing a significant contribution to daily energy, fiber, and micronutrient intake. Observational evidence for health impacts of consuming more whole grains, among which wheat is a major contributor, points to significant risk reduction for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and colon cancer. However, specific wheat components may also elicit adverse physical reactions in susceptible individuals such as celiac disease (CD) and wheat allergy (WA). Recently, broad coverage in the popular and social media has suggested that wheat consumption leads to a wide range of adverse health effects. This has motivated many consumers to avoid or reduce their consumption of foods that contain wheat/gluten, despite the absence of diagnosed CD or WA, raising questions about underlying mechanisms and possible nocebo effects. However, recent studies did show that some individuals may suffer from adverse reactions in absence of CD and WA. This condition is called non‐celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) or non‐celiac wheat sensitivity (NCWS). In addition to gluten, wheat and derived products contain many other components which may trigger symptoms, including inhibitors of α‐amylase and trypsin (ATIs), lectins, and rapidly fermentable carbohydrates (FODMAPs). Furthermore, the way in which foods are being processed, such as the use of yeast or sourdough fermentation, fermentation time and baking conditions, may also affect the presence and bioactivity of these components. The present review systematically describes the characteristics of wheat‐related intolerances, including their etiology, prevalence, the components responsible, diagnosis, and strategies to reduce adverse reactions.  相似文献   

目的 探究低盐固态酱油酿造过程不同阶段小麦过敏原的变化。方法 采用实验室模拟方法酿造低盐固态酱油, 采集酿造过程中的原料小麦面粉和制曲阶段14、27、36和44 h时的样品, 发酵阶段5、10、17、24和30 d, 灭菌前和灭菌后12个样品, 用实验室制备的小麦蛋白的多克隆抗体、免疫球蛋白G以及从医院获得的小麦过敏病人血清免疫球蛋白E对样品进行十二烷基硫酸钠聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳、免疫印迹和酶联免疫测定不同阶段样品的免疫原性。结果 经制曲、发酵处理和加热灭菌处理后, 凝胶电泳图中小麦面粉中的蛋白条带逐渐减少甚至消失, 其中制曲阶段变化程度最大。小麦过敏蛋白中的主要组分麦醇溶蛋白和麦谷蛋白在制曲阶段后期免疫印迹条带逐渐消失, 在进入发酵阶段第5 d时已完全检测不到免疫印迹条带。酶联免疫实验结果表明, 与未处理小麦面粉样品相比, 制曲、发酵和灭菌等处理过程均会不同程度降低小麦过敏原的抗原性和过敏原性, 在进入发酵阶段的第24 d小麦过敏蛋白含量已低于20 mg/kg, 致敏性基本被消除。结论 在实验室模拟低盐固态酱油酿造中, 小麦过敏蛋白的抗原性和过敏原性在制曲、发酵和灭菌等过程均不同程度降低, 其中制曲阶段作用最大, 成品酱油中小麦的致敏性基本被消除。  相似文献   

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