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在人们日常生活中肉及肉制品是不可缺少的食品,因此研究肉类及制品品质的提升,以及保鲜与安全是一个非常重要的课题.天然氧化剂姜黄,具有抗氧化,抗炎镇痛,抗肿瘤等强大功能;姜黄药理作用的运用也十分广泛,而对于其在畜牧饲料上提升肉品的研究却相对较少.综述了姜黄的主要成分、功能及姜黄对猪肉品质的作用影响,为将来姜黄在肉类食品及畜...  相似文献   

肉制品的食用品质及其评价   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
肉类及其制品是膳食中不可缺少的优质蛋白质来源,肉类食用品质尤其是感官品质是消费者选择肉和肉制品的重要衡量指标.目前,肉制品的品质评定缺乏客观的评价方法.本文针对肉制品的系水力、多汁性、质地等食用品质及其评价方法的研究进展进行综述,为促进肉制品品质评定方法的客观化、建立肉制品的食用品质评定标准和体系提供参考.  相似文献   

内源蛋白酶对肉类食品风味的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
内源蛋白酶是引起蛋白质水解的重要因素。在肉类食品中,对肉类食品品质具有作用的内源蛋白酶主要有组织蛋白酶、钙中性蛋白酶、氨肽酶和二肽酶,在这些酶的作用下,可产生对风味具有明显作用的游离氨基酸和小肽,使其具有自身独特的风味,同时这些降解产物也可以参与香味形成反应如美拉德反应贡献于肉品香味。该文对内源蛋白酶在肉类食品风味形成中的作用进行了阐述,以期为肉类食品风味的形成提供理论参考。  相似文献   

不同的加工步骤可能会影响肉品的物化性质及营养价值,甚至产生对人体健康有害的化合物。例如,已观察到某些热处理可增加自由基含量,降低抗氧化保护能力,促进蛋白质氧化。鉴于某些肉类加工保藏方法可能促进蛋白质氧化进而影响肉品食用品质乃至加速肉类劣变,本文探讨了常见肉品加工保藏方法及其相关新技术对蛋白质氧化的影响,及蛋白质氧化对肉品品质及人体健康的不利影响,旨在为加工保藏中有关蛋白质氧化及合理化食品加工技术提供相关参考。  相似文献   

微波处理对煮制牛肉品质影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着微波时间与功率的不同,同样剂量的牛肉,其脆度、硬度、弹性、黏聚性、咀嚼度都会发生改变。而本文则是对微波肉类食品的一个基础性研究,先通过牛肉的煮制预熟化,然后经过微波炉的不同时间和不同功率的处理,对牛肉品质的变化进行研究。在不同时间(30s、60s、90s、120s、150s)不同功率(60%、80%、100%)下,微波对牛肉品质的影响,其中包括:对水分、出品率、脂肪、质构值、感官评定的影响。这同以后开发微波肉类食品提供了准确的数据依据。根据质构值的测定结果结合感官评定分析可以确定速冻微波煮制牛肉最佳条件:煮制中心温度为65℃,微波功率为80%,微波时间为120s。  相似文献   

畜禽肉是我国动物性食品消费的主要组成部分,包括猪肉、牛肉、羊肉、鸡鸭鹅肉、兔肉等。畜禽肉通常都具有一定的腥味,如果加工不当会影响到产品品质进而影响到消费者对产品的接受程度。此前关于腥味物质的研究主要集中在水产加工领域,近年来畜禽肉类中腥味物质的研究也越来越受关注。该文综述了不同畜禽肉类腥味物质的主要成分及其含量、腥味物质检测方法及去除方法,以期为后续关于畜禽肉类的研究提供参考,同时为畜禽肉的加工过程中如何降低腥味提供科学指导。  相似文献   

肉类和肉类食品品质与安全检测一直是肉类行业中关注的热点。本文综述了超声波、电磁特性、电子鼻与电子舌、计算机视觉、光谱分析等几种当前主要无损检测技术在肉品质量评价中的研究进展。其中,重点介绍了光谱分析中具有图谱合一、可同时获取样品内外部品质信息特性的高光谱成像技术及其在国内外肉品品质检测中的应用现状,提出了该技术在肉类品质检测研究方向的几点思考,并展望了无损检测技术在肉品品质检测中的研究前景,以期为后续研究提供参考。  相似文献   

牛肉的外源性蛋白酶嫩化技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛肉嫩度是一项肉质评定的重要指标,也是消费者评判肉质优劣的最常用指标.外源性蛋白酶嫩化技术具有方法简单,条件要求相对低,能显著提高牛肉的品质等优点,且处理后的牛肉具有柔软、适口、多汁和易于咀嚼等特点,多年来一直受到肉类加工行业的重视,并已得到了广泛的研究和应用.本文主要论述了外源性蛋白酶对牛肉的嫩化机理和近年来在利用各类外源性蛋白酶嫩化处理牛肉的研究上取得的进展,以期为牛肉嫩化的研究提供参考.  相似文献   

猪肉是最常见的肉类食品,在生产与贮存等过程中极易受氧化作用、微生物侵染等因素的影响而腐败。假单胞菌是猪肉中的优势腐败菌,也是导致其腐败变质的主要微生物,准确的假单胞菌生长模型,能够预测猪肉中的假单胞菌的生长状况及其数量,对预测猪肉的货架期及构建风险评估具有重要意义。本文主要对假单胞菌生长模型的当前研究进展进行综述,并展望了其发展前景,为建立和应用猪肉中假单胞菌新的生长模型提供参考依据,进而为对食品进行风险评估、建立HACCP体系、研发产品及研发软件产品提供依据。  相似文献   

猪肉中有害微生物的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,猪肉品质和安全性问题已经成为人们的关注热点之一.本文主要探讨了猪肉中的有害微生物这一影响猪肉品质和安全性的生物学因素,同时全面研究了猪肉中的病原菌和腐败菌等有害微生物的来源、种类、特性等,为今后能进一步研发出有效监测猪肉品质、保障肉品安全性的新型模型和检测方法提供了重要的借鉴与参考.  相似文献   

研究者和生产者一直试图通过育种、饲料组分功效量化、饲养方案优化、加工工艺调整和贮藏条件改善等来提升肉及肉制品的产量和品质,而肉及肉制品的质量属性检测分析是衡量肉及肉制品营养价值、安全性、生产能力和市场接受性的重要途经,也是研究者和生产者开展生产和产品市场定位等的重要依据之一。目前肉及肉制品质量属性的检测方法,主要包括通过凯氏定氮法测定蛋白质含量、采用色谱法测定胆固醇含量、色谱法对脂肪酸组分的测定分析和色谱法测定氨基酸组分等对常规营养属性的分析、采用味觉识别系统、质谱分析技术、颜色分析系统对味觉、风味和颜色等感官品质进行的分析等。肉及肉制品质量属性评价方法的完善和改进不仅能够促进肉制品加工产业的发展,还能够更好的促进消费,鉴于此,本文对肉及肉制品质量属性评价方法及其创新进展进行了概述,对肉及肉制品质量安全属性评价方法目前面临的挑战进行了分析,以期为肉制品产业发展和科研提供参考。  相似文献   

我国常见家畜胴体分割及分级技术发展   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
牛、猪、羊为我国主要家畜品种。改革开放以来,我国牛、猪、羊胴体分割、分级技术水平有了一定的提升,关于家畜胴体分割、分级技术的发展过程及其标准的研究不断完善。本文概述了我国牛、猪、羊胴体分割、分级技术相关标准规定,阐述了常见家畜胴体分割、分级技术的发展历程,并对胴体分割、分级技术存在的问题提出意见,旨在为我国家畜屠宰企业进行牛肉、猪肉和羊肉分割、分级提供参考,促进肉质提高及分割肉的增值,推动我国畜肉产业健康、持续、稳定、快速发展。  相似文献   

巴西畜禽肉类产量及出口量均居世界前列,其畜禽肉类产业能持续稳定发展并得到世界很多国家的认可,主要得益于严格、有效的肉类安全管理体系。本文对巴西动物疫病控制及肉类安全管理机构、法规体系及具体监管措施进行全面分析,并总结巴西肉类安全管理体系的主要特点,以期为我国畜禽肉类安全管理提供借鉴,并为巴西输华肉类安全监管提供支持。  相似文献   

Food quality and safety issues have received widespread attention around the world. Traditional analytical methods are cumbersome, time consuming, and disruptive. Consumers and businesses are in desperate need of a fast, nondestructive test to evaluate the safety and quality of food. Chicken is an important food source for the human diet and has a high consumption rate. Its quality and safety issues are especially important. The hyperspectral imaging (HSI) technique combines the main characteristics of the spectroscopy technique and the imaging technique to achieve fast, nondestructive testing and demonstrates great potential for evaluating the food safety and quality of chicken. For the past few years, there have been many studies on the HSI technique for the detection and evaluation of chicken meat safety and quality. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to provide a detailed overview of the HSI technique for microbiological safety detection and quality attribute assessments of chicken meat. In addition, the hardware and software used in the HSI systems are also summarized and compared. Finally, some opinions on the focus of future research and its applications in the modern poultry industry are presented.  相似文献   

During the last few years there is a growing feeling in the Dutch livestock and meat industry that it is essential to change from a product oriented to a more market-oriented production (from quantity to quality). This is mainly due to developments such as a more intense international competition, stagnant or declining meat consumption and negative pressure on the consumers' image of meat. Counteracting these developments is only possible if every part of the production chain contributes (in close cooperation with each other) to achieve a better control of the whole production process: from conception to consumption. For a number of years an extensive research program has been carried out to set up a system of Integrated Quality Control (IKB). This has led to a "total quality concept" which includes the safety and quality of the product, the production method, care for the environment, and human and animal health. This paper discusses the basic elements (structure and content) of this quality concept. The extent of implementation of the IKB-concept depends on the particular sector, but it is at around 70% for pigs and broilers. For IKB in veal, current participation is over 90%.  相似文献   

耿多  陈辉  罗瑞明  王丽娟 《食品工业科技》2019,40(15):66-71,187
本研究以牛、羊、猪、狗、马5种畜肉为研究对象,建立基因快速检测方法。针对牛、羊、猪、狗、马线粒体基因筛选特异性引物,优化各畜种检测条件。利用特异性引物扩增各畜种DNA,制备重组质粒测序,建立常见肉及肉制品快速检测模型。结果表明,此方法成功实现了5种畜肉在30 min内同时快速检测,各畜种核酸引物特异性强,与其它物种无交叉反应发生。重组质粒测序结果与靶基因序列比对,同源性达100%。畜肉基因最低检测限为5×10-7 μg,表明该快速检测方法特异性强、灵敏度高,可同时检测多个畜肉样品,完全适用于熟肉样品的检测,为快速鉴别牛、羊、猪、狗、马多畜种畜肉提供依据,并为以快速鉴别不同畜种为前提开展的研究提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Meat quality evaluation by hyperspectral imaging technique: an overview   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
During the last two decades, a number of methods have been developed to objectively measure meat quality attributes. Hyperspectral imaging technique as one of these methods has been regarded as a smart and promising analytical tool for analyses conducted in research and industries. Recently there has been a renewed interest in using hyperspectral imaging in quality evaluation of different food products. The main inducement for developing the hyperspectral imaging system is to integrate both spectroscopy and imaging techniques in one system to make direct identification of different components and their spatial distribution in the tested product. By combining spatial and spectral details together, hyperspectral imaging has proved to be a promising technology for objective meat quality evaluation. The literature presented in this paper clearly reveals that hyperspectral imaging approaches have a huge potential for gaining rapid information about the chemical structure and related physical properties of all types of meat. In addition to its ability for effectively quantifying and characterizing quality attributes of some important visual features of meat such as color, quality grade, marbling, maturity, and texture, it is able to measure multiple chemical constituents simultaneously without monotonous sample preparation. Although this technology has not yet been sufficiently exploited in meat process and quality assessment, its potential is promising. Developing a quality evaluation system based on hyperspectral imaging technology to assess the meat quality parameters and to ensure its authentication would bring economical benefits to the meat industry by increasing consumer confidence in the quality of the meat products. This paper provides a detailed overview of the recently developed approaches and latest research efforts exerted in hyperspectral imaging technology developed for evaluating the quality of different meat products and the possibility of its widespread deployment.  相似文献   

It is well known what genetic and nutritional factors affect growth and meat quality, but there is less information related to interactive importance of them during the productive process. These systems are mainly based on rangelands affecting animal growth in early stages of life thus producing smaller cattle and reduced retail yield comparing with well grown calves. During the last ten years, Uruguayan livestock production systems have been intensified using improved pastures, concentrates and better genetic. The main breeds in Uruguay are Hereford, Angus and their crosses. These British breeds are under genetic evaluation programs which consider carcass trait parameters. It is important for beef industry to know if interactions between genotype and nutrition during growth and fattening phases are influencing production, efficiency, carcass weight and meat quality attributes. The aim of this article is to present information obtained under different feeding strategies during the post weaning and fattening and their influence on those attributes.  相似文献   

Currently, the issue of food safety and quality is a great public concern. In order to satisfy the demands of consumers and obtain superior food qualities, non-destructive and fast methods are required for quality evaluation. As one of these methods, hyperspectral imaging (HSI) technique has emerged as a smart and promising analytical tool for quality evaluation purposes and has attracted much interest in non-destructive analysis of different food products. With the main advantage of combining both spectroscopy technique and imaging technique, HSI technique shows a convinced attitude to detect and evaluate chicken meat quality objectively. Moreover, developing a quality evaluation system based on HSI technology would bring economic benefits to the chicken meat industry. Therefore, in recent years, many studies have been conducted on using HSI technology for the safety and quality detection and evaluation of chicken meat. The aim of this review is thus to give a detailed overview about HSI and focus on the recently developed methods exerted in HSI technology developed for microbiological spoilage detection and quality classification of chicken meat. Moreover, the usefulness of HSI technique for detecting fecal contamination and bone fragments of chicken carcasses are presented. Finally, some viewpoints on its future research and applicability in the modern poultry industry are proposed.  相似文献   

The levels of zinc, copper, manganese, selenium, chromium, nickel, cobalt, and aluminium were determined in samples of meat, liver and kidney from pigs and cattle from Swedish slaughterhouses. The results have been compared with those reported from other investigations carried out in recent years. For zinc, copper, manganese and selenium, the mean levels found in the different tissues were very similar to those reported in previous studies. The mean levels of chromium and nickel were found to be in the range less than 0.010-0.015 mg/kg, regardless of the type of tissue. Cobalt levels ranged from 0.001 to 0.043 mg/kg, the highest levels being in the liver samples. The mean levels of aluminium were between 0.024 and 0.068 mg/kg. Tissues from cattle contained approximately twice as much aluminium as tissues from pigs. Analytical quality assurance was carried out by analysing standard reference materials. A great effort was made to minimize and check contamination. This may partly explain the fact that the levels of chromium, nickel, and aluminium found in the present study are among the lowest reported.  相似文献   

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