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通过对市场上5种常见色泽异常肉的检验与处理,为广大消费者提供了便利的鉴别手段,为吃上“放心肉”提供了可靠的依据,并在此基础上技术上有了新的改进。通过临床实践经验,采用对比法以及实验室快速检验法对5种常见色泽异常肉进行不同程度的处理。通过检验和处理常见色泽异常肉,反映了我国市场存在的严重问题,有待于我们进一步加强动检法。  相似文献   

色泽异常肉的原因分析   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
所谓色泽异常肉是指皮肤、肌肉、脂肪呈现异常颜色的肉品。宰后检验时,常见色泽异常肉有红皮、红膘、黄胆、黄脂、白肌肉。经多年的屠宰观察和病理记录,特作如下分析。  相似文献   

关于PSE肉的研究(综述)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正> 长期以来,肉类生产和肉类市场上最大的肉品质量问题就是异常肉的出现,即PSE肉(Pale soft Exudative)和DFD肉(DarkFirm Dry).这两种肉都表现为外观色泽差,风味不浓,鲜肉和加工制品不受消费者欢迎,在肉类市场上缺乏竞争力,销售价格低于正常肉.据统计,这两种肉的发生率近年来有不断上升的趋势.DFD肉的发生率可超过30%,而PSE肉的发生率也可达到24%以上.目前,在我国,这两种肉的发生率均在10%左右.两种异常肉的发生率不断地上升,这不仅使肉类生产者蒙受巨大的经济损失,同时也给肉类加工业和消费者带来许多麻烦.因此,许多国家都十分重视这  相似文献   

PSE肉是牲畜宰后较常见的色泽异常肉。多发于猪,其肌肉苍白、表面如水洗多汁、指压无弹力、呈松软状态。主要以猪背部和后腿部肌肉即Ⅲ号肉和Ⅳ号肉多见。在市场上,PSE肉与周围其它肌肉区别明显而不受消费者欢迎,由于其保水性能差而不宜作肉制品加工原料。因此,如不控制PSE肉的产生,不仅影响消费者食肉的质量,而且还将给企业的经济效益带来较为严重的影响。  相似文献   

在猪的宰后检验中 ,PSE肉由于肌肉色泽变淡 ,与白肌病颜色相似 ,所以两者常易混淆 ,但这是完全不同的两种疾病。为了作出准确判定 ,下面就对PSE肉与白肌病作具体的分析。1 发病机理及原因1 1 PSE肉PSE猪肉 (pale、soft、exudativepork) ,又叫水猪肉 (waterypork) ,是猪在屠宰之前受到外界环境中的各种刺激 ,如捆扎、运输、驱赶等 ,在宰后出现病变的肌肉色泽苍白 ,质地松弛 ,所以俗称白肌肉。病猪的含硒水平在正常范围内 ,和白肌病并不相同。在宰后检验中极为常见 ,是一种应激性肌病。目前P…  相似文献   

在屠宰厂与农贸市场肉品卫生检验中,常发现以肉色苍白、肉质柔软和切面多汁为特点的生理异常肉,中国称之为"白肌肉"(PSE肉)。PSE肉外观色泽苍白,适口性差,易腐败,因而不受消费者欢迎。为了提高PSE肉的外观颜色及微生物安全性,并考虑因辐照产生的异味及微生物杀菌效果,选择0和4.5kGy的辐照剂量对PSE肉进行处理。之后在4℃下储藏2周,并测定pH、颜色、脂肪过氧化值、微生物安全性及官能特性等指标。结果表明:辐照在改善PSE肉的微生物安全性的同时,还能改善PSE肉色。  相似文献   

健康家畜正常屠宰放血后,肉品的颜色因动物的种类、品种、年龄、肥畜及其它因素而有所不同。 原因是各种动物以及每种动物的不同肌肉中。肌红蛋白的含量都不是恒定的。如牛肉的色泽比猪肉深,成年动 物肉色泽比幼龄动物肉深。肉品的色泽,作为衡量肉品质量的重要指标,应作正确的检验和处理。  相似文献   

超高压处理对肉及肉制品食用品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章综述超高压处理技术对肉及肉制品的色泽、嫩度、风味等食用品质的影响研究进展,以期为超高压技术在肉及肉制品加工中的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

鱼肉中的色素成分肌红蛋白(Myoglobin,Mb)和血红蛋白(Hemoglobin,Hb)是影响鱼肉色泽的重要因素,在放血充分的情况下,Mb占总色素比例的80%~90%,因此,放血是罗非鱼片加工过程关键操作步骤之一。主要研究放血对罗非鱼片色泽的影响,分析放血处理对色素蛋白及CO结合量的变化。结果表明,放血处理对鱼片暗色肉影响不明显,而普通肉亮度值L*则明显提高,a*和b*显著降低;放血处理的鱼片暗色肉和普通肉总Mb含量略小于未放血的鱼片,高铁肌红蛋白质(met-Mb)含量呈相反趋势;普通肉色素提取液特征吸收峰由407nm红移至412、540、577nm也呈现出明显吸收峰;未放血鱼片暗色肉和普通肉经发色处理后CO含量远高于充分放血后的鱼片。揭示了放血处理对鱼片色泽影响的内在因素,为罗非鱼片加工提供参考依据。  相似文献   

张方乐  曾庆孝 《现代食品科技》2009,25(11):1262-1264,1268
通过不同包装处理,研究其对脆肉鲩颜色和保鲜效果的影响.实验表明,包装处理对脆肉鲩的颜色、脂肪氧化、挥发性盐基氮、pH有明显的影响.未包装处理的脆肉鲩色泽稳定性差,脂肪氧化快,挥发性盐基氮含量多,pH上升快.经过包装处理的脆肉鲩色泽稳定性较好,脂肪氧化少,挥发性盐基氮含量小,pH上升减缓.其中,不透氧真空包装的护色和保鲜效果最佳.  相似文献   

肉类高氧气调包装通常是用含有70%~80%的氧和20%~30%的二氧化碳的混合气体对新鲜肉类进行包装的技术,其中的氧气可使肉类呈现稳定的红色,二氧化碳主要是抑制细菌的生长而延长贮藏期限。本文对近年来该技术在新鲜肉类中应用的研究情况进行了总结,从高氧包装对肉类颜色的影响、高氧环境下的微生物生长、高氧对肉类的脂类氧化和蛋白质氧化的影响以及提高高氧气调包装肉类品质的措施等方面进行了评述。肉类的颜色稳定性与肌肉类型有关,随O2浓度的增加而增大,随CO2浓度的增加而降低。另外,肉类颜色稳定性受肉类氧化特别是脂类氧化的影响。高氧气调包装肉类中的微生物受到CO2的抑制作用表现出比生长速率降低及生长的迟滞期延长。高氧气调包装会引起脂类和肌红蛋白的氧化以及蛋白质的交联,导致肉的嫩度和多汁性下降。高氧气调包装会导致肉类煮制时出现过早熟褐现象。添加某些防腐剂和抗氧化剂可以有效改善高氧气调包装肉类质量,延长肉类贮藏期限。  相似文献   

Does It Look Cooked? A Review of Factors That Influence Cooked Meat Color   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT:  Adequate cooking of meat is necessary to inactivate microbial pathogens. This is particularly important for ground meat products and some variety meats where pathogens can be present internally. Consumers are being advised on appropriate temperatures to which meat products should be cooked, and to use a meat thermometer to ensure these temperatures are reached. However, consumers are more likely to assess cooking status by the color of the meat or juice. This article reviews the factors that can influence the final color of cooked meat. In most instances, these factors influence color by modifying the meat pigment myoglobin prior to and during cooking. Many factors can prolong the pink "uncooked" color in meat, including high pH, modified atmosphere packaging, rapid thawing, low fat content, nitrite, and irradiation. Such factors may lead to overcooking and loss of food quality, and consumer rejection. Alternatively, factors that cause "premature browning" of meat, where the interior of the product looks cooked but a microbiologically safe temperature has not been reached, are food safety issues. Pale, soft exudative meats can prematurely brown, as can meats packaged under oxygenated conditions, frozen in bulk or thawed over long periods, or those that have had salts or lean finely textured beef added. Meats cooked from a frozen state or irradiated in aerobic conditions might also be at risk, but this might depend on meat species. In summary, the color of cooked meat is not a good indicator of adequate cooking, and the use of a food thermometer is recommended.  相似文献   

肉及肉制品超高压加工的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了以超高压处理时,超高压对肉的颜色、肉的组织结构、肉中脂肪的氧化、肉的冻结过程和解冻过程的影响.同时介绍了超高压处理肉类的研究现状、存在问题与发展方向.  相似文献   

The color characteristics of comminuted muscle samples from different species treated with varying levels of the preformed cooked cured-meat pigment (CCMP) were compared to those of their nitrite-cured counterparts. Muscle samples tested were beef, chicken, lamb, pork and seal as well as surimi from cod and seal. Hunter L, a, b values of treated meats depended on the original myoglobin content of muscles as well as the addition level of CCMP. Presence of some myoglobin was found necessary in order to impart a cured color to meats and therefore cod surimi treated with CCMP showed a dull uncured rather than a typical cured color observed with other meat tissues.  相似文献   

朱建军 《食品科技》2012,(10):122-124
研究结果表明,锡盟传统肉制品包括汽蒸类、烧烤类、油炸类、人工风干类、自然风干类、烘干类6大类;不同地区不同类型的传统肉制品均以体积小、水分质量分数18.6%~38.9%、蛋白质质量分数36.6%~54.8%、脂肪质量分数9.79%~13.9%、易携带,具有传统肉制品所特有的色泽和风味、呈现了良好的组织状态特点,自然风干类传统肉制品含水量低,口感较硬,不加任何添加剂,其他类型肉制品亚硝酸盐含量13~27mg/kg和食盐质量分数5.2%~7.9%;一些无包装产品或简单包装的产品存放过程细菌总数超标,霉菌和酵母菌开始生长,但大肠菌群数在标准范围内,未检测出致病菌金黄色葡萄球菌。  相似文献   

T. Okada    H. Ushio    T. Ohshima 《Journal of food science》2004,69(9):S414-S417
ABSTRACT: Squid skin color is one of many important factors to evaluate market values. The effects of chilling and hypoxia treatments on skin color of Japanese common squid Todarodes pacificus and spear squid Loligo bleekeri were investigated to prevent highly fresh squids from abnormal fading skin color with inappropriate commercial value losses. Skin color of the squids gradually faded away during ice-cold storage. Measurements of chromato-phores expansion showed that skin color can be maintained well after death by keeping the bodies well-oxygenated and avoiding direct contact with ice.  相似文献   

Temperature at which variety meats were frozen (—126°C, -34°C, - 18°C, -8°C) had little effect on weight loss, color, appearance, odor or tenderness of beef liver, kidney, heart and tongue, before, during or after thawing and retail display. Freezing of variety meats at -34°C, as opposed to -126°C: (a) appeared to minimize weight losses associated with thawing, retail display and/or application of pressure; (b) did not materially affect color of meat surfaces during retail display; (c) might improve overall appearance enough to increase retail caselife; and (d) did not affect off-odor incidence or tenderness of variety meats.  相似文献   

High-pressure processing (HPP) has been the most adopted nonthermal processing technology in the food industry with a current ever-growing implementation, and meat products represent about a quarter of the HPP foods. The intensive research conducted in the last decades has described the molecular impacts of HPP on microorganisms and endogenous meat components such as structural proteins, enzyme activities, myoglobin and meat color chemistry, and lipids, resulting in the characterization of the mechanisms responsible for most of the texture, color, and oxidative changes observed when meat is submitted to HPP. These molecular mechanisms with major effect on the safety and quality of muscle foods are comprehensively reviewed. The understanding of the high pressure–induced molecular impacts has permitted a directed use of the HPP technology, and nowadays, HPP is applied as a cold pasteurization method to inactive vegetative spoilage and pathogenic microorganisms in ready-to-eat cold cuts and to extend shelf life, allowing the reduction of food waste and the gain of market boundaries in a globalized economy. Yet, other applications of HPP have been explored in detail, namely, its use for meat tenderization and for structure formation in the manufacturing of processed meats, though these two practices have scarcely been taken up by industry. This review condenses the most pertinent-related knowledge that can unlock the utilization of these two mainstream transformation processes of meat and facilitate the development of healthier clean label processed meats and a rapid method for achieving sous vide tenderness. Finally, scientific and technological challenges still to be overcome are discussed in order to leverage the development of innovative applications using HPP technology for the future meat industry.  相似文献   

Encapsulation of the Pre-Formed Cooked Cured-Meat Pigment   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The pre-formed cooked cured-meat pigment (CCMP) was stabilized by storage under a nitric oxide atmosphere or microencapsulation in food-grade carbohydrates. Amongst the wall materials tested, β-cyclodextrin, N-LOK, and Maltrin M-250 served as the best encapsulating agents. Presence of gum acacia or a mixture of sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium acid pyrophosphate and ascorbyl palmitate at a 5% level in the wall material(s) improved the color of meats treated with the powdered cooked cured-meat pigment (PCCMP). Some encapsulated pigments remained stable during an 18 month testing period under refrigeration. Spectral characteristics of PCCMP were similar to those of the freshly-prepared pigment and color stability of PCCMP-treated meats was similar to that of nitrite-cured and CCMP-treated products.  相似文献   

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