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花果茶因其独特的口味和丰富的营养成分成为备受欢迎的新型饮品。然而, 在花果茶生产加工过程中, 存在着原料溯源和品质控制的不足、质量安全控制标准化水平较低以及加工工艺智能化不足等问题。传统分析手段对于花果茶有关数据的非线性信息挖掘和原料、成品传统分级方法的效率也较低。目前, 我国的花果茶产业正处于由传统加工向智能化转型的重要阶段, 机器学习在其中发挥着不可替代的重要作用。机器学习算法因其自主进行特征学习、强大的非线性拟合能力、端到端建模以及快速的特点, 成为花果茶加工中研究应用的热点。本文综述了机器学习算法在花果茶原料验收、原料加工、质量分级等方面的应用, 总结了机器学习算法在花果茶生产加工不同环节中的侧重点、优缺点和未来发展方向, 为花果茶加工的智能化发展提供了参考。  相似文献   

新能源微生物柴油的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物柴油是一种来源广泛的可再生燃料资源,目前在世界各国正掀起开发利用生物柴油资源的热潮,但在生物柴油产业发展过程中,原料不足成为规模化的瓶颈.产油微生物可直接利用秸秆类农林废弃物、农副产品加工废弃物、工业废物及废水等廉价再生资源经发酵转化为微生物柴油.相对于传统的生物柴油,其优点是不受季节气候及土地资源的影响,易于大规模连续化生产.对国内外微生物柴油的研究现状、发展趋势及制备工艺进行了介绍,对我国微生物柴油的原料来源及特性进行了阐述,指出微生物柴油产业化发展所存在的问题,提出了相应的解决对策.  相似文献   

随着我国工业生产的不断扩大,第二产业已经发展成为我国最主要的产业,在三大产业中占据主导地位,而机械化制造在工业生产和加工中是必不可少的环节,对于产品的质量和性能都会产生较大影响,文章就机械制造的生产和加工工艺进行分析,从机械制造的背景、生产类型、机械制造工艺对于产品的影响、机械制造工艺的评价指标以及存在的问题和控制办法等方面进行探究。  相似文献   

黄酒是我国特有的具有保健功能的传统酒种,以稻米、黍米等为主要原料,以麦曲和酒母为糖化发酵剂,经浸米、蒸饭、前发酵、后发酵、榨酒和过滤等工艺酿制而成。随着经济的发展,黄酒消费市场的迅速增长,黄酒的质量安全问题也引起人们的高度重视。基于我国黄酒生产现状,从生产原料、制曲、氨基甲酸乙酯、高级醇、酸败、沉淀混浊和包装材料迁移几个方面就我国黄酒生产中可能存在的质量安全问题及有害物质的控制进行分析,希望对我国黄酒产业的发展和产品质量控制提供帮助。  相似文献   

我国水产品质量安全管理现状与发展建议   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
水产品含有丰富的蛋白质、脂肪、矿物质和维生素, 营养价值较高, 是人类的主要食物来源之一。但是,随着近年来一些水产食品安全事件的曝光, 人们对水产品及其加工制品的质量安全也越来越关注。本文介绍了目前我国在水产品质量安全管理上的现状, 主要通过对水产品在养殖、运输和生产加工3方面过程中可能存在的污染物残留、冷链保鲜、加工技术与质量控制体系等不足之处的现象与原因加以分析, 从而提出加强水产品在养殖、运输和生产加工方面的质量安全管理建议, 以促进我国水产行业的繁荣稳定发展。  相似文献   

烤制羊肉是我国一种特色的传统肉制品,因其风味独特而深受消费者喜爱。但当前我国烤制羊肉生产多以手工作坊为主,质量不统一且存在食品安全问题,很大程度上限制了烤制羊肉的发展。加工工艺会影响产品的风味,风味极大程度决定了消费者对于食品的接受程度,目前已有研究主要从原料肉的选择、加工工艺的优化及风味物质等方面进行研究。本文就烤制羊肉目前工艺现状,对烤制羊肉的挥发性风味物质来源及电子鼻、气相色谱-质谱联用、气相色谱-离子迁移谱等检测方法进行概述,以期为我国烤制羊肉产业的发展提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

本文从有机法规、过程控制、产品标准3个方面对国内外有机葡萄酒加工现状进行了比对,查找差距,分析原因,并根据国内有机葡萄酒加工产业的实际情况,对建立有机葡萄酒加工技术规范提出建议:有机葡萄酒加工技术规范应包括原料、投入品、加工过程控制、产成品质量等内容,建议将允许的投入品和加工工艺作为规范的附录,同时,进一步明确对二氧化硫残留的控制要求。  相似文献   

介绍了日本稻米加工、储藏流通、米制品加工和质量控制等稻米产业发展情况。针对我国稻米加工及流通中存在的问题,结合日本稻米产业发展的经验,对梳理政府与企业的定位及作用、主食产业化及救灾应急食品开发、减少大米过度加工、加强粮油营养健康教育等提出了合理化建议。  相似文献   

胶原蛋白肽产业现状及发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胶原蛋白肽作为一种新兴的功能性蛋白配料近年来在国内外发展迅速。文中综述了胶原蛋白肽的定义、特性、制备工艺以及国内外胶原蛋白肽产业的发展现状,厘清了胶原蛋白肽推广过程中下游生产企业和消费者关注的3方面问题,包括胶原蛋白肽产品品质与原料来源间关系,胶原蛋白肽功效与分子量间关系以及胶原蛋白肽应用法规,展望了胶原蛋白肽产品的研究发展趋势,以期科学引导从事和关注胶原蛋白肽产业人群,促进国内胶原蛋白肽产业的健康持续发展。  相似文献   

阐述了国内再生纤维的生产现状及特点,简单介绍了再生棉的分类、特点、主要生产的产品及用途;重点论述再生纤维生产加工工艺、工序流程,以及生产过程中需要注意的内容,选料标准,原料质量控制等。另外,探讨纺织纤维循环再利用具体实施过程中存在的问题。在政府职能的正确引导下,纺织纤维循环再利用将成为一个资源节约、减少污染的环境友好产业。  相似文献   

目的 建立一种基于脂肪酸气相色谱(gas chromatography, GC) 指纹图谱技术结合化学计量分析的鳕鱼肝油软胶囊中掺假植物油的鉴定方法。方法 采用GC法测定不同来源鳕鱼肝油软胶囊脂肪酸指纹图谱, 经拟合后构建对照指纹图谱, 并进行样品相似度评价。模拟制备鳕鱼肝油软胶囊中掺入不同种类、不同比例植物油的掺假样品, 以其中14个共有脂肪酸峰的相对峰面积作为数据源, 输入SIMCA-P数据分析软件进行主成分分析(principal component analysis, PCA)及掺假模型建立。结果 获得鳕鱼肝油软胶囊GC对照指纹图谱及三维掺假识别模型, 44批样品经相似度评价发现有2批拟似掺假植物油, 将拟似样品色谱数据标准化后导入SIMCA-P软件, 显示2批样品均掺了大豆油, 掺假比例约为15%和35%。结论 脂肪酸GC指纹图谱结合化学计量分析为鳕鱼肝油软胶囊中掺假植物油的鉴定提供一种可靠准确的检测手段, 可快速有效识别鳕鱼肝油掺假行为。  相似文献   

Studies on the physical, chemical, and microbiological qualities of fresh tilapia meat revealed its suitability for the preparation of ready to eat fish curry packed in retort pouches. Studies on the fatty acid profile of tilapia meat suggest fortification with polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) to increase the nutritional value. Based on the commercial sterility, sensory evaluation, color, and texture profile analysis F(0) value of 6.94 and cook value of 107.24, with a total process time of 50.24 min at 116 °C was satisfactory for the development of tilapia fish curry in retort pouches. Thermally processed ready to eat south Indian type tilapia fish curry fortified with PUFA was developed and its keeping quality studied at ambient temperature. During storage, a slight increase in the fat content of fish meat was observed, with no significant change in the contents of moisture, protein, and ash. The thiobarbituric acid (TBA) values of fish curry significantly increased during storage. Fish curry fortified with 1% cod liver oil and fish curry without fortification (control) did not show any significant difference in the levels of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), during thermal processing and storage. Sensory analysis revealed that fortification of fish curry with cod liver oil had no impact on the quality. Tilapia fish curry processed at 116 °C and F(0) value of 7.0 (with or without fortification of cod liver oil) was fit for consumption, even after a period of 1-y storage in retort pouch. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: Tilapia is a lean variety of fish with white flesh and therefore an ideal choice as raw material for the development of ready to serve fish products such as fish curry in retort pouches for both domestic and international markets. Ready to eat thermal processed (116 °C and F(0) value of 7.0) south Indian type tilapia fish curry enriched with PUFA and packed in retort pouch was acceptable for consumption even after a storage period of 1 y at ambient temperature.  相似文献   

The vitamin A activity and the quantitative correlation of individual fatty acids in the liver oil of Barenz Sca cod were investigated. Seasonal changes of its composition and nutritional value were educed. The vitamin A activity varies according to seasons by more than twice each way and the content of dominant acids undergoes material changes. The greatest nutritional value has been found to display the medicinal cod liver oil of the fish caught during the autumn and winter months and the least - of that caught in spring and summer.  相似文献   

杏仁蛋白是杏仁制油后的主要副产物之一,主要应用于食品加工中,或在加工过程中充当辅助原料。杏仁蛋白营养价值高,但其水溶性低,氨基酸组成不合理,在食品工业中的发展受到限制。酶解杏仁蛋白制得的杏仁蛋白肽改良了蛋白质特性,并且具有众多功能活性,是提高杏仁蛋白深加工和开发其高附加值的重要手段。生物活性肽是目前研究热点,其制备方法、作用机制和功能活性得到广泛关注,杏仁蛋白肽作为优质生物活性肽,则具有很大的发展前景。本文对杏仁蛋白肽的主要制备方法及抗氧化、降血脂、降血糖、降血压等主要功能活性进行综述,对影响杏仁蛋白肽质量的危害进行分析并提出解决措施,最后总结了杏仁蛋白肽目前存在的问题以及今后发展前景,对杏仁蛋白肽工业化生产、药用价值的开发具有重要意义。  相似文献   

陶黎丽 《中国油脂》2021,46(12):62-68
稻米油不仅富含不饱和脂肪酸,还富含谷维素、植物甾醇等多种脂质伴随物,对人体健康十分有益。随着大健康产业的快速发展,稻米油的提质制取及高值化利用已成为大型油脂加工企业及科研者研究的热点。综述了稻米油中不饱和脂肪酸、谷维素、植物甾醇、角鲨烯、维生素E等营养成分的含量及功能,并对米糠稳定化处理、稻米油制取工艺及稻米油在煎炸食品、乳液递送、生物能源等方面的应用进行了梳理,旨在为稻米油的加工利用提供一定的理论基础及技术指导。  相似文献   

基于脂肪酸特征指标的鳕鱼肝油掺假鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析鳕鱼肝油中各脂肪酸的相对含量及特征指标变化规律,建立鳕鱼肝油掺假鱼油的鉴定方法。鳕鱼肝油中所含脂肪酸经柱前衍生转化为甲酯后进行气相色谱测定,采用面积归一化法计算各脂肪酸相对总脂肪酸的相对含量。根据多样本脂肪酸相对含量分析结果,找出能有效识别掺假的特征性指标二十二碳六烯酸(docosahexaenoic acid,DHA)/二十碳五烯酸(eicosapentaenoic acid,EPA)值和鲸蜡烯酸相对含量,并确定其限度范围,DHA/EPA值为1.40~1.68,鲸蜡烯酸相对含量为7.0%~9.4%。当鳕鱼肝油样品中测得的DHA/EPA值和(或)鲸蜡烯酸相对含量超过此限度时,可初步判定该样品掺假鱼油。为进一步有效识别掺假水平,本研究探索建立一种以DHA/EPA值和鲸蜡烯酸相对含量为坐标的掺假模型,并绘制不同掺假水平的识别分析图,46 批样品经鉴定,有2 批样品疑似掺假25%的鱼油。该鉴定方法准确可靠、直观简便,可用于鳕鱼肝油中掺假鱼油的快速鉴定。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The modifications on a lean fish (cod—Gadus morhua) and a fatty fish (farmed salmon—Salmo salar) after the application of pan-frying using 2 types of oil with different lipid profile (extra virgin olive oil and sunflower oil) was the aim of this study. Fat content and total energetic value increased significantly after the frying process only in the lean fish, without relevant changes in the fatty fish. Extra virgin olive oil led to a higher fat absorption rate than sunflower oil in both fish. Frying hardly affected the lipid profile of farmed salmon regardless the oil used, however it drastically changed in fried cod compared to raw cod. Omega-6/omega-3 ratio increased from 0.08 in raw cod to 1.01 and 6.63 in fried cod with olive oil and sunflower oil, respectively. In farmed salmon, the omega-6/omega-3 ratio was 0.38 (raw), and 0.39 to 0.58 in fried salmon. The amount of EPA + DHA slightly decreased with frying in salmon, and increased in cod. The type of oil has more influence in the nutritional fish quality for the lean fish compared to that of the fatty fish. The use of extra virgin olive oil was efficient to avoid a significant increase of the lipid oxidation intensity during frying in cod but not in salmon. Practical Application: Food modifies its composition and nutritional value with the application of cooking technologies. As most food table composition tables are based on raw food products, this article contributes with interesting data on pan-fried fish composition, which may improve the approach to achieve a real intake of healthy nutrients as omega 3 fatty acids.  相似文献   

左青 《中国油脂》2020,45(10):22-27
为了加强精炼油脂的质量安全,提高市场竞争力,对多品种油源,改进油脂精炼工艺和设备。在原有油脂精炼工艺及设备改进的基础上,采用新工艺如酶法脱胶、纳米中和、后脱酸等,保留油中活性物质如甾醇、维生素E,控制反式酸增量在1.2%以内、缩水甘油酯含量小于等于1 mg/kg、3-氯丙醇酯含量小于等于2.5 mg/kg,节能降耗,降低生产成本。  相似文献   

油菜籽加工工艺技术经济分析及发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘大川 《中国油脂》2004,29(6):14-19
对油菜籽制油的几种工艺进行了技术经济分析,并对未来5年内中国油菜籽加工业的发展趋势进行了预测.分析表明,脱皮制油新工艺的产出投资比和吨料加工利润均比未脱皮制油工艺高.随着新工艺、新技术、新设备的完善、成熟、推广和使用,我国油菜籽加工业的规模将向大型化发展,油菜籽的加工企业将更加重视油菜籽(特别是双低油菜籽)的综合加工利用和菜籽油的深加工.而目前的预榨-浸出制油工艺以其设备投资小、见效快等优点,在今后很长时间内仍将为我国多数油菜籽加工企业所采用.  相似文献   

Effect of monoglyceride organogel structure on cod liver oil stability   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The aim of the present research was to study the influence of monoglyceride organogel structure on the oxidative stability of cod liver oil. To this purpose, organogels were prepared by mixing increasing percentages of saturated monoglycerides with cod liver oil, chosen as a natural source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The structural characteristics of the systems as well as the kinetics of oxidation product formation were evaluated.Increasing the monoglyceride concentration, organogels show an increase of the rheological parameters highlighting different macroscopic structures. On the contrary, at nano-level the systems present the same molecular organization consisting in monoglyceride molecules crystallized in the β-phase and self-assembled in lamellae with a width of around 46 Å.The presence of the monoglyceride network shows a double effect on the oxidative stability of the oil entrapped in the system. It results to be ineffective in affecting the first steps of oxidation but appears a consisting hurdle against the development of secondary oxidation product formation. These results appear interesting in the light of exploitation of organogels to structure liquid oil and thus to product novel health value-added foods.  相似文献   

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