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为了了解毛竹冬笋的营养价值,促进毛竹冬笋的开发利用,对毛竹冬笋笋头、笋肉和笋壳3个不同部位中蛋白质、总糖、矿物质元素、氨基酸组成以及活性物质多酚和黄酮含量进行了研究,并与其他品种竹笋肉进行比较。结果表明:毛竹冬笋肉中蛋白质、总糖及灰分含量高于笋头和笋壳,与其他品种竹笋相比,冬笋肉中营养成分含量上相对比较丰富,食用价值高;笋肉中Na、Mg、K、Ca、Cu、Zn元素含量均高于笋头和笋壳,笋头中微量元素Mn、Fe的含量较高,笋壳中矿质元素含量最低;氨基酸分析显示,笋壳中氨基酸总量、必需氨基酸和非必需氨基酸含量较高,笋头次之,笋肉最低;笋肉中多酚和黄酮含量分别为10.31、3.49 mg/g,显著高于笋头和笋壳中的含量。  相似文献   

在我国,食用竹笋历史悠久,曾有“素食第一品”、“无笋不成席”之说。竹笋,即竹的嫩芽茎,古人称之为“竹肉”、“竹胎”、“竹芽”,主要分为冬笋、春笋、鞭笋三类。  相似文献   

正我国出产的竹笋品种繁多,光是我们可以吃的竹笋就有毛竹笋、淡竹笋、麻竹笋、慈竹笋……少说也有80多种。立秋前后竹鞭上就开始萌发幼芽,逐渐膨大。到了初冬,笋体肥大,笋壳呈金黄色,披有绒毛,这就是冬笋。深冬气候寒冷,笋体便停止发育,处于休眠,无法破土出头,所在竹林内不易发现什么笋。久居竹林的竹民们根据经  相似文献   

以5?种彩色笋壳的金佛山方竹笋(黑壳笋、黄壳笋、褐壳笋、红壳笋、绿壳笋)为研究对象,对其质构、颜色、蛋白质及氨基酸、脂肪、粗纤维、总糖、VC、硒、香气等品质指标进行系统分析与评价。结果表明,5?种方竹笋笋壳和笋肉颜色均存在明显差异,红壳笋和绿壳笋壳a*值和b*值分别为-0.07±0.01和27.40±0.99,且绿壳笋肉a*值最小为-6.50±0.04;褐壳笋硬度((1?934±90)g)适中,且脆度和咀嚼性较佳。5?种方竹笋含水量均高于92%,其蛋白质和脂肪质量分数分别为2.21%~3.16%和0.11%~0.21%,粗纤维质量分数为1.31%~1.72%;绿壳笋和褐壳笋总糖质量分数分别为(0.62±0.01)%(最低)和(1.62±0.03)%(最高);VC含量为1.22~1.63?mg/100?g,硒含量为0.78~1.65?μg/100?g;每100?g褐壳笋中人体必需氨基酸高达(735.53±11.09)mg;褐壳笋中蛋白、必需氨基酸和总糖含量较高,但粗纤维含量低,而绿壳笋含有较高的粗纤维和硒,总糖含量偏低。金佛山方竹笋主要含有己醛、2-己烯醛、己醇、反式-2-壬烯-1-醇、2-庚醇、2-庚酮、2,5-辛二酮等挥发性成分,且品种之间存在差异。以上研究结果可为不同笋壳颜色的金佛山方竹笋的食用及开发利用提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

目的对云南省5个淡水湖泊中鱼虾体内的多氯联苯(polychorinated biphenyl,PCBs)污染水平进行调查研究。方法采用气相色谱-质谱联用仪进行检测分析,根据检测结果对云南省淡水湖泊中的鱼虾体内多氯联苯的含量进行食用安全性评估。结果云南省淡水湖泊中鱼虾体内的多氯联苯检出率为90%,多氯联苯的含量范围为ND~1.16μg/kg,平均含量为0.27μg/kg,低于国家标准限量。云南省淡水湖泊中鱼虾体内的多氯联苯按照世界卫生组织(World Health Organization,WHO)规定的多氯联苯毒性当量(toxic equivalent quantity,TEQ)分布于ND~6.51×10~(-5)μg/kg,平均值为1.21×10~(-5)μg/kg,低于欧盟的行动标准限量。结论云南省居民从云南省淡水湖泊鱼虾体内摄入持久性有机污染物多氯联苯的剂量较低,引起的健康风险较低。  相似文献   

竹笋,又名毛笋、竹?、竹萌,为禾本科植物毛竹的苗,长江流域及南方各省普遍栽培。冬季生长采挖的名冬笋,春季生长采挖的名春笋,嫩小的加工为玉兰片。冬笋比春笋更美味诱人,有“笋中皇后”之称,唐代大文学家杜甫曾有诗赞云:“远传冬笋味,更觉彩衣浓”。竹笋食法颇多:烧、炒、煮、炖、煨均可,也可与肉、禽、蛋等混合烹调,各具特色,如湖南的火方冬笋、上海的冬笋塌菜、扬州的虾子冬笋、湖北的炒香冬笋、四川的干煸冬笋、广东的蒸酿冬笋等,均是鲜翠嫩香、风格各异的特色菜肴。中医认为,竹笋性味甘、寒,入肺、胃经,有清热化痰、解毒透疹、和中润肠…  相似文献   

"蔬菜第一品"--竹笋   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
竹笋,为竹类的嫩茎、芽。竹鞭节上生的芽,冬季在土中已肥大而可采掘者称“冬笋”;春季芽向上生长,突出地面者称“春笋”;夏秋间芽横向生长成为新鞭,其先端的幼嫩部分称“鞭笋”。组织细嫩而无恶味者可作鲜菜、笋干、咸笋、糟笋和罐头食品。我国竹笋生产于南方各省区。可食用者主要有毛竹笋、淡竹笋、慈竹笋、麻竹笋等。竹笋是一种佳蔬,清香味鲜,历来为人们所赞美。唐代诗人白居易在《食笋》诗中,誉笋之色似“素肌擘新玉”,味则“经时不思肉”。宋代大文豪苏东坡爱竹,也甚喜食笋。据说,他蒙冤罪贬黄州时,一次在北山广智大师家作客,席间无笋,…  相似文献   

刘泉 《烹调知识》2012,(3):36-45
海参炆春笋主料:水发刺参100g。配料:春笋50g,猪肉末20g,虾仁10g,青豆30g。调料:老抽2g,蚝油5g,味粉2g,白糖2g,花生油适量。制法:1.虾仁切丁。春笋破开壳,取笋肉切丁,笋壳蒸熟备用。2.刺参切丁,加肉末、虾仁丁、春笋丁、青豆炒制。  相似文献   

两种主要食用竹笋的营养及安全品质比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文对刚竹属的毛竹春冬笋和雷竹笋的营养成分及安全品质进行较系统地测定、比较和分析。结果表明:毛竹春冬笋的总糖、粗蛋白、灰分、维生素C、氨基酸、硒及矿物质含量明显高于雷竹笋,且重金属铬、铅及硝酸盐含量低于雷竹笋,两者的污染物含量都在国家标准限量以内。两种食用笋均具有丰富的营养物质和安全品质,雷竹笋的风味较毛竹春冬笋好,但是毛竹春冬笋的营养物质较雷竹笋丰富,安全性高,食用价值高于雷竹笋。  相似文献   

通过对不同处理方式下毛竹笋发酵过程中主要营养成分进行对比分析,为鲜笋发酵保鲜提供理论依据;结果表明:在4种处理方式中(竹笋经漂烫或不漂烫后采用自然发酵或乳酸菌接种发酵处理),漂烫乳酸菌发酵竹笋保鲜效果最好,经处理保藏63 d后,竹笋中可溶性糖、粗纤维和蛋白质含量分别为0.13%,8.87%和0.36/100(g/g),K和Ca含量分别增加了458.48 mg/kg和50.53 mg/kg,Fe、Mg等各元素损失最小;与其他3种方法相比,此法能够有效保持竹笋中可溶性糖和蛋白质含量,降低毛竹笋的粗纤维含量,减缓毛竹笋木质化的速度,加快竹笋与发酵液之间矿物质元素的交换,有利于提高竹笋中的矿物质元素含量,改善发酵毛竹笋食用品质并有效延长其贮藏期。  相似文献   

Banned pesticides such as HCB and p,p'-DDE, and other legacy and ongoing pollutants such as PCBs and PAHs, were measured in different vegetation types and soil samples collected at selected areas from Antarctic Peninsula (Deception and Livingstone Islands, Southern Shetlands). Two Antarctic expeditions (in 2005 and 2009) were carried out to assess POPs levels at remote areas, and close to current and abandoned Antarctic research settlements, to assess potential sources of pollutants. Overall, the patterns in lichens, mosses, and grass were dominated by low molecular PCB congeners and PAHs and the presence of HCB and p,p'-DDE rather than heavier compounds, suggesting the importance of long-range atmospheric transport of POPs as the main vector for the introduction of these chemicals to Antarctica. Statistically significant correlations (p-level < 0.05) between concentrations in vegetation of PCBs, p,p'-DDE, and the more volatile PAHs with lipid content were found with r(2) of 0.22-0.52 for PCBs, 0.42 for p,p'-DDE, and 0.44-0.72 for the more volatile PAHs. Thus, lipid content is an important factor controlling POPs in Antarctic lichens, mosses, and grass. A strong significant dependence of HCB (r(2) = 0.83), p,p'-DDE (r(2) = 0.60), and PCBs (r(2) = 0.36-0.47) concentrations in soil on its organic carbon content was also observed, indicating the important role of soil organic matter (SOM) in the retention of PCBs and OCPs in Polar Regions, where SOM content is low. Penguin colonies enhance the SOM content in some areas which is reflected in higher concentrations of all POPs, especially of persistent compounds such as p,p'-DDE. Higher concentrations of PCBs and PAHs found at the currently active Byers Camp (in an Antarctic Specially Protected Area) were explained by higher SOM content, thus indicating that Antarctic regulations are being successfully fulfilled in this small research area. On the other hand, PAHs in soils proximate to current Juan Carlos I research station show that even small human settlements are an important source of PAHs to the local environment. Therefore, even though the concentrations in Antarctica are low, there is evidence of local hotspots of contamination.  相似文献   

A mathematical model describing the bark/air partitioning of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) was established taking into consideration the accumulation processes of POPs from air into bark and compound-, species-, and site-specific air-to-bark accumulation factors. It allows the assessment of the concentrations of atmospheric POPs based on those recorded in tree bark. The spatial distribution of atmospheric POPs including 18 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (Sigma18PAHs), 5 organic chlorinated pesticides (Sigma5OCPs), 10 polychlorinated biphenyls (Sigma10PCBs), and 17 brominated flame retardants (Sigma17BFRs) were investigated by analyzing 163 bark samples from 68 sites across mainland China. The atmospheric POPs were estimated to be 4.1-399 ng/m3 air, and 11.3-553, 4.5-130, and 0.9-624 pg/m3 air with geometric means of 71 ng/m3 air, and 99,26, and 25 pg/m3 airfor Sigma18PAHs, Sigma5OCPs, Sigma10PCBs, and Sigma17BFRs, respectively, based on those recorded in the tree barks of 5.1-1770, 0.05-12.9, 0.21-21.6, and 0.02-48.3 ng/g bark on dry weight basis, with geometric means of 295, 1.47, 3.12, and 2.79 ng/g bark. These results generally indicated that contamination by atmospheric POPs is more serious in eastern and mid China than that in western China.  相似文献   

Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) were detected in 88 maternal adipose tissue samples collected during year 2004 to 2006, in Singapore. Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) were the most dominant followed by polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). Multivariate data analyses (MVA) including principal component analysis (PCA), partial least-squares regression (PLSR), and partial least-squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) were applied to elucidate the relationship between concentrations of POPs in adipose tissues and donors' characteristics. Food consumption played the most significant role in accounting for levels of POPs in adipose tissue. Fish and poultry consumption was the route of PCBs and PBDEs in mothers in Singapore, while beta-HCH came mainly from vegetables. An age-dependent accumulation of POPs was found for beta-HCH and PCB congeners, and lactation and gestation functioned as a decontamination processes for PCBs in adipose tissue. Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) may change the profile of POPs in adipose tissue, probably due to an alteration in lipid metabolism. POPs investigated here may not be the cause of antenatal complication in pregnant women, and baby gender was not related to the pattern of contaminants in maternal adipose tissue.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies are useful for understanding the behavior of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in soil, although such investigations do not always relate directly to field conditions. Outdoor lysimeter studies may be used to overcome this problem. This work aimed to investigate the behavior of two polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) (fluoranthene and benzo[a]pyrene) and two polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs; congeners 28 and 52) in soil, using lysimeters established in 1990 atthe Agrosphere Institute (Forschungszentrum Julich GmbH, Germany). The two PAHs were in one lysimeter, and the PCBs were in a second lysimeter. Afurther aim of the study was to determine soil half-lives for each of the contaminants. The overall decline in PAH concentrations was considerably greater than forthe PCBs over the 152 month study. The PCBs exhibited greater chemical extractability than the PAHs and were demonstrated to have migrated through the soil column to a greater extent than the PAHs. Loss of PCBs from surface soil was not considered to have been congener specific for the two PCB congeners in this study. The two PAHs varied in their extents of total loss and movement through the soil column. Soil half-lives were determined as 10.9 y for [12C]PCB 28, 11.2 yr for [12C]PCB 52, 2.7 yr for benzoqpyrene, and 32 d (phase 1) to 38 yr (phase 2) for fluoranthene. These are shown to disagree with some previous estimates of POP half-lives in soil, suggesting that previous studies underestimated persistence by 10-fold or more.  相似文献   

This is the second of two papers demonstrating the feasibility of using passive air samplers to investigate persistent organic pollutants along an urban-rural transect in Toronto. The first paper investigated spatial trends for polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs). This second paper investigates the seasonality of air concentrations for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), PCBs, and OCPs along this transect. Air samplers, consisting of polyurethane foam (PUF) disks housed in stainless steel domed chambers, were deployed for three 4-month integration periods from June 2000 to July 2001. The seasonal variations of derived air concentrations for PAHs, PCBs, and OCPs reflected the different source characteristics for these compounds. PAHs showed a strong urban-rural gradient with maximum concentrations at urban sites during the summer period (July-October). These high summer values in Toronto were attributed to increases in evaporative emissions from petroleum products such as asphalt. PCBs also exhibited a strong urban-rural gradient with maximum air concentrations (approximately 2-3 times higher) during the spring period (April-June). This was attributed to increased surface-air exchange of PCBs that had accumulated in the surface layer over the winter. alpha-HCH was fairly uniformly distributed, spatially and temporally, as expected. This pattern and the derived air concentration of approximately 35 to approximately 100 pg m(-3) agreed well with high volume air data from this region, adding confidence to the operation of the passive samplers and showing that site-to-site differences in sampling rates was not an issue. For other OCPs, highest concentrations were observed during the spring period. This was associated with either (i) their local and/or regional application (gamma-HCH, endosulfan) and (ii) their revolatilization (chlordanes, DDT isomers, dieldrin, and toxaphene). Principal component analysis resulted in clusters for the different target chemicals according to their chemical class/source type. The results of this study demonstrate how such a simple sampling technique can provide both spatial and seasonal information. These data, integrated over seasons, can be used to evaluate contaminant trends and the potential role of large urban centers as sources of some semivolatile compounds to the regional environment, including the Great Lakes ecosystem.  相似文献   

为了研究楠竹笋生长时期对土壤中铅(Pb)和镉(Cd)的累积效应及在各器官中的分配特征,在竹笋生长期的楠竹林里,施加外源硝酸铅(Pb(NO3)2)和硝酸镉(Cd(NO3)2)模拟土壤不同污染程度:5 mg·m-2轻度污染、50 mg·m-2中度污染、500 mg·m-2重度污染以及0 mg·m-2(对照)4个浓度梯度的Pb、Cd,分析Pb和Cd在楠竹笋不同生长期及各器官中的富集、累积和分配特征。结果表明:笋中各部位Pb、Cd的富集与外施Pb、Cd浓度和时间呈正相关,竹笋体内Pb和Cd的累积量随时间推移、污染程度增强而明显增加。三种污染程度中,除重度污染笋底在第21 d Pb含量超标,楠竹笋可食部分Pb含量均低于国家食品卫生标准(1.0 mg·kg-1);轻度、中度污染的竹笋可食部分Cd含量在0.02~0.14 mg·kg-1,低于国家食品卫生标准(0.2 mg·kg-1),然而重度镉污染使可食部分竹笋在第14 d以后含量超过国家食品卫生标准。重度污染时,施药第21 d后Pb、Cd在竹笋各器官中的累积百分比分别表现为笋根(73.84%、72.79%),笋底(6.33%、6.97%),笋中(2.52%、1.95%),笋尖(2.68%、0.52%),笋皮(14.63%、17.77%)。生物富集系数(BCF)和转移系数(TF)呈"上升"趋势。综上认为,Pb和Cd在楠竹笋体内具有明显的累积效应,并可转移到竹笋地上部各器官或组织中,导致这些器官或组织被Pb和Cd污染。  相似文献   

Reviewing the presence of contaminant residues is important both for food safety and for monitoring of environmental pollution. Here, the occurrence of 6 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 15 organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), 7 polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), 4 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and 17 perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) was evaluated in mussels and clams. A liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry (HPLC-HRMS) and an innovative QuEChERS extraction followed by gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS) methods were developed, validated and applied. We demonstrate good linearity, repeatability and accuracy of these methods, confirming that they are suitable for the analyses of mollusc samples. The prevalence of PCBs, OCPs and PAHs was higher in mussels than in clams. For PFASs, contamination was higher in clams than in mussels. The samples were all compliant with the regulations, and, for the compounds without legislative limits, a risk assessment confirmed that the values were lower than the tolerable intakes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Xenobiotic organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) are a major environmental problem because of their historic widespread use, pronounced persistence against chemical and biological degradation, and bioaccumulation in the food chain. Pesticide use is prevalent in the production of edible bamboo shoots, which are exported widely from China. To evaluate the quality of Chinese bamboo shoots we determined the residual content of some OCPs in shoot samples. RESULTS: Three types of OCPs—hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH), 1,1,1‐trichlor‐2,2‐bis(p‐chlorophenyl)ethane (DDT) and pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB)—were detected in bamboo shoots from Zhejiang province, China. Detection rates were 100%, 100% and 75% for HCH, DDT and PCNB, respectively. However, the average residue concentration did not exceed the maximum residue limit for pesticides detected in food in China (50 µg kg?1). In terms of residue concentrations of the pesticides, 82.14% of the bamboo shoot samples could be classified as safe. CONCLUSION: While all sampled bamboo shoots contained OCP, most (82.14%) were safe for consumption. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

目的了解湖北省居民日常消费的水产品中持久性有机污染物的残留情况。方法采集水产品品种39种共285批次,采用气相色谱-质谱法测定水产品中的16种多环芳烃、15种有机氯农药及相关降解产物和31种多氯联苯单体残留,并进行统计分析。结果3环化合物检出率为46%,4环化合物检出率为36%,水产样品中检出的多环芳烃类目标物以3环、4环为主,为中、低环化合物,6环化合物在所有样品中均未检出。各品种鱼体内多环芳烃总量排序为:鲫鱼>鳊鱼、刁子鱼>草鱼、财鱼、桂鱼、鲶鱼、鲢鱼>龙虾、泥鳅、黄鳝、黄颡鱼,多环芳烃总量最高的为鲫鱼,检出含量为85.34μg/kg。结论在湖北省养殖环节和流通环节的水产品中,多环芳烃类化合物残留主要为蒽、芴、萘、菲,均为3环、4环化合物;未检出多氯联苯类化合物;水产样品中有机氯农药残留主要为滴滴涕、氧氯丹、六氯苯。  相似文献   

Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were measured by a gas chromatography–mass spectometry (GC–MS) in some edible fish from Huairou Reservoir and Gaobeidian Lake in Beijing, China. The concentrations of OCPs and PCBs were higher in fish (except Misgurnus anguillicaudatus) from Gaobeidian Lake than in those from Huairou Reservoir. The average concentrations of HCHs, DDTs and PCBs in fish ranged from 0.58 to 8.48, 7.54 to 88.3, below limit of detection (nd) to 22.7 ng/g wet weight, respectively. β-HCH, p,p′-DDE and PCB153 were the most abundant compounds among HCHs, DDTs and PCBs, respectively. Risk assessments of OCPs and PCBs for humans were estimated according to three different guidelines. The results indicated that fish intake would not pose a health risk to humans with a consumption of 7.4 ± 8.6 g/person day according to the acceptable daily intake (ADI) and minimal risk level (MRL) in the two environments. However, the hazardous ratio of the 95th percentile for PCBs in fish from Gaobeidian Lake exceeded 1, which suggested that daily exposure to PCBs had a lifetime cancer risk of greater than 1 in 1,000,000.  相似文献   

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