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水溶性物质广泛地应用在医药、食品和农业等方面,但水溶性物质的很多特性使其使用受到限制。微囊化水溶性物质可以克服这些缺点。本文综述了水溶性物质的特性、微胶囊化方法和其在医药、食品、农业等方面的应用。  相似文献   

肽产品是利用生物酶解法从动物骨骼、肌肉、禽卵以及植物果实、种子等含蛋白组织中提取的多肽经加工调配获得绿色保健食品。活性多肽是两个或两个以上氨基酸通达肽键边接成的蛋白质片段,是生物工程领域的高科技生产技术和国际食品界最热门的研究课题,在食品、饮料、医药和日用化工领域有着广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

海藻酸钠又叫褐藻胶,是从海带等褐藻植物中提取的天然高分子多糖,是人体不可缺少的一种营养素———水溶性膳食纤维,具有良好的食用安全性及生物相容性,对预防结肠癌、心血管疾病以及铅、铬等重金属在体内的积累具有很好的辅助疗效作用。海藻酸钠由于其特殊的理化性质和功能特性广泛应用于食品、医药、纺织等产品中,作为增稠剂、乳化剂、胶凝剂、持水剂、稳定剂等使用,已成为使用最广泛的食品添加剂之一,受到国内外学者的广泛关注。本文主要介绍了海藻酸钠的分子结构及理化功能特性,并对近几年海藻酸钠在面团体系(如流变学特性、糊化特性和微观结构)及其在面包、馒头等相关产品中的应用研究进展进行综述,为海藻酸钠在以后相关研究中提供参考。  相似文献   

杂醇油提纯分离技术及应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杂醇油是酒精发酵过程的副产物,也是重要的精细化工原料。从杂醇油中分离提取的异戊醇是一种化工紧俏产品,其主要用于香料、食品、食用香精、涂料、油漆、医药、选矿等行业。阐述了杂醇油的性质、产生原因和提取、提纯分离技术以及应用。  相似文献   

果胶是一种天然植物多糖,结构异常复杂,功能多种多样。因具有优异的流变学特性及独特的组织结构,作为高档天然食品添加剂和保健品因子,被广泛应用于食品、医药和化妆品等。银纳米粒子(AgNPs)具有广谱的抑菌性和对哺乳动物细胞的低毒性,得到广泛地认可和应用。本文着重介绍近年来国外主流期刊有关果胶提取及其银纳米粒子制备技术,以期为进一步使用新的果胶资源,采用绿色提取技术,开发新的果胶产品提供借鉴。  相似文献   

姜黄素是从姜黄中提取出来的一种具有抑菌、抗氧化、抗肿瘤、预防及治疗神经性疾病的天然多酚类化合物,被广泛应用于食品工业与医药领域中,具有较高的研究价值和广阔的应用前景。由于姜黄素水溶性、稳定性差等缺点,使其在实际应用中受到一定限制,因此,通过利用超声法、溶剂挥发法、乳化法、透析法、超临界流体等方法构建姜黄素的纳米传递体系来改善,还使其具有缓控释的特点,并提高作用效果。对姜黄素纳米递送体系的构建、作用机理、纳米载体的制备方法、载体负载和缓释的机制及姜黄素纳米载体在食品和医药领域的应用进行综述,以期为姜黄素的高效生物利用和产品研发提供理论基础和技术支撑。  相似文献   

以藜麦麸为原料,采用酶-热水浸提法对藜麦麸水溶性非淀粉多糖(NSP)提取工艺进行研究.利用苯酚-硫酸法测定NSP的得率,通过单因素试验和正交试验确定最佳提取工艺条件:料液比(w/v)为1∶16,复合多糖酶添加量为2.0 mg/g,浸提温度为90℃,浸提时间为100 min.该试验条件下藜麦麸水溶性NSP得率为7.55%.与其他提取方法相比,该法提取水溶性NSP的得率较高,对藜麦麸的利用更加充分,且浸提溶剂为水,在提取过程中没有强酸强碱性废液产生,不会造成环境污染.  相似文献   

该工艺利用液化烃(丙烷,丁烷混合物)作浸出溶剂,在提取大豆油后,低温(35℃)脱除豆粕中的溶剂,可获得水溶性蛋保持率90%以上的低变性豆粕,该产品可制备各种蛋白食品如分离蛋白粉,浓缩蛋白粉等。它的应用将主植物油料蛋白的开发利用提供新的途径。  相似文献   

果胶具有天然、绿色、环保、可食用性等特点,广泛应用于医药、食品和化学等领域。在食品工业中果胶主要作为凝胶剂和增稠剂用于果酱和果冻中,在饮料、调味品、调浆以及其他食品中用作乳化剂。文章阐述了果胶的理化性质及其应用,除此之外,重点回顾了近年来果胶提取的研究进展和功能性应用,包括果胶的化学提取、物理提取、生物提取的研究进展;果胶的吸附重金属、抗氧化、降血脂、抗肿瘤、预防癌症等功能性研究进展。  相似文献   

绿色蛋白食品加工技术由豆类、谷类、油料作物果实经淘洗、浸泡、粉碎、脱渣,所得生浆液配以新鲜蔬菜汁混匀熟化,加调味品、增稠剂后制成成品。该技术产品可替代动物蛋白向人们提供人体需要的高蛋白营养,长期食用可乌发、美容、健脑、抗癌,对糖尿病、高血压、心脑血管病等老年疾病有良好的防治作用,对促进儿童身体生长和智力发育,增强免疫功能有良好效果。该技术既适合家庭应用又适于工业化生产,简便易行,便于推广。(摘自SBP-99-9-27)绿色蛋白食品生产  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Nonstarch polysaccharides (NSPs), both soluble and insoluble, were added to pasta doughs at levels of 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, and 10% levels. The cooking and textural characteristics of the pastas were evaluated using a range of analytical techniques. Generally, NSP addition was found to increase the cooking losses, and reduce the protein and starch contents of the pasta. This effect was dependent on the level of NSP added and also the type (soluble or insoluble). Pasta firmness was generally reduced in relation to the level of NSP addition, although some gel-forming NSPs resulted in higher firmness values. Pasta stickiness, adhesiveness, and elasticity were also affected. The results indicate that careful selection of NSP addition is needed to ensure optimum textural and cooking characteristics in NSP enriched pasta products.  相似文献   

The increase in the use of bioactive compounds from purple corn in the food and pharmaceutical industries has led to the investigation of nonconventional extraction technologies that allow one to obtain more of these compounds. In this context, nonconventional techniques, known as emerging technologies, use more efficient processes that are safe for the environment, in addition to obtaining products with better functional characteristics as compared to those obtained by conventional technologies. This review aims to provide information on different nonconventional techniques used in the extraction of bioactive compounds from purple corn.  相似文献   

The use of bioactive compounds in different commercial sectors such as pharmaceutical, food and chemical industries signifies the need of the most appropriate and standard method to extract these active components from plant materials. Along with conventional methods, numerous new methods have been established but till now no single method is regarded as standard for extracting bioactive compounds from plants. The efficiencies of conventional and non-conventional extraction methods mostly depend on the critical input parameters; understanding the nature of plant matrix; chemistry of bioactive compounds and scientific expertise. This review is aimed to discuss different extraction techniques along with their basic mechanism for extracting bioactive compounds from medicinal plants.  相似文献   

Industrial tomato processing generates large amount of low-value by-products, primarily used as livestock feed or disposed of; however, being a rich source of natural carotenoids, tomato waste can be used to produce high value-added products for food, cosmetics, or pharmaceutical applications. The objective of this review is to summarize and give an overview of the extraction methods available for the recovery of carotenoids and, especially, lycopene from tomato processing by-products. Organic solvent extraction techniques are presented and the effect of extraction conditions on carotenoids recovery is evaluated. In particular, the use of Ultrasound Assisted (UAE), Microwave Assisted (MAE), Enzyme-Assisted (EAE) and Extraction at High Pressure (HPE) for the recovery of carotenoids is assessed. Also, this review examines the efficiency of Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE) and in particular the effect of process parameters on carotenoid recovery from industrial tomato waste.  相似文献   

The application of nanotechnology to food, medical and pharmaceutical industries has received great attention from the scientific community. Driven by the increasing consumers’ demand for healthier and safer food products and the need for edible systems able to encapsulate, protect, and release functional compounds, researchers are currently focusing their efforts in nanotechnology to address issues relevant to food and nutrition. Nanoemulsion technology is particularly suited for the fabrication of encapsulating systems for functional compounds as it prevents their degradation and improves their bioavailability. This review focuses on nanoemulsions and provides an overview of the production methods, materials used (solvents, emulsifiers, and functional ingredients) and of the current analytical techniques that can be used for the identification and characterization of nanoemulsions. Finally, nanotechnological applications in foods currently marketed are reported.  相似文献   


Solid‐phase extraction (SPE) is a rapid and sensitive sample preparation technique whose use has increased considerably within the last decade. This emerging technology has successfully replaced many tedious conventional methods of isolation and extraction of various chemicals in food, environmental, pharmaceutical, and biological samples. Sample preparation and concentration via SPE can be achieved in a one‐step extraction, and the methodology is appropriate for isolating trace amounts of chemical compounds from complex matrices. This paper gives an overview on the use of SPE as a sample preparation tool for the isolation of flavor compounds and chemical residues in food. Applying SPE in the areas of food science and agriculture will be valuable in assuring the safety and quality of our food products.  相似文献   

Water-soluble non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) were isolated from native and malted rice and ragi. The effects of addition of water-soluble NSP on dough rheological characteristics and baking quality were investigated. Water-soluble NSP had low relative viscosity and showed no gelling activity despite considerable amount of ferulic acid (∼492.5-528.0 μg/g). However, they were found to stabilize protein foams against thermal disruption. Addition of water-soluble NSP (0.25 and 0.50%) to wheat flour resulted in increased water absorption and decreased dough development time. However, prolonged mixing resulted in slightly lower dough stability. Increase in dough extensibility and improvement in starch pasting characteristics were observed upon the addition of water-soluble NSP. Significant increase in loaf volume and softness of the bread was also observed. Water-soluble NSP both from malted rice and ragi had higher effect compared to the native one. Results showed that water-soluble NSP can be added to various low-fiber food preparations with positive dough functionality.  相似文献   

BackgroundEntrepreneurs involved in the commercialization of natural products are currently displaying significant interests in herbal drugs, medicines, and natural product-based herbal products. A broad range of bioactive chemical compounds have been derived from medicinal plants, either in their pure form or as homogenous extracts. As these compounds have broad structural and functional diversities, they offer pharmaceutical companies numerous opportunities for the development of new drug leads. They also represent an excellent source of molecules for the production of food additives, functional foods, nutritional products, and nutraceuticals for the growing number of natural food companies.Scope and approachA number of bioactive compounds, including polyphenols, are present in high concentrations in plant species whereas a number of other important compounds such as saponin are present at very low levels. Several identification, extraction, and isolation techniques are currently used to extract bioactive compounds from plants. However, as these techniques are generally laborious and very expensive, there is an urgent need for new advanced techniques for identification, extraction, and isolation of plant bioactive compounds in quantities sufficient for their potential applications in various sectors.Key findings and conclusionsThe aim of this review is to collate and present information on the identification, extraction, and isolation of the most widely used bioactive compounds from selected commercial medicinal plants, thereby providing a useful resource for medicinal scientists and pharmaceutical and food-related industries seeking to generate high yields at low cost to meet market requirements.  相似文献   

Today, spices are integral part of our food as they provide sensory attributes such as aroma, color, flavour and taste to food. Further their antimicrobial, antioxidant, pharmaceutical and nutritional properties are also well known. Since spices are seasonal so their availability can be extended year round by adopting different preservation techniques. Drying and extraction are most important methods for preservation and value addition to spices. There are different techniques for drying of spices with their own advantages and limitations. A novel, non-conventional technique for drying of spices is use of microwave radiation. This technique proved to be very rapid, and also provide a good quality product. Similarly, there are a number of non-conventional extraction methods in use that are all, in principle, solid–liquid extractions but which introduce some form of additional energy to the process in order to facilitate the transfer of analytes from sample to solvent. This paper reviews latest advances in the use of microwave energy for drying of spices and herbs. Also, the review describes the potential application of microwave energy for extraction of essential oil/bioactive components from spices and herbs and the advantages of microwave-assisted process over the other extraction processes generally employed for extraction. It also showcases some recent research results on microwave drying/extraction from spices and herbs.  相似文献   

Olive leaves are the most abundant agricultural waste source rich in polyphenolics. Due to the numerous health benefits associated with these compounds, the interest in recovering polyphenols from olive leaves has increased in the scientific community over the last decade. Recent studies have focused on improved extraction techniques and processing methods that are most suited for agro-biological industries involved in the development of nutraceutical and functional products. The major problems in olive leaves processing include bitter taste and the low stability of various phenolic compounds. Oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol are the most important phenolic compounds extracted from olive leaves. The present review highlights the importance of olive leaves, their composition, preparation methods, major phenolic compounds, and commercial applications. This review article focuses on integrating studies on olive leaf extract (OLE) pertinent to nutrition, health, and beauty. The different board categories of delivery systems available for the encapsulation of OLE are given. These novel delivery systems could improve fortification, supplementation, and dietary diversification in food and pharmaceutical products.  相似文献   

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