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阐述了服装合体程度的客观依据,军服是否合体的依据是军装的服装号型标准,分析了服装的松量、整体廓型对合体程度的影响,探讨了影响服装合体程度判定标准的因素。  相似文献   

乙醇作为十二碳二元酸重结晶溶剂时,醇酸会发生酯化反应,从而影响重结晶产品纯度。影响酯化反应程度的因素主要有:十二碳二酸浓度、乙醇浓度、温度以及时间。该文研究了不同温度、不同乙醇浓度条件下酯生成量随时间的变化,确定了乙醇浓度、时间和温度3个因素对酯化程度影响的主次顺序,以及酯化程度最低和最高的因素组合。结果表明,影响酯化程度的因素主次顺序为:温度时间乙醇浓度,其中温度对酯化程度的影响非常显著。分别在酯化程度最低和最高的因素组合下对十二碳二酸进行重结晶,测得十二碳二酸纯度分别为97.26%和97.50%,酯化程度分别为0.06%和0.20%,晶习较重结晶前均得到一定程度的改善。  相似文献   

TPA质构分析及测试条件对苹果TPA质构分析的影响   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
姜松  王海鸥 《食品科学》2004,25(12):68-71
本文简要介绍了TPA质构分析方法,具体阐述了TPA质构参数的含义,并对苹果片进行TPA测试,研究压缩速率和压缩程度对测试结果的影响。结果表明,压缩程度对考察的四个质构参数有显著影响,压缩速率无显著影响。  相似文献   

质构分析(TPA)及测试条件对面包品质的影响   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
简要介绍了质构分析(TextureProfileAnalysis)的方法,具体阐述了TPA质构参数的含义,并对面包片进行TPA测试,研究压缩速率和压缩程度对测试结果的影响。结果表明,压缩程度对考察的五个质构参数有显著影响,压缩速率对弹性和内聚性影响显著。  相似文献   

本文运用快速黏度仪建立了奶粉与浓缩乳清粉在加热-保持-冷却过程中黏度变化,通过黏度曲线反映奶粉与乳清粉在加工过程中的热处理程度,详细探讨了乳清蛋白的热变性机理。另外,研究了不同热变性程度奶粉的混合比例对凝胶化特性的影响以及不同热变性程度的奶粉对产品质量的影响。  相似文献   

根据高等级公路反光热熔标线施工经验,分析和讨论施工因素对道路标线反光性的影响及应对措施。从反光热熔标线施工工艺及设备入手,考察了玻璃珠在标线涂层中的嵌入程度和撒播量对标线反光性能的影响,提出了施工中影响嵌入程度和撒播量的关键因素。  相似文献   

光照对猪肉脂肪氧化影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了4±0.5℃贮存温度下,避光和光照条件对通脊肉肌内和皮下脂肪氧化程度的影响,同时比较9±1℃贮存温度下,不同光源(日光灯和白炽灯)照射对猪肉肌内脂肪氧化程度的影响。结果表明,无论是避光条件还是光照条件下,肌内脂肪氧化程度均远远大于皮下脂肪的氧化程度(p<0.05)。因此,控制肌内脂肪氧化是保证冷却肉良好品质的关键。光照可以明显加快脂肪氧化速度,并加深氧化程度,且对肌内脂肪氧化程度的加深远大于对皮下脂肪氧化程度的加深,同时研究发现,日光灯照射对脂肪氧化程度的加深远大于白炽灯照射对脂肪氧化程度的影响。  相似文献   

研究了胃蛋白酶、木瓜蛋白酶、1398蛋白酶、胰蛋白酶和碱性蛋白酶对胶原(皮粉)水解程度的影响。结果表明,胶原的最终水解程度主要受蛋白酶种类的影响,使用过量的酶或延长水解时间对胶原的水解程度影响不大,这与蛋白酶对氨基酸残基的作用专一性有关。使用2种蛋白酶逐步水解胶原时,胶原的水解程度并不会提高,表明不同的蛋白酶之间可能存在相互抑制作用。同时发现,当用相同量蛋白酶水解胶原时,采用一步加酶方式比分次加酶方式的水解程度高。  相似文献   

TPA及测试条件对湿面质构分析的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了TPA质构分析(Texture Proffie Analysis,对湿面进行TPA测试,研究压缩速率和压缩程度对测试结果的影响。结果表明,压缩速率对弹性影响显著,对硬度影响极显著,对耐咀性及回复性影响不显著;压缩程度对考察的4个质构参数有极显著影响。另外,根据试验结果拟合出压缩程度对硬度和回复性的影响模型,R。分别达到0.983,0.957,拟合模型具有统计学意义。  相似文献   

采用木片浸渍程度数学模型对木片厚度、预汽蒸和添加表面活性剂等对木片浸渍程度的影响进行评价.结果表明,木片浸渍程度数学模型可用以评价各因素对木片浸渍程度的影响,是评价木片浸渍程度的一个有效工具.  相似文献   

翡翠皮壳的主色有黄色、白色、黑色和红色等,为翡翠的次生色。非主色常不规则分布,多为翡翠的原生色。具色调较深黄色皮壳的内部玉石常出现偏蓝绿色,偶见红色、黄色,主要由Fe2 /Fe3 致色;具色调较浅黄色皮壳的内部玉石常呈淡紫色,偶见淡绿色,其含Fe量较低,色调浅。具白色皮壳的内部玉石常出现白色或无色,其致色元素的质量分数低。具黑色皮壳的内部玉石可呈现鲜绿色、蓝灰绿色、茄紫色、灰白色及黑色,其成因多种。皮壳非主色中的绿色(俗称"松花")和黑色(俗称"癣")是内部原生色在皮壳的直接反映,根据其分布特点可以直接判断翡翠内部的颜色及其分布。  相似文献   

通过分析古玉器的颜色来鉴别、评估古玉器是古玉器鉴定研究中的一项重要内容。出土古玉器的颜色成因是多方面的,既有玉料本身具有的颜色(作者称之为料色),它由玉石中所含致色元素的成分和质量分数决定;又有玉料被加工成器后因埋藏与周围介质发生作用而变化的颜色(即沁色)。在鉴定实践中不少的鉴定者将玉器的料色误定为沁色。以和田玉为例试图通过玉器的颜色与玉器雕琢纹饰之间的关系来辨别料色与沁色。  相似文献   

颜色度量方法在翡翠颜色评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了满足高档优质翡翠颜色评价的需要,对翡翠的颜色进行客观测评非常必要。通过对翡翠颜色的色度学测试和色卡比对实验,初步分析了CIE色度学方法和色卡比对法在翡翠颜色评价中的特点、区别与相互联系。研究表明,CIE色度学方法能较准确地表征翡翠颜色的物理特性和视觉特性,其结果可作为翡翠颜色评判的客观依据之一。色卡比对法对透明度较差的翡翠能进行快速一致的颜色标定。  相似文献   

赵宽  侯秀良 《染整技术》2012,34(4):29-31,7,8
基于能染得绿色的天然染料很少,本文研究了叶绿素铜钠盐染得绿色棉织物的方法,并测试了染色织物的色牢度性能。首先采取不同的染色工艺对改性棉织物进行染色,工艺的不同点主要在于染色温度和染色时间,染色温度分别采用70℃、80℃、90℃、染色时间分别采用40min、50min、60min,然后分别测试染得织物的耐摩擦色牢度、耐刷洗色牢度、熨烫升华色牢度、耐汗渍色牢度、颜色特征值等,通过比对这些实验结果,得到一个最优化的染色工艺:一般以染色时间50~60min、染色温度80℃左右为宜。  相似文献   

对进口牛羊油碱炼-脱色色泽的标准检测方法测试结果与企业采用的直接脱色的色泽测试结果进行了对比。结果表明,进口牛羊油按标准方法经碱炼-脱色可达到较好的色泽,企业仅用活性漂土直接脱色效果较差,特别是对深色样品需4%~5%漂土用量或更多才能得到较好的效果。碱炼-脱色与直接脱色色泽之间没有可比性。  相似文献   

In this project, 24 central European wood species have been characterized spectrophotometrically using the CIELAB-colour-system. Special focus has been put on the analysis of colour intensification of wood surfaces due to surface wetting. The analysis shows how the various wood species react to wetting and how the colour is changed. Especially darker hardwood species are susceptible to the colour intensification effect, resulting in a more intensive colour appearance. Additionally, an idealised model to describe the appearance of the wood colour is proposed: The recognized wood colour is a function of: first the reflected wavelength of the visible light, second the surface roughness and third the inner structure of the specific wood piece and the resulting refraction properties of the interacting substances. This model is supported by colour and gloss measurements of the wood species and selected coating investigations with oil and clear lacquer. Furthermore, a novel characteristic value, namely the light-reflection-depth (LRD), is introduced to describe wood properties according to light penetration. All this helps to understand how the wood colour impression is created for a standard observer. Particularly, the intensification effect can be described and explained by structural changes, which affect a change in colour. Understanding the reasons for the colour intensification supports innovative natural colour engineering of specific wood species.  相似文献   

The mechanism of colour change during the pigment dispersion process and during powder application to the skin surface was studied by examining the colour extension properties of Yellow. Red , and Black iron oxides in white powder bases. A new measure for the evaluation of the degree of colour extension was devised. This measure corresponded well with human visual sensation, and was found to be useful for comparing the rates of colour extension of pigments. The rate of colour extension of pigments was found to vary in the order: Yellow acicular Red granular Red Black. This result explains colour darkening and the change towards reddish tones during the pigment dispersion process, because Yellow extends fully in the early stage of the process but Red , especially in granular form, and Black continue to extend even in the later stage. Acicular Red iron oxide is more favourably employed than the granular form to attain sufficient colour extension of foundations with lower energy expenditure, and to decrease the discrepancy between the cake colour and the colour of applied powder.
Le développement des oxydes de fer et effet sur les nuances des fonds de teint compacts  相似文献   

Two methods for determining the colour of banana pulp were compared by using either visual matching with colour charts or a portable tristimulus colorimeter. Pulp colour of ripe and unripe bananas was evaluated in both the darker central carpellary zone and the outer pulp zone near the skin of the fruit. Colour coordinates L* and b* were highly correlated (r = -0.89 and 0.87 respectively) with the visual matching colour charts, the central carpellary region giving higher correlations than the outer pulp zone. Results obtained show that the colour of banana pulp can be objectively measured by the combined use of L* and b* coordinates determined in the carpellary zone. The potential use of a reproducible and defined method for determining banana pulp colour is discussed.  相似文献   

重点研究了计算机测色配色系统在锦纶织物配色中的应用,详细阐述了计算机测色配色系统中基础数据库的建立及检验方法,并应用基础数据库进行了配色应用。研究结果表明,计算机测色配色技术可以应用于锦纶针织物自动电脑测配色中,并且对于彩色系列准确性高,对于灰色系列经过1~2次的修色可达到要求。  相似文献   

The design and development of a personal computer (PC) based system for monitoring changes in colour during the fermentation process that is used to produce tea is described. The technique is based on imaging the fermenting tea at different intervals of time and processing the colour images. A digital camera, together with a special lighting arrangement, was used to capture colour images during the fermentation process. The RGB colour model was used so that histogram dissimilarity measurements matched the colour of test images to a standard image colour. This dissimilarity measurement was represented by difference from the Manhattan norm (L1). The technique was compared with the visual methods used by expert tea tasters.  相似文献   

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