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8月18日.嘉吉增稠稳定方案在成都近郊的安仁博物馆小镇举行了一场名为“2011年嘉吉乳品创新日”的交流活动,邀请国内各乳品企业的研发、采购与管理人员共同讨论乳品行业的发展方向。  相似文献   

乳品中含有丰富的营养物质, 易被有害微生物污染, 进而影响消费者身体健康。不同乳品由于自身属性、加工条件和所处环境的不同, 被微生物污染的状况也不一样。预测微生物学可以根据微生物在乳品储藏、运输和加工技术条件下的生长存活情况, 通过建立模型, 判断其动态变化趋势, 从而帮助科研人员和生产者有效评估和控制乳品安全, 也为加工工艺改进提供信息。本文介绍了预测微生物学模型的分类及乳品安全方面常用的预测微生物学模型和数据测定方法, 阐述了预测微生物学在控制乳品微生物风险中的应用, 并针对预测微生物学在乳品安全领域应用中存在的问题进行了探讨, 展望了其未来发展方向, 旨在为保障乳品安全提供参考。  相似文献   

2007年1月23日,一位慈祥、和蔼、令人尊敬的老人在沸腾的乳品行业大发展时期悄然离去,他就是我国乳品工业应用技术研究与推广,乳品行业著名的科学家,乳品工业的奠基人——金世琳先生。  相似文献   

谈到乳品包装与机械和乳业的关系,我们并不能仅仅把它理解为产业链上的上下游,乳品包装与机械一定程度上决定了乳品的种类,保质期,新鲜度等诸多方面。每一种新的乳品包装的问世,也同时意味着一种新乳品的问世,乳品包装与机械创新的方向,正是乳业发展的方向。世界包装大会在京开幕前夕,记走访了食品包装与机械协会秘书长何南至。[编按]  相似文献   

乳品中腐败微生物检测及污染途径的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛乳营养丰富,容易受到微生物的污染而引起腐败变质。该文从食品安全的角度出发,系统地介绍了乳品中主要的腐败微生物及其危害,概述了国内外乳品腐败微生物的检测方法,分析了其主要的污染途径,并提出了目前存在的问题和乳品中腐败微生物检测技术的发展方向。  相似文献   

近年来,国内外乳品质量安全事件频发,乳品质量安全问题引起社会各界的高度关注。本文通过对乳品供应链中产、加、销各环节的研究,分析影响我国乳品质量安全的因素,并提出相应的对策建议,对提高乳品质量安全以及保证人们的身体健康和生命安全具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

<正> 奶是一种营养价值极高、容易被人体吸收、适合各年龄段人士饮用的食品。然而,奶品容易变质,货架期短,但经加工处理及发酵的乳品如干酪,产品的寿命可延至数年。随着加工乳品技术的不断开发,乳品业正朝多元化方向迈进,从而带动了奶的消费及乳品工业的进一步发展。  相似文献   

~~乳品岁月——中国乳品工业发展回顾  相似文献   

成都乳品价格战愈演愈烈 7月以来,成都市乳品市场上演了一场近年少有的价格战。此次蓉城乳品价格大战由蒙牛首先发起。7月上旬,蒙牛首先对旗下相关品牌产品降价,一场惨烈的乳品价格战全面爆发。随后,伊利、光明以及成都的菊乐、新希望的华西等各大乳品企业,相继将各自的利乐包、康美包系列乳品大幅降价,奶价跌至今年最低谷。 伊利、光明等品牌1升家庭装纯奶先后暴跌至4元,  相似文献   

乳品安全从来都是整个行业最受关注的事情。注目乳品安全现状,仍然不容乐观。在消费观念和行为日渐成熟,政策法规不断出台,乳品企业更加重视的今天,乳品安全的神经始终是越绷越紧。日益激烈的市场争夺战更使得国内乳品企业甚至一些知名乳品企业屡现乳品安全问题,乳品质量安全问题已打击了消费者对乳品安全  相似文献   

制约我国乳业实现跨越式发展的主要问题   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
通过比较我国乳业与发达国家乳业存在的差距和不足,讨论了加入WTO后,要实现我国乳品企业的跨越式发展应具备的条件。提出我国孔业在奶质量、奶源基地的建设、奶牛单产、原料乳成本、乳品结构等方面与国外相比存在很大的差距;并讨论了我国乳业管理体制、建立奶牛风险基金、高新技术在乳品工业的应用、技术创新体系建设和设备制造技术等问题,得出我国乳业要在管理方面、企业经营规模和效益方面、乳业的管理体制和政策方面、乳品加工技术的创新及体系方面需加强和提高,从而实现我国乳业的跨越式发展。  相似文献   

高金城 《食品与机械》2015,31(4):240-242
在国际国内奶源价格下跌的背景下,中国乳企将面临国内奶源缺失、库存爆仓、产品结构不合理、市场竞争进一步加剧和价格战等一系列营销风险。为了确保中国乳业的健康发展,在提高中国乳企自身营销风险防范意识的同时,中国政府和有关方面也应该发挥积极的作用;要在重视国内奶源基地建设的同时,建立乳企和奶农的长效利益机制;在适当限制进口奶粉数量的同时,积极扩大国内市场的乳品消费;在大力加强乳品消费教育的同时合理调整乳品消费结构,通过积极推进乳业兼并重组和乳业转型升级。不断提高中国乳企自身的经营管理水平,从而有效化解奶源价格下跌背景下中国乳企面临的营销风险。  相似文献   

进一步加快黑龙江省乳品行业发展的建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文依据黑龙江省乳品行业发展的总体形势,通过深入分析制约黑龙江省乳业发展的几个主要问题,结合我省几家有影响力的乳品企业的实际情况.提出了加快黑龙江省乳业发展的建议:包括进一步加强奶源基地建设、加速培育乳业“航母”、切实加大对龙头企业的扶持力度、规范乳品市场秩序、加强品牌整合力度。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study are to describe dairy farm demographic and socioeconomic conditions in the top 100 counties in the United States for dairy sales in 2007, and to describe the association of dairy farm demographics with socioeconomic conditions. The top 100 counties were responsible for 56% of all US dairy sales in 2007 with a median growth rate of 78% compared with 1997. Counties varied widely for farm demographics with as few as 5 very large dairy farms that averaged $17,924,000 in dairy sales per farm to as many as 1,730 dairy farms with less than $250,000 in dairy sales per farm. Most of the top 100 dairy counties had higher illiteracy rates, a higher proportion of residents without a high school degree, and lower median incomes than state averages, but unemployment rates were similar to the state average. The socioeconomic measures were from public records and not collected specifically for this research. Nevertheless, the top dairy counties in the western states tended to have poorer socioeconomic conditions than the top dairy counties in other regions, and significant associations were observed between dairy farm demographics and socioeconomic conditions. Having many dairy farms was associated more favorably with county socioeconomic conditions than having high dairy sales.  相似文献   

介绍了俄罗斯奶牛的发展状况、奶牛单产和奶产量、乳品企业的发展现状、乳制品的种类和生产现状以及俄罗斯乳制品的进出口贸易概况,总结了俄罗斯乳品行业存在的一些问题。并结合我国特点对我国乳品的研发与改进、丰富我国的乳制品的产品种类等方面给予了合理性的建议。  相似文献   

This study quantifies the overall economic values of organic dairy farms in Vermont and Minnesota and estimates the economic impacts of organic dairy farm sales relative to an equivalent level of sales from conventional dairy farms in those states. This question is of interest because the development of the organic dairy sector has allowed some farms that likely would not have remained in the conventional dairy business to continue being economically viable as organic dairy farms. Thus, these sales provide an economic impact in regions when this milk is exported to nonproducing regions. Organic and conventional dairy farm financial data in Vermont and Minnesota were collected and assembled to develop dairy farm production functions by region and dairy type. These production functions were then used in state-level input-output models to calculate economic impacts. The opportunity costs of organic dairy farm production were also estimated by comparing the relative statewide economic impacts of organic and conventional dairy farms if both experience a hypothetical 5-million-dollar increase in sales. Between 2008 and 2010, Vermont’s 180 organic dairy farms annually contributed $76.3 million in output (the value of an industry’s production within the state), 808 jobs, $34.1 million in gross state product, and $26.3 million in labor income to Vermont’s economy. Between 2009 and 2011, Minnesota’s 114 organic dairy farms annually contributed $77.7 million in output, 552 jobs, $32.1 million in gross state product, and $21 million in labor income to Minnesota’s economy. In Vermont, organic dairy farm sales revenue would result in greater state-wide impacts of 3% in output, 39% in labor income, 33% in gross state product, and 46% in employment relative to the impacts from an equivalent level of sales revenue to conventional dairy farms. In Minnesota, these economic impacts are 4, 9, 11, and 12% greater, respectively, for organic dairy farms relative to conventional dairy farms. This study concludes that organic dairy farms may contribute more to the local economy than average and similar-size conventional dairy farms in the Northeast and Upper Midwest and that organic dairy farm milk production supports economic development in rural communities.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(5):4461-4473
The provision of pasture and outdoor access for dairy cattle differs around the globe. For example, in Ireland, New Zealand, and Australia, dairy farms are largely pasture based, whereas dairy farms in the United States and Canada are largely confinement based. There is a high level of public support for pasture and outdoor access for dairy cows, and the available evidence shows that dairy cattle are highly motivated to access pasture, especially at night. The decision as to whether to provide outdoor access is typically made by farmers, but little is known about dairy farmers' perspectives on this topic. We investigated perspectives of Western Canadian dairy farmers on outdoor access, as well as how they believe different stakeholders (i.e., the dairy industry, the dairy cows, and the general public) regard outdoor access for dairy cows. Data were collected via (1) 11 focus group discussions with a total of 50 Western Canadian dairy farmers, and (2) semi-structured individual interviews with an additional 6 dairy farmers of Hutterite colonies. Data were analyzed using template analysis. Although most participants in this study did not provide outdoor access on their farms, or only provided outdoor access to certain cow groups, participants generally mentioned that they enjoyed seeing cows on pasture or outdoors. However, participants shared that the Canadian supply management system (including processors) required a consistent flow of production, which was thought to be easier and more economically realized with indoor housing of lactating cows. Participants believed that pasture or outdoor access for dairy cows was desired by the public. Some participants believed that dairy cows prefer to spend time outside under favorable weather conditions, but others felt that cows preferred to stay indoors in modern, ventilated freestall barns. The results of this study describe the perspectives of dairy farmers regarding the views of dairy industry stakeholders as they relate to outdoor access, helping to inform conversations around the provision of outdoor access for dairy cattle.  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,我国乳制品工业发展取得了举世瞩目的效益。其中,科技成果在提高乳制品产量、整合加工资源和提升产业水平等方面功不可没。《乳制品工业产业政策(2009年修订)》中提出,包括基因工程技术在内的生物技术是乳品加工关键技术未来的发展重心之一。本文分别从生乳产量提高、原料及产品质检、种质选育、加工工艺改良、乳制品成分及风味改善五个方面总结、阐述基因工程技术在各领域内的应用,并对乳制品科技发展方向与基因工程技术新成果的结合前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

康傑  王殿华 《食品工业》2021,(2):336-340
对消费者进行调研,结合相关理论,采用Logistics回归分析法对消费者对乳品质量的认知途径进行实证探讨。结果表明,家庭最高学历的消费者对乳品安全认知程度、消费者购买乳品次数、消费者对乳品质量的安全认知度、家里有13岁以下孩童对乳品质量的安全认知度起到促进作用。基于分析结果,从扩大乳品信息的披露途径、加强消费者交易、激励乳品企业信息披露等方面提出建议,以期推动消费者对乳品质量的安全认知度提升。  相似文献   

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