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计算机视觉技术在冷却肉色泽评定中的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究的主要目的是探索计算机视觉技术在判断冷却肉色泽方面存在一定的潜力.通过Sigmascan软件从冷却肉彩色图像中提取出颜色特征值,本研究采用的特征值是R值、G值、B值的平均值,同时,运用6级肉色标准对肉进行感官评分.感官评分与R值、G值、B值线性分析所得R2分别为0.7314、0.7681和0.6723.结果表明图像分析系统可以代替感官分析,对冷却肉色泽做出准确客观的评定.  相似文献   

用智能式测色仪测定肌肉的颜色   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>消费者对肉质的评定大都从色香味嫩几个方面考虑,而给人第一印象的便是颜色.为了解和改善肉色,使肉类产品更受消费者的欢迎,就必须对肉色进行客观测定.在我国,颜色已作为猪肉质的评定项目之一,一般用比色板和白度仪两种方法测定,前者简单易行,但比较粗糙,所得结果只是一个分级值,不能反映客观颜色,白度仪法所得结果比较客观,  相似文献   

肉制品的色泽是判断其品质的最直观指标,其变化与肉制品品质及加工过程的处理有关。本文对肉制品的呈色机理和色泽评定指标及方法进行综述,目的是对方法的特点及适用性进行比较,并从机理上进行探讨,为肉制品颜色测定方法的选择提供依据。肉制品的呈色机理和色泽保护是该领域的研究热点,包括肌红蛋白呈色的化学原理,亚硝酸盐对肉制品的发色作用机理以及影响色泽变化的主要因素;评价方法包括物理评定法、化学评定法、感官评定法。新兴的计算机视觉技术发展迅速,已表现出了对于肉色评价的巨大潜力。  相似文献   

肉制品的食用品质及其评价   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
肉类及其制品是膳食中不可缺少的优质蛋白质来源,肉类食用品质尤其是感官品质是消费者选择肉和肉制品的重要衡量指标.目前,肉制品的品质评定缺乏客观的评价方法.本文针对肉制品的系水力、多汁性、质地等食用品质及其评价方法的研究进展进行综述,为促进肉制品品质评定方法的客观化、建立肉制品的食用品质评定标准和体系提供参考.  相似文献   

◎食用猪肉后不宜大量饮茶,因为茶叶的鞣酸会与蛋白质合成具有收敛性的鞣酸蛋白质,使肠蠕动减慢,延长粪便在肠道中的滞留时间,不但易造成便秘,而且还增加了有毒物质和致癌物质的吸收,影响健康。◎在肉铺中往往有上肉、中肉分别标示,此时只要看肉的颜色,即可看出其柔软度。同样的猪肉,其肉色  相似文献   

肉类色泽变化机理研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
袁先群 《肉类研究》2010,(9):6-12,76
影响肉颜色的因素很多,主要包括肉自身和外界因素(如动物的遗传基因、宰前和宰后因素、肌肉的基本化学组成以及产品的加工、包装、运输、储藏、销售、食用的前处理等)。本文对近几十年来肉类化学、鲜肉成色机理的研究、影响肉色稳定性的化学因素和生物学因素、主要的肉色评价方法进行了综述。国内外专家对有关肉色的相关性指标和影响肉色的因素均存在很大的争议,但已被大家广泛认可的是:肌红蛋白的绝对含量和肌红蛋白的三种不同形式的相对含量是肉色稳定性的基础。  相似文献   

品质是肉品食用价值和商业价值的基础。基因型、宰前管理及宰后处理等诸多因素影响动物组织的新陈代谢和宰后肌肉到食用肉转变过程中的生化过程,在上述过程中肌肉蛋白质组的变化贯穿始终,最终决定肉的品质。文中综述牛肉、猪肉和鸡肉在品质形成过程中蛋白质组的变化,阐述了肌肉到食用肉的转变过程中发生的分子变化,及其宰前因素和宰后加工对肉品品质(如嫩度、肉色、脂肪沉积)的影响及其机理。  相似文献   

<正>丹麦研究多光谱视觉系统与比色计在肉色评定中的比较研究最近,丹麦研究人员以新鲜肉样和加工肉样为实验对象,通过与传统比色计作对比,测试多光谱视觉系统的颜色评定性能。肉是一种复杂非均匀的材料,其散射反射特性有差异性,所以肉色的仪器测定受到多个因素的影响。分析上述两种评定方法结果是否一致,必须考虑到这些影响因素引起的变化。结果表明,两种仪器在校准纸上均能测量颜色;对于表面较光滑的样品,视觉系统评定较比色计法得出更加丰富的  相似文献   

<正>猪肉品质指标中,颜色最为直观。肉色不仅是消费者最为关注的指标,而且对猪肉的市场价格也起着至关重要的作用。肉的颜色主要取决于肌肉中的色素物质——肌红蛋白、血红蛋白和微量有色代谢物的组成。  相似文献   

比较研究了热鲜猪肉、普通冷却猪肉和真空包装冷却猪肉在加工过程中胴体温度、pH值、肉色、食用品质(嫩度、风味、多汁性、喜好程度和总体评价)、微生物等的变化.结果表明,真空包装冷却猪肉的嫩度、风味、多汁性、喜好程度和总体评价都比普通冷却猪肉、热鲜猪肉好,真空包装延长了猪肉保质期,宰后成熟提高了猪肉的食用品质,真空包装冷却猪肉更受消费者青睐.  相似文献   

林花  徐道煌 《食品与机械》2024,41(2):177-183
目的:探究干制方式对藏香猪肉干食用品质的影响。方法:以藏香猪肉为原料,采用油炸、预煮—油炸、烘烤、预煮—烘烤4种干制方式对藏香猪肉干进行处理。结果:不同干制方式对藏香猪肉干色泽、质构、营养组分等品质均有显著影响。其中,油炸组感官评分最高、色泽均匀、肉香味浓郁、硬度适中、食用品质佳;烘烤组肉干硬度较大,咀嚼性较差;预煮处理后肉干色泽呈灰棕色,肉质变硬。此外,预煮还会导致大量脂肪酸损失,影响藏香猪肉干原有的营养价值。结论:油炸可作为一种生产藏香猪肉干的潜在干制方法。  相似文献   

为系统分析传统中式菜肴烹调过程中鸡蛋腌制处理对不同肉类食用品质的影响,分别选用全蛋腌制或蛋清腌制、不同蛋清添加量腌制处理,分析其对猪肉饼、牛肉饼和羊肉饼食用品质的影响。结果表明,在添加量为10%、腌制时间为30 min时,蛋清腌制显著增加猪肉饼和羊肉饼的水分含量(P<0.05),显著降低两种肉饼的烤制损失率、剪切力值和硬度等(P<0.05),有效改善猪肉饼和羊肉饼的食用品质,而牛肉饼则适合选用全蛋腌制处理,能在一定程度上改善其食用品质;不同蛋清添加量对3种肉饼的食用品质有不同影响,腌制时间为30 min时,猪肉饼和羊肉饼宜选择10%蛋清添加量,牛肉饼宜选择5%蛋清添加量,此时肉饼的保水性较好,嫩度、色泽和质构特性较优,适合作为日常烹饪过程中蛋清腌制的最佳添加量推广使用,本研究为传统中式菜肴中畜肉烹饪前鸡蛋腌制的条件提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

Barbut S 《Meat science》2001,59(2):187-191
The effects of incandescent (INC), fluorescent (FL), and metal halide (MH) light sources on the appearance of fresh beef, pork and chicken meat were investigated. The color of all meats was more desired (P<0.05) when presented under an INC light source. The color used to describe beef meat presented under INC light was red, but dark brown or dark red under FL and MH. Relative luminance data, collected with a fiber optic probe connected to a photo diode array, demonstrated the reason to be a lack of redness in the commonly used FL and MH light sources. This difference was more pronounced in dark red beef cuts than in lighter pork and chicken cuts.  相似文献   

Pork meat contains important minerals, including iron and zinc, all of which are essential for good health throughout life. Edible offal is also a form of meat and in general possesses a higher content of minerals, than muscular tissue. The mineral levels in pork meat, and edible offal are variable. Major sources of variation in animal products are the proportion of lean to fat tissue, and the proportion of edible to inedible materials. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the existing scientific literature on the mineral levels in pork meat and edible offal.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  The end of shelf life for fresh meat is determined by unacceptable aroma, appearance, and color, which appear before unacceptable microbial counts. Addition of a bovine gelatin coating to fresh meat may extend its shelf life. This study utilized a 20% bovine gelatin solution that was spray-coated onto beef tenderloins, pork loins, salmon fillets, and chicken breasts which were packaged in an 80% O2 and 20% CO2 modified atmosphere and stored under fluorescent light at 4 °C for 2 wk. All of the gelatin-coated fresh meat products showed a reduction in purge. The gelatin reduced purge by acting as a barrier to water loss. There was a reduction in color deterioration for gelatin-coated beef, a slight reduction of color deterioration for gelatin-coated pork, and no reduction in color deterioration for salmon and chicken. The gelatin coat reduced color deterioration by acting as a barrier to oxygen, but also had a negative effect on color due to its own color deterioration. No change in lipid oxidation was seen with any of the gelatin-coated meat products. The gelatin coat was not an effective barrier for lipid oxidation at refrigeration temperatures. Sensory analysis of beef tenderloins confirmed that color deterioration was reduced, and flavor was not affected by the application of a gelatin coat. The gelatin coat was equally effective during light and dark storage. It was more effective on vacuum packaged products than on modified atmosphere packaged products.  相似文献   

以两个部位的冷却猪肉(猪背最长肌、猪后腿肉)为主要实验原料,研究粉色光、粉紫色光、紫外光等光源对冷却猪肉色泽、氧合肌红蛋白含量、硫代巴比妥酸(TBA)值及菌落总数的影响,旨在选出最利于冷却猪肉保鲜的光源种类。结果表明:冷藏期间,粉色光组下冷却猪肉的色泽评分、a*值、氧合肌红蛋白含量及这三个指标的总体下降率(分别为38.64%~40.00%、10.36%~13.61%、25.88%~34.98%)均明显高于避光组、粉紫色光组和紫外光组。与避光组、粉紫色光组和紫外光组相比,粉色光源更有利于冷却猪肉肉色的稳定,且在此光源下,肉样的脂类氧化程度(TBA值总体增加率41.38%~86.57%)较其他三组更低。建议冷却猪肉在实际售卖过程中,陈列展示柜中采用粉色光源,提高冷却猪肉的保鲜效果。  相似文献   

肉松作为我国特有的休闲肉干制品,深受人民的喜爱。肉松品质受多种因素影响,加工工艺会对肉松的颜色、风味、水分含量、抗氧化能力、成松品质、食用品质、营养品质、消费者接受度等产生影响。贮藏方式会影响肉松的理化性质及贮藏期间的品质稳定性。本文从肉松的发展历史、加工工艺及影响肉松品质的因素等几方面进行了概述,以期为系统开展肉松生产、加工和实施良好的品质控制提供参考。  相似文献   

The residual redness was characterized in well cooked meat from turkey breast and pork loin. A simple method of scanning thin slices by transmission spectrophotometry was used to evaluate the meat pigments in situ. Absorption bands at 414, 520, and 550 nm of the spectra obtained from cooked meat led to the conclusion that residual pink color was caused by cytochrome c. The method was further modified to study the effect of air contact on meat color after cooking. Other pigments were spontaneously oxidized as soon as meat surface was exposed to air. The concentrations of hemoproteins in turkey and pork were determined and found to be related to cooked meat color.  相似文献   

猪肉干具有丰富的营养和独特的口感,成为一种美食.实验选用乳酸链球菌素(Nisin)作为天然防腐剂应用在五香味和麻辣味猪肉干中,在为期120 d的保藏过程中对猪肉干的微生物数量、挥发性盐基氮(TVB N)、pH、水分活度(Aw)、色泽进行检测,以验证Nisin的防腐效果.检测结果表明,未添加Nisin的五香味和麻辣味猪肉...  相似文献   

This study was designed to compare the effectiveness and applicability of the Petrifilm plate method with the Association of Official Analytical Chemists' (AOAC) standard aerobic count method and violet red bile agar method for meat products. The comparison was carried out using 303 meat samples collected from various retailers: 110 pork samples, 87 chicken samples, and 107 beef samples. In the comparison of the correlation coefficient (R) between the conventional method and the Petrifilm plate method by a linear regression analysis, the correlation coefficient in total microorganisms was 0.99, 0.95, and 0.94 in pork, beef, and chicken samples, respectively. The correlation coefficient in coliform count was 0.83, 0.96, and 0.81 in pork, beef, and chicken samples, respectively. Based on the high correlation in the total microorganism count, it might be possible to replace the conventional methods with the Petrifilm plate method. For coliform counts, the Petrifilm plate method also showed a generally high correlation coefficient, except for pork samples, which are more subject to contamination. The Petrifilm plate method was simpler and less time-consuming in sample preparation and, in procedures, faster than the conventional method. These results suggested that the 3M Petrifilm plate method could replace the conventional methods in the analysis of microorganism contamination measurement in meat products.  相似文献   

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