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发达国家乳制品质量安全监管体系及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从监管机制、技术标准、检测标准3个方面对美国、欧盟以及澳大利亚3个国家和地区的乳制品质量安全监管体系进行比较,分析了我国乳制品质量安全监管机构、监管责任、监管手段、监管技术的问题,认为我国乳制品安全监管体系要明确分工、优化供应链以及提高检测技术水平。  相似文献   

陈潇  国鸽  王君  邵懿 《中国食品卫生杂志》2023,35(10):1506-1513
炼乳等浓缩乳制品是我国市场和国际贸易常见的乳制品种类,随着行业发展和新产品的出现,产品标准的管理内容也在不断修订和更新。通过比较研究国内外标准的内容及管理思路的异同,有助于正确借鉴国外标准管理经验,不断完善我国标准。在回顾我国浓缩乳制品国家标准的发展和沿革的基础上,通过收集和整理国际食品法典委员会产品标准,以及欧盟、美国、加拿大、日本、韩国、澳大利亚和新西兰等国家或地区浓缩乳制品强制性标准及法规等相关管理规定,分析比较了不同标准中各类浓缩乳制品的术语、定义、分类、相关指标要求、标签标识等产品标准核心内容的异同,重点对淡炼乳的定义、浓缩乳的产品属性和成分要求,以及各类浓缩乳制品术语在不同标准体系中的对应关系等进行了研究和讨论,提出了浓缩乳制品产品标准需要关注的重点内容及管理建议,以期为我国标准管理工作提供参考。  相似文献   

针对低温短保质期乳制品的出厂检验现状,开展国内外相关法规标准对比分析,以期为市场监管部门提供技术参考依据,为乳制品行业的绿色健康发展提供保障。收集国际食品法典委员会(Codex Alimentarius Commission, CAC)、美国、欧盟、澳大利亚、中国、加拿大、日本等国家、地区或组织关于低温短保质期乳制品出厂检验相关法规标准,从低温短保质期乳制品的生乳质量安全控制要求、生产加工过程控制要求、终产品微生物控制要求3个角度进行综述和对比分析。研究发现,CAC、美国、欧盟、澳大利亚等国家、地区或组织更加注重低温短保质期乳制品全产业链的过程控制,从而达到产品出厂要求,而我国要求终产品检验合格方可出厂,过程控制和评价体系尚不完善。过程控制是低温短保质期乳制品质量安全控制的本质,过程控制的思路可为今后我国相关标准法规的制修订提供参考,值得学习和借鉴。  相似文献   

综述了国内外关于乳与乳制品中黄曲霉毒素的检测方法,分析方法的原理、优缺点以及应用范围。比较分析我国、国际食品法典委员会(CAC)、欧盟等国家黄曲霉毒素限量标准的差异,其中欧盟限量最为严格,我国和CAC、美国限量水平一致。  相似文献   

欧盟发出通报,告知欧盟修订了饲料用乳和乳制品加工标准。修订案要求进口饲料用牛乳和乳制品必须经下列方式之一进行处理:(1)最低F03级杀菌处理;(2)高温短时(HTST)处理2次;(3)高温短时处理与下列2种方式相结合使用:a.物理方式,包括:产品在干燥处理中额外加热到72℃或以上;或pH值降至6以下持续1d。b.乳制品是在装运前21d生产的,在此期间.来源国没有发生口蹄疫:符合上述条件的饲料用牛乳和乳制品可批准进口。该修订将于2007年3月底生效。  相似文献   

<正>据欧盟网站消息,7月28日欧盟发布(EU)2015/1290号委员会实施条例,批准田紫草籽油(Buglossoides arvensis)作为新型食品配料,同时规定了规格标准以及在乳制品、早餐谷物食品以及食品补充剂中的最大限量。具体限量如下:  相似文献   

5 价格 同2001年相比,许多国家和国际市场的乳制品价格跌幅很大。牧场的奶价下降很大。5.1 乳制品价格 欧盟市场上,几乎所有乳制品的价格都比去年低很多。2002年中期,欧盟奶粉和奶油的价格跌至  相似文献   

<正>据欧盟网站消息,2015年7月28日欧盟发布(EU)2015/1291号委员会实施决定,批准解木聚糖拟杆菌(DSM 23964)发酵乳制品作为新型食品投放市场。最新乳制品的状态为为液态、半流质或喷雾干燥粉。最新乳制品的规格说明为:定义:该热灭菌发酵乳制品采用解木聚糖拟杆菌作为发酵菌种。  相似文献   

据芬兰的研究人员称,欧盟的牛奶配额制将于2015年废除.这将极大地影响乳制品产品的区域分配,将形成欧盟牛奶产业带。  相似文献   

国内外乳制品标准物质研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国内乳制品行业问题频出,为保障乳制品品质安全,乳制品标准物质在产品检验和品质控制中不可或缺。乳制品的品种和检测项目繁多,我国现有标准物质难以满足市场需求。通过对国内外现有乳制品标准物质的总结和研究现状的介绍,分析了我国在乳制品标准物质研究上的不足和未来发展方向。  相似文献   

对牛乳中主要的生物活性成分进行了阐述,对牛初乳和以发酵乳制品为代表的功能性乳制品的特点进行了综述。分析了功能性牛乳制品发展过程中存在的主要问题,对制定功能型牛乳制品标准的必要性进行了分析,提出了功能性牛乳制品标准的主要内容。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study are to describe dairy farm demographic and socioeconomic conditions in the top 100 counties in the United States for dairy sales in 2007, and to describe the association of dairy farm demographics with socioeconomic conditions. The top 100 counties were responsible for 56% of all US dairy sales in 2007 with a median growth rate of 78% compared with 1997. Counties varied widely for farm demographics with as few as 5 very large dairy farms that averaged $17,924,000 in dairy sales per farm to as many as 1,730 dairy farms with less than $250,000 in dairy sales per farm. Most of the top 100 dairy counties had higher illiteracy rates, a higher proportion of residents without a high school degree, and lower median incomes than state averages, but unemployment rates were similar to the state average. The socioeconomic measures were from public records and not collected specifically for this research. Nevertheless, the top dairy counties in the western states tended to have poorer socioeconomic conditions than the top dairy counties in other regions, and significant associations were observed between dairy farm demographics and socioeconomic conditions. Having many dairy farms was associated more favorably with county socioeconomic conditions than having high dairy sales.  相似文献   

乳制品是营养价值很高的食物,但近年来对于乳制品的健康意义有了质疑之声。本文综述了乳制品与结肠癌、乳腺癌、前列腺癌、卵巢癌4种癌症发生风险关系的营养流行病学研究,对近年"牛奶致癌论"作出客观评价。证据表明,乳制品与前列腺癌和卵巢癌可能有一定的正相关性,但研究结果并不一致;乳制品对结肠癌的预防具有益处,对乳腺癌的影响未有定论;尚无证据表明每日摄入200g以下会显著增加癌症的风险。  相似文献   

近年来不断出现奶制品的安全问题,而原料奶作为乳业加工的源头,对奶产品的质量安全影响巨大。本文综述了原料奶的质量安全控制及相关检测的研究进展,并探讨了饲养、挤奶、运输过程中的相关事宜,为提高我国奶与奶制品的质量安全及促进乳制品工业的发展提供参考。  相似文献   

2008年爆发的"三聚氰胺事件"使我国奶业遭受了巨大打击。事发后,我国政府、相关部门、广大奶农和乳品企业都采取积极措施共同应对危机。短短一年时间内,我国奶业就逐步走出困境,消费、加工等恢复速度超过预期。本文就我国奶业重振举措进行了分析,并对奶业长远稳定发展提出建议。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to estimate genetic correlations among body condition score (BCS), dairy form, milk yield, and days open in US Holsteins and investigate the potential of using BCS or dairy form evaluations as early indicators of days open. Dairy form and BCS obtained from the Holstein Association USA, Inc., were merged with mature equivalents (ME) for milk yields and days open data from AIPL-USDA. Cows were required to be classified between 24 and 60 mo of age, before 335 d in milk (DIM) and have ME milk of at least 4537 kg. A minimum of 20 daughters per sire and 10 cows per herd-classification visit (HV) or herd-year-season of calving (HYS) were required. The final data set included 159,700 records. Heritabilities and correlations among dairy form, BCS, milk yield, and days open were estimated with multiple trait sire models. Fixed effects included age at classification for dairy form and BCS, age at calving for milk yield, HV for dairy form and BCS, HYS for milk yield and days open, DIM within lactation group for dairy form and BCS and lactation group for milk yield and days open. Correlations among dairy form, BCS, and days open were generated with and without a ME milk covariable. Correlations between ME milk and days open were generated with and without covariables for dairy form or BCS. Random effects included sire and error. The genetic correlation estimates of days open with dairy form, BCS, and ME milk were 0.48, -0.30, and 0.38, respectively. The genetic correlation estimate between days open and dairy form was 0.38 after adjustment for ME milk, whereas the genetic correlation between days open and BCS was -0.24 after adjustment for ME milk. Combining dairy form evaluations with days open evaluations for 19 recently proven bulls resulted in an average increase of 0.06 for reliability of days open evaluations. The addition of BCS evaluations did not increase reliability when dairy form observations were available.  相似文献   

The objectives of the current study were to investigate the relationship between body condition score (BCS) and dairy form and changes in genetic parameters for BCS and dairy form within and across lactations and age. Body condition score and dairy form were obtained from the Holstein Association USA, Inc. Records were edited to include those cows classified between 24 and 60 mo of age and between 0 and 335 d in milk (DIM). A minimum of 20 daughters per sire and 15 cows per herd-classification visit were required. The dataset consisted of 135,178 records from 119,215 cows. Repeatability, multiple trait, and random regression models were used to analyze the data. All models included fixed effects for herd-classification visit, age within lactations 1, 2, and 3 or higher, and 5th-order polynomials for DIM. Random effects included sire and permanent environment for all models. Random regression models included age at classification nested within sire or DIM and lactation number nested within sire. Genetic variance for both BCS and dairy form was lowest in early lactation and highest in midlactation. Genetic correlations within and across lactations were high. The genetic correlation between DIM 0 in lactation 1 and DIM 305 in lactation 3 was estimated to be 0.77 for BCS and 0.60 for dairy form. The genetic correlation estimate between 30 mo of age at classification and 50 mo of age at classification was 0.94 for both dairy form and BCS. The repeatability models appeared to generate accurate evaluations for BCS or dairy form at all ages and stages of lactation.  相似文献   

The main objective of this review was to assess the role of dairy cattle and their products in human infections with Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC). A large number of STEC strains (e.g., members of the serogroups O26, O91, O103, O111, O118, O145, and O166) have caused major outbreaks and sporadic cases of human illnesses that have ranged from mild diarrhea to the life-threatening hemolytic uremic syndrome. These illnesses were traced to O157 and non-O157 STEC. In most cases, STEC infection was attributed to consumption of ground beef or dairy products that were contaminated with cattle feces. Thus, dairy cattle are considered reservoirs of STEC and can impose a significant health risk to humans. The global nature of food supply suggests that safety concerns with beef and dairy foods will continue and the challenges facing the dairy industry will increase at the production and processing levels. In this review, published reports on STEC in dairy cattle and their products were evaluated to achieve the following specific objectives: 1) to assemble a database on human infections with STEC from dairy cattle, 2) to assess prevalence of STEC in dairy cattle, and 3) to determine the health risks associated with STEC strains from dairy cattle. The latter objective is critically important, as many dairy STEC isolates are known to be of high virulence. Fecal testing of dairy cattle worldwide showed wide ranges of prevalence rates for O157 (0.2 to 48.8%) and non-O157 STEC (0.4 to 74.0%). Of the 193 STEC serotypes of dairy cattle origin, 24 have been isolated from patients with hemolytic uremic syndrome. Such risks emphasize the importance and the need to develop long-term strategies to assure safety of foods from dairy cattle.  相似文献   

中日两国奶业发展对比   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较了中日两国奶业在畜牧业中的地位,规模化养殖与单产水平,原料奶质量标准,奶类消费4个方面,找出我国奶业发展的差距和问题,进而提出相应的调整策略。  相似文献   

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