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带有微动磨损缺口钢丝的疲劳特性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
在自制的微动磨损试验机上进行钢丝的微动磨损试验,将微动磨损后的钢丝试样在液压伺服疲劳试验机上进行不同应力比和不同应力幅下的疲劳试验。结果表明,钢丝的微动磨损深度随微动时间和接触载荷的增加而增加,磨损缺口处的应力集中使其成为了裂纹萌生源,也使钢丝试样的疲劳寿命大大降低,微动磨损后钢丝试样的疲劳寿命和磨损深度呈反比关系。通过钢丝疲劳断口的SEM形貌分析了其疲劳断裂机制,断口对应不同的疲劳阶段,可分为裂纹萌生区、裂纹扩展区和裂纹瞬断区。  相似文献   

微动疲劳易引起钢丝表面磨损和横截面积损失,进而造成钢丝断裂失效并缩短钢丝绳使用寿命。不同微动疲劳参数(接触载荷、疲劳载荷、钢丝直径和交叉角度)引起差异的钢丝微动疲劳磨损特性,故研究微动疲劳参数对钢丝微动疲劳磨损演化规律影响至关重要。基于摩擦学理论和Marc仿真软件构建钢丝微动疲劳磨损模型,探究接触载荷、疲劳载荷、交叉角度和钢丝直径对钢丝微动疲劳磨损演化的影响规律。结果表明:钢丝微动疲劳磨损体积主要与接触载荷和疲劳载荷有关;疲劳钢丝的磨损深度、磨损率及磨损体积随着接触载荷的增加而增大,且不同接触载荷下疲劳钢丝磨损体积均随着循环次数的增加而呈线性增加;随疲劳载荷幅值的增加,疲劳钢丝的磨损深度、磨损率及磨损体积均呈增加趋势;在不同疲劳载荷范围下疲劳钢丝的磨损体积均随着循环次数的增加而呈线性增加;当接触载荷、疲劳载荷及钢丝间摩擦因数相同时,不同交叉角度和不同加载钢丝直径下疲劳钢丝的磨损体积相同。  相似文献   

通过接触界面的应力应变场和临界平面法计算了能量密度损伤参数,结合疲劳试验得到了能量密度损伤参数-寿命关系曲线中的材料常数,建立了LZ50钢微动疲劳寿命的预测公式。根据裂纹萌生寿命预测效果,将Chen损伤值作为裂纹萌生控制参数。分析了摩擦因数、微动桥半径、循环载荷和微动桥压力对LZ50车轴钢的Chen损伤值的影响,以及CRH2型动车组空心车轴裂纹萌生的位置及寿命。  相似文献   

为研究金属材料微观组织特征对其疲劳寿命的影响,基于Tanaka-Mura裂纹萌生寿命预测模型对高温合金GH4169的疲劳裂纹萌生过程进行数值模拟.利用Voronoi图法生成具有代表性的微观组织模型,并考虑晶粒内相互平行的多滑移特性建立微裂纹萌生模型,模拟GH4169在循环载荷作用下的裂纹萌生过程.将裂纹萌生寿命的模拟结果与GH4169疲劳试验数据相比较,说明了Tanaka-Mura裂纹萌生寿命预测模型的有效性.  相似文献   

针对Ti-6Al-4V钛合金燕尾榫连接结构在不同载荷下的微动疲劳现象,采用榫形微动疲劳试验进行研究,并对裂纹萌生扩展、微动磨损及断口进行分析。结果表明,微动疲劳使构件疲劳寿命显著降低约70%;疲劳载荷对微动裂纹扩展的影响比对裂纹萌生的影响更大;微动疲劳裂纹起始于接触面边缘,与接触表面约成45°角,裂纹扩展到60~150μm后转向与接触表面垂直;微动疲劳断口形貌表面在微动磨损区具有多个裂纹源点,但只有一个主裂纹形成。  相似文献   

用ANSYS对高强度铸造铝合金的微动疲劳特性进行仿真模拟,得到接触面上的应力、应变分布规律;基于SWT临界面法预测微动裂纹的萌生位置,用实验值拟合得到微动疲劳寿命预测参数并用临界面法预测微动疲劳寿命。结果表明:在法向夹紧力不变时,微动疲劳寿命会随着轴向力的增大而减小,且轴向力存在一个临界值,超过这个临界值,构件寿命会急剧下降。在HYS-100型微动疲劳试验机上对高强度铸造铝合金的微动裂纹萌生位置及寿命进行实验验证。结果表明,SWT临界面法预测裂纹萌生位置与试件实际断裂位置一致,预测寿命与实际寿命在误差允许范围内。  相似文献   

用ANSYS对高强度铸造铝合金的微动疲劳特性进行仿真模拟,得到接触面上的应力、应变分布规律;基于SWT临界面法预测微动裂纹的萌生位置,用实验值拟合得到微动疲劳寿命预测参数并用临界面法预测微动疲劳寿命。结果表明:在法向夹紧力不变时,微动疲劳寿命会随着轴向力的增大而减小,且轴向力存在一个临界值,超过这个临界值,构件寿命会急剧下降。在HYS 100型微动疲劳试验机上对高强度铸造铝合金的微动裂纹萌生位置及寿命进行实验验证。结果表明,SWT临界面法预测裂纹萌生位置与试件实际断裂位置一致,预测寿命与实际寿命在误差允许范围内。  相似文献   

为了分析空心轴与实心轴过盈配合结构微动磨损与疲劳行为的差异,建立了两种过盈配合结构的微动磨损-微动疲劳联合仿真模型。该联合仿真模型基于Archard磨损方程和有限元软件ABAQUS的自适应网格技术实现了循环微动磨损的仿真,基于线性累积损伤理论和修正的SWT临界平面法实现了微动疲劳寿命预测。分析结果表明:空心轴的微动磨损比实心轴严重,微动磨损显著降低了过盈配合边缘附近的应力集中,同时在配合内部引起了新的应力集中,并导致微动裂纹萌生位置出现在配合内部。受到微动磨损的影响,空心轴的微动疲劳寿命仅约为实心轴的40%,但两种结构的微动裂纹萌生位置几乎一致。  相似文献   

对随机风场进行了模拟,得到了正常发电工况下主轴扭矩的时间历程;建立了齿轮副的三维有限元模型,计算了在静态载荷下齿轮副的应力应变。采用随机载荷雨流计数法对齿轮载荷进行雨流计数,并对结果进行了统计学分析,得到应力均值符合三参数威布尔分布。研究了服从三参数威布尔分布的分布参数对齿轮接触疲劳裂纹萌生寿命的影响。结果表明采用随机载荷相对于采用载荷均值齿轮的接触疲劳裂纹萌生寿命疲劳寿命下降,形状参数增大齿轮接触疲劳裂纹萌生寿命增大,尺度参数和位置参数增大齿轮的接触疲劳裂纹萌生寿命减小。  相似文献   

临界面法预测微动裂纹萌生特性和微动疲劳寿命   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
微动疲劳是造成飞机、船舶、车辆、建筑、核能、海洋工程等失效的主要原因。根据能量的转变提出SSI剪应变能临界面法。以45#钢为例,建立微动桥有限元模型,用SSI剪应变能临界面法对微动桥的微动疲劳裂纹萌生特性和寿命进行预测。通过与试验数据对比证明SSI临界面法用于微动疲劳裂纹萌生特性和寿命预测的可行性。  相似文献   

在自制的微动疲劳试验机上开展中性腐蚀环境下单根钢丝的微动疲劳实验,考察在相同接触载荷下,不同振幅对钢丝的微动疲劳行为的影响,并用扫描电子显微镜观察疲劳钢丝的磨痕和断口形貌,研究钢丝微动疲劳断裂机制.结果表明:在较大的振幅下,钢丝的微动区均处于滑移状态,而在较小振幅下,钢丝的微动区从滑移状态逐渐转变为黏着状态;磨损机制主要为磨粒磨损、疲劳磨损、腐蚀磨损和塑性变形;钢丝疲劳寿命随着微动振幅的增大而减小;钢丝的疲劳断口可分为3个区域,即疲劳源区、裂纹扩展区及瞬间断裂区.  相似文献   

Fretting wear and fatigue may occur between any two contacting surfaces, wherever short‐amplitude reciprocating sliding is present for a large number of cycles. A test device has been developed for the evaluation of fretting fatigue and wear in partial and gross slip conditions. Three similar sphere‐on‐plane contacts run at the same time. Normal force, tangential force or displacement amplitude and constant bulk stress can be controlled and measured separately. Reciprocating tangential displacement is produced with rotational motion, the amplitude and frequency of which can be adjusted and controlled accurately by an electric shaker. The number of load cycles for crack initiation and growth is determined with strain‐gauge measurements near the fretting point of contact. The contact surfaces are measured with 3D optical profilometer before fretting measurements to determine actual contact geometry. The measurements were done with quenched and tempered steel. The initial results indicate that cracks are mostly formed in partial slip conditions, whereas fretting wear is more heavily involved in gross slip conditions. The initiation of a crack occurs near the edge of the contact in the slip direction, where the calculated cracking risk has its maximum value in partial slip conditions. The number of cracks increases as the displacement amplitude, i.e. friction force, increases in partial slip conditions. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A. Pasanen  R. Rabb 《Wear》2009,267(12):2200-2207
Tangential traction caused by friction in contacting surfaces is a major factor in fretting fatigue that increases stress levels and leads to a reduction in fatigue life. Friction in fretting contact was studied in partial, mixed and gross slip conditions on quenched and tempered steel. Measurements were made with sphere-on-plane contact geometry for polished and ground surfaces. Friction was evaluated from on-line energy ratio and, after the tests, from wear marks. A maximum friction coefficient of over 1.0 was measured at mixed slip zone with polished surfaces, whereas ground surfaces promote lower values in similar operating conditions. The friction coefficient dependence on load cycles and loading frequency is also presented and briefly discussed. The friction data and understanding thus gained is to be used for evaluation of crack initiation with the numerical fretting fatigue model.  相似文献   

目前金属丝微动磨损预测模型多适用于垂直接触,而锐角交叉下的模型存在计算过程繁琐、表征不全面等不足,难以便捷有效地预测金属橡胶内部复杂无序的金属丝磨损情况。基于有限元分析,确定螺旋曲率对磨损结果的影响极小,因此将金属橡胶内部螺旋金属丝接触对微元理想化为直金属丝接触对,探究无序接触下金属丝磨损特征的演化规律。结果表明,无序接触状态下的磨损特征演化规律与金属丝接触夹角大小密切相关。依据几何学分析,得到任意锐角接触下磨损磨痕位于金属丝1/2接触夹角处的特殊位置关系,据此建立任意接触形态下的微动磨损演化预测模型,并利用已有文献中的金属丝微动磨损试验结果对预测模型进行验证。结果显示,建立的任意锐角下的磨损演化模型能够较准确地预测金属丝的磨损结果,误差均在15%以内。研究结果为预测金属橡胶内部金属丝微动磨损和使用寿命提供一定理论基础。  相似文献   

Suitability of different multi-axial parameters in predicting fretting fatigue life of Ti-6Al-4V specimens has been investigated. Ameliorating effect of surface treatments on fretting fatigue has been studied. In simple uni-axial/multi-axial fatigue tests, nucleation as well as propagation of cracks occur under the influence of identical stresses. Hence nucleation accounts for most of the total life. Fretting fatigue crack nucleation occurs due to very large contact stresses, effect of which is felt only close to the surface (due to steep gradients). Propagation mostly occurs due to lower stresses in the bulk of the material (negligible influence of contact tractions) and forms a significant portion of total life. Total life has to be taken as sum of initiation life calculated from different multi-axial fatigue parameters and propagation life from conventional fracture mechanics approach. Steep stress gradients necessitate the adoption of a statistics based approach to predict the crack initiation life, based on an assumed distribution of flaws. The quality of comparison between predicted and experimentally observed failure lives provides confidence in the notion that conventional fatigue life prediction tools can be used to assess fretting fatigue failure. Effect of surface treatments like shot-peening with or without additional surface coatings on total life of the specimen and on friction coefficient has been studied.  相似文献   

Generally the fretting fatigue S-N curve has two regions: one is the high cycle (low stress) region and the second is the low cycle (high stress) region. In a previous paper we introduced the fretting fatigue life estimation methods in high cycle region by considering the wear process; with this estimation method the fretting fatigue limit can be estimated to be the crack initiation limit at the contact edge. In this paper we estimate the low cycle fretting fatigue life based on a new critical distance theory, modified for a high stress region using ultimate tensile strength σB and fracture toughness KIC. The critical distance for estimating low cycle fretting fatigue strength was calculated by interpolation of the critical distance on the fretting fatigue limit (estimated from σw0 and ΔKth) with critical distance on static strength (estimated from σB and KIC). By unifying this low cycle fretting fatigue life estimation method with the high cycle fretting fatigue life estimation method, which was presented in the previous paper, we can estimate the total fretting life easily. And to confirm the availability of this estimation method we perform the fretting fatigue test using Ni-Mo-V steel.  相似文献   

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