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数控非接触式超光滑光学元件加工机床的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于数控技术,提出了一种非接触式光学元件表面超光滑液体抛光方法.通过磨头中心孔为抛光表面提供抛光液,抛光液在磨头自转的带动下与光学元件表面相互作用,实现光学元件表面材料的微量去除,利用计算机控制抛光磨头的运动轨迹完成对光学元件表面的抛光.根据上述原理,设计和研制了数控非接触表面超光滑光学元件加工机床样机,样机直线运动轴最低进给速度为0.000 1 m/s,定位精度为0.008 mm;摆动轴最低转速为0.002 8 r/min,定位精度为15″.抛光实验结果表明,经过20 min的超光滑加工,熔石英材质光学元件上两点的表面粗糙度Ra值分别由加工前的1.03 nm和0.92 nm提高到加工后的0.48 nm和0.44 nm,显著提高了加工精度.  相似文献   

In most cases, polishing work is done by manual labour. It is an extremely laborious operation that demands a lot of time, so it is very expensive. In this paper, instead of manual polishing work, a robotic polishing system is introduced. A trajectory generator needed for generating the robot polishing path is taken from the cutter location data generated from the postprocessor of a CAD system. Using the trajectory generator, the present polishing robot doesn’t need the conventional complicated teaching process. In order to improve the quality of a workpiece surface, a quaternion interpolation algorithm (QI algorithm) between two CL data is also proposed, which can realize the smooth interpolation of robot end-effector positions and orientation. The effectiveness of the proposed polishing method is proven through polishing experiments using an industrial robot, Motoman sv3, and a Motoman XRC Industrial controller.  相似文献   

为了提高镜片的加工精度与效率,利用计算机控制光学表面成形技术(CCOS)的抛光方法对光学镜片进行抛光全过程动态仿真。根据Preston方程建立材料去除函数模型,对抛光过程中压力、转速以及工件与抛光磨头相对半径比对抛光去除速率的影响进行分析。为建立球面镜片的动态全过程仿真,结合卷积原理,推导加工残余误差与去除函数和驻留时间三者间的线性关系,根据镜片的对称性,将元素个数从2m+1点简化为m+1点,以提高运算效率。最后为获得仿真最小残余误差,采用非负最小二乘法求解驻留时间。结果表明,材料去除速率函数类似于高斯分布,抛光后能使镜片面形误差收敛,对模拟表面进行仿真,半径为100mm的镜片其初始表面形貌粗糙度的均方根值从0.467μm收敛到0.028μm,轮廓最大高度从6.12μm收敛到1.48μm。对实测表面进行加工仿真同样令其表面形貌粗糙度的均方根值从3.007μm收敛到0.107μm,轮廓最大高度从160.73μm收敛到13.76μm,因此提出的驻留时间求解方法对于球面镜片抛光全过程动态仿真有一定的可行性。  相似文献   

黄京  郭为忠  高峰 《机械工程学报》2014,50(19):128-135
伺服冲压运动设计是伺服压力机实施伺服冲压作业的核心技术之一。提出NURBS运动曲线混合阶次插值方法,能任意给定冲压运动关键点上位置、速度或加速度中的一个或多个约束,以同时满足伺服冲压运动精确性和灵活性要求;提出快速生成给定时间的保压段冲压运动曲线算法;给出构造插值方程过程中合理设置切矢模长的取值方法,以避免运动曲线畸变;提出适当改变速度或加速度约束调节运动曲线性能的方法;在此基础上引入板料成形和伺服电动机驱动能力等约束,提出伺服冲压运动设计的一般流程,开发出交互式伺服冲压运动设计软件;以某型汽车翼子板拉深冲压运动设计为例进行了验证。  相似文献   

气囊抛光过程的运动精度控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对用于球面、非球面光学元件超精密光学加工的气囊抛光技术,提出了一套控制抛光过程中气囊运动精度的方法。该方法通过控制加工单元的温度,保证抛光过程中设备运动精度达到50μm;使用坐标传递法,使检测数据二维方向对准不确定度达到0.30~0.70mm。另外,基于磨头去除量估计与反馈修正法,提高精抛过程面形误差收敛效率。最后,通过磨头探测校准法,将磨头与加工工件法向位置精度提高至10μm。实际抛光实验显示:使用运动精度控制法在280mm口径的平面精密抛光中获得的面形加工精度为0.8nm(RMS),在160mm口径的凹球面精密抛光中获得的面形加工结果为1.1nm(RMS),实现了超高精度面形修正的目的,为超高精度球面、非球面光学元件加工提供了一套行之有效的方法。该方法同样适用于其他接触式小磨头数控抛光方法。  相似文献   

采用化学加工方法对光学元器件进行面形加工,可以避免传统的抛光工艺带来的亚表面缺陷和表面污染。实验中利用Marangoni界面效应有效控制化学液的驻留时间和驻留面积,并通过数控系统实现编程控制加工,进行了面形修复实验,利用轮廓仪测量了加工前后的表面粗糙度。结果表明,采用拼接小去除量多次加工的方法,有效地降低了面形误差,面形值由1.32 λ(λ=632 nm)减少到0.66 λ,粗糙度基本维持不变。利用此实验装置使基片面形得到修复,避免了传统加工方式带来的亚表面缺陷等问题,有利于强激光系统的使用。  相似文献   

To reduce the contour error in contour-following tasks, the most common method is to design a contour controller based on the contour error model. Therefore, how to estimate the contour error in real-time and with high accuracy plays an important role in contour-following control. It is difficult to guarantee real-time performance, high estimation accuracy and strong robustness against arbitrary trajectories at the same time. In this paper, a contour error estimation method based on the third-order osculating helix is proposed. The osculating helix can fully consider the geometric characteristics of the interpolation trajectory and is closer to the desired interpolation trajectory. On this basis, PD-type tracking error sliding mode surface and PD-type contour error sliding mode surface are redesigned to fully take into account the regulating effect of the velocity tracking error and velocity contour error. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed contour control approach.  相似文献   

针对光学系统中对非球面元件的精度要求,设计了直线光栅式的抛光轨迹,并用磁性复合流体以这一抛光轨迹抛光非球面。根据抛光轨迹和非球面方程计算出每个抛光点的坐标;根据抛光点坐标和抛光头的抛光姿态计算出对应的抛光头中心点的坐标;建立相邻两抛光点的弓高误差模型,仿真出弓高误差模型并分析弓高误差的变化规律;根据弓高误差变化规律,用等弓高误差变步长控制算法实现弓高误差的一致性,提高加工质量。  相似文献   

建立了基于多级半带滤波器的超声相控阵聚焦延时系统,以提高仪器延时精度。研究了聚焦延时原理与延时算法的实现。首先,采用内插滤波的方法,设计了半带滤波器作为内插滤波器;然后,对8倍内插结构进行了改进,通过多级半带内插滤波器合成技术,将合成后的滤波器分解为8个子滤波器进行同时滤波,使得内插与多相分解可同时进行。最后,通过对延时算法的仿真分析与现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)的实现,验证了此算法的可行性。实验结果表明:该系统在100 MHz采样率的条件下可实现1.25 ns延时精度,与同性能普通有限长单位冲激响应(FIR)内插滤波器相比,运算量最大可减少21.4%。此方案在运算量、计算速度、分辨率、性价比方面均具有较大优势,非常适合于实时性强、精度高的聚焦延时算法的实现。  相似文献   

基于Hermite插值的复杂光学曲面车削加工路径规划   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王兴盛  康敏 《机械工程学报》2012,48(11):191-198
为解决复杂光学曲面加工难题,探讨其车削加工路径规划。基于慢刀伺服加工技术对复杂光学曲面的刀位点规划进行设计,分析刀触点等角度离散方案及刀具圆弧半径补偿方案。轨迹插补采用可编程多轴控制器(Programmable multi-axiscontroller,PMAC)提供的位置、速度、时间(Position velocity time,PVT)插补运动模式,分析PVT的数学实质Hermite分段插值模型,并根据此模型提出恒速法、面积法和三点法三种PVT入口参数生成算法。以离轴抛物面、环曲面、正弦面为例进行仿真,加工路径的仿真表明刀位点的设计可以应用于复杂光学曲面加工。同时z轴运动特性的分析表明z轴往复频率和C轴回转频率相仿时,面积法(c=2/3)和三点法均能满足z轴速度光顺要求;z轴往复频率明显大于主轴频率时,采用三点法的加速度变化明显优于面积法。提出的加工路径方法可为复杂光学曲面的实际加工提供指导意义。  相似文献   

Polishing is a main process in achieving high-quality surfaces of optical components. However, effective assessing technique for rough stage in the polishing process is sparse so that hinders the study on the mechanism and optimization of polishing. In this study, we propose an inspection method for polishing quality based on quasi Brewster angle technology (qBAT). An equivalent medium layer theory and its model are developed to accurately describe the optical reflection characteristics of a rough surface. Hence both rough- and fine-polishing qualities can be evaluated by the qBAT approach. To demonstrate the newly proposed method, laser crystal, gadolinium gallium garnets, is studied by computational simulation and experiments. A high consistence is achieved between theoretical simulation and experimental results, which proves the robustness of the method to the rough surfaces. To our knowledge, it is the first time that the qBAT is developed to evaluate the polishing quality covering rough- and fine-polishing stages. This capability shows great potential in fundamental research and process optimization of polishing brittle-hard materials.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional structured surfaces (3D-structured surfaces) possessing specially designed functional textures are widely used in the development of advanced products. This paper presents a novel swing precess bonnet polishing (SPBP) method for generating complex 3D-structured surfaces which is accomplished by the combination of specific polishing tool orientation and tool path. The SPBP method is a sub-aperture finishing process in which the polishing spindle is swung around the normal direction of the target surface within the scope of swing angle while moving around the center of the bonnet. This is quite different from the ‘single precess’ and ‘continuous precessing’ polishing regime, in which the precess angle is constant. The technological merits of the SPBP were realized through a series of polishing experiments. The results show that the generation of complex 3D-structured surfaces is affected by many factors which include point spacing, track spacing, swing speed, swing angle, head speed, tool pressure, tool radius, feed rate, polishing depth, polishing cloth, polishing strategies, polishing slurry, etc. To better understand and determine the surface generation of complex 3D-structured surfaces by the SPBP method, a multi-scale material removal model and hence a surface generation model have been built for characterizing the tool influence function and predicting the 3D-structured surface generation in SPBP based on the study of contact mechanics, kinematics theory, abrasive wear mechanism, and the convolution of the tool influence function and dwell time map along the swing precess polishing tool path. The predicted results agree reasonably well with the experimental results.  相似文献   

In the computer controlled polishing, a polishing tool moves in a well-defined manner across the workpiece surface in order to individually remove the surface error-profile. The commonly used technique to calculate the moving of the polishing tool is the dwell time method. Based on a constant (time-invariant) removal characteristic of the polishing tool (influence function) the amount of material to be removed is controlled via the dwell time. The longer the polishing tool is in contact with a particular area of the workpiece, the more material is removed at this position.Mathematical basics to calculate dwell time-profiles are shown, and a new approach considering time-variant influence functions for the computer controlled polishing is introduced. The results point out that time-variant influence functions may contribute to further decrease the process time, and thus to make a computer controlled polishing process more efficient. The reduction of the process time was observed to approximately 35% using a combination of the dwell time method with time-variant influence functions.  相似文献   

基于标定和关节空间插值的工业机器人轨迹误差补偿   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
轨迹精度是工业机器人重要的动态性能,目前工业机器人的轨迹精度远低于定位精度,提出一种基于机器人运动学标定和关节空间插值误差补偿的方法来提高机器人轨迹精度。基于MD-H方法建立机器人的运动学模型,在此基础上运用机器人微分运动学理论建立末端位置误差模型和轨迹误差模型。为克服最小二乘法等传统方法在数据噪声较大且不符合高斯分布时收敛慢甚至发散的问题,提出一种基于扩展卡尔曼滤波算法的机器人运动学参数辨识方法,实现运动学参数辨识的快速收敛。经过分析发现机器人误差在关节空间具有连续性的特点,为此提出一种关节空间插值误差补偿方法,建立网格形式的误差补偿数据库,并利用关节空间距离权重函数和已知的网格顶点误差计算各控制点的关节转角误差。通过试验对所提出的参数辨识和关节空间误差补偿方法进行了验证,试验结果表明:经过运动学参数辨识和补偿后机器人的绝对定位精度由1.039 mm提高到0.226 mm,轨迹精度由2.532 mm提高到1.873 mm,应用关节空间插值误差补偿后机器人的轨迹精度进一步提高到1.464 mm。  相似文献   

王东  陶跃珍 《机械传动》2011,35(1):38-41
为了提高连杆机构轨迹再现优化设计精度,连杆轨迹上已知点的位置和数目必须适当.基于此,在连杆预定轨迹上已知离散点位置和数目不变的情况下提出一种新的设计方法,利用MatlabSpline函数对离散点进行三次样条插值,得到预定运动轨迹插值曲线数学模型,在插值曲线上根据函数变化率增加离散点,调用Matlab优化工具箱中的fmi...  相似文献   

前帮机轨迹涂胶系统设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对传统前帮机鞋底上胶存在较大误差的问题,研制了一种以轨迹控制技术为基础的前帮机自动上胶系统,提出了一种同步双喷嘴机构,并对其进行了运动控制。最后,给出了系统的软件设计流程图。实验结果表明,采用自动轨迹涂胶控制的前帮机完成的上胶效果更好,能制作的鞋型种类更丰富,生产效率更高。  相似文献   

High-quality part surfaces with high surface finish and form accuracy are increasingly in demand in the mold/die and optics industries. The computer-controlled polishing (CCP) is commonly used as the final procedure to improve the surface quality. This paper presents a theoretical and experimental study on the polished profile of CCP with sub-aperture pad. A material removal model is proposed based on the evaluation of the amount of material removed from the surface along a direction orthogonal to the tool path. The model assumes that the material removal rate follows the Peterson equation. The distribution of the sliding velocity at the contact region is presented. On the basis above, the approaches to calculate the polished profiles are developed for the sub-aperture pad polishing along a straight path and a curved path. The model is validated by a series of designed polishing experiments, which reveals that polishing normal force, angular spindle velocity, feed rate and polishing path all have effects on the polished profile. The result of experiments demonstrates the capability of the model-based simulation in predicting the polished profile.  相似文献   

以永磁型磁流变抛光机为基础,提出了在光栅式加工轨迹下结合四轴联动机床(不含抛光轮转动轴)和变去除函数实现磁流变抛光技术确定性加工曲面的方法。讨论了曲面上光栅式加工轨迹等面积规划原则和基于矩阵乘积运算的驻留时间求解算法。分析了磁流变四轴联动机床的机械补偿方式,同时以变去除函数模型为基础从算法上实现了机械的剩余补偿。应用以氧化铈为抛光粉的水基磁流液对口径为80mm、曲率半径为800mm的BK7材料凸球面进行了修形验证实验,一次加工(5.5min)后显示:面形误差分布峰谷值(PV)和均方根值(RMS)从117.47nm和22.78nm分别收敛到60.80nm和6.28nm。实验结果表明:结合四轴联动的低自由度机床和变去除函数算法补偿的磁流变加工工艺能够有效地实现球面及低陡度非球面等曲面的高效确定性加工,为磁流变抛光在光学制造中的应用提供了有力的支持。  相似文献   

为了解决具有状态约束的机械臂的控制问题,本文针对一类具有全状态约束和状态不完全可测的切换严格反馈非线性系统进行研究,通过引入状态观测器、自适应神经网络和动态表面控制技术,设计了一种基于径向基函数(RBF)神经网络的自适应输出反馈控制方法。利用Lyapunov方法和平均驻留时间理论(ADT)保证了闭环系统所有信号是半全局一致最终有界的(SGUUB),通过数值例子仿真验证了所提方法的有效性。最后将该方法应用于带电机驱动的机械臂并进行仿真实验,仿真结果表明,机械臂轨迹跟踪误差很小,有着良好的控制精度,同时也表明所提出的控制算法能够应用于实际工程模型。  相似文献   

When a spiral groove is formed using superplastic molding, precision casting, additive manufacturing, or other non?mechanical processing technology, it is diffcult to meet the molding precision required for direct use, and the surface quality and accuracy of the shape need to be improved through a finishing process. In view of the poor reachability of the current tool?based polishing process, a tool?less polishing method using free?abrasive grains for complex spiral grooves is proposed. With this method, by controlling the movement of the workpiece, the design basis and relative motion of the abrasive particles along a helical path remain consistent, resulting in a better polishing profile. A spiral groove of a revolving body is taken as the research object; the influence of the installation method and the position of the parts, as well as the effect of the rotational speed of the abrasive ball on its relative motion along a helical trajectory, are studied, and the polishing cutting process of an abrasive ball is reasonably simplified. A consistent math?ematical model of the trajectory of an abrasive ball relative to the design helix is constructed. The grooved drum parts are verified through a polishing experiment. The spiral groove of the revolving body is modified and polished. Experiments show that the process not only corrects the shape a spiral groove error, but also reduces the surface roughness of a spiral groove. This study provides a theoretical basis for achieving free?abrasive, tool?free polishing.  相似文献   

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