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一、刊登内容有关振动利用、动态测试和故障诊断的标准、测试理论、测试手段的论文和专题报告,包括实验测试技术、测试仪器的研制方法、系统组成、信号分析、数据处理、参数识别、故障诊断以及有关装置的设计、使用、控制、标定和校准等。不拘泥于行业(如机械、交通、农业、生物、能源、航空、航天、航海、建筑、地震等)和测试项  相似文献   

一、刊登内容有关振动利用、动态测试和故障诊断的标准、测试理论、测试手段的论文和专题报告,包括实验测试技术、测试仪器的研制方法、系统组成、信号分析、数据处理、参数识别、故障诊断以及有关装置的设计、使用、控制、标定和校准等。不拘泥于行业(如机械、交通、农业、生物、能源、航空、航天、航海、建筑、地震等)和测试项目如振动、冲击、力位移和噪声等。  相似文献   

随着现代科技成果在行业中的不断应用,五金行业的竞争也越来越激烈。无论想在五金行业的哪一个领域站稳脚跟,都要充分了解市场的发展动态。五金工具包括各种手动、电动、气动、切割工具、汽保工具、农用工具、起重工具、测量工具、工具机械、切削工具、工夹具、刀具、模具、刃具、砂轮、钻头、抛光机、工具配件、量具刃具、磨具磨料等。  相似文献   

《现代科学仪器》是在国家有关领导人和著名科学家的指导和大力支持下诞生的。它是中国科技核心期刊,是国内最重要的以介绍和评论国内外仪器为主的综合性科技期刊。读者对象为各行各业实验室、试验室、研究室应用与维护仪器的科技人员及购置与管理仪器设备的人员;从事高技术及其产品研制生产的科技人员;各级有关管理决策人员;大专院校师生等。涉及物理、化学、生物、医疗卫生、制药、农业、地矿、机械、电子、石油、化工、冶金、能源、交通、环保、建筑、轻工、商检、技术监督等各项科技领域。  相似文献   

机电行业ERP系统的管理分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
机电行业ERP系统包括销售管理、单证管理、销售应收、生产管理、采购管理、采购应付、成本管理、库存管理、技术管理、质量管理、设备管理、人力资源管理、领导查询等模块及模块的一体化.本文界定了ERP系统的管理思想,在分析了机电行业的现状之后,构建了机电行业ERP系统.  相似文献   

孙晓亮 《机械制造》2007,45(6):71-72
电力变压器是电力系统的关键设备.变压器制造质量的好坏、运行维护和检修水平的高低决定了设备的安全和可靠性.因此,设备监理在工作中应制订统一的、可指导开展日常工作的全过程监理技术规范,协助业主对变压器选型、运行维护以及设备报废等全过程进行监督、控制、协调和技术管理工作.电力变压器全过程监理包括设备选型、选厂、合同谈判、设计联络会、监造、运输、现场安装、试验交接等整个过程.  相似文献   

成都永泰制药化工机械厂是专业生产制药机械、化工机械、食品机械成套设备的厂家。其生产的TNG系列多功能提取浓缩回收机组适用于中药、生化、食品等行业的常压、水煎、温浸、强循环渗漉、芳香油提取和有机溶媒回收及提取液、中药、植物、动物、食品、化工液料的浓缩。特别适用于热敏性物料(例如中药生产的水、醇提取液,抗生素发酵液,牛奶、果汁等)在真空低温条件下浓缩,可确保产品质量。也可用于中小药厂、实验工厂、医院、  相似文献   

成都永泰制药化工机械厂是专业生产制药机械、化工机械、食品机械成套设备的厂家。其生产的TNG系列多功能提取浓缩回收机组适用于中药、生化、食品等行业的常压、水煎、温浸、强循环渗漉、芳香油提取和有机溶媒回收及提取液、中药、植物、动物、食品、化工液料的浓缩。特别适用于热敏性物料(例如中药生产的水、醇提取液,抗生素发酵液,牛奶、果汁等)在真空低温条件下浓缩,可确保产品质量。也可用于中小药厂、实验工厂、医院、科研部门新药研制及新工艺提取与浓缩。其  相似文献   

由中国机床工具工业协会主办的第八届中国数控机床展览会(CCMT2014)于2014年2月24~28日在上海新国际博览中心举行。展会的L1、L2、NI、N4馆汇集了来自国内国际的80多家工具生产企业,其中包括国内知名企业如株洲钻石、成都工研所、上工、哈量、哈一工、成量、苏州阿诺、大连远东、大连富士、上海松德,以及国际著名刀具生产企业如伊斯卡、山高、瓦尔特、泰珂洛、尚亚、京瓷、多马、三菱综合材料、普拉米特等,这些刀具企业各自展出了切削工具的新品和精品。  相似文献   

表面焊接技术是现代机械制造、维修业中一种必要的工艺方法,在汽车制造、维修中得到广泛的应用。汽车的发动机、变速箱、车桥、车架、车身及车厢六大总成都离不开焊接技术的应用。在汽车零部件的制造、维修中,点焊、凸焊、缝焊、滚凸焊、焊条电弧焊、CO2气体保护焊、氩弧焊、气焊、钎焊、摩擦焊、电子束焊和激光焊等各种焊接方法中,由于点焊、气体保护焊、钎焊具有生产量大、自动化程度高、高速、低耗、焊接变形小和易操作特点,  相似文献   

The brainstems of frogs contain many of the neurochemicals that are found in mammals. However, the clustering of nuclei near the ventricles makes it difficult to distinguish individual cell groups. We addressed this problem by combining immunohistochemistry with tract tracing and an analysis of cell morphology to localize neuropeptides within the brainstem of Rana pipiens. We injected a retrograde tracer, Fluoro-Gold, into the spinal cord, and, in the same frog, processed adjacent sections for immunohistochemical location of antibodies to the neuropeptides enkephalin (ENK), substance P (SP), and somatostatin (SOM). SOM+ cells were more widespread than cells containing immunoreactivity (ir) to the other substances. Most reticular nuclei in frog brainstem contained ir to at least one of these chemicals. Cells with SOM ir were found in nucleus (n.) reticularis pontis oralis, n. reticularis magnocellularis, n. reticularis paragigantocellularis, n. reticularis dorsalis, the optic tectum, n. interpeduncularis, and n. solitarius. ENK-containing cell bodies were found in n. reticularis pontis oralis, n. reticularis dorsalis, the nucleus of the solitary tract, and the tectum. The midbrain contained most of the SP+ cells. Six nonreticular nuclei (griseum centrale rhombencephali, n. isthmi, n. profundus mesencephali, n. interpeduncularis, torus semicircularis laminaris, and the tectum) contained ir to one or more of the substances but did not project to the spinal cord. The descending tract of V, and the rubrospinal, reticulospinal, and solitary tracts contained all three peptides as did the n. profundus mesencephali, n. isthmi, and specific tectal layers. Because the distribution of neurochemicals within the frog brainstem is similar to that of amniotes, our results emphasize the large amount of conservation of structure, biochemistry, and possibly function that has occurred in the brainstem, and especially in the phylogenetically old reticular formation.  相似文献   

刘进  景作军 《机械》2011,38(6):24-29
在汽车车体构件制造中的辊弯成型工艺应用项目研究中,利用大型非线性有限元分析软件MSC.Marc研究了汽车B柱变截面辊弯成型仿真的有限元建模方法,主要包括板料模型和成型辊模型的建立、单元选择、边界条件、各种参数的设置及成型辊的速度加载等内容,然后采用刚性轧辊沿板料长度方向平动的方式对板料成型过程进行仿真模拟,分析了板料在...  相似文献   

设计了一个简易多功能计数器,由89C52单片机控制。配合相应的测量电路以及相应的软件,实现对频率、周期和时间间隔,被测信号峰值、温度等的测量,可记录10个历史数据,且具有掉电保持功能。其主要电路包括电平电路、时基电路、测频电路、测周电路、测温电路,键盘输入电路,显示电路等,信号输入后先自动判断频率的范围,然后选择需要的测量电路.通过单片机对数据进行处理,在误差允许的范围内显示各个测量值。  相似文献   

罗伏隆 《衡器》2014,(9):48-52
优秀企业的成长、发展、壮大,与其优秀的"企业文化"建设不无关系。任何企业都是有文化的,不存在没有文化的组织,只有不同文化的组织。衡量企业文化的标准,只有显著程度、优劣和现实性,而不是有或无。只要有人群存在,他们的行为就构成一定的文化。企业老板,是企业文化的倡导者和缔造者。老板对企业文化建设的影响很大。"老板文化"是"企业文化"的奠基石。因此,企业要创建优秀的企业文化,企业领导层首先要有优秀的"老板文化"。而随着企业的发展,企业所有员工共同参与讨论并提炼企业文化,逐步走向民主与开放。这时的企业文化更多的融入了集体的智慧,老板文化的作用会逐渐减小,所以企业文化又不单是老板文化。  相似文献   

Ф130mm扩孔钻热处理后批量产品从刃部开裂,原材料存在带状组织和网状组织,淬火晶粒度高达8.5-8#;同时生产中没有进行有效的生产管理,工件冷至室温并在室温下停留;产品设计存在尖角等,是造成产品开裂的主要原因。通过调整淬火温度,控制冷却终温,改进设计,加强生产管理可以有效地控制开裂现象。  相似文献   

V形内锥流量计关键参数对流出系数的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
徐英  于中伟  张涛  李刚 《机械工程学报》2008,44(12):105-111
将计算流体动力学仿真试验和实流物理试验相结合,剖析V形内锥流量计的流出系数特性,探索不同等效直径比β、前后锥角以及雷诺数等对流出系数的影响规律。湍流模型为RNG k-ε模型。针对100 mm口径,设计了β值分别为0.50、0.65、0.85,前锥角分别为40º、45º、50º,后锥角分别为120º、130º、140º,共27种组合的V形内锥体,仿真介质为水,温度为293 K。经过数值模拟试验,获得了27条内锥流量计流出系数特性曲线。为进一步验证仿真试验结果,在已有实流试验系统的基础上,建立针对V形内锥流量计的专用自动标定平台。两类试验数据比较发现:内锥流量计的流出系数不仅和雷诺数有关,还与等效直径比β及前后锥角相关。首先,β值越大,流出系数越小,且β值越大,流出系数更易受雷诺数的影响;其次,β值相同时,前锥角对流出系数具有决定性的影响,而后锥角对流出系数的线性度具有一定程度的影响;第三,较大的前锥角可减弱雷诺数对流出系数的影响。数值模拟试验预测平均误差约5%,最大值小于10%。  相似文献   

To realize the technology of fabricating the rheologic semi-solid slurry of ZL112Y aluminum alloy via continues electromagnetic stirring process, ANSYS software was used to simulate electromagnetic force field and fluid velocity field in the alloy melt in a crucible tube in three coils. In the first section of the paper, eletromagnetic force field and fluid velocity field caused by single coil were simulated. The result of this simulation gives an average velocity of 3.2 cm/s and it is called critical velocity because a fluid velocity over it will cause a fine and spherical structure of solid primary a in a semi-solid melt. And, from this result, a reasonable temperature of semi-solid of the alloy and an electrical current intensity were established. The electrical current intensity of the result of this simulation corresponded to the current intensity used in a practice experiment, in which the primary α was obviously refined and sphericized. Based on this simulation of single coil electromagnetic stirring, in the second section of the paper, eletromagnetic force field and fluid velocity field caused by three coils were simulated. The result of the simulation shows that, 1) there is a semi-solid zone of 32 mm from bottom of the crucible tube to the upper; 2) the electrical current intensities of three coils of 400 A, 600 A, and 400 A, which were set to top range, middle range and bottom range of the tube, respectively, were the optimum parameters of electromagnetic current intensity under the condition of this investigation; and 3) under effect of these electromagnetic current intensity, the fluid velocities of the melt in the tube were 6.3 cm/s in top range, 3.75 cm/s in middle range, and 3.9 cm/s in bottom range of it, respectively.  相似文献   


Bottled water brands, consisting of both local and imported types, collected from Doha city, Qatar, were evaluated for their suitability for human consumption. Water quality constituents that were analyzed include trihalomethanes (THM) by GC‐ECD, turbidity, TDS, total hardness, total alkalinity, pH, EC, major anions by IC, and major cations and trace metals by ICP‐MS. The data obtained were compared with the WHO and the USEPA drinking water standards. As, Se, Ba, and Cu were undetected in all water samples. The levels of potential toxic metals in the studied brands were generally low, except for three brands that had Cd and Pb which exceeded the WHO limits. Fluoride was generally present in all bottled water brands at levels less than the lower optimum level. The reported data for pH, turbidity, TDS, EC, alkalinity, hardness, major anions, and major cations were generally in compliance with the WHO and the USEPA standards, with exception of five brands, where the levels of TDS, EC, F, and NO3 exceeded the WHO recommended limits. Also, it was found that the concentrations of NO3 F, Fe, Cr, Zn, and Pb were higher in the local brands. The levels of Cd, Mn, Ca, Mg, EC, alkalinity, SO4, TDS, THM, and hardness were higher in the domestic brands, when compared to the imported ones. The levels of Cl, pH, turbidity, and Na in the domestic brands were comparable to imported ones. Three THM were found in 29% of water samples with three brands having CHCl2Br and CHCl3 levels exceeding the WHO standards.

Comparison of the results of this study with the reported label values of both domestic and imported bottled water showed good agreement with pH and K values, but significant variation for Ca, Mg, F, NO3, and SO4 in the imported brands and relatively low variation in the domestic brands. The results of chemical analysis of SRM 1460, trace elements in water, were generally in good agreement with NIST certified values.  相似文献   

Materials with high hardness, strength or plasticity have been widely used in the fields of aviation, aerospace, and military, among others. However, the poor machinability of these materials leads to large cutting forces, high cutting temperatures, serious tool wear, and chip adhesion, which affect machining quality. Low-temperature plasma contains a variety of active particles and can effectively adjust material properties, including hardness, strength, ductility, and wettability, significantly improving material machinability. In this paper, we first discuss the mechanisms and applications of low-temperature plasma-assisted machining. After introducing the characteristics, classifications, and action mechanisms of the low-temperature plasma, we describe the effects of the low-temperature plasma on different machining processes of various difficult-to-cut materials. The low-temperature plasma can be classified as hot plasma and cold plasma according to the different equilibrium states. Hot plasma improves material machinability via the thermal softening effect induced by the high temperature, whereas the main mechanisms of the cold plasma can be summarized as chemical reactions to reduce material hardness, the hydrophilization effect to improve surface wettability, and the Rehbinder effect to promote fracture. In addition, hybrid machining methods combining the merits of the low-temperature plasma and other energy fields like ultrasonic vibration, liquid nitrogen, and minimum quantity lubrication are also described and analyzed. Finally, the promising development trends of low-temperature plasma-assisted machining are presented, which include more precise control of the heat-affected zone in hot plasma-assisted machining, cold plasma-assisted polishing of metal materials, and further investigations on the reaction mechanisms between the cold plasma and other materials.  相似文献   

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