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南水北调中线总干渠无在线调蓄水库,对藻类生态调度过程中出现的问题开展生态调度实现策略和实施方式研究。主要实现策略包括:划定自身的调蓄区,隔离生态调度对下游的影响;采用高效的渠池运行方式,减少生态调度时蓄量的反复调整;综合考虑安全、快速、平稳等需求,设定生态调度实施进程和方式。具体实施方式包括:将总干渠划分为流速调控区、调蓄区和正常运行区,分别实施等体积、控制蓄量和闸前常水位方式运行;将生态调度过程划分为充水阶段和泄水阶段,基于流速调控目标值、持续时长和水位降幅约束条件,确定各阶段时长和各分区的闸门群调控方案等。基于2018年3月输水工况,采用明渠一维非恒定流模型,仿真总干渠上游15个渠池的藻类生态调度过程。结果表明,生态调度可在3.5 d内完成,各渠池的平均流速由0.48 m/s增至0.93 m/s,持续时间超过2 h。在整个生态调度过程中,水位变化平稳,水位变幅符合安全阈值要求,下游渠道的正常运行未受生态调度明显影响。  相似文献   
In view of the problems in the construction of characteristic professional groups in higher vocational colleges, the professional group of "intelligent manufacturing" is taken as the research object, and the "platform + module" suitable for the development of the industry will be constructed according to the content of the vocational ability planning courses of the post group. The curriculum system establishes the framework of professional groups, and explores and forms a strategic study to optimize and integrate professional group resources.  相似文献   
In this paper, a nonconforming finite element method (NFEM) is proposed for the constrained optimal control problems (OCPs) governed by a bilinear state equation. The state and adjoint state are approximated by the nonconforming EQ1rot element, and the control is approximated by the orthogonal projection through the state and adjoint state. Some superclose and superconvergence properties are obtained by full use of the distinguish characters of this EQ1rot element, such as the interpolation operator equals the Ritz projection, and the consistency error is one order higher than its interpolation error in the broken energy norm. Finally, some numerical results are provided to verify the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   
The effects of Sr2+ substitution for Ba2+ on microwave dielectric properties and crystal structure of Ba3-xSrx(VO4)2 (0 ≤ x ≤ 3, BSVO) solid solution were investigated. Such Sr2+ substitution contributes to significant reduction in sintering temperature from 1400 °C to 1150 °C. Both permittivity (r) and quality factor (Q × f) values decreased with increasing x value, which was determined to be related with the descending values of average polarizability and packing fraction, whereas the increase in τf value was explained by the decreased average VO bond length, A-site bond valence. BSVO ceramics possessed encouraging dielectric performances with r = 12.2–15.6 ± 0.1, Q × f = 44,340 - 62,000 ± 800 GHz, and τf = 24.5–64.5 ± 0.2 ppm/°C. Low-temperature sintering was manipulated by adding B2O3 as sintering additive for the representative Sr3V2O8 (SVO) ceramic and only 1 wt.% B2O3 addition successfully contributed to a 21.7% decrease in sintering temperature to 900 °C, showing good chemical compatibility with silver electrodes, which render BSVO series and SVO ceramics potential candidates in multilayer electronic devices fabrication.  相似文献   
本文介绍了一种高准确度质量法液体流量标准装置的设计方法,为对市场中出现的高准确度科里奥利质量流量计的量值传递提供了可能。文中介绍了装置设计过程中,为提高装置准确度用到的电动换向、衡器自校准、蒸馏水代替自来水等方法。试验证明,上述方法的应用使装置达到了预期的不确定度水平。文章还着重介绍了高准确度静态质量法液体流量标准装置不确定度的评价要点,对装置的不确定度水平进行了评定。  相似文献   
王雅刚  白林  苏运河 《玻璃》2006,33(2):28-30
分析总结了几种常见配合料加水系统及其特点,并结合生产实际提出了不同系统的利弊和使用要点.  相似文献   
伍子英 《玻璃》2006,33(3):20-21,25
由于种种原因,硅质挂钩砖在烤窑过程中经常出现炸裂,给窑炉的安全使用留下重大隐患.结合在烤窑过程中的体会对此进行一些简要的分析探讨,并提出预防措施和出现问题后的补救办法.  相似文献   
综放开采最大导水裂隙带高度的应力法预测   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
在重点模拟大采高条件下覆岩低抗拉特性的基础上,建立了“大采高FEM-NTA耦合模型”.选择了合适的屈服准则、流动法则及应力应变本构关系,综合优选输入参数,于淮南矿务局新集矿实施了该“耦合模型”.预测裂采比为10.60~10.85倍.经钻探验证,取得了较为理想的预测精度.  相似文献   
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