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幽门螺杆菌长期感染小鼠腺胃模型的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
取Ⅱ级C57BL/6小鼠及Ⅲ级BALB/c小鼠各40只,随机分为两组。实验组接种Hp(SydneyStrain1,SS1)菌液0.4ml/只(约109/ml),连续5次,1周完成,而对照组则不作相应处理。距最后一次接种4、8、12及24周(BALB/c16周)分别处死两组动物各5只。取胃粘膜组织分别进行尿素酶试验、Hp培养、改良Gimesa染色和HE染色来评价SS1在不同品系动物的定植及病理组织学改变。结果4周时所有实验组动物胃窦、胃体Hp检查均阳性,SS1主要定植于胃窦的胃小凹及腺腔,胃体较少;定植量随感染时间的延长有增加的趋势,至24周时仍有明显定植;C57BL/6小鼠定植量高于BALB/c小鼠,对照组动物未有Hp定植。病理组织学检查,在4周时各组动物均未见炎症反应,从第8周至24周(BALB/c16周)两品系小鼠的胃窦及胃体均出现轻至中度慢性活动性胃炎改变,但C57BL6/小鼠的炎症细胞浸润较BALB/c小鼠重。在本实验周期未见有萎缩性炎症改变,对照组动物未见有炎症反应。说明SS1Hp可长期定植于BALB/c及C57BL/6小鼠腺胃,引起慢性活动性胃炎改变。  相似文献   

目的 研究HpaA-VacA IgY对小鼠幽门螺杆菌(Helicobacter pylori,H.pylori)胃内定植及引起炎症的预防作用,为制备集预防和治疗H.pylori感染为一体的IgY制剂奠定基础。方法将BALB/c小鼠随机分为阳性对照组、阴性对照组、感染预防组和炎症预防组,阳性对照组灌喂含108 cfu/ml H.pylori的菌液;阴性对照组灌喂布氏肉汤代替H.pylori菌液;感染预防组灌喂不同剂量的IgY后,再灌喂同等剂量的菌液;炎症预防组灌喂同等剂量的菌液后,再灌喂不同剂量的IgY。通过胃黏膜H.pylori培养和组织切片染色镜检观察H.pylori定植及炎症反应程度。结果 HpaA-VacA IgY剂量为6 mg/只时,对H.pylori感染的预防率为88.9%,预防效果较好,当HpaA-VacA IgY的剂量为8 mg/只时,能完全预防H.pylori感染及其所引起的胃黏膜炎症。结论小鼠口服HpaA-VacA IgY具有预防和治疗H.pylori感染的作用,可用于制备防治H.pylori感染的口服制剂。  相似文献   

目的以金黄地鼠作为动物模型,评价不同种类狂犬病疫苗在暴露后免疫中的保护效果。方法将不同类型狂犬病疫苗分别免疫两组金黄地鼠,一组为未感染过病毒的健康动物(Pr EP),另一组为感染过CVS株的动物(PEP),免疫后不同时间点通过心脏穿刺采血,RFFIT法测定血清抗体效价。对PEP组动物同时观察其死亡情况,分析各动物抗体水平与保护效果的相关性。另以4.0 lg MICLD_(50)/ml的CVS狂犬病固定毒株感染金黄地鼠左腿腓肠肌,每只0.2 ml,6 h后开始以不同类型狂犬病疫苗按0、3、7、14 d程序免疫,观察疫苗对动物的保护效果。结果暴露后免疫组(PEP)的血清抗体可在第4天出现阳性,第5天达100%,以后持续维持较高水平。未感染的暴露前免疫(Pr EP)动物的抗体水平从第4天开始一直较PEP组低。但PEP组中不同疫苗免疫的各动物中均观察到免疫后第4天及以后的抗体水平与最终该动物的发病死亡无相关性。高效价人用狂犬病疫苗的免疫保护率为80%,但疫苗原液分别稀释2倍和5倍后,保护率分别降至30%和20%。疫苗加PIKA佐剂作相同倍数稀释后,保护率可达80%,疫苗联合使用免疫球蛋白,暴露后保护率可达100%,未免疫的感染对照组动物的死亡率在90%左右。结论以金黄地鼠作为狂犬病暴露后免疫的动物模型可对不同质量疫苗作出有效评价。疫苗的效价与暴露后免疫中的保护作用有相关性,疫苗联合使用免疫球蛋白注射是最佳的暴露后免疫方案;PIKA佐剂在降低疫苗抗原量的同时提高了疫苗的保护作用;暴露后抗体水平未显示与保护效果具有相关性。  相似文献   

为了探讨腐植酸钠对生长猪免疫力的影响,选择24头体重为(26.18±1.32)kg的健康生长猪,随机分成2组,每组12头,一组设为试验组,另一组设为对照组。试验组连续灌喂10ml/kg的腐植酸钠(腐植酸钠总含量100mg/kg)10d后,测定T淋巴细胞Ea花环形成率和B淋巴细胞EAC花环形成率。结果表明:灌喂腐植酸钠的健康生长猪的Ea花环形成率明显高于对照组,差异显著(P<0.05);灌喂腐植酸钠的健康生长猪的EAC花环形成率明显高于对照组,差异极显著(P<0.01),表明灌喂腐植酸钠的生长猪机体的免疫水平明显提高。  相似文献   

上海石化总厂化工二厂电渗析制水装置于1975年建成投入试运行以来已有12年时间。经过不断的摸索和改进,使制水装置能正常运行,制水能力达200~300 t/h。一、良好的原水预处理系统是保证装置正常运行的先决条件在电渗析制水装置筹建初期,对原水预处理认识不足,只设置了原始的蝶式过滤器,造成试车时不能正常运行(运行周期只有20~50天)。为此,我们重新建设了原水预处理系统,  相似文献   

本文采用沉淀法制备了钇掺杂的ZrO2粉体材料,研究了Y2O3含量、溶剂中乙醇和水的体积比、反应温度及锻烧温度不同时对制备钇掺杂的ZrO2粉体的影响.在本实验中得出制各Y2O3掺杂ZrO2的的最优化条件为:3%摩尔含量的Y2O3,pH.9,乙醇与水的体积比为0.2.50℃下反应2h,50℃煅烧3h。通过XRD图表明未掺杂的ZrO2的物相为单斜相,Y2O3杂ZrO2的物相为单斜和四方相共存。  相似文献   

高淑彬  安丽  李丽  梁震  刘瑛 《农药》2000,39(8):18-18
本试验以豚鼠为实验动物,进行了90%杀鼠新原药皮肤致敏试验。试验采用斑贴法,使用豚鼠50只,雄雌各半,试验共分4组;第1、2组为受试致敏组和对照组(凡士林),均为20只动物,第3、4组为阳性物致敏组和对照组(80%乙醇),均为5只动物。剂量设计为第1、2组致敏及激发浓度均为50%,第3、4组致敏及激发浓度分别为0.2%和0.05%的2,4-二硝基氯苯。试验期间对各受试动物的一般状态,给药部位的皮肤  相似文献   

目的建立豚鼠感染EB病毒(Epstein-Barr virus,EBV)动物模型,分析EBV对豚鼠的易感性。方法将EBV经鼻腔和口腔感染豚鼠,建立感染EBV动物模型。提取分离的豚鼠淋巴细胞总RNA,巢式PCR法检测EBNA1及BcLF1基因mRNA的表达水平;ELISA法检测豚鼠血清中抗EBV IgG抗体水平的变化。取豚鼠肝脏、肺、脾脏、腮腺进行病理分析。结果10只模型组豚鼠中有6只检测到BcLF1基因mRNA的表达,其中有4只同时检测到了EBNA1和BcLF1基因mRNA的表达;经双酶切及测序鉴定,扩增的EBNA1及BcLF1基因大小与预期相符。10只豚鼠血清中VCA IgG和EBNA-IgG抗体水平均有所升高。模型组中有5只豚鼠的肝脏、肺、脾脏、腮腺的组织发生不同程度的病变。结论豚鼠可作为EBV感染动物模型的备选动物。  相似文献   

赵海珍  胡珊  张志祥  梁明龙  徐汉虹 《农药》2006,45(1):59-60,63
双三氟虫脲(bistrifluron)是新型昆虫生长调节剂,对小菜蛾幼虫具有优良的毒杀活性。处理后96、120h,双三氟虫脲对小菜蛾3龄幼虫的LC50值分别为149.78、86.73μg/ml。药后1、3、5、7d,50μg/ml的双三氟虫脲乳油对小菜蛾幼虫的防效分别为7.34%、51.48%、61.12%和86.31%;100μg/ml浓度时防效分别为21.92%、56.22%、79.02%、90.18%;200mg/ml浓度时防效分别为31.53%、76.32%、82.69%和96.07%。  相似文献   

免疫原性是rhuEPO临床前研究主要内容之一,通过动物试验,对国产rhuEPO进行研究,推测出rhuEPO在人体使用是否会引起过敏反应。将60只豚鼠按性别随机分成5组,每组12只,雌雄各半。给每组皮下注射相应受试物,0.5ml/只,隔日1次,连续3次。于第1次皮下注射后的第14天和第21天,用与前3次皮下注射相同的受试物进行静脉攻击,2ml/只。从两次静脉攻击结果看,阳性对照组出现强过敏反应,所有动物均死亡。赋型剂组和成品组动物均出现不同程度的过敏反应。这是因为rhuEPf)成品和赋型剂均含有10mg/nil人血白蛋白,过敏反应是由人血白蛋…  相似文献   

We examined the efficacy of auraptene (AUR), an antioxidant agent of a citrus coumarin derivative, for suppressing gastric inflammation introduced by Helicobacter pylori (Hp) infection in Mongolian gerbils (MGs). Hp-infected MGs were placed on diets containing 100 or 500 ppm AUR for 7 weeks. Real-time PCR was used to estimate the Hp population in glandular stomach lesions, and a histological assessment of inflammation was performed. At a dose of 500 ppm, AUR reduced the Hp population to 21.9+/-12.0% of the control group (p<0.05). However, no apparent differences were seen in hematoxylin and eosin sections between AUR-administered and control groups. We conclude that dietary supplementation with 500 ppm of AUR suppresses Hp colonization, but does not reduce gastric inflammation.  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to investigate the potential suitability of the Mongolian gerbil as a useful animal model to study the effects of dietary fats on plasma cholesterol levels. Semipurified diets containing either 20% lard, 20% safflower oil, or 19.5% beef tallow +0.5% safflower oil were equalized to contain 0.01% cholesterol and 0.05% plant sterol and were fed for a four week experimental period. The proportions of total calories contributed by fat, protein and carbohydrate (starch/sucrose ratio of 2∶1) were 40, 14 and 46%, respectively, so as to approach the distribution of calories within the average North American diet. Free, esterified, and total plasma cholesterol levels of male gerbils were determined weekly by gas liquid chromatography after drawing blood via a serial sampling technique. After 1, 2, 3, and 4 weeks of feeding the experimental diets, total cholesterol levels were lowest in the safflower oil fed animals; the corresponding values were 19–64% greater in gerbils fed lard and 68–91% greater in those consuming the beef tallow diet. Cholesterol in the free form generally responded more dramatically to the type of dietary lipid than did cholesterol in the ester form. Irrespective of the type of dietary lipid or the length of the feeding trial, 18–23% of the total plasma cholesterol was in the free form and 77–82% was present as the ester. In view of the similarity to the human of the relative proportions of free versus esterified cholesterol, the type of cholesteryl esters, and their response to dietary manipulation, the gerbil appears to be a useful animal model for studying the regulatory effect of dietary lipid on plasma cholesterol levels. Presented in part at the A.O.C.S. Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, May 1979.  相似文献   

Guerbet十四醇的合成与表征   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
以正庚醇为原料 ,通过Guerbet反应合成Guerbet十四醇 (2 戊基壬醇 ,C14 GA)。用IR、NMR和元素分析测定了C14 GA的结构 ,并研究了反应温度和用料比对其产率的影响。实验结果如下 :(1)在较优化的反应条件下 (正庚醇的总加入量为 1mol,在实验过程中 ,先加入 1/ 3mol庚醇和 1/ 4mol的KOH ,在 16 0℃下反应 2h ,然后再加入剩下的 2 / 3mol庚醇和 4g 5 %Pd -C催化剂 ,在 15 5℃下反应 6h)合成产物 ,其产率可达到 5 4 2 0 % ;(2 )所合成的产物与试图要得到的Guerbet十四醇 (2 戊基壬醇 ,C14 GA)含有相同的基团 (2×—CH3、10×—CH2 —、1×CH、1×—CH2 —O—和 1×—OH) ,而且 ,所合成的产物中 ,w (C) =79 0 6 % ,w (H ) =13 6 2 % ,与从Guerbet十四醇分子式计算的理论值w(C) =78 5 0 % ,w (H) =14 0 1%基本一致。可见所合成的产物正是Guerbet十四醇 (C14 GA)  相似文献   

Conde K  Roy S  Freake HC  Newton RS  Fernandez ML 《Lipids》1999,34(12):1327-1332
The effects of atorvastatin and simvastatin on hydroxy methylglutary (HMG)-CoA reductase activity and mRNA abundance were studied in guinea pigs randomized to three groups: untreated animals and those treated with 20 mg/kg of atorvastatin or simvastatin. Guinea pigs were fasted for 0, 6, 12, or 18 h in an attempt to remove the drug from their systems. Reductase activity and mRNA levels were analyzed after each time point. Reductase inhibitor treatment resulted in 50–60% lower cholesterol concentrations compared to untreated guinea pigs (P<0.0001), while plasma triacylglycerol (TAG) concentrations did not differ among groups. Plasma cholesterol and TAG were 50–70% lower after 18 h fasting in the three groups (P<0.001). In the nonfasting state, simvastatin and atorvastatin treatment did not affect HMG-CoA reductase activity compared with untreated animals. However, after 6 h of fasting, simvastatin-treated guinea pigs had higher HMG-CoA reductase activity than untreated animals (P<0.01), suggesting that the drug had been removed from the enzyme. In contrast, atorvastatin-treated guinea pigs maintained low enzyme activity even after 18 h of fasting. Further, HMG-CoA reductase mRNA abundance was increased by sevenfold after atorvastatin treatment and by twofold after simvastatin treatment (P<0.01). These results suggest that sinvastatin and atorvastatin have different half-lives, which may affect HMG-CoA reductase mRNA levels. The increase in reductase activity by simvastatin during fasting could be related to an effect of this statin in stabilizing the enzyme. In contrast, atorvastatin, possibly due to its longer half-life, prolonged inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase activity and resulted in a greater increase in mRNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The prevalence of gastric Helicobacter pylori (Hp) infection is ~50% of the world population. However, how Hp infection influences inflammatory bowel disease in humans is not fully defined. In this study, we examined whether co-infection with Hp influenced Helicobacter hepaticus (Hh)–induced intestinal pathology in Rag2−/− mice. Rag2−/− mice of both sexes were infected with Hh, of which a subgroup was followed by infection with Hp two weeks later. Co-infected males, but not females, had significantly higher total colitis index scores in the colon at both 10 and 21 weeks post-Hh infection (WPI) and developed more severe dysplasia at 21 WPI compared with mono-Hh males. There were no significant differences in colonization levels of gastric Hp and colonic Hh between sexes or time-points. In addition, mRNA levels of colonic Il-1β, Ifnγ, Tnfα, Il-17A, Il-17F, Il-18, and Il-23, which play important roles in the development and function of proinflammatory innate lymphoid cell groups 1 and 3, were significantly up-regulated in the dually infected males compared with mono-Hh males at 21 WPI. These data suggest that concomitant Hp infection enhances the inflammatory responses in the colon of-Hh-infected Rag2−/− males, which results in more severe colitis and dysplasia.  相似文献   

目的:通过正交试验法考察利咽喷雾膜剂的醇沉工艺。方法:以绿原酸、甘草酸单铵盐和干膏收率的综合指标作为考核指标,通过L9(3^4)正交试验设计考察醇沉的工艺条件,确定利咽喷雾膜剂的最佳醇沉工艺。结果:醇沉工艺影响因素大小依次是:考察药液/药材(A)〉醇浓度(B)〉醇沉时间(C),最佳醇沉工艺条件为A3B1C1,即药液/药材(A)1.25mL/g,醇浓度50%,醇沉时间12,h。结论筛选出最佳的醇沉工艺。  相似文献   

木薯酒精渣的处置是制约木薯燃料乙醇大规模产业化的问题之一。本文立足于探索木薯酒精渣利用途径,分析了木薯酒精渣的主要成分,对比了氨水、氢氧化钠、氨水组合稀硫酸3种预处理方式对于木薯酒精渣纤维素和木素含量及纤维素酶水解效率的影响,分析了处理前后木薯酒精渣的表面结构及纤维素结晶度,并以氨水处理后的木薯酒精渣为底物,进行了同步糖化发酵。结果表明,3种预处理方法中组合预处理能更好地增加纤维素含量和提高纤维素酶水解效率,与未处理原料相比,组合预处理后纤维素含量增加了111.26%,木素下降了35.05%,酶水解72h纤维素转化率从42.10%增加到61.71%。氨水预处理后,原料的木素含量降低,处理后木薯酒精渣的表面变得更加粗糙,纤维素结晶度有所增加,以氨水处理后的木薯酒精渣为底物进行分批补料同步糖化发酵,当初始底物浓度为100.0g/L,分别在20h、40h、60h进行补料至最终底物浓度为400.0g/L时,发酵120h乙醇浓度达到51.0g/L。  相似文献   

D. B. Andersen  B. J. Holub 《Lipids》1985,20(3):167-172
The influence of dietary cholesterol on the relative rates of synthesis of hepatic lipids in the male Mongolian gerbil,Meriones unguiculatus, was studied. The semi-purified starch-based diet used lard as the dietary fat and was fed with or without a 0.5% (by wt.) cholesterol supplement. Each animal received 300 μCi [2-3H]-glycerol i.p. after 3 or 7 days on the dietary regimens. Relative rates of [2-3H]-glycerol incorporation into the major hepatic glycerides in vivo was not affected significantly by dietary cholesterol (0.5% level), suggesting that alteration in the relative biosynthesis of these lipids could not readily account for the higher triglyceride (TG) to phospholipid (PL) mass ratio in liver with cholesterol feeding. However, there was evidence for an increased formation of 1,2-diglyceride (1,2-DG). The complement of molecular species of hepatic 1,2-DG, phosphatidylcholine (PC), and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) formed de novo, as measured using isotopic glycerol, was not influenced greatly by dietary cholesterol, although lower mean rates of synthesis of tetraenoic relative to dienoic species of phospholipids were indicated in cholesterol-fed gerbils.  相似文献   

TMAHP derivatives were prepared by the reaction of beech sawdust with CHMAC in alkaline medium. The examination of the reaction conditions showed that the most suitable molar ratio was NaOH/CHMAC = 1.8 (1 ml 17.5% NaOH/1 mL 50% CHMAC). At this ratio the maximum degree of substitution expressed by the exchange capacity of 0.35 mmol/g of modified sawdust was obtained by using 1.5–2mL of 50% aqueous solution of CHMAC/g sawdust. The optimal reaction time at 60°C was 2 h. This condition gave yields of modified sawdust above 90% and soluble derivatives mainly consisting of hemicelluloses up to 12%.  相似文献   

Molasses, a sugar cane by-product, has been consumed in Brazil since colonial times. The efficacy of molasses added to the diet of normal and depleted laboratory animals on growth and hemoglobin was tested. Forty weaning males rats, of 21 days of age, were divided into four groups of ten animals: Control (casein diet with 10.14% protein); Molasses (casein diet with 10.14% protein and 12.50% molasses); Depleted Control and Depleted Molasses, the later two submitted to protein depletion for the first 7 days of the trial. Animals were weighed at weaning (initial weight) and at the end of the experiment (final weight) and were fed the experimental rations and water ad libitum for 28 days (normal animals) and 21 days (depleted animals). Consumption was registered in order to calculate the Food Efficiency Ratio. At the end, animals fasted for 10 hours, killed and blood was collected by cardiac puncture to determine hemoglobin levels. Weight gain in all groups did not show statistically significant differences. Molasses fed animals presented a small, but not significant increase in hemoglobin levels, compared to the control groups. Considering the possible deleterious effects of a high sugar diet, that can originate furfural during food processing, it is necessary to conduct more studies to evaluate the utilization of these products for human consumption.  相似文献   

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