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随着经济和社会的发展,现代建筑特别是商业建筑的用电负荷越来越大。建筑用电指标的选择和配电系统的合理配置对建筑节能来说变得越来越重要。结合工程案例并参考相关资料,对现代商业建筑的用电负荷进行了探讨,论述了商业建筑用电指标取值及配电系统配置的一些特点和难点。  相似文献   

建筑节能的根本目标是为了降低建筑使用过程中的能源消耗,并减少建筑用电对电力系统造成的负担,因此,我们应该从建筑用电负荷和累计耗电两个角度出发,并将其作为建筑节能工作的唯一判断准则。同时,建筑整个开发过程涉及项目立项、设计、采购、施工、运行等多个阶段,各阶段已知的信息及关注的内容各不相同,因此在保证节能目标一致性的前提下,对项目各阶段应该采用不同的控制手段。清华大学与招商地产合作,尝试建立针对华南地区公共建筑的能耗指标体系,并以此为准则研究建筑在实际工程应用中的全过程节能管理方法,以促进以能耗指标为导向的建筑节能标准体系的建立。  相似文献   

董红霞 《山西建筑》2009,35(6):246-247
从建筑围护结构、建筑采暖系统、建筑给排水系统、建筑照明用电系统及用电设备、自然能源的利用等方面阐述了目前晋城市的建筑节能现状及存在的问题,同时提出了相应的建议,从而推动建筑节能工作的发展。  相似文献   

建筑节能是国家实施节能减排战略的重要组成部分,具有节能潜力大、涉及面广、关系民生的特点。我国的建筑节能工作经过数年的推进,取得了长足的进步。自2005年开始建立建筑节能专项检查制度,建筑节能指标逐年提高,施工阶段贯彻节能强制性指标增长迅速,建筑节能工作卓有成效。本文通过总结我国建筑节能工作的经验和教训,提出应在加大各级财政激励政策的情况下,不断推进各项节能工作,并着力抓好北方地区既有居住建筑供热计量及节能改造这一重点,同时全力推进太阳能光电建筑等可再生能源建筑的应用,从而加快我国建筑节能和绿色建筑发展步伐。  相似文献   

刘鸣 《暖通空调》2012,42(12):21-26
以德国节能建筑法规和能效标识为参考,对我国现有建筑节能标准及其内容进行了分析,提出了一些需要完善和改进的意见。建筑节能必须用全年的时间段来分析,才能得出完整、正确的结论;我国建筑能耗的考核统计应全面、规范,除了应有建筑供暖空调能耗限制,也应对建筑的用电、生活热水的能耗和设备、系统效率纳入考核;我国的建筑除了应制定出基本的强制性标准外,还应制定出中、高级的不同等级的建筑节能标准;我国既有建筑的节能工作应加强建筑的气密性、热桥、自然通风与热回收等环节。  相似文献   

实施建筑节能对实现"十一五"期间万元GDP能耗下降20%贡献率有多大,是推进建筑节能工作中的重要问题,对建筑节能目标和措施的制定具有重要的意义.该文主要通过采信法定机构发布的统计数据,设定"十一五"期间重庆市建筑节能工作情景,分析测算了重庆市"十一五"期间建筑能耗发展情况、建筑能耗及节能量指标,测算结果表明重庆市"十一五"建筑节能对重庆市2010年实现万元GDP能耗比"十五"期末降低20%以上目标的贡献率为15.5%.  相似文献   

商业建筑的空调系统能耗指标分析   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
薛志峰  江亿 《暖通空调》2005,35(1):37-41
在商业建筑能耗调查统计数据的基础上,分析了目前国内商业建筑节能工作中存在的问题,结合国外的商业建筑能耗指标研究方法,提出了建立我国的商业建筑能耗指标体系的构想和激励推动机制。  相似文献   

LEED-NC是美国建筑绿色评价体系,适用于新建建筑和旧建筑重大改造项目。以该体系中建筑节能评价指标为研究对象,在建立LEED-NC4.0版本和LEED-NC2009版本相关评价指标对应关系的基础上,对新旧版本中建筑节能评价指标进行了对比分析,总结LEED-NC4.0在建筑节能评价方面的变化,包括进一步降低建筑的运行能耗、加强性能计量、注重系统调试、鼓励智能电网计数的应用,并对LEED-NC建筑节能评价指标的发展趋势进行了分析。通过分析,加深对LEED-NC建筑节能评价的理解,为我国绿色建筑评价标准的发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

节能建筑评价指标体系初探   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
在各国的标准和规范中,节能建筑的评价指标主要分为规定性指标和性能化指标两大类。本文分别阐述了这两类指标的概念,重点介绍了目前已有的几种典型的节能建筑性能化评价指标和方法,并分析了各自的特点。此外,还简单介绍了我国既有建筑节能设计标准中所采用的评价指标、方法及有待进一步改进之处,并通过分析我国的实际情况,对我国节能建筑评价指标体系的建立工作提出了几点初步建议。最后,提出了应把握目前的机遇,建立起适合我国国情的节能建筑评价指标体系的观点,并以此推动我国建筑节能工作的进一步发展,对节约能源和保护环境起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

居住建筑竣工验收节能效果评价是建筑节能工作不可缺失的一个环节,评价结果可由能效标识体现,并贴于售楼书上。居住建筑节能效果评价的指标分为一级指标和二级指标。一级指标包括建筑能耗指标、室内环境质量指标、可再生能源利用指标,是居住建筑竣工验收节能效果评价的结论性指标,可作为建筑能效标识指标。二级指标包括节能贡献性指标(含绿色照明指标)、室内环境质量分项指标、可再生能源利用分项指标。节能贡献性指标是居住建筑竣工验收节能效果评价的依据性指标;室内环境质量分项指标为基本约束性指标,具有一票否决权;可再生能源利用指标是综合评价的加分指标。  相似文献   

建立能耗监测平台作为建筑节能的重要举措已在高校范围内得到一定推广。为调查能耗监测平台在使用过程中是否起到实质节能效果,对比了某建有能耗监测平台的高校留学生宿舍和本科生宿舍各1栋连续3年的电耗情况,发现留学生宿舍用电存在很大浪费。调研了宿管员对用电的管理情况,发现由于难以获得寝室电耗数据,宿管员很少管理学生用电行为。进一步调查了能耗监测平台的普及情况,发现基层宿管员难以获得平台数据。分析调研结果,认为能耗监测平台没有对宿舍用电节能起到应有的促进作用,而电耗监测数据可以帮助宿管员管理宿舍用电,达成节能效果。目前,高校建筑普遍存在不同程度的用电浪费,向高校建筑的基层管理人员开放能耗监测平台,并向其定时推送电耗数据和节能管理意见有助于实现行为管理层面的节能,实现平台的实际节能效果。  相似文献   

The building sector offers significant opportunities for reducing the energy consumption with considerable economic, environmental and health benefits. Governments can lead the way by retrofitting existing public buildings to reinforce their commitment to improve energy efficiency. Similar design standards, end-uses and operational profiles are usually established for public buildings based on the services they offer. Retrofitting a public building can therefore serve as an ideal test-bed for energy efficiency measures for other buildings within a particular service category. This study first analysed the current electricity consumption of a public office building in Mauritius, located in the Southern Hemisphere. A complete model of the building was created, validated and then simulated to investigate the impact of realistic retrofit strategies on the electricity consumption. Results showed that lighting retrofit achieved the most significant reduction while measures that improved the thermal envelope of the building resulted in smaller energy savings. The possibility of exploiting solar energy was explored by simulating a 70 kWp photovoltaic system installed on the roof. An equivalent of 8.5% of the annual electricity consumption of the building could thus be generated. A financial analysis is also presented for all retrofit scenarios in terms of annual return and payback period.  相似文献   

Growth in peak period electricity demand has driven the requirement for a significant expansion of Sydney's electricity network. Energy efficiency and demand management activities in office buildings may be an alternative to electricity network augmentation, with significant economic and environmental benefits. This paper identifies and characterises trends in electricity peak demand in Sydney's office buildings, comparing a range of high and low energy consuming buildings. The paper assesses the potential for energy efficiency and demand management strategies in office buildings to reduce peak loads and hence defer electricity network augmentation. Base building electricity load data was analysed for a sample of 25 Sydney office buildings, along with Sydney electricity substation and temperature data. Peak loads for buildings with best practice energy performance were found to be 26% lower than for buildings with average energy performance, while annual electricity consumption was 57% lower. With these findings, this paper has assessed the effectiveness of current energy efficiency policy for peak demand management and has recommended strengthening energy efficiency policies in order to capture coincidental peak load reductions, as well as new policies specifically targeting peak demand management. It was found that these measures could offer significant potential to defer network investment.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the reasons for ever growing energy consumption in buildings and to give enhanced supervision strategies for reduction of building energy consumption compared to regular ones. A case study of Ningbo city was used to make a detail analysis. Several factors were determined as the reasons for ever growing building energy consumption including climate change, household electricity load increase, the growth of real estate, fast-growing household electrical appliances, high energy consumption in existing buildings, changes in industrial structure and the lack of enhanced government supervision. Then the discussion of suitable countermeasures shows that only enhanced supervision strategies are currently applicable. Finally, it is concluded that enhanced government supervision strategies, including the establishment of a strict control system for new built buildings through information integration and encryption, establishing an energy efficiency supervision system of large-scale public building and a carrot-and-stick approach with added expert checklist for the building application of renewable energy, showed great advantages in promoting building energy efficiency in Ningbo, compared with other cities. These supervision strategies are applicable in other cities as they are in the similar situations in the enforcement of building energy efficiency.  相似文献   

程杰  郝斌  刘幼农 《建筑节能》2011,39(6):75-78
通过调研天门农村发展水平及部分典型居住建筑概况,分析了农村居住建筑能耗现状和能源费用情况。结果表明,天门农村居住建筑能源消耗主要集中在炊事、照明及家用电器、生活热水3个方面,能源费用主要为电费。同时提出了适用于天门农村居住建筑的节能技术,如更换外窗,自然通风与太阳辐射得热、太阳能光热利用等,为改善农村生活环境和农民居住条件提供参考和建议。  相似文献   

通过对杭州市居民生活用电及房地产业发展概况调查,分析了杭州市开展建筑节能的重要意义,同时对目前杭州市建筑节能的实施概况及应用的主要技术作了归纳和概括,并对以后的工作提出了指导性的建议.  相似文献   

目前,国内绝大多数建筑节能的研究都是基于理论公式或软件热工模拟.由于理论研究和实际情况存在很大差别,最好将理论或模拟的研究结果与实际住宅建筑的用电量相结合.本文首先以杭州市3栋不同时期的住宅楼作为调查研究对象,于2007~2008年进行了为期1年的实际月用电量调查;然后,根据杭州市天气特点,分类并计算出实际采暖制冷用电量;最后,通过对调查结果和相关建筑标准及理论或模拟研究结果进行比较,发现仅仅根据理论公式或热工模拟得出的结果夸大了节能措施或技术的节能效果,不能起到指导建筑节能工作发展的作用,应该采用理论结合实际的方法来研究建筑节能的作用和意义.  相似文献   

A typical office building in Thailand was analyzed using the life cycle energy analysis (LCEA) method to illustrate the argument. Results indicate that although life cycle energy (LCE) distribution is concentrated at the operating phase, the embodied energy of buildings is a non-negligible fraction of the LCE balance. Energy (electricity) used for lighting and HVAC systems in the operation phase and; the manufacture of concrete and steel were the most significant elements in the buildings life cycle. Application of a combination of energy saving measures, showed that 40-50% of energy (electricity) used in a typical office building in Thailand can be saved. Preliminary analysis indicated that recycling building materials can also contribute additional energy savings (about 8.9%) to a buildings LCE profile. Therefore reducing energy consumption should be a priority for not only the operation but also other life cycle phases. It is suggested that both embodied and operating energy should be accounted for within the context of energy efficiency through the incorporation of LCEA into the existing Thai building energy code.  相似文献   

本文对上海市十七所高校的能耗数据进行统计分析,发现上海市高校单位建筑面积平均耗电量较高,远高于全国高校的平均水平;单位建筑面积耗电量前三位的建筑类型依次是:科研实验室、综合楼、图书馆。通过分析三类建筑的能耗结构和逐月耗电量,找出各自的主要分项耗电量以及能耗集中的月份,从而提出合理的节能措施,指导上海市高校节能工作。  相似文献   

杨修明  赵辉  廖会志 《建筑节能》2013,(12):101-102,105
根据重庆市公共建筑强制安装建筑能耗分项计量装置的工作要求,介绍了建筑能耗分项计量的定义及其在建筑节能工作中的作用,并结合工作实践提出了公共建筑能耗分项计量的设计、施工要点。  相似文献   

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