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颜友仁 《福建电脑》2014,(12):142-144
针对高校实验规模不断扩大并实行预约使用手续繁琐,易于出现失误和预约冲突,着手分析了目前传统实验室预约应用的现状,然后对广外实施预定系统进行了可行性分析,分别从技术可行性以及系统体系结构的选用等方面论述了学校采用预定系统是可行的和必然的。再从系统基本业务模型和系统用户需求以及分模块对系统进行分析和设计,实现课室等教学资源信息化管理、网上预约操作,提高了实验室管理效率和资源利用率。  相似文献   

高校实验室是进行科学研究和实验教学的重要场所,一个有效的实验室管理系统能够提高实验室的使用效率,完善实验室教学体系。网上预约实验,有效节省教师工作量,便于学生合理利用时间来完成实验课程。本文介绍的是如何采用面向对象的方法设计一个开放式管理系统,并基于JavaEE技术和B/S架构开发系统。该开放式实验室管理系统上线后运行良好,完成了教师添加实验项目基本信息、学生预约、预约审核及学生签到等功能,提高了工作效率节省了劳动成本。  相似文献   

针对高等院校开放性实验管理上的不足,利用SSH框架、UML与SQL Server 2005等软件构建了基于UML的实验预约管理系统。利用JAVA语言与UML技术,实现了实验预约、审核、查询和管理等功能。该系统使实验室的开放管理科学化,仪器设备使用效能最大化。  相似文献   

焦铬  眭仁武 《福建电脑》2008,(1):22-22,61
对传统的实验模式进行改革,通过实验室网上预约管理系统将单片机实验设备、实验资料、指导老师、空闲时间等信息公布在校园网上,学生登陆校园网,选择自己感兴趣的单片机实验进行网上预约。这不仅调动了学生的积极性还培养了学生的创造性。  相似文献   

针对当前高校实验室信息管理复杂、预约繁琐等问题,设计了高校实验信息管理系统,用于完成学生与实验室教师之间进行实验预约及预约审批的交互过程,实现实验室的网络化管理。本系统采用LabVIEW作为开发工具,G语言作为编程语言,运用SQL语句远程访问SQLServer数据库。最后,以实验室教师为例,验证了系统用户分工明确,能够有效利用客户端将教师、学生和实验室设备联系在一起,实现实验室信息管理和预约一体化,提高实验室的使用效率。该系统验证了LabVIEW编程简单,功能强大,应用范围广。  相似文献   

基于WebService预约系统的研究及实现方案   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
网上预约系统是基于B/S结构的网络应用模型,具有高度的向下授权性,资源相对集中性,适应多用户连接性,极大的缩短了预约的周期,提高了预约对象的使用效率。本文针对这些特性设计了一个性能可靠、功能完整的系统模型,并以实验室里的大型仪器的预约为例,结合.Net WebService的编程思想,给出了具体的实现方案。  相似文献   

本文通过对现有高校实验室管理的现状进行分析,针对存在的问题,给出了开放式实验室管理系统的设计及实现方法。该系统从不同用户的需求出发,为其提供不同权限的服务功能。包括学生在线查询、预约实验资源;教师在线发布实验任务及跟踪实验进度;实验室管理员对各项软硬件资源的管理;各级院系领导查看阶段性报表、设备资源利用率等功能。该系统的实现及应用,不仅可以提高实验室设备的使用率及开放程度,又可以提高管理效率及投资效益。  相似文献   

基于.NET的实验预约管理系统的实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对高等院校开放性实验管理上的不足,利用Microsoft.NET、SQL Server 2005等软件构建了基于Web的实验预约管理系统.讨论了Web系统体系结构、数据库设计以及程序实现的方法.并利用ASENET、C#,ADO.NET等技术,实现了实验预约、审核、查询和管理等功能.采用了存储过程、XML、命名空间、连接池、数据缓存等技术对系统性能进行了优化,提高了系统的安全性、可靠性和浏览速度.  相似文献   

为高效利用高职院校实验实训中心的资源,本文将学生、教师与实验实训中心相结合,采用标准的面向对象的建模语言UML进行分析与设计,构建开放式实验实训中心网络预约系统。在网络预约系统的支撑下,可以快速实现实验实训中心的开放,提升高职院校毕业生在工作岗位的适应性。  相似文献   

设计开发了一种基于指纹识别技术和UHF无线技术的实验室综合管理系统;该系统以实验室业务管理为核心构建了数据库并运用ADO技术对其访问,采用了URU4000B指纹仪进行身份注册与验证,开发了无线发射接收电源通断控制装置控制实验设备电源开关,将三层C/S软件架构思想应用到软件系统的设计;该系统实现了包括实验设备、实验人员、实验项目的综合管理,并为网上预约提供了数据支持和接口;使用效果表明,该实验室综合管理系统不仅节省了大量的布线,减轻了设备与通信线路的维护压力,而且显著提高了实验室运作效率和设备的有效使用率.  相似文献   

开放实验室管理系统设计方案比较及实现   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
该文归纳和比较了开放实验室管理系统设计开发的各种方案,提出了一种对众多分散实验室进行有效管理的解决方案,并采用分布式数据库技术设计和实现了一个基于C/S、B/S混合模式的开放实验室管理系统,具有较高稳定性和可扩展性的特点。该文对该领域的工程设计和开发有一定的指导和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

. Ameritech's human factors organization was established in 1989, and from the beginning its charter assumed that user-centred design, iterative usability testing, and beginning-to-end involvement in the product-system development cycle would be central to its work. This article describes the laboratory resources that were created to support the organization. It identifies the needs of the human factors professionals using the lab that served as requirements for the design of the resources, and the interim lab that was built where implementation approaches to some of these requirements were tested and refined. It describes the final laboratory, as well as three different kinds of portable labs. The laboratory is a critical corporate resource, and while it continues to evolve as it is used, it has already demonstrated its value to the human factors organization it serves.  相似文献   

eScience is rapidly changing the way we do research. As a result, many research labs now need non-trivial computational power. Grid and voluntary computing are well-established solutions for this need. However, not all labs can effectively benefit from these technologies. In particular, small and medium research labs (which are the majority of the labs in the world) have a hard time using these technologies as they demand high visibility projects and/or high-qualified computer personnel. This paper describes OurGrid, a system designed to fill this gap. OurGrid is an open, free-to-join, cooperative Grid in which labs donate their idle computational resources in exchange for accessing other labs’ idle resources when needed. It relies on an incentive mechanism that makes it in the best interest of participants to collaborate with the system, employs a novel application scheduling technique that demands very little information, and uses virtual machines to isolate applications and thus provide security. The vision is that OurGrid enables labs to combine their resources in a massive worldwide computing platform. OurGrid is in production since December 2004. Any lab can join it by downloading its software from .  相似文献   


Abstract. Ameritech's human factors organization was established in 1989, and from the beginning its charter assumed that user-centred design, iterative usability testing, and beginning-to-end involvement in the product-system development cycle would be central to its work. This article describes the laboratory resources that were created to support the organization. It identifies the needs of the human factors professionals using the lab that served as requirements for the design of the resources, and the interim lab that was built where implementation approaches to some of these requirements were tested and refined. It describes the final laboratory, as well as three different kinds of portable labs. The laboratory is a critical corporate resource, and while it continues to evolve as it is used, it has already demonstrated its value to the human factors organization it serves.  相似文献   

针对当前实体实验室建设成本高、开放时间不灵活等问题,设计了一种基于X3DOM引擎的3D虚拟实验室系统. 该系统采用浏览器/服务器架构,其中,服务器端主要提供实验室场景、实验仪器模型和XML模板数据文件等数据存储与访问服务;浏览器端采用MVC设计模式,根据组件化开发的思想,采用三维视图,建立了可扩展的组件库. 以计算机网络课程中的Ping实验为例,对设计实现的虚拟实验室进行了验证,结果表明,该系统能够有效满足实验教学的要求.  相似文献   

基于LINQ to SQL的实验室网上预约系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验室开放管理已成了信息化时代高校实验教学改革的重要内容。本文利用B/S体系架构和LINQ to SQL技术,设计并实现实验室网上预约管理系统。该系统为高效的实验室管理提供了平台,能有效地平衡各实验室的利用率,减轻实验室管理人员的工作,使实验室的开放管理水平和服务水平推上了一个新的台阶。  相似文献   

针对当前高校机房实验环境基于VMware虚拟机系统下.对文件资源共享方式所存在的问题进行分析,利用Linux操作系统的优势给出一个简单容易操作的解决方案,使用Samba服务器来实现多操作系统平台间文件资源的共享和访问.对高校机房实验环境管理的优化起到一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

ARUP Laboratories, Inc., is a commercial esoteric reference laboratory performing more than 2000 different procedures with a daily volume of more than 12,000 accessions. The clinical reference volume (excluding cytopathology, veterinary pathology, and our hospital stat laboratory) approaches 10,000 accessions per day. As a reference lab ARUP serves hospital clinical labs and other reference labs in all 50 of the United States and other countries. Our rapid rate of specimen growth (averaging 20% per year) and competitive cost pressures inherent in the laboratory environment made automation and re-engineering of our processes a key strategy. However, automation in a setting that specifically has no routine clinical laboratory testing and in which 85% of all incoming specimens are either frozen or refrigerated presented major challenges. Prior to our “go live” date, we had previously reported on the design and plan for an automated transport and sorting system that was developed to address the unique needs of our operations. This report describes the impacts of our automation initiative on productivity, turn-around time, and quality of our service during the first approximately 10 months since we went live (November 17, 1998), some 3.8 years after we began to consider the feasibility of automation in our environment.  相似文献   

Computer network as a force drags its customers to share more and more resources while on the other hand managing such network recourses is a challenging job for an IT professional and perhaps becoming difficult humanly. In this paper, we have proposed an agent based system for activity monitoring on network (ABSAMN) for the monitoring of resources over a network, suitable for network of networks; commonly known as CAN (campus area network). Multi-agent system is a system composed of several agents, collectively capable of achieving goals that are difficult to achieve by an individual agent or monolithic system. We propose the use of multi-agent system to ensure proper system operation by watching for inconsistencies in user activities, node level activity, internet monitoring, and system configuration. The system is fully autonomous and once initialized with the given rules and domain knowledge ABSAMN manages resources on its own with the help of mobile agents. We have evaluated this architecture on the university campus having seven labs equipped with 20–300 number of PCs in various labs. Results were very promising and support the implementation of the solution.  相似文献   

本文阐述了实验室设备管理系统设计与开发,介绍了该系统的优点,认为该系统是适合于实验室管理的设备管理系统。  相似文献   

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