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提出一种G1圆弧样条插值算法.该算法选取部分满足条件的型值点构造初始圆,然后过剩下的型值点分别构造相邻初始圆的公切圆.在此过程中,让所有型值点均为相应圆弧的内点,且每段圆弧尽量通过2个型值点.在型值点列满足较弱的条件下,曲线具有在事先给定首末切向的情况下圆弧总段数比型值点个数少且保形的特点.  相似文献   

基于误差控制的自适应3次B样条曲线插值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对现有曲线插值算法不能有效压缩型值点的缺陷,研究了一种自适应三次B样条曲线插值算法。从型值点序列中选用最少的点插值一条初始曲线,基于提出的点到曲线的最小距离计算方法,分别计算各非插值点对应的插值误差,并从中提取最大插值误差。若最大误差大于给定的误差阈值,则将其对应的型值点加入插值型值点序列,重新插值曲线,直到最大插值误差满足误差要求。与现有曲线插值算法相比,该算法可以在保证插值精度的前提下有效压缩数据量。  相似文献   

型值点的个数与分布对B样条曲线的形状有直接影响,为了让B样条曲线能很好地描述图像区域边缘,研究了一种自适应3次非均匀B样条曲线插值算法。利用B样条曲线在型值点处曲率较大的性质,调整型值点的位置和个数,通过B样条曲线与图像边缘的误差,对型值点进一步优化,使B样条曲线贴合边缘。实验结果表明,该方法得到的B样条曲线能很好地描述区域边缘。  相似文献   

1.引 言 参数曲线的保形插值一直是计算几何中的一个重要研究课题[1-2].目前已有的研究结果主要是分段插值,给每个参数曲线段以充分的限制使整个插值曲线达到C2(或G2-)连续并且具有保形性[3-8].这种插值方法要么计算复杂要么曲线的形状无法作局部修改,使其在应用上受到限制. 对于一组有序的型值点列Pi(i=0,1,…,n),在第二、三节,本文充分利用相邻四个型值点的几何信息,由其构造一段参数曲线,所有这些参数曲线段组成一条样条曲线.这种样条曲线具有两个重要的性质:凸包性和 C2连续性.在第四节,…  相似文献   

目的 为了同时解决传统多项式B样条曲线在形状调控、精确表示常见工程曲线以及构造插值曲线时的不足,提出了一类集多种特性的三次三角伪B样条。方法 首先构造了一组带两个参数的三次三角伪B样条基函数,然后在此基础上定义了相应的参数伪B样条曲线,并讨论了该曲线的特性及光顺性问题,最后研究了相应的代数伪B样条,并给出了最优代数伪B样条的确定方法。结果 参数伪B样条曲线不仅满足C2连续,而且无需求解方程系统即可自动插值于给定的型值点。当型值点保持不变时,插值曲线的形状还可通过自带的两个参数进行调控。在适当条件下,该参数伪B样条曲线可精确表示圆弧、椭圆弧、星形线等常见的工程曲线。相应的代数伪B样条具有参数伪B样条曲线类似的性质,利用最优代数伪B样条可获得满意的插值效果。结论 所提出的伪B样条同时解决了传统多项式B样条曲线在形状调控、精确表示常见工程曲线以及构造插值曲线时的不足,是一种实用的曲线造型方法。  相似文献   

利用拼接的圆渐开线实现对平面上的数据点及其切向的插值,通过解决两点及其切向的圆渐开线插值,以及在各种不同情况下的插值处理方法,提供了圆渐开线平面插值样条的生成算法,由于圆渐开线为凸曲线,其曲率与弧长成反比,因此其样条曲线对插值曲线的形状控制是有利的,并可作为圆弧样条插值方法的一种扩展。  相似文献   

针对计算机数控编程阶段生成的海量离散刀位数据,在满足预设插值精度的条件下,提出一种基于曲率自适应选取特征点的非均匀B样条曲线插值方法.首先,采用相邻3点形成近似圆弧的方法计算各个离散刀位数据点的曲率,将曲率分段点、曲率极大值点等特征数据点作为初始插值数据点,构造生成初始非均匀B样条插值曲线;其次,建立插值误差计算模型,并用于计算所有未参与插值的数据点与非均匀B样条插值曲线间的插值误差,在超出预设插值误差的曲率段内增加新的特征点,生成新的非均匀B样条插值曲线;重复上述过程,直至所有不在非均匀B样条插值曲线上的数据点都满足插值精度条件为止.对实际加工离散刀位数据的仿真计算结果表明,该方法即便去除了大量原始离散刀位数据,也能更好地保留原始刀位数据曲线在外形和精度方面的特征,且具有迭代计算次数少、数据点去除量大等特点,在海量离散刀位数据的样条化数控编程方面具有较高的应用价值.  相似文献   

根据平面曲线的应变能极小原则构造了一条分段二次B啨zier样条曲线插值给定的一系列平面型值点列和端点几何约束条件 为了改进插值曲线的整体光顺性 ,提出了确定插值二次B啨zier样条曲线在每一个型值点处的最优切矢方向的一种方法  相似文献   

距离曲面是一种常用的隐式曲面,它在几何造型和计算机动画中具有重要的应用价值,但以往往在对距离曲面进行多边形化时速较慢,为了提高点到曲线最近距离计算的效率,提出了一种基于最佳圆弧样条逼近的快速线骨架距离曲面计算方法,该算法对于一条任意的二维NURBS曲线,在用户给定的误差范围内,先用最少量的圆弧样条来逼近给定的曲线,从而把点到NURBS曲线最近距离的计算问题转化为点到圆弧样条最近距离的计算问题,由于在对曲面进行多边形化时,需要大量的点到曲线最近距离的计算,而该处可以将点到圆弧样条最近距离很少的计算量来解析求得,故该算法效率很高,该实验表明,算法简单实用,具有很大的应用价值。  相似文献   

为直接混合插值点,生成插值曲线和张量积型插值曲面,讨论了插值型样条函数.为生成保形插值曲线和曲面,分析了其不同于非插值曲线和曲面的凸包和保凸的具体含义.推导出三次C~1插值型样条函数公式,构造三次C~1插值样条曲线,给出了插值样条曲线的分段Bezier表示.所得三次插值曲线曲面具有几何不变性、凸包性质、局部可调性.讨论了插值曲线的保凸性质及关于插值数据点前后顺序的对称性.展示了具有和不具有保形性质插值曲线和张量积型插值曲面的实例.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present an efficient sub-optimal algorithm for fitting smooth planar parametric curves by G1 arc splines. To fit a parametric curve by an arc spline within a prescribed tolerance, we first sample a set of points and tangents on the curve adaptively as well as with enough density, so that an interpolation biarc spline curve can be with any desired high accuracy. Then, we construct new biarc curves interpolating local triarc spirals explicitly based on the control of permitted tolerances. To reduce the segment number of fitting arc spline as much as possible, we replace the corresponding parts of the spline by the new biarc curves and compute active tolerances for new interpolation steps. By applying the local biarc curve interpolation procedure recursively and sequentially, the result circular arcs with no radius extreme are minimax-like approximation to the original curve while the arcs with radius extreme approximate the curve parts with curvature extreme well too, and we obtain a near optimal fitting arc spline in the end. Even more, the fitting arc spline has the same end points and end tangents with the original curve, and the arcs will be jointed smoothly if the original curve is composed of several smooth connected pieces. The algorithm is easy to be implemented and generally applicable to circular arc interpolation problem of all kinds of smooth parametric curves. The method can be used in wide fields such as geometric modeling, tool path generation for NC machining and robot path planning, etc. Several numerical examples are given to show the effectiveness and efficiency of the method.  相似文献   

We present an efficient geometric algorithm for conic spline curve fitting and fairing through conic arc scaling. Given a set of planar points, we first construct a tangent continuous conic spline by interpolating the points with a quadratic Bézier spline curve or fitting the data with a smooth arc spline. The arc spline can be represented as a piecewise quadratic rational Bézier spline curve. For parts of the G1 conic spline without an inflection, we can obtain a curvature continuous conic spline by adjusting the tangent direction at the joint point and scaling the weights for every two adjacent rational Bézier curves. The unwanted curvature extrema within conic segments or at some joint points can be removed efficiently by scaling the weights of the conic segments or moving the joint points along the normal direction of the curve at the point. In the end, a fair conic spline curve is obtained that is G2 continuous at convex or concave parts and G1 continuous at inflection points. The main advantages of the method lies in two aspects, one advantage is that we can construct a curvature continuous conic spline by a local algorithm, the other one is that the curvature plot of the conic spline can be controlled efficiently. The method can be used in the field where fair shape is desired by interpolating or approximating a given point set. Numerical examples from simulated and real data are presented to show the efficiency of the new method.  相似文献   

为了得到平滑的人体动画,提出一种基于四元数的样条插值算法,利用提取的关键帧实现人体运动序列的有效重构。为减少重构误差、加快收敛速度,将已知关键帧集合作为初始条件,通过迭代算法求出样条曲线的控制点集合。利用样条曲线控制点计算贝塞尔曲线控制点,构造贝塞尔样条曲线段,将各段贝塞尔样条曲线段组合,构造一条基于四元数的样条曲线。根据德卡斯特里奥(de Casteljau)算法插值重构人体运动。实验结果表明,该算法在保证执行效率的同时,可得到光滑的插值结果,实现满足视觉要求的人体运动重构。  相似文献   

《Graphical Models》2014,76(1):30-42
In order to reconstruct spatial curves from discrete electronic sensor data, two alternative C2 Pythagorean–hodograph (PH) quintic spline formulations are proposed, interpolating given spatial data subject to prescribed constraints on the arc length of each spline segment. The first approach is concerned with the interpolation of a sequence of points, while the second addresses the interpolation of derivatives only (without spatial localization). The special structure of PH curves allows the arc-length conditions to be expressed as algebraic constraints on the curve coefficients. The C2 PH quintic splines are thus defined through minimization of a quadratic function subject to quadratic constraints, and a close starting approximation to the desired solution is identified in order to facilitate efficient construction by iterative methods. The C2 PH spline constructions are illustrated by several computed examples.  相似文献   

A method for generating an interpolation closed G1 arc spline on a given closed point set is presented. For the odd case, i.e. when the number of the given points is odd, this paper disproves the traditional opinion that there is only one closed G1 arc spline interpolating the given points. In fact, the number of the resultant closed G1 arc splines fulfilling the interpolation condition for the odd case is exactly two. We provide an evaluation method based on the arc length as well such that the choice between those two arc splines is made automatically. For the even case, i.e. when the number of the given points is even, the points are automatically moved based on weight functions such that the interpolation condition for generating closed G1 arc splines is satisfied, and that the adjustment is small. And then, the G1 arc spline is constructed such that the radii of the arcs in the spline are close to each other. Examples are given to illustrate the method.  相似文献   

Developable surfaces are of considerable importance to many industrial applications, e.g., sheet metal forming processes. The objective of this paper is to provide algorithms on the approximation of developable surfaces with pieces of right circular cones. Special emphasis is devoted to practical choices of free parameters and to error estimation. Furthermore, a new algorithm for the approximation of spatial curves with a circular arc spline is presented which stands in close relation to above algorithms on developable surfaces. The proposed arc spline has contact of order 2 to the given curve in a series of curve points. The investigation includes a segmentation algorithm and error estimation.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of finding a curve which interpolates at given points such that (approximately) the length of the curve between each two subsequent interpolation points is equal to some given number. We only consider the functional case. We give an algorithm which yields an interpolating cubic polynomial spline. In case the data is taken from a (smooth enough) function this spline function converges at least quadratically in the mesh size to the original one. If the mesh is ‘regular enough’ it is even third order accurate. We also given an extension to the bivariate case. For the univariate case it will be shown that the length on each interval of this constructed spline at most differs quadratically in the mesh size from the actual lengths. Assuming regularity on the partition this estimate can also be improved by one order.  相似文献   

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