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<正>微波技术是近年来比较流行的一项物理应用技术,家庭中常用的微波炉就是运用微波技术加热、加工食品的最好应用。微波食品加工具有很多优势,如加热速度快、均匀性好、热效率高和易于控制与操作等特点。基于以上优点,在粮食和蔬菜等食品领域中具有较为广泛的应用。微波加工食品的逐渐普及,给人们生活带来了极大的便利。与此同时,对食品工业规模化生产和提高食品加工效率、产值和科技含量等方面都产生了积极的推动作用。然而  相似文献   

<正>微波作为一种电磁波,具有较高强度的穿透性、吸收性及反射性,食品可通过吸收微波而产生发热反应,从而在短时间内对食品进行快速加热。凭借这一应用价值,微波技术也在食品工业、日常生活等领域得到广泛普及应用。但值得注意的是,在应用微波技术对食品加热时,会对食品的内部营养成分造成一定的影响。为保障对微波技术的合理运用,从食品营养角度切入,探讨这一技术对食品营养  相似文献   

七十年代以来,研究微波能在食品工业中的应用已向纵深发展。目前,在食品工业生产中微波已应用于食品的解冻、干燥、烘烤、蒸煮,以及消毒、灭菌和控制寄生虫等,对其在许多方面的优越性已得到肯定,同时也发现一些不足之处,人们正在努力探索,使其更加完善。可以预言,微波能代替或部分代替其它能源用于食品工业的日子不会很远了。一、原理微波是电磁波。热能主要是由于激发偶极子和离子渗透而产生的,由于在交流电磁区内偶极子定位的结果,而产生摩擦能。能  相似文献   

随着社会的进步,生活水平的提高,人们对饮食提出了新的要求。追求方便、安全、营养、卫生无疑是一种趋势。微波技术作为一种现代高新技术,在食品加工中的应用越来越广泛,如食品的加热、焙烤、膨化、烹调、解冻、杀菌等。可以说,微波技术在很大程度上促进了食品工业的发展。尤其是对于价值高、质量要求严、热传导率低的产品,以及用传统工艺难以解决的物料,微波在加热、杀菌技术上发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

真空低温蒸煮技术在保持产品风味、质构、营养品质,延长产品保质期方面优势突出,在欧美国家掀起应用热潮,我国在相关领域开展研究较少。本文综述了真空低温蒸煮技术的起源,及其在动物源性食品品质、微生物安全性和保质期以及营养健康等方面的应用研究进展,以期为中华传统食品和中式菜肴工业化、标准化加工提供新的技术思路。  相似文献   

微波杀菌技术在食品工业中的应用王建中南京国营七七二厂微波所进入90年代以来,食品市场呈现出食品种类多样化。功能化。人们的饮食更讲究营养。保健和卫生。因此,食品的保鲜、保质已成为急待解决的问题。微波能技术在食品工业的应用为国家“八五”重点新技术推广项目...  相似文献   

微波技术作为一种新兴技术,已广泛地应用于食品加工等领域。本文介绍了微波加热的原理、特点,介绍了近年来微波技术在肉制品、谷类和果蔬等食品原料中的应用技术研究,分析了微波技术的现状及存在的问题,提出了微波技术在食品工业中的应用研究前景。  相似文献   

袁璐  胡婕伦  殷军艺 《食品工业科技》2020,41(18):330-337,343
微波辐射加工技术是一门新兴技术,具有穿透性好、加热均匀和快速及营养损失少等特点,在食品工业和基础研究中广泛应用。本文介绍了微波辐射的基本原理,重点阐述了微波辐射过程中的淀粉介电特性和影响因素,以及微波辐射对淀粉颗粒形貌、晶体结构、化学结构和淀粉性质的影响。同时,概述了微波辐射在淀粉类食品加热、淀粉原料改性和淀粉类食品杀菌消毒中的应用情况。最后,对微波辐射与淀粉结构特性变化相关研究中存在的问题和不足之处进行了展望,以期为微波辐射影响淀粉结构特性的作用机理和淀粉类食品的深度加工提供参考和建议。  相似文献   

微波技术最早应用于雷达上,二十世纪三四十年代人们对微波技术在工业上的应用开始关注和研究。最早把微波技术应用于食品上的是美国,并生产出了最早的微波炉,取得了微波应用于食品的第一个专利权。尔后,微波在食品工业中的应用更为广泛,除食品烹制外,还应用于冷冻食物解冻、食品杀菌、食品干燥、食品加工等。 微波炉的普及和微波食品的开发 自二十世纪九十年代以来,随着我国城乡人民生活水平提高,微波炉已走进普通百姓家的厨房。据统计全国1998年底城乡居民家庭微波炉拥有率达8.4%。微波炉热效高、加热快、且无油烟、干净卫…  相似文献   

随着我国经济社会的发展,人们的生活质量得到极大的提升,对饮食的追求也越来越高,应具备绿色、营养、安全等。微波技术作为新兴技术的一种,在我国食品加工领域中得到了非常广泛的应用,可以对食品进行烘烤、膨化、解冻、杀菌灯功能,为人们的生活带来极大的便利,在一定程度上也促进了食品工业的发展。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提高,食品的安全性也越来越受到广泛关注。目前,畜禽动物的食品交易频繁而广泛,与此同时也伴随着兽药残留等食品安全性问题,其兽药残留大多存在于这一类动物源性食品的生长以及加工过程中,具有残留水平低、种类多、基质效应复杂等特点。针对这些特点,国际上大多通过各种前处理技术减小基质效应的影响,采用液相色谱-质谱(liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, LC-MS)等质谱联用技术来对食品中的超痕量浓度残留物进行分析及筛查。本文主要对兽药残留的前处理技术和检测技术进行了综述,以期为保障动物源性食品的质量安全提供参考。  相似文献   

随着抗生素在动物饲养过程中的普遍应用, 抗生素的不合理使用现象日益普遍, 造成动物源性食品(牛奶、肉类、水产品、鸡蛋、蜂蜜等)中抗生素的残留, 从而对人体健康造成潜在的危害, 因此动物源性食品中抗生素残留检测是控制食品质量安全的重要环节。本文对动物源性食品中抗生素残留的现状, 抗生素残留的种类及检测方法作了阐述, 并对抗生素检测方法的应用前景进行了展望, 以期为有关部门在检测动物源性食品中抗生素的残留的工作提供技术参考。  相似文献   

食品安全问题受到全球关注,动物源性食品安全问题屡遭曝光。经过加工重组的动物源性食品,其物种的原有形态已被破坏,感官鉴定很难辨别真伪。因此,本文详细论述了动物源性食品的定义、分类、掺假类型,说明了掺假的潜在危害,主要总结了动物性食品安全检测技术的研究进展,并对动物源性食品在中国的发展进行了展望,以期为动物源性食品安全检测研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Bisphenol A (BPA) is an important monomer used in the manufacture of epoxy resins for internal food can linings. Experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of different storage conditions and can damage on the migration of BPA to foods. These experiments were conducted in a systematic fashion by filling empty epoxyphenolic coated cans with four foods: soup, minced beef, evaporated milk and carrots and a food simulant (10% ethanol). Filled cans of each food type or simulant were then sealed and processed using appropriate conditions, before storage at three different temperatures: 5°C, 20°C and 40°C. For each of the storage regimes, 50% of the cans were dented to establish if this would lead to increased BPA migration. Cans were removed from these stocks at intervals of 1, 3 and 9 months storage at 5°C and 20°C or 10 days, 1 and 3 months at 40°C. Some initial problems of heterogeneity between samples was overcome by determining the amount of BPA in food as well as in the can lining. It was found that 80-100% of the total BPA present in the coating had migrated to foods directly after can processing by pilot plant filling with food or simulant, sealing and sterilization. This level was not changed by extended storage (up to 9 months) or can damage, indicating most migration was occurring during the can processing step. There was no noticeable difference, in this respect, between the different foods or the food simulant. Analysis of control samples (foods fortified with ∼0.1 mg kg-1 BPA and contained in Schott bottles) showed that BPA was stable under both processing and storage. Experiments were also conducted to investigate the potential effects, on the migration of BPA from can coatings, of cooking or heating foods in the can prior to consumption. Food cans were purchased and the food either cooked or heated in the can. BPA was analysed prior to and after the heating/cooking process. It was concluded from the results that there were no appreciable differences in the BPA level before and after cooking or heating.  相似文献   

动物源原料富含多种营养物质,尤其是蛋白质含量颇高,在保健食品及其他领域方面都有良好的应用前景。但因其来源、加工方式等方面的特殊性,对其合规性使用的要求更为严格,所以动物源原料在我国用作保健食品的原料时,需十分注意其相关的法规、加工方式及安全性应用等方面的要求。近年来,围绕动物源原料相关的生物活性成分及功能研究已取得了较多新进展,但鲜有团队对动物源原料在我国保健食品中的合规性应用依据、应用现状、保健功能研究进展等方面进行过详细总结。因此,本文阐述了动物源原料在我国保健食品中的合规性应用依据,并以国家特殊食品信息查询平台为检索工具,统计并分析了动物源原料在保健食品中的应用现状,结合目前动物源原料研究进展,提出了对我国动物源原料在保健食品研发中的启示,以期能够为进一步挖掘、开发利用动物源原材料提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

Consumers are increasingly demanding foods that are more ethical, sustainable and nutritious to improve the health of themselves and the planet. The food industry is currently undergoing a revolution, as both small and large companies pivot toward the creation of a new generation of plant-based products to meet this consumer demand. In particular, there is an emphasis on the production of plant-based foods that mimic those that omnivores are familiar with, such as meat, fish, egg, milk, and their products. The main challenge in this area is to simulate the desirable appearance, texture, flavor, mouthfeel, and functionality of these products using ingredients that are isolated entirely from botanical sources, such as proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids. The molecular, chemical, and physical properties of plant-derived ingredients are usually very different from those of animal-derived ones. It is therefore critical to understand the fundamental properties of plant-derived ingredients and how they can be assembled into structures resembling those found in animal products. This review article provides an overview of the current status of the scientific understanding of plant-based foods and highlights areas where further research is required. In particular, it focuses on the chemical, physical, and functional properties of plant-derived ingredients; the processing operations that can be used to convert these ingredients into food products; and, the science behind the formulation of vegan meat, fish, eggs, and milk alternatives.  相似文献   

<正> 山雨欲来风满楼。这是记者近日采访中国罐头工业协会梁仲康理事长之后,对目前我国罐头工业发展态势的感受。 尽管是创汇大户,但一个缺少龙头企业,基本上没有品牌,只靠定向加工卖原料的行业,如何面对21世纪经济全球化的国际、国内两个市场?外企进入国内罐头市场是大势所趋,中国罐头难道不正面临着“既走不出国门,又丢失国内市场”的危机?靠别人吃饭,不行。靠别人吃饭,还自得其乐,更是糊涂观念。百分之二十的年增长速度确实娇人,但这  相似文献   

霉菌毒素可在畜禽体内各脏器组织残留,为动物源性的食品安全带来隐患。随着对霉菌毒素危害认识的深入,对食品中的各类霉菌毒素限量标准的要求也在不断地提高,相应的检测技术和检测限也有了很大的发展。本文对动物可食组织中霉菌毒素的残留及检测方法研究进展进行综述,以期为制定动物性食品可食组织中的霉菌毒素的残留及检测标准提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

We extensively reviewed the existing as well as the potentials of the molecular biology and nanotechnology methods for the identification of animal-derived materials in foods and feeds. The verification of animal-derived materials in foods and feeds is mandatory by several religious as well as regional and state laws. It is also essential to limit the transmission of food-borne pathogens and allergens. Verification of declared components further helps prevent unfair trades and protect consumers' trusts, religious faiths, and hard-earned fortunes. In this review, special emphasis is given to the molecular markers and their tracing tools in biology and nanotechnology. Among the four types of biomolecules, known as proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids, DNA has been reported as the most appropriate biomarker to identify the source of animal-derived materials. While PCR has got enormous attention as the most effective molecular identification tool, PCR-based methods are not suitable for the unambiguous identification of very short DNA targets (15–30 bp) which can survive even in the harsh conditions of food and feed processing. Nanotechnology-based approaches using nanogap electrodes, quantum dots (QDs), and SERS-active nanoparticle shells are highly sensitive and can detect very short oligo targets almost at single-molecule sensitivity. However, nanogap fabrication has remained a challenging task and also involves complicated surface modification and immobilization chemistries. QD and SERS-based techniques also demand surface modifications and immobilization chemistries. On the other hand, gold nanoparticle (GNP)-based hybridization detection is label-free, sensitive, and does not involve any modification chemistry and expensive instrumentations. GNP-based biosensors offer a low-cost platform to detect and quantify short-length DNA markers in mixed biological and processed commercial foods.  相似文献   

Although a number of various traditional foods and diversity of cooking styles and techniques were available in Sri Lanka, today most of them are getting lost as a result of ‘modernization’ dietary patterns. However, in Sri Lanka,a very limited number of researcheshave been conducted on traditional foods. Therefore, surveys about traditional foods and dishes are essential to cut down many problems related with the modernized foods and to increase use of locally available food sources. In Sri Lanka, there are many recipe books but they do not give an idea about nutrition composition. The survey was conducted to develop a recipe book by including traditional Sri Lankan food recipes and their nutrition composition. Different food recipes were collected from adult women in different areas (08 districts) by home visits, face to face interviews and through telephone calls. Further, available traditional recipes were collected by reviewing the recipe books and searching internet. The amount of ingredients for solid foods were measured by using household measures and home scale and expressed as grams. Liquid foods were measured by measuring cylinder and household measures and expressed as millilitres. The recipes which were taken from telephone calls were prepared at the University dietetics laboratory. Nutrition compositions of recipes were calculated using the Food Base 2000 software. The developed recipe book consists of 50 recipes of Sri Lankan traditional foods, the method of preparation as well as the nutritional composition. The recipes in the book have been presented under five food categories; cereal based foods, sweets, dishes, mallum and kola kenda / herbal drinks. Thus, the developed recipe book provides different recipes with way of preparation and nutrition composition of them. Therefore, this can be used as an educational tool for menu planning.  相似文献   

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