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The effect of three different substrates, laminin, fibronectin and reconstituted basement membrane, on isolated mouse pre-Sertoli cells maintained in vitro has been investigated. Cultures were monitored on a daily basis by phase contrast microscopy, and processed for light and electron microscopy at the end of the culture period. Extra-cellular matrix components have been found to influence Sertoli cell differentiation: both fibronectin and laminin promoted cell adhesion and differentiation, though laminin cultures showed poor viability. Pre-Sertoli cells cultured on reconstituted basement membrane showed the highest degree of differentiation, developing a polarized epithelial phenotype and forming cord-like aggregates; such cultures provide a model system for the investigation of factors involved with gonadal differentiation.  相似文献   

本文对 2 7例颅内动脉瘤活检组织进行了光学显微镜及电子显微镜观察。形态学研究证实 ,大多数动脉瘤发生在动脉分叉部位。动脉瘤壁的内皮细胞损伤、弹力板不完整或缺失以及平滑肌细胞坏死是动脉瘤破裂的形态学基础。瘤壁主要被纤维细胞及胶原所代替并出现肌纤维母细胞及前胶原物质 ,巨噬细胞增多且含有大量次级溶酶体及脂质颗粒。瘤壁全层均可见散在的淋巴细胞和单核细胞浸润 ,提示管壁的破坏可能与免疫反应有关。本文结合超微形态学所见对动脉瘤的形成及影响其破裂的因素进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Gaucher病及Niemann-Pick病的电镜诊断   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文报道1例Gaucher病及1例Niemann-Pick病的组织学和超微结构形态改变。光镜下Gaucher细胞及Niemann-Pick细胞都为泡沫样细胞,形态类似。但透射电镜下两种细胞形态完全不同,Gaucher细胞内出现较多大囊泡,而Niemann-Pick细胞内则出现大量特征性的板层小体。因此,电镜对这两种疾病的鉴别诊断具有重要作用。  相似文献   

人体及动物不同组织中肥大细胞颗粒超微结构的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
运用透射电镜对人体正常皮肤、肺、心肌及萎缩性胃炎胃粘膜、垂体肿瘤、淋巴管瘤;大肠正常皮肤、舌粘膜、腹腔及小肠,化学致癌剂诱发肝癌、舌粘膜、腹腔及小鼠,化学致癌剂诱发肝癌以及血吸虫感染家兔肝、脾等组织中肥大细胞(MC)胸浆内颗粒的超微结构进行了对比观察,结果表明:存在于人体肺及胃粘膜中的大多数MC颗粒均具有独特 亚结构,它们由多个呈旋涡状排列的筒状结构组成,其它组织中的MC颗粒则主要呈电子致密均质状,前者属MC^T,后者为MC^CT。这种结构特征在正常及病理性组织中并无明显差异。因此,人体MC颗粒的超微结构特征可以作为区别两类不同表型MC的标志之一。与人体组织中MC相反,大鼠体内各部组织中MC颗粒超微结构基本一致,而与人体MC^T颗粒类似。因此,单从颗粒的超微结构不能区分大鼠MC表型,血吸虫感染家兔肝、脾中的MC颗粒超微结构则与上述观察均不相同,颗粒内或见有电子透明的大的结晶样结构或见有许多电子透明的小点状结构。后者有的广布于整个颗粒之中,有的则沿颗粒周边分布,沿有一些颗粒则由单膜包绕,内含多个致密亚单位。  相似文献   

目的:探讨腹股沟肉芽肿的组织结构和超微结构病变特征.方法:对2例腹股沟肉芽肿患者的病变组织进行光镜和透射电镜观察.结果:光镜下,肉芽肿组织内有大量巨噬细胞,其胞质内可查见革兰氏阴性的肉芽肿荚膜杆菌;透射电镜下巨噬细胞胞质内可见较大的初级溶酶体和大量形态各异、大小不等的次级溶酶体和板层样膜状结构的吞噬体(即杜诺凡小体),偶见吞噬体内有菌体剖面或其残片.结论:杜诺凡小体是巨噬细胞吞噬肉芽肿荚膜杆菌后在胞质溶酶体内形成的形态各异、大小不等的吞噬体,其超微结构形态学特征,具有临床诊断的意义.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study is to examine whether isolated Schwann cells that are not in contact with axons can synthesize the basement membrane in vivo. Schwann cells obtained from sciatic nerve of neonate Wistar rats were prepared in culture, harvested, and mixed with collagen matrix. The silicone tube filled with the collagen matrix containing Schwann cells was closed by a Millipore membrane at both ends to isolate the interior from the outer environment and was implanted in a gap between proximal and distal stumps of transected sciatic nerve of an adult Wistar rat. Ten days later, the implanted silicone tube was prepared for electron microscopic observations. Schwann cells in the tube were elongated longitudinally and lined up parallel to the proximo-distal direction. No regenerating axons penetrated the Millipore membrane into the tube. The basement membrane showing almost normal structure was produced on the surface of the Schwann cells. While the silicone tube was placed side by side to the intact sciatic nerve, Schwann cells in the tube were scattered and no basement membrane was observed. These results suggest that some humoral factors might be released from the transected nerve stumps, which may be responsible for the regular arrangement and the basement membrane formation by Schwann cells without any contact with axons.  相似文献   

在缺铁固体培养基中,可清楚地观察到水稻根表面的分泌物和根的形态变化以及侧根增多.为了从分子水平深入了解水稻受缺铁胁迫后的反应机理,对缺铁水稻根进行了10531个EST芯片的微点阵分析,发现膜泡相关的基因群相对转录表达率最高.利用超薄切片技术,在透射电镜下观察了缺铁胁迫下水稻根尖细胞的结构变化.结果显示:缺铁根尖细胞中,膜泡好似起源于质膜和囊泡的组装,然后在质膜上凸起,并且是双方向性的.膜泡表面有衣被.虽然正常供铁情况下也有膜泡出现,但与缺铁比较有很大区别.缺铁根尖细胞的膜泡明显大,膜泡和凹陷泡上有较清晰的衣被.同时还观察到在单层膜的膜泡内有管状和圆球形的内含物质.内含物的来源有可能,至少是部分通过内吞作用来源于细胞外基质.  相似文献   

本实验用透射电镜观察了二例Creutzfeldt-Jakob病(CJD)的尸检及活检脑组织。其中一例为死后6天尸检脑组织,电镜下可见神经元及神经胶质细胞明显变性,核染色质块状凝集,核碎裂,可见细胞碎片。另一例为穿刺活检脑组织,因取材过少光镜病理检查只发现脑组织水肿,不能明确诊断,电镜观察二例均少见神经元,神经胶质细胞多见且变性,最突出的表现为脑组织的海绵状界膜空泡变性,有髓神经纤维髓鞘解离并有部分溶解,轴索溶解消失并呈空泡样变性。本实验表明:对临床上表现为进行性痴呆,脑电图广泛异常的病人的组织活检,送检组织过少,一般病理检查不能明确诊断时,电镜检查具有重要意义,即使是死亡6天后的尸检仍可为CJD这种疑难和罕见病例的确诊提供有力的证据。  相似文献   

嗜酒对胎盘超微结构的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:研究酒精对胎盘超微结构的影响。方法:取二例有嗜酒习惯孕妇的胎盘组织(酒精组)及二例无吸烟无嗜酒习惯的正常孕妇胎盘组织(对照组)做超微结构研究,妊周为35~36周。结果:与对照组相比,酒精组的胎盘组织出现下列明显的超微结构改变:在合体滋养层,游离面的微绒毛短小、稀疏;数量较多的线粒体肿胀;粗面内质网池扩张,膜上核糖体有脱颗粒现象;基底膜弯曲、增厚;在基底膜内或附近常见电子致密球状颗粒;在基质内,常见Hofbauer细胞;微血管内皮增厚,伴有微绒毛样突起。结论:酒精引起的胎盘结构改变不利于母与胎物质交换及转运,进而影响胎儿的生长。  相似文献   

Natural killer cells possessing cytotoxic activity (CTA) and the ability to be activated by an interferon inductor and Newcastle disease virus, were isolated from blood, spleen and bone marrow of Syrian hamsters in the discontinuous Percoll density gradient. According to morphological criteria these cells were identified as large granular lymphocytes (LGL). The largest amount of LGL was isolated in the fraction containing 52-55% Percoll. CTA of cells from this fraction was the highest as compared to nonfractionated control or cells from other Percoll fractions. Effective (3-fold) activation of bone marrow cells isolated in the fraction of 49% Percoll with initially low CTA suggests that this Percoll fraction contains noncytotoxic precursors of NK cells.  相似文献   

The effect of intact mouse spleen cells sensitized in vitro with staphylococcus aureus enterotoxin A (SEA) on spreading of mouse Lewis carcinoma was studied. A significant decrease in a number of metastases in the lungs and in the weight of the lungs was observed after multiple intrapulmonary inoculation of spleen cells treated with SEA for 6 hours. The effect was less marked after inoculation of the sensitized cells intraperitoneally or into the femoral muscle of the leg affected with the tumour. After multiple inoculations of the sensitized cells, the spleen cells of the treated animals develop the state of interferon hyporeactivity to SEA but not to PHA or NDV.  相似文献   

The application of a complex of methods for fractionation of mouse spleen cells with transplanted rhabdomyosarcomas has shown that optimal conditions for adoptive intravenous transfer of the tumour-associated suppressor activity are created under joint injection of the primed macrophages and lymphoid cells of spleen (from animals with the progressively growing tumours) interacting with the macrophages to syngenic recipients.  相似文献   

The cell composition of bone marrow, spleen, and peripheral blood as well as the content of early granulocytic and macrophagal precursor cells forming colonies in agar cultures in diffusion chambers in vivo (CFU-DC) were studied in C57B1/6 mice during the Lewis carcinoma growth after subcutaneous transplantation of tumour cells. It has been shown that in peripheral blood of such mice neutrophilic leucocytosis develops and the content of CFU-DC increases considerably. The spleen has become a source of surplus production of granulocytic and macrophagal cells from the early precursors (CFU-DC) to the mature cell forms with their delivery to the peripheral blood. No essential changes in the cell composition and CFU-DC content were found in the bone marrow of femur.  相似文献   

电镜下观察了二种有囊膜的正链RNA病毒--猪瘟病毒(CSFV)与辛德毕斯病毒(SbV)感染的宿主细胞。在SbV 6K蛋白突变株感染的BHK21细胞中,可清楚地显示病毒从细胞质膜出芽与释放的过程,并在细胞擀中积累了大量的核衣壳。在CSFV感染的MPK细胞中首次观察到较多的病毒核衣壳与成熟的病毒粒子,因而有可能对其成熟与释放方式的不同进行比较研究。此外,对病毒诱导的细胞超微病变特征进行了报道  相似文献   

放线菌酮诱发的凋亡淋巴细胞线粒体观察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本实验用放线菌酮处理大鼠建造细胞凋亡模型,用透射电镜大鼠胸腺,脾脏和肠系膜淋巴结淋巴细胞的超微结构,放线菌酮处理2小时可致大鼠淋巴细胞凋亡,在凋亡早期可见淋巴细胞的线粒体,内质网,溶酶体等细胞器增多,线粒全数量变多和结构异常是凋亡淋巴细胞早期形态学特征之一,线粒全的增多与细胞加快自身的凋亡密切相关。  相似文献   

Treatment of 143B cells with microtubule-active drugs (MADs) including taxol, nocodazole and colchicine induced distinct structural changes, such as rounding of the cells with perinuclear clustering of mitochondria, when the cells were treated for up to 10 h. When the incubation time with MADs was longer than 10 h, multinuclear cells appeared, and their population increased with time. In this study perinuclear clustering of mitochondria i.e. mitochondria encircling the aggregated chromatin of the nucleus that had lost the nuclear membrane was detected. This observation was distinct from that reported in the literature. Mitochondria were aligned in a few lines; the occurrence of mitochondria in even a single line is an extreme case, resulting in one plane of section for electron microscopy. Three-dimensional reconstructions of confocal microscopic images of mitochondria revealed that they were assembled as a spherical structure. The majority of the cells with perinuclear clustering of mitochondria remained intact for up to 24 h. Mitochondria were observed to be clustered around the nucleus in the orthodox configuration or in some cases they were moderately condensed, as observed electron microscopically. Annexin V and PI double staining of cells showed that more than 90% of cells were viable. In the case of treatment with taxol, membrane potential of mitochondria per cell was well maintained although it was moderately lowered in the case of treatment with nocodazole. Taking into consideration the previous data reported from our laboratory, the present results may assist in elucidation of the behaviour of mitochondria during the dividing processes of mammalian cells, which is yet to be clarified.  相似文献   

毒黄素对小鼠肾脏毒性作用的超微病理观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
观察毒黄素对小鼠肾脏的超微病理改变,探讨毒黄素中毒的机理。小鼠腹腔注射毒黄素(1.5 mg/kg),2 h后取其肾皮质,应用电子显微镜观察其超微结构改变。电镜下可查见毒黄素主要损伤肾近曲小管上皮细胞的线粒体和毛细血管内皮细胞基底膜,表现为大量线粒体空泡化和毛细血管基底膜不匀性增厚。毒黄素可造成肾近曲小管上皮细胞和肾小球毛细血管内皮细胞的超微结构损伤,以线粒体和基底膜的损伤更为突出,为毒黄素的毒性作用提供超微形态学依据。  相似文献   

目的:观察肝衰竭婴儿红细胞形态的超微结构变化。方法:采集一例肝衰竭婴儿的静脉血,制作扫描电镜和透射电镜样品观察红细胞的超微结构。结果:在扫描电镜下,该婴儿正常双凹圆盘形红细胞数百分比仅为2.5%,而泪滴形、靶形、口形、网织红细胞、刺形、棘形和椭圆形等多种异常形态的红细胞却高达红细胞总数的97.5%。在透射电镜下,网织红细胞和少数成熟红细胞切面具有棒状突起,突起分枝或不分枝,甚至形成了高度曲折凹陷的迷宫图形。结论:该例肝衰竭婴儿红细胞形态从外形到内部超微结构均有显著改变,提示红细胞形态多样性可能与病情复杂和严重程度有关。  相似文献   

目的:观察心脏移植标本的超微结构变化。方法:通过移植后心脏的心内膜活检,经固定、常规则超薄切片制备,JEM-2000EX透射电镜检查。结果:移植后的早期阶段,未见明显移植排斥反应的心脏心内膜活检显示间质水肿,偶尔可见毛细血管内皮细胞的肿胀。心肌细胞和内皮细胞内溶酶体明显增多。在早期细胞排斥反应阶段,电镜检查可发现显著的心肌细胞坏死和变性,并可确定浸润炎细胞的性质。在血管排斥反应阶段,辨认内皮细胞增生、内皮细胞损伤和基底膜的改变,在患有移植性冠状动脉病的病人,其缺血性心脏具有显著特点:肌动蛋白丝的缺失比肌球蛋白丝更明显,肌微丝相对较粗大。结论:这些改变对于进一步确诊心脏移植受体的排斥和局部缺血是有用的形态学特征。  相似文献   

空心莲子草对钉螺神经节及足肌超微结构的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究空心莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)杀灭钉螺的作用机理。将空心莲子草水浸液(1g/100ml)及去氯水分别浸泡钉螺24h后,用透射电镜观察两组钉螺神经节及足肌超微结构的变化。结果显示:钉螺经空心莲子草水浸液浸泡24h后,神经节细胞明显破坏,其细胞膜消失,细胞核固缩,胞质内细胞器变性坏死,次级溶酶体增多,神经纤维断裂;足肌纤维内细胞核肿胀,肌丝排列紊乱甚至溶解,细胞间隙明显增宽。结果提示:空心莲子草水浸液对钉螺神经节细胞有明显破坏作用,同时可引起足肌细胞变性及细胞间隙水肿。  相似文献   

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