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基于TSMC 0.18 μm CMOS工艺,设计了一种新颖的恒跨导高增益轨到轨运算放大器。输入级仅由NMOS管差分对构成,采用电平移位及两路复用选择器控制技术,在轨到轨共模输入范围内实现了输入级恒跨导。中间级采用折叠式共源共栅放大器结构,运算放大器能获得高增益。输出级采用前馈型AB类推挽放大器,实现轨到轨全摆幅输出。利用密勒补偿技术进行频率补偿,运算放大器工作稳定。仿真结果表明,在1.8 V电源电压下,该运算放大器的直流开环增益为129.3 dB,单位增益带宽为7.22 MHz,相位裕度为60.1°,整个轨到轨共模输入范围内跨导的变化率为1.44%。  相似文献   

赵双  刘云涛 《微电子学》2016,46(3):302-305, 310
为了提高运算放大器对电源电压的利用率,基于GSMC 0.18 μm CMOS工艺模型,设计了一种高增益恒跨导轨对轨CMOS运算放大器。该运算放大器的输入级采用了互补差分对,并通过3倍电流镜法保证输入级总跨导在整个共模输入范围内恒定;为了获得较大的增益和输出摆幅,中间级采用了折叠式共源共栅结构;输出级采用了AB类输出控制电路,使输出摆幅基本实现了轨对轨。在3.3 V供电电压以及1.6 V输入电压下,该放大器的直流增益为126 dB,单位增益带宽为50 MHz,相位裕度为65°。电路结构简单,易于调试,可大大缩减设计周期和成本。  相似文献   

为适应低压低功耗设计的应用,设计了一种超低电源电压的轨至轨CMOS运算放大器。采用N沟道差分对和共模电平偏移的P沟道差分对来实现轨至轨信号输入.。当输入信号的共模电平处于中间时,P沟道差分对的输入共模电平会由共模电平偏移电路降低,以使得P沟道差分对工作。采用对称运算放大器结构,并结合电平偏移电路来构成互补输入差分对。采用0.13μm的CMOS工艺制程,在0.6V电源电压下,HSpice模拟结果表明,带10pF电容负载时,运算放大器能实现轨至轨输入,其性能为:功耗390μw,直流增益60dB,单位增益带宽22MHz,相位裕度80°。  相似文献   

针对传统全差分运算放大器电路存在输入输出摆幅小和共模抑制比低的问题,提出了一种高共模抑制比轨到轨全差分运算放大器电路。电路的输入级采用基于电流补偿技术的互补差分输入对,实现较大的输入信号摆幅;中间级采用折叠式共源共栅结构,获得较大的增益和输出摆幅;输出级采用共模反馈环路控制的A类输出结构,同时对共模反馈环路进行密勒补偿,提高电路的共模抑制比和环路稳定性。提出的全差分运算放大器电路基于中芯国际(SMIC) 0.13μm CMOS工艺设计,结果表明,该电路在3.3 V供电电压下,负载电容为5 pF时,可实现轨到轨的输入输出信号摆幅;当输入共模电平为1.65 V时,直流增益为108.9 dB,相位裕度为77.5°,单位增益带宽为12.71 MHz;共模反馈环路增益为97.7 dB,相位裕度为71.3°;共模抑制比为237.7 dB,电源抑制比为209.6 dB,等效输入参考噪声为37.9 nV/Hz1/2@100 kHz。  相似文献   

刘华珠  黄海云  宋瑞 《半导体技术》2011,36(6):463-465,482
设计了一个1.5 V低功耗轨至轨CMOS运算放大器。电路设计中为了使输入共模电压范围达到轨至轨性能,采用了NMOS管和PMOS管并联的互补差动对输入结构,并采用成比例的电流镜技术实现了输入级跨导的恒定。在中间增益级设计中,采用了适合在低压工作的低压宽摆幅共源共栅结构;在输出级设计时,为了提高效率,采用了简单的推挽共源级放大器作为输出级,使得输出电压摆幅基本上达到了轨至轨。当接100 pF电容负载和1 kΩ电阻负载时,运放的静态功耗只有290μW,直流开环增益约为76 dB,相位裕度约为69°,单位增益带宽约为1 MHz。  相似文献   

曹正州  孙佩 《电子与封装》2019,19(11):22-25
设计了一种低电压恒定跨导的轨到轨运算放大器,作为误差放大器用在BUCK型DC-DC上实现对输出电压的调节。该运算放大器采用两级结构,输入级采用互补差分对的结构,实现了轨到轨电压的输入,并且利用2倍电流镜技术实现了跨导的恒定;输出级采用AB类放大器的结构,提高了输出电压摆幅和效率,实现了轨到轨电压的输出。该电路基于CSMC 0.25μm EN BCDMOS工艺进行设计,仿真结果表明:电源电压为2.8 V时,在输出端负载电容为160 pF、负载电阻为10 kΩ的情况下,增益为124 dB,单位增益带宽积为5.76 MHz,相位裕度为59.9℃,输入跨导为5.2 mΩ~(-1),共模抑制比为123 dB,输入共模信号范围为0~2.8V,输出电压摆幅为0~2.8 V。  相似文献   

一种轨对轨CMOS运算放大器的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
程梦璋 《微电子学与计算机》2007,24(11):124-126,130
基于0.6μmCMOS工艺,设计了一种轨对轨运算放大器。该运算放大器采用了3.3V单电源供电,其输入共模范围和输出信号摆幅接近于地和电源电压,即所谓输入和输出电压范围轨对轨。该运放的小信号增益为77dB,单位增益带宽为4.32MHz,相位裕度为79°。由于电路简单,工作稳定,输入输出线性动态范围宽,非常适合于SOC芯片内集成。  相似文献   

在分析研究AB类运算放大器的输入和输出级构成原理基础上,提出一种与信号处理模块的输出端匹配并具有一定负载能力的缓冲器的设计。缓冲器采用了AB类运放结构,其输入级采用折叠式共射共基结构,输出级分别采用PNP管和NMOS管作为上拉管和下拉管,结合电路结构的改进使之具有轨到轨(rail-to-rail)的输出特性和很低的静态电流。设计的电路具有开环增益大、静态功耗小、带宽较高等特点。此运放已在1.5μmBCD工艺下实现。测试结果表明,静态电流仅为8.5μA,闭环带宽达200kHz,开环增益为100dB。  相似文献   

一种0.8V衬底驱动轨对轨运算放大器设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用衬底驱动技术设计低压低功耗轨对轨运算放大器。输入级采用衬底驱动MOSFET,有效避开阈值电压限制,将电源电压降至0.8V,实现低压下轨对轨共模输入范围。增加衬底驱动冗余差分对及反折式共源共栅求和电路实现恒定跨导控制,消除共模电压对输入级跨导的影响,输出采用前馈式AB类输出级,以提高动态输出电压范围。基于标准0.18μmCMOS工艺仿真运放,测得输出范围0.4~782.5mV,功耗48.8μW,电源抑制比58dB,CMRR65dB,直流开环增益63.8dB,单位增益带宽2.4MHz,相位裕度68°。版图设计采用双阱交叉空铅技术,面积为97.8μm×127.6μm。  相似文献   

一种轨至轨输入的低压低功耗运放的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用0.35μm的CMOS标准工艺,设计了一种轨至轨输入,静态功耗150μW,相位增益86dB,单位增益带宽2.3MHz的低压低功耗运算放大器。该运放在共模输入电平下有着几乎恒定的跨导,使频率补偿更容易实现,可应用于VLSI库单元及其相关技术领域。  相似文献   

To drive the backplane of a liquid crystal display device and achieve different kinds of grey levels, a high-slew-rate operational amplifier with constant-gin input stage is presented. A Zener-diode structure is inserted between the tails of the complementary input pairs to keep the gm of the input stage constant. A novel slew rate enhancement circuit is implemented to achieve a very high slew rate. The chip has been implemented in a 0.5μm CMOS process and the chip area of the operational amplifier circuit is 0.11 mm~2. The testing results indicate that in the 5-8 V input range, the maximum gm fluctuation is only 4.2%. The result exhibits a high slew rate of 111 V/μsand 102 V/μs for the rising and falling edges under a 20 pF capacitance load, and the low frequency gain is up to109 dB with a phase margin of 70 ℃.  相似文献   

本文在分析MOS管恒跨导输入级和AB类输出级运算放大器的基础上设计了一个高摆率、恒跨导的轨对轨运算放大器。在输入级中采用了齐纳二极管的稳压原理,保证Rail-to-Rail运算放大器的输入跨导恒定。为了实现高转换率,本文采用了一种新型的压摆率提高电路。另外,为了提高系统的稳定性,采用了控制零点的米勒补偿进行频率补偿。采...  相似文献   

提出了一种应用于低压低功耗电路的新型电流镜运算放大器。该运算放大器在传统电流镜运算放大器结构的基础上,在输入级增加电流复用模块,在输出级增加动态调控单元,提升了电路的增益和摆率,且不产生额外的静态功耗,不影响电路的稳定性。在UMC 28 nm CMOS工艺下进行设计和验证。仿真结果表明,在1.05 V电源电压下,与传统电流镜运算放大器相比,该运算放大器的摆率提高了11倍,增益提升了20 dB。  相似文献   

通过理论分析和流片测试,研究了一种四通道低失调、高速宽带通用运算放大器。输入级采用发射极反馈电阻和展宽频带电容,提高稳定性和转换速率。详细分析了减小输入失调电压和失调电流的补偿电路以及全NPN输出级。电路采用标准双极工艺制造,四通道芯片总面积为3.68 mm×2.29 mm,采用双列直插封装。测试结果为:GBW≥6 MHz、SR≥9 V/μs,全温失调电压小于2 mV(-55℃~+125℃),平均温度系数小于5μV/℃,可以在通用模拟系统中广泛使用。  相似文献   

束晨  许俊  叶凡  任俊彦 《半导体学报》2012,33(9):131-136
正A novel circuit is presented in order to enhance the slew rate of two-stage operational amplifiers.The enhancer utilizes the class-AB input stage to improve current efficiency,while it works on an open loop with regard to the enhanced amplifier so that it has no effect on the stability of the amplifier.During the slewing period,the enhancer detects input differential voltage of the amplifier,and produces external enhancement currents for the amplifier,driving load capacitors to charge/discharge faster.Simulation results show that,fora large input step,the enhancerreduces settling time by nearly 50%.When the circuit is employed in a sample-and-hold circuit,it greatly improves the spur-free dynamic range by 44.6 dB and the total harmonic distortion by 43.9 dB.The proposed circuit is very suitable to operate under a low voltage(1.2 V or below) with a standby current of 200μA.  相似文献   

In this paper, a single-stage class AB bulk-driven amplifier operating in weak inversion region is proposed. The presented amplifier benefits from an improved high input swing structure using quasi-floating-gate technique. The composite transistors and recycling configuration used at the input stage enable the input differential pair to operate under low supply voltages with larger transconductance as compared to the conventional models at no expense of power budget. The circuit is designed in 0.18 µm CMOS technology and simulation results show 61.5 dB low frequency gain with the gain bandwidth of 30.15 kHz and 55.3 V/ms average slew rate. The total current of 275 nA and 0.6 V supply voltage make the proposed amplifier a suitable choice for ultra-low-power applications.  相似文献   

An embedded capacitor multiplier gain boosting compensation (ECMGBC) technique with slew rate enhancement circuit is presented in this paper for a three-stage amplifier. The ECMGBC technique pushes the non-dominant complex poles of the amplifier to high frequencies for gain-bandwidth product (GBW) extension under low quiescent current. In addition, the proposed slew rate enhancement circuit improves the transient responses of ECMGBC amplifier without any problem of oscillation. The ECMGBC amplifier has been designed and simulated in a 0.35-µm mixed signal CMOS process. From the post-simulation results, the amplifier driving a 1,000-pF capacitance achieves a 1-MHz GBW with a phase margin of 60° by consuming 13.5-µA quiescent current. The total compensation capacitance is only 1.2 pF. The transient responses are simulated when the amplifier is in unity-gain non-inverting configuration with a 0.6-V step input at a 2-V supply. The 1 % settling time is 1.1 µs for a 1,000-pF load capacitance. Compared with previously reported works, the ECMGBC amplifier achieves good figures of merit. Moreover, the ECMGBC amplifier obtains a very high ratio of load capacitance to total compensation capacitance.  相似文献   

The use of input stage transconductance reduction as a means of decreasing monolithic op amp die size and increasing slew rate is discussed. A new input stage circuit which provides improved slew rate is presented and compared to earlier techniques.  相似文献   

A BiCMOS rail-to-rail operational amplifier capable of operating from supply voltages as low as 1 V is presented. The folded cascode input stage uses an nMOS depletion mode differential pair to provide rail-to-rail common mode voltage range while typically requiring only 40 fA of input bias current. The bipolar transistor differential-to-single-ended conversion network employs a low-voltage base current cancellation technique which provides high input stage voltage gain from a l-V supply yet allows a 3-V/μs slew rate capability. The bipolar transistor output stage uses a low-voltage translinear loop which maintains a low impedance signal path to the output common emitter power devices. This circuit topology enables the amplifier to achieve a 4-MHz bandwidth with 60° of phase margin. The output voltage can swing to within 50 mV of each supply rail. An “on-demand” base current boost technique will be presented which can provide up to 50 mA of output drive capability from a 5-V supply, yet consumes only a few microamps when the output is in the quiescent state. A low voltage level shift technique will be described which uses an n-channel depletion mode source follower to provide isolation between the input and output stages  相似文献   

A high-slew integrator for switched-capacitor circuits   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new method for improving the slew rate of a switched-capacitor integrator is introduced. A booster circuit is used to measure the integrator input voltage and then inject a proportionate amount of charge at the integrator output. The boosted integrator significantly reduces the settling time due to amplifier slewing. In addition, the booster has no adverse effect on the noise and stability performance of the integrator. The booster stage increases the total static integrator power by 36% and the total die area by 22%  相似文献   

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