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在非对称HALO结构的全耗尽SOI二维阈值电压解析模型的基础上,对阈值电压受隐埋层中二维效应的影响进行了讨论.通过与一维模型的比较,说明在深亚微米SOI MOSFET器件中隐埋层的二维效应会导致器件提前出现短沟道效应.新模型结果与二维数值模拟软件MEDICI吻合较好.  相似文献   

研究异质栅单Halo沟道SOI MOS器件的隐埋层中二维效应对器件特性,如电势分布、阈值电压等的影响,仿真结果表明,隐埋层中的二维效应会引起更明显的SCE及DIBL效应.在考虑隐埋层二维效应的基础上,提出了一个新的二维阈值电压模型,能较好地吻合二维器件数值模拟软件Medici的仿真结果.  相似文献   

许剑  丁磊  韩郑生  钟传杰   《电子器件》2007,30(6):2166-2169
在考虑了隐埋层与硅层的二维效应的基础上提出非对称HALO结构的全耗尽SOI二维阈值电压解析模型,该模型计算了在不同硅膜厚度,掺杂浓度,HALO区占沟道比例的条件下的阈值电压.模型结果与二维数值模拟软件MEDICI的模拟结果较好的吻合,该模型对HALO结构的物理特性和工艺设计有很好的指导意义.  相似文献   

罗小蓉  李肇基  张波 《半导体学报》2006,27(11):2005-2010
提出复合介质埋层SOI(compound dielectric buried layer SOI,CDL SOI)高压器件新结构,建立其电场和电势分布的二维解析模型,给出CDL SOI和均匀介质埋层SOI器件的RESURF条件统一判据.CDL SOI结构利用漏端低k(介电常数)介质增强埋层纵向电场,具有不同k值的复合介质埋层调制漂移区电场,二者均使耐压提高.借助解析模型和二维数值仿真对其电场和电势进行分析,二者吻合较好.结果表明,对低k值为2的CDL SOILDMOS,其埋层电场和器件耐压分别比常规SOI结构提高了82%和58%.  相似文献   

提出复合介质埋层SOI(compound dielectric buried layer SOI,CDL SOI)高压器件新结构,建立其电场和电势分布的二维解析模型,给出CDL SOI和均匀介质埋层SOI器件的RESURF条件统一判据.CDL SOI结构利用漏端低k(介电常数)介质增强埋层纵向电场,具有不同k值的复合介质埋层调制漂移区电场,二者均使耐压提高.借助解析模型和二维数值仿真对其电场和电势进行分析,二者吻合较好.结果表明,对低k值为2的CDL SOILDMOS,其埋层电场和器件耐压分别比常规SOI结构提高了82%和58%.  相似文献   

为了抑制深亚微米SOI MOSFET的短沟道效应,并提高电流驱动能力,提出了异质栅单Halo SOI MOSFET器件结构,其栅极由具有不同功函数的两种材料拼接而成,并在沟道源端一侧引入Halo技术.采用分区的抛物线电势近似法和通用边界条件求解二维Poisson方程,为新结构器件建立了全耗尽条件下的表面势及阈值电压二维解析模型.对新结构器件与常规SOI MOSFET性能进行了对比研究.结果表明,新结构器件能有效抑制阈值电压漂移、热载流子效应和漏致势垒降低效应,并显著提高载流子通过沟道的输运速度.解析模型与器件数值模拟软件MEDICI所得结果高度吻合.  相似文献   

李瑞贞  韩郑生 《半导体学报》2005,26(12):2303-2308
提出了一种新的全耗尽SOI MOSFETs阈值电压二维解析模型.通过求解二维泊松方程得到器件有源层的二维电势分布函数,氧化层-硅界面处的电势最小值用于监测SOI MOSFETs的阈值电压.通过对不同栅长、栅氧厚度、硅膜厚度和沟道掺杂浓度的SOI MOSFETs的MEDICI模拟结果的比较,验证了该模型,并取得了很好的一致性.  相似文献   

基于介质电场增强理论的SOI横向高压器件与耐压模型   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
SOI(Silicon On Insulator)高压集成电路(High Voltage Integrated Circuit,HVIC)因其具有高速、低功耗、抗辐照以及易于隔离等优点而得以广泛应用。作为SOIHVIC的核心器件,SOI横向高压器件较低的纵向击穿电压,限制了其在高压功率集成电路中的应用。为此,国内外众多学者提出了一系列新结构以提高SOI横向高压器件的纵向耐压。但迄今为止,SOI横向高压器件均采用SiO2作为埋层,且实用SOI器件击穿电压不超过600V;同时,就SOI横向器件的电场分布和耐压解析模型而言,现有的模型仅针对具有均匀厚度埋氧层和均匀厚度漂移区的SOI器件建立,而且没有一个统一的理论来指导SOI横向高压器件的纵向耐压设计。笔者围绕SOI横向高压器件的耐压问题,从耐压理论、器件结构和耐压解析模型几方面进行了研究。基于SOI器件介质层电场临界化的思想,提出介质电场增强ENDIF(Enhanced Dielectric LayerField)理论。在ENDIF理论指导下,提出三类SOI横向高压器件新结构,建立相应的耐压解析模型,并进行实验。(1)ENDIF理论对现有典型横向SOI高压器件的纵向耐压机理统一化ENDIF理论的思想是通过增强埋层电场而提高SOI横向器件的纵向耐压。ENDIF理论给出了增强埋层电场的三种途径:采用低εr(相对介电常数)介质埋层、薄SOI层和在漂移区/埋层界面引入电荷,并获得了一维近似下埋层电场和器件耐压的解析式。ENDIF理论可对现有典型SOI横向高压器件的纵向耐压机理统一化,它突破了传统SOI横向器件纵向耐压的理论极限,是优化设计SOI横向高压器件纵向耐压的普适理论。(2)基于ENDIF理论,提出以下三类SOI横向高压器件新结构,并进行理论和实验研究①首次提出低εr型介质埋层SOI高压器件新型结构及其耐压解析模型低εr型介质埋层SOI高压器件包括低εr介质埋层SOI高压器件、变εr介质埋层SOI高压器件和低εr介质埋层PSOI(PartialSOI)高压器件。该类器件首次将低介电系数且高临界击穿电场的介质引入埋层或部分埋层,利用低εr介质增强埋层电场、变εr介质调制埋层和漂移区电场而提高器件耐压。通过求解二维Poisson方程,并考虑变εr介质对埋层和漂移区电场的调制作用,建立了变εr介质埋层SOI器件的耐压模型,由此获得RESURF判据。此模型和RESURF判据适用于变厚度埋层SOI器件和均匀介质埋层SOI器件,是变介质埋层SOI器件(包括变εr和变厚度介质埋层SOI器件)和均匀介质埋层SOI器件的统一耐压模型。借助解析模型和二维器件仿真软件MEDICI研究了器件电场分布和击穿电压与结构参数之间的关系。结果表明,变εr介质埋层SOI高压器件的埋层电场和器件耐压可比常规SOI器件分别提高一倍和83%,当源端埋层为高热导率的Si3N4而不是SiO2时,埋层电场和器件耐压分别提高73%和58%,且器件最高温度降低51%。解析结果和仿真结果吻合较好。②提出并成功研制电荷型介质场增强SOI高压器件笔者提出的电荷型介质场增强SOI高压器件包括:(a)双面电荷槽SOI高压器件和电荷槽PSOI高压器件,其在埋氧层的一侧或两侧形成介质槽。根据ENDIF理论,槽内束缚的电荷将增强埋层电场,进而提高器件耐压。电荷槽PSOI高压器件在提高耐压的基础上还能降低自热效应;(b)复合埋层SOI高压器件,其埋层由两层氧化物及其间多晶硅构成。该器件不仅利用两层埋氧承受耐压,而且多晶硅下界面的电荷增强第二埋氧层的电场,因而器件耐压提高。开发了基于SDB(Silicon Direct Bonding)技术的非平面埋氧层SOI材料的制备工艺,并研制出730V的双面电荷槽SOILDMOS和760V的复合埋层SOI器件,前者埋层电场从常规结构的低于120V/μm提高到300V/μm,后者第二埋氧层电场增至400V/μm以上。③提出薄硅层阶梯漂移区SOI高压器件新结构并建立其耐压解析模型该器件的漂移区厚度从源到漏阶梯增加。其原理是:在阶梯处引入新的电场峰,新电场峰调制漂移区电场并增强埋层电场,从而提高器件耐压。通过求解Poisson方程,建立阶梯漂移区SOI器件耐压解析模型。借助解析模型和数值仿真,研究了器件结构参数对电场分布和击穿电压的影响。结果表明:对tI=3μm,tS=0.5μm的2阶梯SOI器件,耐压比常规SOI结构提高一倍,且保持较低的导通电阻。仿真结果证实了解析模型的正确性。  相似文献   

提出了一种新的全耗尽SOI MOSFETs阈值电压二维解析模型.通过求解二维泊松方程得到器件有源层的二维电势分布函数,氧化层-硅界面处的电势最小值用于监测SOI MOSFETs的阈值电压.通过对不同栅长、栅氧厚度、硅膜厚度和沟道掺杂浓度的SOI MOSFETs的MEDICI模拟结果的比较,验证了该模型,并取得了很好的一致性.  相似文献   

为了抑制异质栅SOI MOSFET的漏致势垒降低效应,在沟道源端一侧引入了高掺杂Halo结构.通过求解二维电势Poisson方程,为新结构器件建立了全耗尽条件下表面势和阈值电压解析模型,并对其性能改进情况进行了研究.结果表明,新结构器件比传统的异质栅SOI MOSFETs能更有效地抑制漏致势垒降低效应,并进一步提高载流子输运效率.新结构器件的漏致势垒降低效应随着Halo区掺杂浓度的增加而减弱,但随Halo区长度非单调变化.解析模型与数值模拟软件MEDICI所得结果高度吻合.  相似文献   

Short-channel single-gate SOI MOSFET model   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The authors derive an analytical model for threshold voltage for fully depleted single-gate silicon-on-insulator (SOI) MOSFETs taking into consideration the two-dimensional effects in both SOI and buried-oxide layers. Their model is valid for both long- and short-channel SOI MOSFETs and demonstrates the dependence of short-channel effects on the device parameters of channel-doping concentration, gate oxide, SOI, and buried-oxide thickness. It reproduces the numerical data for sub-0.1-/spl mu/m gate-length devices better than previous models.  相似文献   

This paper simulates the transport characteristics of ultrathin silicon-on-insulator MOSFETs, and evaluates the influence of the quantum-mechanical mechanism on the short-channel effects on the basis of the density-gradient model. It is clearly shown that the quantum-mechanical mechanism suppresses the buried-insulator-induced barrier lowering with regard to the subthreshold swing because the surface dark space yields a high-field region in the source region adjacent to the channel. It is also suggested that the quantum-mechanical mechanism enhances the impact of the apparent charge-sharing effect on the threshold voltage because the surface dark space effectively increases the thickness of the gate-oxide layer and buried-oxide layer.  相似文献   

We report the first observation of threshold-voltage instability of single-crystal silicon (Si) thin-film transistors (TFTs) that are fabricated on low-temperature flexible plastic substrate. Single-crystal Si of 200-nm thickness is transferred from silicon-on-insulator (SOI) onto an indium-tin-oxide-coated polyethylene terephthalate host substrate after selectively removing the buried-oxide layer from the SOI. TFTs of n-type were then fabricated on the transferred single-crystal Si layer with 1.8-mum thick SU-8-2 epoxy as the gate dielectric layer. It is observed that the threshold voltage (Vth) of these TFTs shifts to higher and lower values under high positive and negative gate-voltage stress, respectively. A logarithmic time-dependence of the Vth shift at high bias stress was clearly indicated. These results suggest that the instability of the threshold voltage of the single-crystal Si TFTs is attributed to the charge trapping in the gate dielectric layer.  相似文献   

通过求解具有界面电荷边界条件的二维泊松方程,建立了埋氧层固定界面电荷Qf对RESURF SOI功率器件二维电场和电势分布影响的解析模型。解析结果与半导体器件模拟器MEDICI数值分析结果相吻合。在此基础上,分别研究了Qf对RESURF SOI功率器件横向和纵向击穿特性的影响规律。在横向,讨论了不同硅膜厚度、氧层厚度和漂移区长度情况下Qf对表面电场分布的影响;在纵向,通过分析硅膜内的场和势的分布,提出了临界埋氧层固定界面电荷密度的概念,这是导致器件发生失效的最低界面电荷密度。  相似文献   

An analytical CAD-oriented model for short channel threshold voltage of retrograde doped MOSFETs is developed. The model is extended to evaluate the drain induced barrier lowering parameter (R) and gradient of threshold voltage. The dependence of short channel threshold voltage and R on thickness of lightly doped layer (d) has also been analyzed in detail. It is shown that a retrograde doping profile reduces short channel effects to a considerable extent. A technique is developed to optimize the device parameters for minimizing short channel effects. The results so obtained are in close proximity with published data.  相似文献   

《Microelectronics Journal》2007,38(10-11):1013-1020
A simple and accurate analytical model for the threshold voltage of AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) is developed by solving three-dimensional (3-D) Poisson equation to investigate the short channel effects (SCEs) and the narrow width effects present simultaneously in a small geometry device. It has been demonstrated that the proposed model correctly predicts the potential and electric field distribution along the channel. In the proposed model, the effect of important parameters such as the thickness of the barrier layer and its doping on the threshold voltage has also been included. The model is, further, extended to find an expression for the threshold voltage in the sub-micrometer regime. The accuracy of the proposed analytical model is verified by comparing the model results with 3-D device simulations for different gate lengths and widths.  相似文献   

In this paper, a near-triangular buried-oxide partial silicon-on-insulator (TB-PSOI) lateral double-diffused MOS field-effect transistor is proposed. The electric field and electrostatic potential in this structure are modified by the gradual buried-oxide thickness increase. The modification includes the addition of a new peak in the electric field in comparison to that of the conventional PSOI. To assess the efficiency of the proposed structure, its breakdown voltage is compared with that of conventional PSOI using two-dimensional simulations. A comparative study is performed in terms of silicon-film and buried-oxide layer thicknesses, drift region and buried-oxide layer lengths, and drift region doping concentrations. The study shows that under the same drain current, the breakdown voltage of TB-PSOI is nearly two times higher than its PSOI counterpart (108% improvement). Simulation results show that the three-stepped oxide layer closely follows the TB-PSOI structure with a breakdown voltage improvement of 96% compared to that of the PSOI structure.  相似文献   

首先建立了应变SiGe沟道PMOSFET的一维阈值电压模型,在此基础上,通过考虑沟道横向电场的影响,将其扩展到适用于短沟道的准二维阈值电压模型,与二维数值模拟结果呈现出好的符合。利用此模型,模拟分析了各结构参数对器件阈值电压的影响,并简要讨论了无Sicap层器件的阈值电压。  相似文献   

On the temperature variation of threshold voltage of GaAs MESFETs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors have investigated the temperature dependence of the threshold voltage of depletion-mode GaAs MESFETs with epitaxially grown n channels. An approach to threshold shift analysis that allows direct comparison with threshold measurement is taken. The contributions from various temperature-dependent effects to the threshold-voltage shift were studied, including the built-in voltage of the Schottky barrier, deep-level transients, capping layer effects, the substrate-channel built-in voltage, and the k factor which is related to channel mobility. A quasi-DC method for threshold voltage measurement, which enables threshold voltage to be measured as a function of temperature with minimum deep-level transient effect is reported. A method has also been developed to measure the temperature dependence of built-in voltage which is completely free from transient effects. The results show that the major contributors to the temperature variation of threshold voltage are the temperature dependence of the Schottky barrier built-in voltage and the effect of the capping layer  相似文献   

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