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铜电解液脱铜及脱杂技术探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了目前国内主要铜冶炼厂的铜电解液脱铜及脱杂技术,包括诱导法、并联循环连续脱砷法以及旋流电解技术,这些技术开辟了新的思路,值得学习与借鉴。  相似文献   

诱导法脱铜、砷、锑、铋的生产技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对白银公司一年来诱导法脱砷、锑、铋的生产进行了简要的总结,对电积过程机理进行了研究,同时通过生产实践中技术数据的分析,提出诱导法脱铜、砷、锑、铋的最佳工艺技术条件,并对过程中重要经济技术指标及砷化氢气体的有效抑制作了进一步的探讨。  相似文献   

并联循环连续电积脱砷法在云铜的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了云铜对铜电解液脱砷过程的研究、试验和实践,分析了并联循环连续电积脱砷法的特点及其应用情况。  相似文献   

诱导法脱砷技术在铜电解液净化系统中的应用   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
本文是作者消化了引进的诱导法脱砷技术,将其应用于国内几家工厂的铜电解液净化系统的设计中之后,对诱导法脱砷技术所作的进一步探讨。文章着重论述了诱导法脱砷技术的工艺原理、操作条件的选择、计算、设备的特点及环保效果,介绍了诱导法脱砷技术在国内一些工厂的应用情况,提出了一些存在的问题及建议。  相似文献   

本文介绍了诱导法脱砷技术在铜电解液净化系统中的应用,着重论述了诱导法脱砷的工艺原理、条件选择、设备特点及环保效果,介绍了诱导法脱砷工艺在国内一些工厂的应用情况,并提出一些存在的问题及建议。  相似文献   

污酸是有色金属冶炼中普遍存在的废酸,具有污染物种类多成分复杂、酸度高且最难处理的特点。污酸也是冶炼厂酸性重金属离子废水主要来源,其传统处理工艺产生大量危险废渣且处理成本高。旋流电解技术以可适用范围广且高选择性等特点日益受到重视。本论文利用旋流电解技术处理污酸溶液,研究了初始铜离子浓度对铜砷脱除效果的影响,并同并联循环连续电积脱砷法和控制阴极电势电积法做了比较。结果表明,在初始铜离子浓度为3 g·L~(-1)时,旋流电解6 h时砷脱除率最好(71.42%)。初始铜离子浓度3 g·L~(-1)以内时,砷脱除率随初始铜离子浓度升高而升高;初始铜离子浓度超过3 g·L~(-1)时,初始铜离子浓度升高对砷脱除不利。旋流电解技术可在高电流密度500 A·m~(-2)下进行脱砷,高于并联循环连续电积法的320 A·m~(-2)和控制阴极电势电积法200 A·m~(-2);其渣中铜砷比可达0.65∶1.00,远低于并联循环连续电积法的(1.8~2.8)∶1.0和控制阴极电势电积法的6.6∶1.0,减少了砷渣中铜的含量。  相似文献   

二次脱铜过程中砷行为分析和工艺控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过电位-pH图和电极过程分析,探讨了在二次脱铜过程中铜离子浓度对砷析出的影响,从而在理论上解释了诱导法脱砷技术.生产实践表明控制好主、辅给液量、温度、电流密度等工艺参数,有利于砷的脱除,当始液铜离子浓度约为20g/L,含砷3~4g/L、温度50℃、电流密度200A/m2,主给液/辅助给液为1:10~0.8时,脱砷率大于65%。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了30万t铜电解项目净化系统的工艺方案选择及设计,包括脱铜、除杂工艺的选择,脱铜厂房的设计,净液总量的计算,一、二段终液含铜成分的确定,厂址及电积槽型选择,脱铜槽数的确定与布置等。该系统采用电积法生产标准阴极铜(真空蒸发生产硫酸铜为辅)-诱导法脱砷锑鉍的生产工艺流程。  相似文献   

铜转炉烟灰焙烧脱砷的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
研究了沈阳冶炼厂铜转炉电收尘烟灰的焙烧脱砷过程,考察了焙烧温度,空气流量和焙烧时间对脱砷率的影响,结果表明,在最佳条件下,脱砷率可达91.53%。  相似文献   

铜冶炼含砷物料处理技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
铜冶炼过程中含砷物料主要有铜烟尘、砷滤饼、黑铜泥、电积铜等,它们也是冶炼过程中的典型固废。目前,冶炼厂大多将它们返炉处理,但这样不仅会降低炉子对原料的处理量,而且砷在系统内循环积累会影响炉况及生产的正常运行。以砷的脱除开路为出发点,对主要含砷物料的处理技术进行综述,详细介绍了脱砷工艺的进展,并对不同的脱砷方法进行了比较,展望了含砷物料处理技术的发展方向和趋势。  相似文献   

Electrowinning and electrorefining, like chemical processes generally, are amenable to comprehensive material balance analysis for purposes of process control. However, current efficiency in electrowinning is insufficient to provide the requisite agreement between current and electrolyte flows on the one hand and observed concentration changes on the other. The many factors contributing to volume change and metal loss is electrowinning determine a “volume efficiency”, as previously defined, which can differ significantly from 100%. Use of volume efficiency in conjuction with current efficiency is illustrated by experimental data for the case of nickel electrowinning employing a porous separator. In electrorefining, anode current efficiency is a major factor in the material balance. The chemical compositions of anodes and cathodes and their respective current efficiencies contribute the source terms for soluble impurity buildup in the electrolyte. An analysis is developed which takes into account the principal mechanisms of extraneous weight loss of anodes, including dissolution of oxide inclusions, disintegration and chemical corrosion. The considerations involved are illustrated for nickel impurity in copper anodes.  相似文献   

A process variable in addition to the current efficiency is required in order to obtain exact correlation among current, electrolyte flow, and concentration changes in electrowinning. To this end, a volume efficiency has been defined and incorporated into a formulation for estimating the separate contributions to observed current efficiencies.In Part I, expressions are presented which enable the response of the electrowinning system to changes in influent to be accurately predicted. The formulation developed is practical, and its use is illustrated by actual examples. Part II presents a somewhat idealized treatment, in that very precise and accurate chemical analyses would be required in order to obtain a reliable estimation of the relative rates of competing electrode reactions.  相似文献   

舒方霞 《有色矿冶》2011,(4):33-35,55
对固体氯化铅直接电解过程进行了研究。实验考察了阴极电流密度、电解温度、盐酸浓度、NaCl浓度、PbCl2质量等因素对电流效率、槽压和沉积物质量的影响。结果表明,当阴极电流密度为200 A/m2,温度为65℃,氯化钠浓度为2 mol/L,盐酸浓度为0.1 mol/L,阴极板上固体氯化铅质量为20 g时,阴极电流效率可达98%以上,槽压控制在2 V左右。  相似文献   

通过向纯硫酸锌溶液和工厂实际氧化锌所造硫酸锌溶液中,加入各种类型的有机物来模拟锌电积过程。借助金相、扫描电子显微研究和电化学研究,来考察有机物对电流效率和沉积锌结构的影响。试验证实了电解电流效率降低及沉积锌结晶差的主要原因是氧化锌粉中有机物的影响。通过研究,找到了可行的解决方法,使电流效率达到85%以上。  相似文献   

This article discusses the effect of tin, germanium, and antimony, as well as animal glue, on current efficiency η and specific power consumption (W) within the electrowinning of zinc. Adequate regression models of η and W as a function of cathode current density, concentrations of impurities, and animal glue in electrolyte at a constant temperature have been obtained. The ranks of independent variables in terms of intensity of influence on η has been determined. They are located in the cluster as follows (in decreasing order): Ge, Sn, and Sb. It has been established experimentally that antimony in the concentration range 0.001–0.150 mg/L increases the current efficiency within the electrowinning of zinc.  相似文献   

旋流电积是指通过电解液的循环流动加强液相传质,有效消除浓差极化,实现从低浓度、复杂溶液中高效选择性提取目标金属的一种新型有色金属分离提取技术.旋流电积技术广泛应用于重金属、贵金属、稀散金属分离提取和溶液净化除杂中.文中介绍了旋流电积技术的设备组成,总结了旋流电积技术在应用中的工艺流程、工艺参数和技术指标.结果表明,旋流电积技术对电解液要求低,适用性广,可以缩短工艺流程,提高生产效率.旋流电积技术在阴极产品质量、金属回收率、电流效率,能耗和生产成本等技术指标优势明显,应用前景广阔.   相似文献   

分时电流供电对长周期锌电积的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过控制锌电积的电流密度按用电峰时段300A/m2、谷时段600A/m2及平时段480A/m2进行长周期锌电积试验,考察了分时供电对锌电积阴极锌质量、电流效率、直流电单耗及电费的影响,并与工业生产实际进行对比分析。结果表明,对于年产12万t锌锭的企业,锌电积生产每年节约电费约2 100万元。  相似文献   

李坚  罗永光  孙成余  施哲 《冶金能源》2012,(2):43-46,58
考虑到大工业用电分时计价,通过控制锌电积生产在用电峰时段、谷时段和平时段采用不同的电流密度组合,进行长周期锌电积试验,考察了分时供电对锌电积阴极锌质量、电流效率、直流电单耗及电费的影响。研究结果与工业生产实际进行对比分析,对于年产12万t锌锭的生产企业,在锌电积生产过程将节约电费支出上千万元,为锌冶炼企业带来较好的经济效益。  相似文献   

A. J. Monhemius   《Hydrometallurgy》1975,1(2):183-203
The effects of certain variables on the current efficiency and power consumption of a small fluidised-bed electrowinning cell treating dilute copper sulphate solutions have been studied. A factorial experimental design in two levels has been used to investigate the effects of cell current, sulphuric acid concentration, temperature and the presence of iron in the electrolyte, and the results have been analysed by the Yates technique.It is shown that an increase in temperature and the presence of iron in solution both decrease the current efficiency, while an increase in the cell current increases the current efficiency, for conditions where the cathode is not polarized with respect to copper ions. Significant interaction effects on the current efficiency are shown to exist for the case of cell current and iron concentration and for cell current and temperature. These main effects and interactions can be accounted for by a model in which three simultaneous reduction reactions occur at the cathode involving cupric ions, ferric ions and oxygen, with the latter two occurring at their diffusion limited rates.Significant main effects on the power consumption of the cell are shown to exist for cell current, iron concentration and acid concentration. Increasing either of the former two variables increases the power consumption whereas an increase in the latter causes a marked decrease in power consumption, and significant interactions occur between cell current and iron concentration and cell current and acid concentration.An increase in temperature is shown to lead to an increase in the amount of metal deposited on the feeder electrode.The paper concludes with a discussion of the application of fluidised-bed cathodes to the recovery of copper by electrowinning from various types of solutions.  相似文献   

镉离子、钴离子、砷离子是对长周期锌电积过程有重要影响的金属离子,简要介绍了它们对长周期锌电积过程的作用:镉离子对析出锌质量影响较大;钴离子对降低锌的电流效率有较为明显的作用;砷离子对降低电流效率最为剧烈.同时也分析了与它们相似离子对长周期电积锌的影响.  相似文献   

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