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正中国专利CN201010537710.X本发明介绍了一种汽车铝合金车轮加工铝屑直接回用技术,先将铝合金车轮机械加工后的铝屑清洗、烘干、除铁除杂后备用,在原有熔化装置---铝锭熔化室、铝液保温室之间设置铝屑熔化室,铝屑熔化室上安装铝液搅拌装置,铝液搅拌装置上有驱动马达和搅拌棒,搅拌棒下端有搅拌叶片,铝屑熔化室和铝锭熔化室、铝液保温室相连通;将原铝溶化后放到铝屑熔化室,当铝屑熔化室铝液达到1/2时,将备用铝屑倒入铝屑熔化室,开启铝液搅拌装置将铝屑卷入铝液中溶化,铝液搅拌装置转速350~400r/min,距铝屑熔化室底部150~200mm,铝屑熔化室铝液温度710~730℃,当铝液达到铝屑熔化室  相似文献   

公司产品双室再生铝熔炼炉竖式双室连续熔铝炉圆形快速节能铝熔炼炉竖式快速节能熔铝炉倾动式保温炉圆形保温炉硅碳棒电阻保温炉空气预热系统永磁搅拌器炉内衬预制件应用范围铝材类型:建筑材、工业材板带箔类:铸轧板、热轧板电线电缆:纯铝杆、合金杆压力铸造:熔炼炉、机前炉废铝再生:合金锭、圆铸棒其他有色:锌熔炼、铝熔炼  相似文献   

利用数值模拟的方法研究了侧井式铝屑炉涡流室内的流场和铝屑的运动轨迹,分析了不同条件下涡流室对铝屑颗粒沉浮状况的影响规律。结果表明:将涡流室的入口调整为上倾15°后,涡流室内流场产生的漩涡明显变大、变深,并且铝屑的上浮率由原来的73%降低到59%,说明涡流室入口角度对铝屑的沉浮状况影响显著;在选取3个不同加料位置后发现,在文中位置2加料时铝屑的上浮率为63%,而在涡流室中央加料时铝屑上浮率为73%,相差达到10个百分点,说明不同的加料位置对铝屑颗粒沉浮状况的影响同样显著。  相似文献   

<正>西班牙废铝回收再生企业—贝福萨阿萨公司新近投产了一台废铝旋转倾动式熔炼炉(容量65t),经过几个月的正常生产运转,完全达到了设计目标。该炉不仅大大提升了炉膛容量,而且熔炼时盐的消耗量也显著减少,能耗也大为降低。该  相似文献   

有涂层的薄废铝板回收工艺如下:(Ⅰ)连续除去废铝板的涂层。(Ⅱ)将已除去涂层的废铝源源不断地送进铝熔炼炉内,立式铝熔炼炉的下面最少要安装一槽式感应加热装置,给炉内的铝水加热。(Ⅲ)搅动炉内的铝水,使废铝浸  相似文献   

<正>据国外媒体报道,西班牙毕尔巴鄂市(Bilbao)的废铝回收再生企业——贝福萨阿萨公司(Befasa Asua)最近投产了一台全球最大的废铝旋转倾动式熔炼炉(容量65 t),经过几个月的生产运转,完全达到了设计目标。该炉不仅大大提升了炉膛容量,而且熔炼时盐的消耗量也显著减少,能耗也大为降低。  相似文献   

美国洛根铝业公司新建的废旧罐料再生中心于2010年2月全面投产,拥有全球最大、最先进的罐料回收自动生产线,引进了一台德国赫特威希公司的多室熔炼炉Ecometal,它是当前熔化废铝水平最高的设备之一。  相似文献   

能源的紧张、环境污染的严重性和优质铝合金铸件的需求对熔炼炉的热效率、污染物排放和熔体质量提出了更高的要求.本文针对目前广泛使用的反射式铝熔炼炉,从铝熔炼的基本原理及其熔炼过程特点出发,介绍了熔体净化处理技术、电磁搅拌技术、高温空气燃烧技术、耐火材料抗侵蚀技术等熔炼技术,同时提出了改善铝熔炼炉性能的研究展望,最终达到节源(资源与能源)减排和优质熔体的多重目的.  相似文献   

我国再生金属熔炼设备的现状及发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对国内外再生金属的熔炼设备及铝灰渣处理装置进行了介绍和分析.其中熔铝的二炉套、三炉套、铝屑炉和熔铜竖平炉为公司借鉴国外经验并结合我国国情研制的新炉型.  相似文献   

1 前言材料、能源、信息已成为当今社会赖以生存和发展的三大支柱。近年来原材料和能源供应的日益紧张,迫使人们一方面提高材料利用率,另一方面加强废料的回收利用。在有色金属中对铝的回收和再生技术的开发工作越来越受到人们重视。我国铝合金锻件和模锻件加工成零件后,其切屑最高可达毛坯重量的90%,每年有大量的铝屑需回收。目前,对废铝的再生有两种方式:一是重熔复化获取再生锭的间接再生法,二是经热塑  相似文献   

Steel scrap is of great benefit for environmental protection. In converter steelmaking, bottom carbon injection was applied to enhance the scrap ratio and in EAF steelmaking, submerged carbon powder injection was used to accelerate the smelting of scrap. In these two cases, carbon powder is directly injected into molten metal to improve the scrap melting with effective carburization capacity and intense stirring effect. In this study, the induction furnace experiments were carried out to study the melting characteristics of steel scrap with different carbon contents and bottom-blowing gas flow rates. The results show that larger carbon content and faster fluid flow can promote scrap melting because the carburizing reaction can be accelerated by larger carbon concentration gradient and the heat transfer can be enhanced by larger stirring intensity. Finally, the convective mass transfer coefficient and heat transfer coefficient between steel bar and molten metal were also calculated.  相似文献   

陈明 《中国冶金》2019,29(7):66-69
介绍了钢铁企业固废的发生及处理情况,针对钢铁企业固废处理存在的问题,提出采用熔融热解工艺进行固废处理。熔融热解炉采用竖式结构,将钢铁企业的渣钢、劣质金属化球团、部分社会劣质废钢、机加工废料及钢铁企业废油桶、废石棉、废布袋等危废及部分危废,在熔融热解炉中进行高温熔融处理及渣铁分离,实现固废的资源化回收,熔融热解炉铁水成本低于高炉,具有很好的经济效益;熔融热解炉同时可协同处理社会固废,实现钢厂及城市协同发展,具有良好的社会效益。  相似文献   

 通过热力学分析研究了用氧化钙坩埚熔炼含铝钢时熔炼温度、真空度和钢液铝含量与氧化钙分解向钢液增氧的关系。在25 kg真空感应炉中分别用电熔镁砂和氧化钙砂捣打坩埚熔炼含铝钢,在10~50 Pa真空度下,镁砂坩埚表现出强烈的供氧倾向,全氧含量随着钢中铝烧损量的增加而增加;而氧化钙坩埚不向钢液供氧。随着钢液中Al2O3夹杂被氧化钙坩埚吸收同化,全氧的质量分数逐渐下降至3×10-6。  相似文献   

Direct experimental proof is presented in the paper for the role played by the mass transfer of carbon in accelerating or facilitating the melting and dissolution of pure iron specimens in iron-carbon melts. It is shown that pure iron may readily melt in iron-carbon melts even under conditions where the temperature of the molten phase is considerably below the melting point of the pure iron or low-carbon specimen. A mathematical interpretation is developed for these experimental results that includes the mass transfer of carbon and the unsteady state heat transfer within a moving boundary system. The results of the analysis were found to agree with the experimental data thus providing a basis for further calculations aimed at predicting the melting of scrap in the basic oxygen furnace. These calculations show that scrap melting, facilitated by carbon diffusion from the melt to the scrap surface, begins very early during the process and that melting is retarded and even terminated during the blow when the bath has insufficient superheat to provide the necessary sensible and latent heat required for melting. It follows therefore that the rate of scrap melting in steelmaking processes is accelerated if the removal of carbon in the bath is retarded or if the temperature of the bath is increased rapidly in order to maintain a high level of superheat during the refining process.  相似文献   

The application of a secondary energy resource in the form of the heat of liquid steel is considered for melting metal scrap used in a charge in electric furnace steelmaking. Temperature-heat curves are plotted for cooling of steel and melting of metal scrap. The possibilities of using melted scrap in electric furnace steel-making are analyzed.  相似文献   

 根据相似原理计算了水模喷吹参数, 第一次模拟并拍照了在不同熔池搅拌能量条件下,转炉熔池中废钢运动的实际情况,使炼钢工作者对废钢在熔池中的运动有了清楚的了解。测量了废钢对熔池混匀时间和喷溅的影响,大型转炉炼钢熔池中有10%废钢,熔池混匀时间较无废钢时平均延长35.3%,铁水脱磷预处理转炉有10%废钢,熔池混匀时间平均延长62.8%。定量地研究了熔池中不同质量废钢块与悬浮能量之间的关系,为使废钢熔化有良好的动力学条件,应使熔池的搅拌能量不低于大块废钢的悬浮能量。丰富了废钢熔化的基础知识,为转炉合理地利用废钢和优化转炉吹炼工艺提供依据。  相似文献   

A new approach for the removal of copper from solid ferrous scrap has been proposed by the present authors. With this process, solid ferrous scrap intermingled with pure copper is brought into contact with molten aluminum, which dissolves copper preferentially. After a duration of 5 to 30 minutes at temperatures between 963 K and 1223 K, steel scrap is removed from the bath, which is free of copper contamination. A drawback of this process is that {Al + Cu} alloys can adhere to the solid ferrous scrap after removal from {Al + Cu} bath. As a solution to this problem in this paper a two-stage treatment is proposed. In addition, the application of a three-layer process for the separation of aluminum from molten Al + Cu + Fe alloys is described.  相似文献   

刘孟珂  马国军  张翔  姚旺龙 《钢铁》2021,56(6):42-47
 废钢熔化过程是控制转炉炼钢过程温度轨迹和废钢比以及电弧炉炼钢能耗和生产率的限制因素。为研究废钢在钢液中的熔化机理,考虑了废钢熔化过程中的传热传质过程,并基于废钢熔化理论分析模型,在实验室中进行了废钢熔化的热模拟试验。研究结果表明,当钢棒浸泡在熔池中较短时间时,钢棒外层形成凝固层。由于激冷效应,在凝固层与钢棒之间形成气隙;在钢棒浸泡过程中,钢棒的组织发生变化,由珠光体和铁素体转变为奥氏体。水淬后,渗碳层中生成针状马氏体,钢棒内层形成板条马氏体。当钢棒在熔池中浸泡时间过长时,钢棒外层形成高温铁素体和液相。  相似文献   

铝合金熔炼与精炼用炉主要有熔炼炉+保温炉炉组和熔保一体炉两种形式。与熔炼炉+保温炉炉组相比,熔保一体炉的建设费用和吨铝能耗低,但熔体质量差,所以对于品质要求高的铝合金熔铸产品可采用熔炼炉+保温炉组生产,对于品质要求低的铝合金熔铸产品可以采用熔保一体炉生产。而且无论是用熔炼炉+保温炉组还是熔保一体炉,当利用电解铝液直接配料生产铝合金熔铸产品时,都应对电解铝液进行除碱处理。  相似文献   

在钢铁行业结构转型关键时期,提高电弧炉短流程工艺比例是降低钢铁行业温室气体排放、脱碳化的有效措施。为了推动短流程炼钢工艺发展,近年来电弧炼钢在废钢快速熔化方面取得明显进展。在回顾前人对废钢熔化速率研究的基础上,全面概述了废钢熔化机理以及影响因素,并结合近年来国内电弧炉炼钢在装备、工艺以及技术上就废钢快速熔化方面取得的进展,探讨了制约电弧炉废钢快速熔化的限制性环节,为废钢快速熔化在电弧炉炼钢装备、工艺、技术方面未来发展提供可行方向。  相似文献   

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