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澳大利亚墨累-达令流域协商管理模式的启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对墨累-达令流域协商管理模式的法律框架和组织框架的分析,总结了该模式得以成功运作的经验.这些经验对中国水权初始分配和流域水资源管理一体化这两大课题都有着积极的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

黑河流域水资源管理模式研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
水资源管理模式是提高水资源动态管理的有效方式,为水资源高效配置和合理利用提供技术支撑。针对黑河流域水资源利用现状与存在的问题,分析和探讨了基于生态需水、水权框架、模拟模型和水资源信息系统的黑河流域水资源管理模式,展望了未来流域水资源发展方向。指出在未来应加强人类活动影响下流域水资源污染研究,流域地表水与地下水联合调度管理和水资源合理配置与流域集成管理研究。  相似文献   

回顾了我国水污染防治面临的严重挑战,比较了中国与欧盟在水资源管理领域的战略与政策.指出了欧盟水框架指令值得我国借鉴的若干原则,诸如水资源水环境一体化管理的主体立法;水量、水质和水域生态系统的一体化管理政策;建立涉水政府部门的协调机制以及流域管理中的公众参与等.  相似文献   

印度河流域目前面临着人口增长、快速城市化和工业化、环境恶化、资源无节制的开发、低效用水和气候日趋恶化等诸多挑战,为此,印度和巴基斯坦两国计划从供水管理和需水管理(WDM)两方面加强对印度河流域的管理。简要介绍了该流域当前和未来水资源可持续一体化管理(IWRM)框架。  相似文献   

王文生 《中国水利》2011,(22):10-12
2011年11月1日起施行的《太湖流域管理条例》将流域管理与行政区域管理相结合的水资源管理体制在太湖流域进行了细化,为流域性立法提供了借鉴。以海河流域为例,分析流域立法及实行最严格水资源管理制度对流域管理和行政区域管理的需求,提出促进海河流域水资源流域管理与区域管理有机结合的建议。  相似文献   

试论流域与区域相结合的水资源管理体制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以流域为单元的水资源综合管理,已成为国际上水资源管理普遍采用的模式.在分析了当前流域管理与区域管理相结合体制现状的基础上,提出了加强流域管理与区域管理相结合的对策措施;加强流域立法,明确流域管理机构与行政区域间的事权划分,建立流域与区域间的和谐关系.对流域管理体制未来发展模式进行了探讨,倡导构筑流域水资源管理的协调监督机制和公众参与机制,推行流域水资源的综合管理.  相似文献   

随着厄瓜多尔安巴托流域土地利用大幅度增加,流域可利用水量已不能满足不断增加的需水量,为此采取了一系列措施。介绍了安巴托流域水资源管理框架以及正在实施的VRCARA工程,指出必须对现行管理模式进行改进,以实现水资源的优化管理。  相似文献   

流域综合管理的现状及目标模式探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
流域综合管理是将流域视为一个完整的生态社会经济系统来进行管理的水管理模式,包括水环境保护、水灾害防治以及水资源开发利用这三个基本内容。该文基于流域综合管理内涵的基础上分析了我国流域管理的现状,借鉴国内外流域管理的成功经验,提出了“三位异体”的综合性流域机构管理与区域水务一体化管理相结合的流域综合管理的目标模式。  相似文献   

长期以来,随着经济发展、人口不断增加,加之我国水管理的低效率运作,水资源问题日益成为中国社会经济发展的重要制约因素。从自然基础、社会基础与理论基础方面论证了流域水资源统一管理的必要性,提出了以流域为单元、以流域内水资源统一管理为核心、对我国水资源实施垂直管理的全新的水资源管理体制框架。  相似文献   

从水资源一体化管理、水资源可持续发展和国内水资源调度领域的重大实践需求三方面,论述了进行水资源综合调配的必要性.水资源综合调配是水资源一体化管理的前提之一,其研究符合水资源一体化管理实践需求;开展水资源综合调配符合我国新时期的治水思路,是保障经济社会可持续发展的必然要求;开展水资源综合调配研究也是保障流域水资源统一调度、跨流域供水调度、特大型梯级枢纽群联合调度等实践工作顺利和高效开展的迫切需求.  相似文献   

This study applies the concept of integrated water resources management (IWRM) to a river basin in Iran, and in so doing, proposes a framework for implementing IWRM principles. Issues such as stakeholder participation, sustainability in several subdomains, scenario analysis, dispute resolution, climate change and well-designed models have been considered. Through a river basin simulation model (RIBASIM) and sustainability criteria, stakeholders made decisions for improving the level of sustainability in the basin. The result of decision making for the future was tested under climate change impacts, and the outputs showed serious challenges, so a strategy is proposed for overcoming these impact effects.  相似文献   

As water has become the shortest resources in arid, semi-arid and rapid urbanization areas when the water resources utilization has approached or exceeded its threshold, water resources system slows down the socio-economic growth rate and destroys the projected targets to eradicate poverty and realize sustainable development. We put forward the concept of Water Resources Constraint Force (WRCF) and constructed a conceptual framework on it. Conceptual models on the interactions and feedbacks between water resources and socio-economic systems in water scarce regions or river basins indicate that, if the socio-economic system always aims at sustainable development, WRCF will vary with a normal distribution curve. Rational water resources management plays an important role on this optimistic variation law. Specifically, Water Demand Management (WDM) and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) are considered as an important perspective and approach to alleviate WRCF. A case study in the Hexi Corridor of NW China indicates that, water resources management has great impact on WRCF both in Zhangye and Wuwei Region, and also the river basins where they are located. The drastic transformation of water resources management pattern and the experimental project – Building Water-saving Society in Zhangye Region alleviated the WRCF to some extent. However, from a water resources management view, WRCF in Zhangye Region still belongs to the severe constraint type. It will soon step into the very severe constraint type. In order to shorten the periods from the very severe constraint type finally to the slight constraint type, WDM and IWRM in the Hei River Basin should be improved as soon as possible. However, in the Shiyang River Basin, WRCF belongs to the very severe constraint type at present due to poor water resources management in the past. Though the socio-economic system adapted itself and alleviated the WRCF to some extent, the Shiyang River Basin had to transform the water supply management pattern to WDM, and seek IWRM in recent years. It is concluded that WDM and IWRM is a natural selection to alleviate the WRCF on the socio-economic system and realize sustainable development.  相似文献   

Many countries, including Malawi, are implementing integrated approaches for the development, management and use of water and other natural resources. Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) is, arguably, one approach considered helpful in addressing water issues effectively and sustainably. This study assesses the implementation of IWRM in Malawi to the present time, in relation to the five priority areas the country's Integrated Water Resources Management/Water Efficiency (IWRM/WE) Plan (2008–2012) sought to address, as well as the potential benefits of infusing Integrated Lake Basin Management (ILBM) in this approach. Document reviews, key informant interviews, questionnaire surveys and site visits were the employed methods in this analysis. Considering the significant importance of lakes in the country, this study, through application of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats framework, provides insight on how lake basin management issues can best be incorporated within the existing IWRM‐based framework to promote the management and utilization of lakes for sustainable use. While acknowledging the relevance of a holistic approach, the study highlights the importance for the country to ensure that its development agenda is not negatively affected in the course of implementing IWRM.  相似文献   

我国水资源管理制度的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对我国水资源管理工作现状和存在的主要问题,在重点分析我国水资源管理体制、机制等制度建立和实施情况的基础上,对我国水资源管理制度建设框架,特别是"十一五"期间我国水资源管理制度建设和流域管理与区域管理相结合的体制建设的重点及实施措施提出了建议.  相似文献   

Mathematical models are tools that can facilitate the instrumentation of the Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM). The first basin models to be developed were completely hydrological; today, due to the urgent need to plan the sustainable use of water resources, new models are needed that in addition to hydrology also incorporate social, economic, legal, environmental and other aspects. The objective of this work was to identify the characteristics that mathematical basin models must have in order to satisfy the requirements of IWRM. To achieve this, the conclusions of the main international conferences on water and the environment were analyzed; these were conferences in which IWRM was promoted as a strategy to face the challenges of both sectors. IWRM considers social participation as a key element in the decision-making process; consequently, the models must be accepted and applied, and their results interpreted, by those who participate in the process even if they are not modelling experts. This requires a change of perspective in the scientific community for the development of new IWRM models, in government institutions regarding their role as water administrators, and in water stakeholders regarding their role as decision-makers. The results of the analysis indicate that models for IWRM must be accessible to non-expert users, integrate different viewpoints, representing adequately the problem to be solved, in addition be flexible and have a structure focused on practical solutions.  相似文献   

Research on water resource conflicts needs to be better aligned with practitioner approaches to water resources development, chiefly integrated water resources management (IWRM). This paper bridges the gap between research and practice through a novel application of the social–ecological systems framework to a set of 10 conflict cases from an IWRM initiative in rural Central America. The conflicts in the empirical cases are found to be primarily the result of socio-political variables, particularly low levels of trust and social capital, and peacebuilding is suggested as a promising approach to address this suite of conflicts. The paper concludes with a proposed course of research designed to further both theoretical and applied knowledge of water resource conflicts.  相似文献   

流域综合治理方案制定的基本理论及技术框架   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对我国流域综合治理方案制定过程中理论和技术框架缺失问题,从宏观、中观、微观尺度探索提出了流域综合治理方案制定的基础理论,即宏观的可持续发展理论、中观的流域“自然社会”二元水循环理论以及微观的“木桶理论”;构建了流域综合治理方案制定的基本原则,即流域统筹、单元控制、系统均衡;以流域面临的水问题为导向,系统构建了由机理分析、量化模拟、规划集成和方案确定4个关联耦合层次构成的流域综合治理方案制定技术框架;对流域综合治理方案制定主要层次的未来发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

GEF海河流域水资源与水环境综合管理知识管理系统是GEF海河项目的核心内容之一,是海河流域水资源和水环境管理信息的存储、管理和共享交换中心;利用先进的3S(GIS/RS/GPS)和IT技术,建设流域水资源与水环境知识共享平台,实现海河流域水利与环保部门之间的信息交流与共享;以遥感监测ET为管理措施、水功能区为管理单元、水权为管理核心、模型为支撑工具、取水许可与排污许可为控制手段,构建海河流域水资源与水环境综合业务管理系统;该系统的建设为加强海河流域水资源与水环境综合管理,促进各级水行政管理部门间的协调合作,改善海河流域水资源与水环境状况提供了重要的技术手段和成功经验。  相似文献   

Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) can be viewed as a complex process in which the effect of adopted water management measures must be monitored and adjusted in an iterative way as new information and technology gradually become available under changing and uncertain external impacts, such as climate change. This paper identifies and characterises uncertainty as it occurs in the different stages of the IWRM process with respect to sources, nature and type of uncertainty. The present study develops a common terminology that honour the most important aspects from natural and social sciences and its application to the entire IWRM process. The proposed framework is useful by acknowledging a broad range of uncertainties regarding data, models, multiple frames and context. Relating this framework to the different steps of the IWRM cycle is helpful to determine the strategies to better handle and manage uncertainties. Finally, this general framework is illustrated for a case study in the transboundary Rhine river basin.  相似文献   

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