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综合考虑气象干旱、水文干旱、农业干旱、社会经济干旱等情况,选取水库蓄水距平百分率、地下水埋深、土壤含水量、降水量距平百分率等作为旱情评价的指标,将旱情分为不旱、轻度干旱、中度干旱、严重干旱、特大干旱5个等级,建立了基于集对分析的旱情综合评价模型。从山东省42 a的实测资料中随机挑选7 a资料,对历史旱情进行了综合评价。结果表明:基于集对分析的旱情综合评价结果与模糊综合评价结果基本一致,且与实际情况相符,说明该方法在旱情评价方面具有合理性和可行性。  相似文献   

依据安徽省109个雨量站1978年逐日降水量数据,综合运用降水量距平百分率法、建立区域旱情指数法以及GIS空间分析技术,采用逐步缩小时间尺度的方式,对安徽省1978年干旱的时空演变特征进行了分析。研究结果表明:(1)通过修正的降水量距平百分率法,由于充分考虑了前期降水的累积效应,其分析逐日干旱结果符合实际情况;(2)区域旱情指数法是确定干旱过程起始和终止的有效方法;(3)安徽省1978年发生春、夏、秋三季连旱,干旱持续253 d,其中,4月4日—8月11日连续130 d全省旱情最重,在5月3日全省75%的耕地旱情等级达到重旱以上。  相似文献   

由于农业用水增加、工业污染严重,造成辽河流域干旱程度加重,利用2010—2015年辽河流域昌图县、康平县、法库县逐月降水量资料及年降雨量数据,通过降水距平百分率、标准化降水指数(SPI)、降水Z指数合理评价了辽河流域干旱情况,并比较3种干旱指数的评价效果。分析了三个地方的干旱情况,研究并比较了降水距平百分率、 SPI、降水Z指数的评价效果。结果表明:降水距平百分率反映干旱程度较轻;与降水Z指数相比,SPI指数能较客观地反映辽河流域干旱程度。为辽河流域定量研究干旱事件提供合理的指标依据,为不同研究区根据自身特点选择适合的干旱指标奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

基于VIC模型的滦河流域综合干旱指数的构建与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
干旱频发已成为严重制约社会经济可持续发展的重要因素,但由于干旱形成机理复杂,影响因素众多,目前尚无公认普遍适用的干旱指数,因此寻找并构建适用于研究区的综合干旱指数成为当前研究的热点和重点。本文以滦河流域为研究对象,选取1960-1979年为研究期,通过对降水距平百分数、相对湿润度和由VIC模型的中间变量-土壤含水量计算得到的土壤相对湿度指数进行主成分分析,构建了适用于该流域的综合干旱指数,对研究期的旱情进行了评价,并与标准化降水指数(SPI)、帕默尔指数(PDSI)的评价结果进行比较,验证其适用性。结果表明:基于VIC模型的综合干旱指数能较好地评价滦河流域历史旱情。该研究在提升海河流域干旱监测和评价能力方面具有一定的理论与实用价值,也为其它流域的干旱评价具有参考价值。  相似文献   

提出一种将区域或流域划分成若干个不同的响应单元,把每一个响应单元看作一个点,借助于点干旱指标评价的方法分析面干旱,并应用到太湖流域。通过太湖流域干旱记录与三种基于降雨的常用指标的对比分析,得出Z指数法的精度最高,标准化降水指标(SPI)次之,降水距平百分率(PAI)最低,而且Z指数法显示太湖流域的旱情主要发生在夏秋季节。Z指数法考虑了降水的时空分布特性,具有多时间尺度特性,反映出了不同时间尺度的水分状况。  相似文献   

本研究将目前国内外常用的降水距平指数、标准化降水指数和降水百分位指数,应用于2009-2010年云南特大干旱,分析3种指数应用效果,并探讨其适用性.结果显示:3种干旱指数计算结果与实际干旱情况存在一定误差.其中降水距平指数应用情况相对较好,在干旱发展阶段吻合程度相对较高;标准化降水指数与降水百分位指数在区域平均尺度上的评估不存在差异,使用时取二者之一即可.基于目前对3种指数的分析,以单一的气象干旱指数进行旱情监测,存在较大的局限性,需引入综合干旱指数应用于旱情监测.  相似文献   

区域旱情指标是准确判别旱情等级,有效进行防旱抗旱的重要依据。为做好旱情实时评估,避免或减轻管理性干旱所造成的损失。以山西长治市为例,从引发干旱灾害受自然地理、气候因素与人类活动的影响原因入手,分析了区域旱情的影响范围和影响程度;以农业旱情、旱灾损失情况和抗旱现状调查资料为基础,对区域农业旱情受灾程度进行了评定,划分了干旱易发地区;以历年旱情过程分析,解释了应用农业旱情指标和降水距平指标进行干旱等级划分中存在的不足;通过对地域分布、年际、年内变化特征的分析与实时旱情的实践与验证,提出了以水文干旱指标与实时农业旱情相结合的方法作为评价该地区的旱情指标,使干旱程度的描述能力更强、防旱抗旱减灾的依据更具科学性和实用性。  相似文献   

于洋 《江西水利科技》2022,48(3):179-182,188
旱灾具有出现频率高、持续时间长、波及范围广等特点,本文运用降水距平百分率、Z指数、SPI标准化降水指数,对朝阳地区50a(1969~2018)干旱特征进行分析。结果表明:Z指数与SPI标准化降水指标得到的朝阳地区干旱特征情况基本一致,能较好地反映出该地区的干旱特征,朝阳地区1969~2018年自然灾害频繁发生,严重干旱年份主要集中在1980、1981、1982 年,与实际相符。  相似文献   

辽中县多年平均降水量在621.2mm,属于辽宁中部半干旱地区,降水量年内分配极不均匀,春播期降水量偏少,极易发生春旱。干旱指数是反映流域或区域的湿润与干旱分布规律和程度的一个指标。本文采用降水和干旱指数的关系分析了旱情与降水量年内分配密切关系。  相似文献   

基于Copula 函数的滦河流域旱涝组合事件概率特征分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以滦河流域多伦、承德、青龙和乐亭4个代表性气象站点1957—2010年日降水数据为基础资料,选取广义帕累托分布(Generalized pareto Distribution,GP)拟合各个气象站点春、夏、秋三季的降水距平百分率序列,并利用L-矩法估计参数,在此基础上采用二维Copula函数(Clayton和Gumbel-Hougaard分布函数)拟合春-夏、夏-秋降水距平百分率序列,依据降水距平百分率划分旱涝的标准进一步计算出各个站点旱涝交替和连旱连涝这两类旱涝组合事件发生的概率,结果表明:(1)Clayton和Gumbel-Hougaard分布函数均能较好地拟合季节间的降水距平序列;(2)青龙和乐亭较容易发生旱涝组合事件,春夏以持续干旱为主,夏秋以旱涝交替为主,夏秋季节间旱涝组合事件发生频率较高.  相似文献   


The temporal and spatial characteristics of droughts are investigated to provide a framework for sustainable water resources management in a semi-arid region. Using the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) as an indicator of drought severity, the characteristics of droughts are examined in the Conchos River Basin in Mexico. This basin is important to both the United States and Mexico, because the Conchos River supplies approximately 80 percent of the flows of the Lower Bravo/Grande River above the binational reservoirs of Amistad and Falcon. The temporal and spatial characteristics of the PDSI are used to develop a drought intensity—areal extent—frequency curve that can assess the severity of a regional drought in the basin. The analysis of the PDSI suggests that the Conchos River Basin had a severe drought in the 1990s, which the basin has not experienced before. Based on this analysis, the recent drought that occurred in the 1990s has an associated return period of about 80 to 100 years over the basin.  相似文献   


The persistence of drought events largely determines the severity of socioeconomic and ecological impacts, unfortunately the performance of current weather forecasting models (WFM) to simulate such events is subject to great uncertainties. This study is investigating time-domain characteristics of drought persistence over Turkey by applying the detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA) method to the Palmer drought severity index (PDSI). The existence of long-range power-law correlation in PDSI fluctuations is demonstrated for time scales ranging from monthly to decadal. Understanding of such statistical patterns in PDSI values can definitely be a step forward in drought predictability. From a climatological point of view, it is found that the areas with high level DFA scaling exponent (generalized Hurst) indicate the areas of higher sensitivity to droughts and associated risks. Furthermore, the characteristics of the persistence of the PDSI in climate zones have also been examined by applying the Holdridge Life Zones (HLZ) classification. HLZ classification over Turkey leads to two climate-zones: cool-temperate and warm-temperate. In addition, when topography is taken in account, montane (cool-temperate) and lower-montane (warm-temperate) climate zones can be treated as two different zones. It has been observed that the predictable index (PI) of the PDSI derived from the DFA Hurst exponent is relatively high in the cool-temperate and montane climate zones compared to others. In fact, very different PI values were also obtained in a few HLZ climate classes within the same climate zone and with same vegetation index (i.e. steppe, dry-forest, warm-forest etc.).


The Palmer drought severity index (PDSI) is physically based with multivariate concepts, but requires complicated calibration and cannot easily be used for multiscale comparison. Standardized drought indices (SDIs), such as the standardized precipitation index (SPI) and standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI), are multiscalar and convenient for spatiotemporal comparison, but they are still challenged by their lack of physical basis. In this study, a hybrid multiscalar indicator, the standardized Palmer drought index (SPDI), was used to examine drought properties of two meteorological stations (the Beijing and Guangzhou stations) in China, which have completely different drought climatologies. The results of our case study show that the SPDI is correlated with the well-established drought indices (SPI, SPEI, and PDSI) and presents generally consistent drought/wetness conditions against multiple indicators and literature records. Relative to the PDSI, the SPDI demonstrates invariable statistical characteristics and better comparable drought/wetness frequencies over time and space. Moreover, characteristics of major drought events (drought class, and onset and end times) indicated by the SPDI are generally comparable to those detected by the PDSI. As a physically-based standardized multiscalar drought indicator, the SPDI can be regarded as an effective development of the Palmer drought indices, providing additional choices and tools for practical drought monitoring and assessment.  相似文献   

以帕尔默干旱指数(PDSI)为基础,构建融合Penman-Monteith潜在蒸散发公式且具有短时间尺度效应的自适应帕尔默干旱指数scPDSI_(pm),分析了1951—2016年中国旱涝演变趋势及干旱特征的空间分布规律和历史干旱事件的时空演变过程,并结合实际旱情记录资料验证了指数的可靠性。结果表明:空间上,中国东北、华北、华中、西北呈变旱趋势,西北和东南少数地区为变涝趋势;中国大部分地区旱情开始时间集中在6—7月,北部地区干旱历时长且干旱烈度大,南部地区干旱历时短、干旱烈度小;scPDSI_(pm)能够很好地指示旱情发生时间和区域,准确地捕捉到旱情中心的转移过程。  相似文献   


A better knowledge of droughts is required to improve water management in water scarce areas. To appropriately cope with droughts, there is the need to adopt adequate concepts relative to droughts and water scarcity, to properly use drought indices that help characterize them, including ones relative to their severity, and to develop prediction tools that may be useful for early warning and that may reduce the respective lead time needed for appropriate response. In this paper, concepts relative to drought and other water scarcity regimes are discussed aiming both to distinguish droughts from other water scarcity regimes and to base a common understanding of the general characteristics of droughts as hazards and disasters. Three main drought indices are described aiming at appropriate characterization of droughts: the theory of runs, the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI), and the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI). Their application to local and regional droughts in the region of Alentejo, Portugal is presented focusing on the respective comparison and possible adequateness for drought monitoring. Results indicate some difficulties in using the theory of runs, particularly because it requires a subjective definition of thresholds in precipitation and does not provide a standardized classification of severity. Results show that draught characterization with the PDSI and the SPI produce coherent information, but the PDSI is limited relative to the SPI because it requires more data to perform a soil water balance while the SPI needs only precipitation data, which are more easily available in numerous locations. It is concluded that adopting the SPI is appropriate, but there is advantage in combining different indices to characterize droughts.  相似文献   

干旱是我国频繁发生的自然灾害,全国平均每年因干旱灾害造成的损失会直接或间接地影响到社会经济的发展。为了揭示全国干旱的变化规律,利用 1961—2015 年全国 2 360 个气象站点的逐日气温、降水等观测资料,选择空间适应性较强的自适应帕默尔干旱指数( SC - PDSI) ,计算得到了55 年来月尺度的 SC - PDSI 序列,并通过干旱发生次数、历时、强度、频率和受旱面积等指标分析了全国干旱的空间格局和趋势变化。结果显示: 在 1961—2015 年全国范围没有明显的变干旱趋势,但局部地区存在显著差异,东北、内蒙古、西北、青藏以及东南部地区有明显的变湿趋势,华南和西南有变干的趋势,华北、华中基本保持不变; 干旱变化呈年代际波动,即 1961—1980 年代为干旱时期, 1981—2000 年代属于正常代,21 世纪以来干旱程度加剧。研究表明: 在 1961—2015 年间干旱化空间特征表现为带状区域,即自西南地区—黄土高原—海河平原形成了一个干旱化带。通过分析各年代干旱频率重心的变化得出,我国的干旱重心由西北部逐步转移到了西南部地区; 通过计算受旱面积的变化趋势,发现西南和华南地区的受旱面积有明显增加。  相似文献   

Droughts can be considered as multidimensional hazardous phenomena characterised by three attributes: severity, duration and areal extent. Conventionally, drought events are assessed for their severity, using drought indices such as SPI (Standardised Precipitation Index), RDI (Reconnaissance Drought Index), PDSI (Palmer Drought Severity Index) and many others. This approach may be extended to incorporate the modelling of an additional dimension, the duration or the areal extent. Since the marginal distributions describing these dimensions of drought are often different, no simple mixed probability distribution can be used for the bivariate frequency analysis. The copula approach seems to be sufficiently general and suitable for this type of analysis. It is the aim of this paper to analyse droughts as two-dimensional phenomena, including drought severity and areal extent. In this paper, the Gumbel-Hougaard copula from the Archimedean family is used for this two-dimensional frequency analysis. Annual data on historical droughts from Eastern Crete are analysed for their severity and areal extent, producing copula-based probability distributions, incorporating Gumbel marginal probability functions. Useful conclusions are derived for estimating the «OR» return period of drought events related to both severity and areal extent.  相似文献   

Understanding the characteristics of historical droughts will benefit water resource managers because it will reveal the possible impacts that future changes in climate may have on drought, and subsequently, the availability of water resources. The goal of this study was to reconstruct historical drought occurrences and assess future drought risk for the drought-prone Blue River Basin in Oklahoma, under a likely changing climate using three types of drought indices, i.e., Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI), Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) and Standardized Runoff Index (SRI). No similar research has been conducted in this region previously. Monthly precipitation and temperature data from the observational period 1950?C1999 and over the projection period 2010?C2099 from 16 statistically downscaled Global Climate Models (GCM) were used to compute the duration, severity, and extent of meteorological droughts. Additionally, soil moisture, evapotranspiration (ET), and runoff data from the well-calibrated Thornthwaite Monthly Water Balance Model were used to examine drought from a hydrological perspective. The results show that the three indices captured the historical droughts for the past 50?years and suggest that more severe droughts of wider extent are very likely to occur over the next 90?years in the Blue River Basin, especially in the later part of the 21st century. In fact, all three indices display lower minimum values than those ever recorded in the past 50?years. This study also found that SRI and SPI (PDSI) had a correlation coefficient of 0.81 (0.78) with a 2-month (no appreciable) lag time over the 1950?C2099 time period across the basin. There was relatively lower correlation between SPI and PDSI over the same period. Although this study recommends that PDSI and SRI are the most suitable indices for assessing future drought risks under an increasingly warmer climate, more drought indices from ecological and socioeconomic perspectives should be investigated and compared to provide a complete picture of drought and its potential impacts on the dynamically coupled nature-human system.  相似文献   

Surendran  U.  Anagha  B.  Raja  P.  Kumar  V.  Rajan  K.  Jayakumar  M. 《Water Resources Management》2019,33(4):1521-1540

The study aims at evaluating the various drought indices for the humid, semi-arid and arid regions of India using conventional indices, such as rainfall anomaly index, departure analysis of rainfall and other indices such as Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) and Reconnaissance Drought Index (RDI) that were analyzed using the DrinC software. In SPI, arid region has seven drought years, whereas humid and semi-arid regions have four. In case of RDI, the humid and semi-arid regions have 11 drought years, whereas arid regions have 10 years. The difference in SPI and RDI was due to the fact that RDI considered potential evapotranspiration, and hence, correlation with plants would be better in case of RDI. Humid region showed a decreasing trend in initial value of RDI during the drought as compared to semiarid and arid regions and indicated possible climate change impact in these regions. Among all the indices, RDI was considered as an effective indicator because of implicit severity and high prediction matches with the actual drought years. SPI and RDI were found to be well correlated with respect to 3 months rainfall data and SPI values led to prediction of annual RDI. The results of our study established that this correlation could be used for developing disaster management plan well in advance to combat the drought consequences.


A detailed regional drought study is carried out in the southern peninsula of India to characterize the spatio-temporal nature of droughts and to predict the drought magnitudes for various probabilities in the homogeneous drought regions. The method of several random initializations of the cluster centres of the K-means algorithm is suggested for the identification of the initial regions in the context of drought regionalization, which is shown to perform better than the initialization from the Ward’s algorithm and the Ward’s algorithm itself. The peninsula is classified into seven spatially well-separated homogeneous drought regions. The robust L-moment framework is used for the regional frequency analysis of drought magnitudes computed using the standardized precipitation index. The Pearson type III is found to be appropriate for regional drought frequency analysis in six of the regions, while the robust Wakeby distribution is suggested for one region. Low magnitude droughts are frequent and dominant in the northern part of west coast, the north-eastern coast and its adjoining inland region, while high magnitude droughts are less in number and are experienced in semi-arid central part, southern part of western coast, south-eastern part and north-western inland region. The spatial maps of drought magnitudes indicate that at higher return periods (100 and 200 years) the south-eastern part of the peninsula is likely to encounter high magnitude droughts, while the central region is likely to experience the same at lower return periods (10 and 50 years). Hence these regions need to be given special importance in the drought mitigation planning activities.  相似文献   

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