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以柳树河油页岩为原料,分别在100℃热风温度和不同的微波功率的干燥条件下进行试验;用Weibull分布函数对油页岩的干燥曲线进行拟合分析,结合尺度参数估算水分有效扩散系数。结果表明:加速干燥阶段脱除的是油页岩颗粒的表面水;前期存在预热过程,温度升高,水分析出很少;随后干燥速率显著增大。恒速阶段析出的也是表面水,受物理脱附作用的影响;功率越大,恒速段时间越短。降速第一阶段主要是大孔隙中水分的脱除,降速第二阶段主要是中孔和微孔中水分的汽化。临界水分比随功率的增加而升高。Weibull分布函数准确模拟了油页岩微波干燥曲线;尺度参数α值随功率增加而减小,功率大于550 W后减小幅度降低;微波干燥的形状参数β1,即升速段出现在干燥前期;估算的水分有效扩散系数随功率增加而增大。微波干燥和热风干燥时相比,油页岩颗粒形态并没有发生显著变化。  相似文献   

基于气固流态化原理的油页岩干燥动力学   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了考察气固流化床干燥器能否使油页岩含水质量分数达到要求,以柳树河油页岩颗粒为原料,研究进口气体温度和颗粒直径对油页岩干燥性能的影响,采用薄层干燥模型,对油页岩干燥实验数据进行模拟,确定油页岩干燥方程和干燥速率方程,建立油页岩干燥速率特征常数和有效扩散系数之间的关联式。研究结果表明:薄层干燥模型中修正Page模型Ⅰ适合描述油页岩的干燥过程;油页岩在流化床内干燥过程主要发生在降速干燥阶段,进口气体温度越高,油页岩颗粒直径越小,所需干燥时间越短,进口气体温度为350℃时,使2.4 mm油页岩含水质量分数低于5%,所需干燥时间为2.5 min。  相似文献   

以柳树河油页岩颗粒为原料,在恒温介质干燥器内进行油页岩干燥动力学研究,考察干燥介质温度和颗粒直径对油页岩干燥性能的影响,采用薄层干燥模型中的Lewis模型,对油页岩干燥实验数据进行模拟,确定油页岩干燥方程和干燥速率方程,建立油页岩干燥常数表达式。研究结果表明:薄层干燥模型中Lewis模型能较好的描述油页岩在恒温介质干燥器内的干燥过程;其干燥过程主要发生在降速干燥阶段;200℃时油页岩无性质变化,干燥达到平衡时,油页岩含水量可降到0.5%左右,油页岩表观活化能为17~19kJ/mol。  相似文献   

丹参饮片的微波干燥及丹酚酸B的溶出特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以丹酚酸B为指标,研究了丹参饮片的微波干燥特征及功率和时间对饮片质量的影响. 结果表明,微波干燥时间随功率增加而缩短,优选的干燥条件为功率650 W、干燥时间30 min,所得饮片色泽均匀、质量较高. 与晒干相比,微波干燥饮片的丹酚酸B含量提高20%,在pH 2.0的水中冷浸溶出速率提高58%. 丹参饮片的微波干燥过程符合指数模型,其中Page模型拟合效果最好,相关系数R2>0.99. 微波干燥设备简单,易于放大,饮片品质较高,适合工业化生产.  相似文献   

微波干燥和热风干燥对金萱茶叶品质影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
茹赛红  曾晖  方岩雄  纪红兵 《化工进展》2012,31(10):2183-2186
将微波干燥和热风干燥应用于新鲜金萱茶叶的干燥,在3个不同的微波功率(350 W,470 W,800 W)和4个不同的空气温度(70 ℃,80 ℃,90 ℃,100 ℃)下,研究了干燥参数即微波功率或温度对干燥时间、失水量的影响,同时还考察了茶叶中茶多酚总量和儿茶素含量的变化、干茶叶的复水性。实验得出,与热风干燥相比,微波干燥的时间缩短了76%~95%,而且干燥后的茶叶有很好的复水性,但干燥后茶多酚总量少于热风干燥;同时随着功率增加,微波干燥时间由11 min降为6 min,随着温度升高,热风干燥时间由127 min缩短为45 min。这两种方法的茶叶干燥动力学模型均满足Page’s半经验公式。  相似文献   

水体沉积物具有含水率高的特点,对沉积物的微波干燥条件进行正交实验,发现20 L微波炉最佳干燥沉积物投放质量为20 g,干燥14 min后可达到恒重,微波烘干法干燥时间和能耗只占到传统烘箱烘干法1%~3%。随功率增加,样品脱水率呈增加趋势,微波功率分别在480 W、640 W、800 W时,同一样品的脱水率分别为38.25%±2.49%、42.30%±3.90%、44.96%±2.04%,并对相关原因进行了探讨,认为结晶水和有机物是造成差异的主要原因。  相似文献   

目的探讨微波干燥对铁皮石斛的干燥特性及其有效成分多糖、总多酚的影响,为铁皮石斛的采后初加工提供理论依据。方法在不同微波功率干燥下,定时记录铁皮石斛的质量并绘制相应的干燥曲线和干燥速率曲线,并用Origin8.0软件对其进行数学模型拟合;用硫酸-苯酚法、福林酚法分别测定铁皮石斛中多糖、总多酚的含量。结果铁皮石斛的微波干燥分为加速和降速两个阶段,且随着微波功率的增大,干燥时间缩短,干燥速率增大。Logairthmic模型可以很好的拟合铁皮石斛的微波干燥曲线,其R2值均在0.99以上,RMSE和χ~2值均最小。而微波干燥后的铁皮石斛的品质较热风干燥的要高,其有效成分含量均较高,具有显著性差异(P0.05);且随着微波功率的增加,铁皮石斛中有效成分的含量呈先升后降的趋势,在微波600 W时达到最高,其中多糖、总多酚含量分别为53.85%、1.01%。结论铁皮石斛的微波干燥既可以大大地提高铁皮石斛的干燥速率,还可以有效地保留铁皮石斛中有效成分的含量,可以确保干燥后铁皮石斛的质量。  相似文献   

以油页岩颗粒作为干燥物料,以过热蒸汽和热空气分别作为干燥介质,进行了油页岩干燥实验的研究。当颗粒粒径减小时,油页岩干燥速率越大;过热蒸汽和热空气温度增大时,干燥速率也越大。对比相同条件下过热蒸汽和热空气干燥油页岩的平均干燥速率,发现当干燥介质温度超过逆转点温度时,过热蒸汽条件下的平均干燥速率大于热空气下的数值。实验得出粒径分别为9,7,5 mm的油页岩颗粒逆转点温度值分别是154,179,177℃;逆转点温度值是个变量,随颗粒粒径大小变化而变化。颗粒粒径越大时逆转点温度值越小,粒径较小时逆转点变化不大。采用薄层干燥模型对油页岩的干燥数据进行动力学模拟,可得修正Page模型(Ⅱ)干基水分比w模拟值与实验值的最大绝对偏差是12%,综合比较发现修正Page模型(Ⅱ)能较好地描述油页岩在过热蒸汽条件下的干燥过程。  相似文献   

采用微波加热方法考察了煤泥干燥过程基本特征及其热量和质量传递特性,阐述了不同阶段动力学和能耗变化基本规律。结果表明煤泥微波干燥可以分为预热升温、恒速干燥和降速干燥三个阶段,其中自由水主要在预热升温和恒速阶段去除,而结合水则在降速阶段去除。恒速和降速干燥阶段的动力学特征可以采用线性模型和修正的Page模型(Ⅰ)分别描述,进而获得所选样品在降速阶段的表观活化能为3.23 W/g。样品在恒速干燥阶段脱水能耗(2.94~5.90 kJ/g)明显低于预热升温和降速干燥阶段,且脱水能耗随着微波功率(500~800 W)增大或初始质量(150~300 g)增加而逐渐降低。  相似文献   

不同干燥因素对天然橡胶微波干燥过程的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用动态称量微波干燥设备研究了不同微波功率密度、不同胶样厚度和不同初始含水率3种因素对湿天然橡胶微波干燥过程及表观质量的影响。结果表明,3种因素对湿天然橡胶微波干燥过程和胶样表观质量的影响较大;微波功率密度越大,失水速率就越大,干燥时间就越短,胶样易出现干燥发粘现象;胶样厚度越厚,失水速率越小,干燥时间就越长,易出现部分夹生和发粘现象;初始含水率越高,失水速率就越大,干燥时间就越长,胶样易出现部分发粘现象。微波干燥湿天然橡胶较为合适的微波功率密度、胶样厚度和初始含水率分别为30.14-34.2W/dm3,5~15mm和10%-20%。  相似文献   

对甘肃油页岩进行了微波热解实验研究,考察了油页岩在微波场中的升温特性及功率对页岩油、半焦、干馏气产率和组成的影响。结果表明:在微波场中油页岩干馏终温可达800℃以上;不同功率下干馏气组成不同,在480 W时干馏气中有效组分(H2+CH4+CO)达55%以上;随着功率的增大,半焦产率逐渐减小;页岩油产率随功率先增加后减小,在480 W时达到最大值13.5%;而干馏气产率随功率逐渐增大,在480 W时可达10%。  相似文献   

Microwave drying of whole fruit Chinese jujube was performed at 45, 90, and 135 W. Ten commonly used mathematical models of thin-layer drying were compared. The Midilli model was best in describing drying time dependency of product moisture ratios. The initial drying rate and drying rate constant are linearly proportional to microwave power level. An effective diffusivity model was presented and validated with the Renka-Cline algorithm. The model has very high predictive precision, suggested by the relative percentage error of 3.734% on average between the model and the Renka-Cline algorithm. The effective diffusivity was proved to be a linear function of microwave power level and a quadratic function of moisture content. Energy consumption in microwave drying of Chinese jujube decreased as microwave power increased from 45 to 135 W, but 90 W was adequate for high-quality products with less energy consumption.  相似文献   

In this work, the effects of power level and sample mass on moisture content, moisture ratio, drying rate, and drying time of Turkey okra (Hibiscus esculenta L.) were investigated using microwave drying technique. Various microwave power levels ranging from to 180 to 900 W were used for drying of 100 g of okra. To investigate the effect of sample mass on drying, the samples in the range of 25 to 100 g were dried at microwave power level of 360 W. To determine the kinetic parameters, the drying data were fitted to various models based on the ratios of the differences between the initial and final moisture contents and equilibrium moisture content. Among of the models proposed, Page's model gave a better fit for all drying conditions used. The activation energy for microwave drying of okra was calculated using an exponential expression based on Arrhenius equation and was found to be 5.54 W/g.  相似文献   

李长龙  彭金辉  张利波  李雨  雷鹰 《化学工程》2011,39(4):46-49,68
采用微波干燥技术进行了硫酸铵干燥的研究.通过系统实验分析了硫酸铵微波干燥特性,并采用薄层干燥模型进行数值分析.结果表明:修正Page模型(Ⅱ)较之其他模型更适于薄层硫酸铵微波干燥的模拟.应用Fick第二定律得到微波功率230-700 W,物料质量150-300 g条件下薄层硫酸铵微波干燥的有效扩散系数的变化范围分别为:...  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2022,48(20):30430-30440
Ca–ZrO2 is an essential structural and functional material, which is commonly used in refractories, electronic ceramics, and functional ceramics. The properties of Ca–ZrO2 materials are depending on the quality of Ca–ZrO2 powders. The main factors affecting the quality of powder are sintering temperature and the drying effect. This paper applied modern microwave drying technology to dry Ca–ZrO2 powder. The impact of initial mass, microwave heating power, and initial moisture content on the drying of Ca–ZrO2 were explored. The results showed that the average drying rate increased with the rise of initial mass, microwave heating power, and initial moisture content. Wang and Singh, Page, and Quadratic Model were applied to fit Ca–ZrO2 with an initial moisture content of 5.6%, mass of 30 g, and microwave output power of 400 W. The results displayed that the Page model had a better fitting effect. It was also applicable to other different initial moisture content, original mass, and microwave heating power. The diffusion coefficient calculated by Fick's second law displayed that with the increase of initial mass, initial moisture content, and microwave heating power of Ca–ZrO2, the effective diffusion coefficient increased first and then declined. When the Ca–ZrO2 of microwave heating power was 640 W, mass was 30 g, and the moisture content was 5.65%, the effective diffusion coefficients of zirconia were 1.42533 × 10?13, 2.91806 × 10?13, 5.652.2471 × 10?13 m2/s, respectively. To determine the activation energy of microwave dried zirconia, using the relationship between microwave power and activation energy, the activation energy of microwave dried zirconia was calculated to be ?23.39 g/W. This paper aims to rich experimental data for the industrial application of microwaves to strengthen dried zirconia and propose a theoretical basis.  相似文献   

Drying kinetics of convective, vacuum, and microwave drying of a pharmaceutical product, chlorpropamide, has been investigated on a laboratory scale, in the temperature interval from 40°C to 60°C, and the range of microwave heating power from 154 W/kgdm to 385 W/kgdm.

The experimental data obtained were approximated with the “thin-layer” equation and a two parameter exponential model. In order to compare convective, vacuum, and microwave drying, effective diffusion coefficients and specific heat consumption were calculated for each drying method.

Higher rates and shorter drying times were achieved at a higher temperature and microwave heating power. The highest drying rates and the lowest specific heat consumption were achieved with microwave drying. This leads to the conclusion that microwave heating is the most appropriate method for drying of chlorpropamide. The quality of product was not changed for all applied methods.  相似文献   

Microwave lignite drying with assistance of biomass-derived char was addressed and effect of bio-char on drying rate and energy consumption was investigated in this work. Effective diffusion coefficient and activation energy for the drying process were also analyzed. The results indicated the drying process was largely dependent on the variation of sample temperature. Bio-char originated from pine wood was most favorable for lignite drying, considering its better promoting effect and advanced security. There existed an optimal bio-char addition ratio for drying process at different power. The corresponding optimal ratio was 10% at 231?W and 15% at 385?W, at which the biggest drying rate and the least energy consumption were reached. It was compared lignite drying initiated at 385?W was better for energy conservation. Effective diffusivity was improved and activation energy was simultaneously reduced, with the addition of bio-char. The minimum activation energy was 15.54?W?·?g?1, which was gained at bio-char addition ratio of 10%. The results revealed the effect of bio-char on depressing activation energy could rival that of metal-based additives. The drying process with assistance of microwave and bio-char could present technical and economical benefits on lignite upgrading.  相似文献   

饱和水介质条件下油页岩热解动力学   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
马跃  李术元  王娟  方朝合 《化工学报》2010,61(9):2474-2479
利用高压釜反应装置,对柳树河油页岩进行了热压模拟实验研究,考察了饱和水介质条件下油页岩的热解动力学。利用不同温度下热解产物的实验数据,建立了以沥青为中间产物的连串一级反应的动力学模型,得到了相关的动力学参数,结果表明,油母质热解生成热沥青的活化能约为110 kJ·mol-1,低于热沥青进一步分解生成页岩油的活化能(约为190 kJ·mol-1),说明油母质热解生成热沥青的反应更容易进行。根据实验数据和动力学结果,对油页岩的热解机理和水介质的影响进行了初步探讨。结果表明,在饱和水介质条件下,油页岩的热解温度比无水条件时降低了约120℃。  相似文献   

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