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Wind turbines on the coast of the Sea of Japan have been damaged by lightning in winter. This is due to the frequent occurrence of upward lightning from wind turbines in winter. Occurrence of upward lightning proves to be closely related to the temperature distribution at high altitudes. In this paper, the correlation between lightning hits of wind turbines and the height of the—10 °C layer is analyzed. When an upward lightning hits a wind turbine in winter, the height of the—10 °C layer is lower than 2000 m in most cases. Moreover, winter lightning is classified into two types, namely, the storm type and the inactive type, and it is found that the parameters of lightning currents observed by LLS differ depending on the type of lightning storm. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 184(2): 44–50, 2013; Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI 10.1002/eej.22357  相似文献   

通过对蓬莱紫荆风电场风电机组所处的特殊雷电环境以及遭受雷击后果的分析,依据《建筑物防雷设计规范》、《建筑物电子信息系统防雷技术规范》等国家现行防雷技术规范,参照国际电工委员会(IEC)防雷部分相关标准,对风电机组雷电防护进行设计和探讨,以期达到各系统的正常运行,最大限度地减少雷击损失。  相似文献   

为了减小雷击海上风机引发暂态过电压的故障率,需要准确地分析海上风机暂态过电压的影响因素及响应规律。结合海洋接地环境及风机桨叶转动特性,利用电磁场数值计算的方法,建立了一种新型的海上风机一体化电磁暂态模型;利用ATP-EMTP对海上风机进行仿真分析,研究了海水深度、桨叶长度和塔筒高度、雷电流参数、雷击点和桨叶位置对机舱处雷电暂态过电压的影响,并利用波过程理论分析其原因。仿真结果表明,由于雷电流在风机上存在折反射现象,使得机舱处暂态电压存在明显振荡特性;所提影响因素会对暂态电压的峰值和振荡频率产生不同程度的影响。  相似文献   

Wind power generation is expected to become more important in future distribution systems. Although several prospective reports such as IEC 61400‐24 and NREL SR‐500‐31115 indicate an insulation scheme and grounding design for lighting protection, there still seems to be too few investigations on the problems. This paper therefore discusses lightning surge analysis using a wind farm model with 2 or 10 ideal wind turbines. Changing parameters such as grounding resistance and lightning strike points, several cases were studied. As a result of the analysis using digital simulator ARENE, it is clear that the surge tends to propagate toward the end of a distribution line in a wind farm and there is the possibility of insulation accidents at the other wind turbines when lightning attacks a wind turbine. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 162(2): 30– 38, 2008; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20364  相似文献   

风电机组过电压保护与防雷接地设计   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
杨文斌  周浩 《高电压技术》2008,34(10):2081-2085
迄今我国尚无风电系统过电压保护和防雷接地的国家标准或行业标准,为了促进风电行业的快速发展,通过理论分析并结合工程实际,给出了风电系统中风电机组过电压保护体系和实现。该体系主要考虑直击雷保护、感应雷保护、接地装置、机组配套升压设备保护等内容,并结合风电工程实例,系统地阐述了风电系统中风电机组的过电压保护及防雷接地的方案设计及其实现,满足了工程的实际需要,对风力发电和风电场设计具有较好的指导意义。  相似文献   

宋远见  徐政  余敬秋  张哲任 《中国电力》2020,53(7):92-99,216
风机塔筒的建模是海上风电机组防雷保护研究的重要组成部分,其模型的建立对分析结果有重要影响。首先分析塔筒多波阻抗模型在海上风机防雷研究中的不适用性;其次建立塔筒的非均匀传输线模型;然后,利用多波阻抗模型研究塔筒空间结构变化对自身电磁暂态特性的影响。研究结果表明:塔筒分段越多,其电磁暂态响应越准确。通过对采用非均匀传输线模型和采用多波阻抗模型的塔筒雷电暂态响应进行对比,证明了非均匀传输线模型更符合实际情况,从而给出了塔筒的推荐分段数。  相似文献   

刘刚  许彬  季严飞  高云鹏  汪逍旻  胡剑 《高压电器》2012,48(7):38-44,51
为了更有效地研究电力线路杆塔在不同地形下防雷性能的差异性,笔者针对珠三角地区中的杆塔在3种不同地形下受雷击次数分布差异性问题进行分析。首先建立区域雷击统计模型,研究统计区域雷击次数的方法。然后基于雷电定位系统,对珠三角地区三种地形上10年落雷情况进行统计分析,得出电力杆塔在山区受雷击次数略高于平原建筑区,平原建筑区上的杆塔虽受高层建筑屏蔽保护作用,不易受雷击,但杆塔所处区域受雷击次数高于平原植被区。经过统计得出平原建筑落雷次数增长率明显增大,而山区与平原植被区落雷次数增长率呈下降趋势。最后利用电场仿真软件仿真坐落在3种地形上杆塔周围的电场分布趋势,验证统计出区域雷击次数规律的合理性。  相似文献   

风机叶片对雷电的接闪是风机防雷研究中的关键内容,合理分析接闪时的击距特性意义重大。基于雷击过程的物理机制,将雷击发生时上、下行先导头部间的距离定义为跃变击距,并分析了多上行先导竞争对风机接闪和跃变击距的影响。基于先导起始和发展理论,根据下行先导的等效模型和稳定上行先导的判定方法建立了风机叶片接闪模型,利用该模型得到了随雷电流幅值变化的跃变击距公式,指出侧面距离等参数对跃变击距没有影响,实验和观测结果证明了模型的正确性。最后利用接闪模型提出了考虑稳定上行先导对周围电场畸变作用的对地击距公式,与其他学者计算的结果进行对比指出,现有对地击距公式或不适用于风机背景的防雷计算。  相似文献   

为探究单避雷线对10 kV配电线路防雷建设的影响,文中采用ATP-EMTP电磁暂态软件建立雷击配电线路仿真模型,计算单避雷线配置下线路的相间闪络耐雷水平;计算10 kV配网常用绝缘子的单相及相间建弧率,为配网防雷建设提供参考;采用基于规程法的改进公式进一步计算雷击跳闸率;结合广东省配网防雷典型设计数据进行算例分析,分析结果表明,配置单避雷线能有效提高配电线路的相间闪络耐雷水平,其中在雷击杆塔情况下的耐雷水平提升尤为明显;在配网防雷建设中,配置单避雷线与提升绝缘子50%冲击闪络电压、降低杆塔接地电阻两个措施配合进行才能起到良好的防雷效果.  相似文献   

工频电压对输电线路雷击跳闸率的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
为研究工频电压对输电线路反击跳闸率和绕击跳闸率产生的影响,验证目前的试验结果,从工频叠加影响机理、蒙特卡罗法实例计算两个方面进行了计算和分析。结果显示,工频叠加影响机理分析和蒙特卡罗法实例计算的结论一致:工频电压主要提高了输电线路的反击跳闸率,而对绕击跳闸率影响不大。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes lightning surge on the stator windings of wind turbine generators. The path of lightning in the wind turbines was analyzed. An equivalent circuit model for megawatt direct-driven wi...  相似文献   

35 kV架空送电线路防雷用并联间隙研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
为解决35 kV架空送电线路的雷击问题,提出采用并联间隙防雷保护方案,分析了其保护原理,设计了35 kV线路防雷用并联间隙的结构尺寸;对并联间隙试品进行了大量的雷电冲击和工频电弧试验,结果表明并联间隙能有效保护绝缘子串和导线免于雷击引起的工频续流电弧的烧蚀;计算了带并联间隙线路的雷击跳闸率,建议将3片绝缘子增加为4片,加装并联间隙不会引起线路跳闸率增加。  相似文献   

惠州地区雷电活动规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为获取惠州地区雷电参数,结合雷电定位系统10年(1999—2008)的雷电监测数据,利用地理信息系统软件和网格法对惠州地区的雷电参数进行统计分析,并对雷电流幅值分布进行拟合。结果表明,采用IEEE推荐的表达式对雷电定位系统测量的雷电流幅值累积概率曲线和概率密度曲线拟合效果比采用我国现行规程中推荐公式要好。而由后者推荐方法算得的地面落雷密度和雷电流概率分布均比实际值小,这与目前高压输电线路雷击跳闸率比设计值偏高的事实相符合。  相似文献   

与单回500 kV输电线路相比,同塔双回500 kV输电线路杆塔高度增加,引雷面积增大,将直接影响到线路的耐雷水平。文章依据先导发展闪络判据,模拟电弧的非线性特性,建立了绝缘闪络模型。利用电磁暂态仿真软件(ATP-EMTP),搭建了500 kV同塔双回输电线路反击耐雷性能仿真电路,分析了杆塔高度、冲击接地电阻和工频电压等因素对线路反击耐雷性能的影响。结果表明:杆塔高度增加后,线路反击耐雷水平显著降低;杆塔冲击接地电阻的增大,将导致线路跳闸率上升,在电阻较高的情况下尤为明显;同时工频电压对500 kV同塔双回输电线路耐雷性能影响尤为明显,因此,在500 kV同塔双回输电线路的设计中应充分考虑工频电压对线路耐雷性能的影响。  相似文献   

重庆10kV回沙线在雷电活动频繁地区,雷害故障情况较为严重。通过对整条线路易受雷击点和配电变压器防雷保护进行现场调研,从地形对雷电的影响、杆塔高度过高使雷击闪络次数增加和配电变压器防雷存在的问题等方面分析了雷害事故多发的原因,并在此基础上提出了架设耦合地线、加装保护间隙、完善配电变压器保护等防雷措施,达到提高线路耐雷水平,确保配电线路供电可靠。  相似文献   

随着风力发电的发展,风机面临愈加严峻的雷击风险。该文对2种常用叶片材料实际成分进行计算并据此建立分子体系模型,采用分子动力学研究手段对其进行雷击损伤的定量研究,揭示其热解损伤、气体膨胀损伤和机械强度损伤特征。分子动力学研究结果表明轻木具有更好的热稳定性、更高的刚度,并受气体膨胀损伤最小。对2种夹层材料的风机叶片样本进行大电流冲击实验印证了分子模拟的结果。但实验显示轻木叶片样本的分层现象更明显,主要因为材料结构孔隙大降低了粘合度。综上所述,轻木相较于PVC具有更好的热稳定性和更强的耐雷击能力,但制作夹层材料时应提高粘合度,以削弱雷电弧热效应造成的分层现象。  相似文献   

Electric and magnetic fields generated by lightning cause a serious hazard to various systems.Now wind turbine installations with higher power capacity are increasing.Higher power capacity requires higher height and so there is more probability of lightning strike.Blades are the most probable components to be struck by lightning.The most common lightning protection system for the blades consists of several metallic receptors on the blade surface.Those are connected to the ground by metallic down-conductors placed inside the blade shell.This paper studies effects of the receptor configurations on protecting the blade against lightning strike.For this purpose,an analysis procedure based on finite element method(FEM)in COMSOL Multiphysics software environment is used.The voltage distribution around the blade is simulated for various configurations of receptors.The best configuration is presented.Simulations are performed on the blade model of a special wind turbine,which isVESTAS V47".  相似文献   

Wind turbines are often struck by lightning because of their special shape, their tall structure and their being placed in the open air. Besides seriously damaging the blades, lightning results in accidents in which low‐voltage and control circuit breakdowns frequently occur in many wind farms worldwide. Although some reports, such as IEC TR61400‐24 and NREL SR‐500‐31115, have indicated a methodology for protection against such accidents, a standard solution to these problems remains to be established. The author, focusing on a method for protection of low‐voltage and control circuits in a wind tower, proposed a new lightning protection system with two ring‐shaped electrodes attached to the wind turbine. The proposed system has two ring‐shaped electrodes of several meters diameter, one vertically attached to the nose cone and the other laterally placed at the top of the wind tower lying just below the nacelle. The pair of rings is arranged with a narrow gap of no more than 1 m in order to avoid mechanical friction during rotation of the blades and the nacelle's circling. When lightning strikes a blade, the current reaches the upper ring from a receptor through a conductive wire. Then, the electric field between the two rings becomes high and finally sparks over and the lightning current flows downwards. The current propagates along the lower ring and the grounding wire, which is arranged outside of the wind tower rather than inside, and is safely led to a grounding electrode placed far enough away from the tower's grounding system. In this paper, the author describes a basic experiment using a 1/100 downsized model, and also discusses the concept behind the present system. The result of the downsized experiment provides evidence of an effective advantage for lightning protection. © 2006 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The development of a wind turbine generator system in Japan is regarded as a promising source of clean energy, and its popularization is rapidly increasing. In Japan, there are many wind turbine generator systems installed on the Sea of Japan coast, with large wind capacity. However, since the Sea of Japan coast is a region with abundant winter lightning, a phenomenon peculiar to Japan, the wind turbine generator systems are subject to damage from winter lightning. Thus, it is important to observe the lightning currents striking wind turbine generator systems in order to provide lightning protection. The authors therefore installed currents sensors (Rogowski coils) on wind turbine generators installed in Hokkaido and Kagoshima Prefectures, and performed waveform observation of lightning stroke current in the winter of 2002 and the summer of 2003. These observations yielded a few current waveforms for lightning striking wind turbine generators. This paper describes the investigation and presents the observation results. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 157(4): 40– 47, 2006; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20250  相似文献   

分析了浙江电网各地区2004~2006年线路雷击跳闸次数与落雷密度的相关性、3年间多次雷击跳闸的线路雷击故障点与落雷密度分布的相关性,从而发现高落雷密度区域线路雷击跳闸率高于低落雷密度区域的特点,据此提出了落雷密度图分级应用的初步设想。  相似文献   

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