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吕荫润  陈力  王翀  吴敬征  王永吉 《软件学报》2017,28(10):2525-2538
相对于标准约束优化问题,广义约束优化问题(或称析取优化问题)的等式或不等式约束条件中不仅包含逻辑“与”关系,还含有逻辑“或”关系.单调速率(RM)优化问题是广义约束优化问题的一个重要应用.目前RM优化问题已有的解法包括函数变换、混合整数规划、线性规划搜索等算法.随着任务数的增多,这些算法的求解时间较长.提出一种基于线性规划的深度广度混合搜索算法(LPHS),将广义约束优化问题拆分成若干子问题,建立线性规划搜索树,合理选择搜索顺序,利用动态剪枝算法减小子问题的规模,最终求得最优解.实验结果表明,LPHS算法比其他方法有明显的效率提升.研究成果与计算机基础理论中的可满足性模理论的研究相结合,有助于提高可满足性模理论问题的求解效率,促进该理论在程序验证、符号执行等领域的进一步应用.  相似文献   

有等式约束优化问题的粒子群优化算法   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
目前大多数粒子群优化算法针对无约束优化问题或不等式约束优化问题,求解有等式约束优化问题的方法是把每个等式约束变成两个不等式约束,这种方法的缺点是在进化过程中粒子位置很难满足等式约束条件,影响了收敛速度和解的精度。提出了求解有等式约束优化问题的两种新粒子群优化算法,数值试验结果表明,算法是有效的。  相似文献   

求解约束优化问题的一种复合形遗传算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究约束优化问题是科学和工程应用领域经常会遇到的一类数学规划问题.现有的约束优化进化算法,通常的解决办法是将等式约束条件转化为成对的不等式约束条件来处理,转换会使得可行域的拓扑结构变化显著,直接影响了算法性能和解的精度.为解决上述问题,提出了一种改进的处理约束优化问题的新算法.新算法将约束优化问题转化为多目标优化问题,把复合形法嵌入到遗传算法中,通过将全局搜索和局部搜索机制有机地结合,利用遗传算法全局性好和复合形法快速高效的特点,以加快最优解的搜索进程.仿真结果表明,方法既有复合形法快速高效的特点,又有遗传算法全局性好的特点.与标准遗传算法相比,方法具有良好的求解约束优化性能和精度效果.  相似文献   

刘三阳  靳安钊 《自动化学报》2018,44(9):1690-1697
对约束优化问题,为了避免罚因子和等式约束转化为不等式约束时引入的约束容忍度参数所带来的不便,本文在基本教与学优化(Teaching-learning-based optimization,TLBO)算法中加入了自我学习过程并提出了一种求解约束优化问题的协同进化教与学优化算法,使得罚因子和约束容忍度随种群的进化动态调整.对7个常见测试函数的数值实验验证了算法求解带有等式和不等式约束优化问题的有效性.  相似文献   

陈小锋  史忠科 《计算机仿真》2010,27(7):262-266,298
针对包含不等式约束和等式约束的城市单交叉路口信号优化问题,为缓解交通堵塞和安全性,设计了一种混合优化方法.方法首先采用自适应惩罚策略,将具有不等式约束和等式约束的优化问题转变为仅包含决策变量上、下限约束的优化问题;然后再分别采用自适应实数编码遗传算法和一种变搜索空间局部搜索算法进行混合优化,为了提高实数编码遗传算法的优化效果,设计了一种自适应交叉概率和变异概率.最后针对多种交通需求模式,应用混合优化方法进行了大量的仿真计算,结果表明在城市单交叉路口信号优化问题中具有良好的优化效果.  相似文献   

一种新的遗传算法求解有等式约束的优化问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘伟  蔡前凤  王振友 《计算机工程与设计》2007,28(13):3184-3185,3194
针对有等式约束的优化问题,提出了一种新的遗传算法.该算法是在种群初始化、交叉、变异操作过程中使用求解参数方程的方法处理等式约束,违反不等式约束的个体用死亡罚函数进行惩罚设计出的实数编码遗传算法.数值实验结果表明,新算法性能优于现有其它算法;它不仅可以处理线性等式约束,而且还可以处理非线性等式约束,同时提高了收敛速度和解的精度,是一种通用强、高效稳健的智能算法.  相似文献   

针对具有不等式路径约束的微分代数方程(Differential-algebraic equations,DAE)系统的动态优化问题,通常将DAE中的等式路径约束进行微分处理,或者将其转化为点约束或不等式约束进行求解.前者需要考虑初值条件的相容性或增加约束,在变量间耦合度较高的情况下这种转化求解方法是不可行的;后者将等式约束转化为其他类型的约束会增加约束条件,增加了求解难度.为了克服该缺点,本文提出了结合后向差分法对DAE直接处理来求解上述动态优化问题的方法.首先利用控制向量参数化方法将无限维的最优控制问题转化为有限维的最优控制问题,再利用分点离散法用有限个内点约束去代替原不等式路径约束,最后用序列二次规划(Sequential quadratic programming,SQP)法使得在有限步数的迭代下,得到满足用户指定的路径约束违反容忍度下的KKT(Karush Kuhn Tucker)最优点.理论上证明了该算法在有限步内收敛.最后将所提出的方法应用在具有不等式路径约束的微分代数方程系统中进行仿真,结果验证了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

含有等式约束优化问题的遗传算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在遗传算法中最难处理的是有等式约束的优化问题,而等式约束在一般问题中常常遇到.许多算法采用引入惩罚函数降低适应度方法使其满足等式约束条件,但太难收敛或解根本不满足约束条件,因此它是遗传算法的一个瓶颈.根据遗传算法的性质及等式约束的特点,提出了另一种算法来解决这个瓶颈,并从理论上证明了算法的可行性.通过数值实验表明该算法是有效的.  相似文献   

约束优化进化算法综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李智勇  黄滔  陈少淼  李仁发 《软件学报》2017,28(6):1529-1546
约束优化进化算法主要研究如何利用进化计算方法求解约束优化问题,是进化计算领城的一个重要研究课题.约束优化问题求解存在约束区域离散、等式约束、非线性约束等挑战,其问题的本质是如何处理可行解与不可行解的关系才能使得算法更高效.本文首先介绍了约束优化问题的定义,然后系统地分析了目前存在的约束优化方法,同时基于约束处理机制将这些方法分为罚函数法、可行性法则、随机排序法、约束处理法、多目标优化法、混合法六类,并从约束处理方法的方面对约束优化进化算法的最新研究进展进行综述.最后,指出约束优化进化算法需进一步研究的方向与关键问题.  相似文献   

自适应惩罚策略及其在交通信号优化中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对约束优化问题的求解,设计了一种处理约束条件的自适应惩罚策略,用于将具有不等式约束和等式约束的优化问题转变为仅包含决策变量上、下限约束的优化问题。该策略通过引入约束可行测度、可行度的概念来描述决策变量服从于不等式约束和等式约束的程度,并以此构造处理约束条件的自适应惩罚函数,惩罚值随着约束可行度的变化而动态自适应地改变。为了检验该惩罚策略的有效性,针对单路口交通信号优化问题进行了应用研究,并用三种不同算法进行了大量的仿真计算,结果表明所设计的自适应策略在具有高度约束条件的城市交通信号优化问题中具有良好的效果。  相似文献   

An important concept proposed in the early stage of robot path planning field is the shrinking of a robot to a point and meanwhile the expanding of obstacles in the workspace as a set of new obstacles. The resulting grown obstacles are called the Configuration Space (Cspace) obstacles. The find-path problem is then transformed into that of finding a collision-free path for a point robot among the Cspace obstacles. However, the research experiences have shown that the Cspace transform is very hard when the following situations occur: 1) both the robot and obstacles are not polygons, and 2) the robot is allowed to rotate. This situation gets even worse when the robot and obstacles are three dimensional (3D) objects with various shapes. For this reason, direct path planning approaches without the Cspace transformation is quite useful and expected.Motivated by the practical requirements of robot path planning, a generalized constrained optimization problem (GCOP) with not only logic AND but also logic OR relationships was proposed and a mathematical solution developed previously. This paper inherits the fundamental ideas of inequality and optimization techniques from the previous work, converts the obstacle avoidance problem into a semi-infinite constrained optimization problem with the help of the mathematical transformation, and proposes a direct path planning approach without Cspace calculation, which is quite different from traditional methods. To show its merits, simulation results in 3D space have been presented.  相似文献   

硬件组合技术在数据库查询优化中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
查询优化技术是关系数据库成功运作的关键技术之一。随着现代数据库规模不断扩大到以十亿字节(GB)计量,对能够处理如此巨大的数据信息的系统的需求也随之而来。找到一种高效的信息提取方法对于使研发过程更快、更容易地进行是十分必要的。文章介绍了一种将与或图和数字逻辑电路技术应用于SQL查询优化,得到数据库中有效信息的技术方法。该方法中把与或图作为一种中间数据结构,用来描述布尔值域上的查询集合的子集;数字逻辑电路则用来表示二进制数集合上的各项逻辑运算功能的一种实现方式。该文同时给出了相关实验结果,实验表明这是一个十分有效的方法。  相似文献   

The topology design of switched enterprise networks (SENs) is a hard constrained combinatorial optimization problem. The problem consists of deciding the number, types, and locations of the network active elements (hubs, switches, and routers), as well as the links and their capacities. Several conflicting objectives such as monetary cost, network delay, and maximum number of hops have to be optimized to achieve a desirable solution. Further, many of the desirable features of a network topology can best be expressed in linguistic terms, which is the basis of fuzzy logic. In this paper, we present an approach based on Simulated Evolution algorithm for the design of SEN topology. The overall cost function has been developed using fuzzy logic. Several variants of the algorithm are proposed and compared together via simulation and experimental results are provided.  相似文献   

The problem of finding an AND/OR precedence-constraint assembly schedule using optimization neural computation is presented. The precedence relationships of assembly operation result from the geometric constraints of subtasks. Because of the existence of geometric constraints among assembly subtasks, the assembly operation involves AND/OR precedence relationships; that is, the order of assembly crucially determines whether the desired task can be achieved. A feasible assembly schedule is a schedule that satisfies these AND/OR precedence constraints.It has been shown that all the feasible assembly schedules can be generated by transforming geometric constraints of subtasks to the pattern-matching operation. Using the question-answer pattern and pattern-matching operation, the assembly scheduling problem can be transformed into an AND/OR precedence-constrained traveling salesman problem (TSP). Two precedence-constrained TSPs, cost-constrained TSP (CCTSP) and state-constrained TSP (SCTSP), are discussed. The CCTSP artificially sets the cost of the prohibited moves to a very large value which ensures that the constraints are satisfied, while the SCTSP restricts the movement of next assembly subtasks. The advantage of the SCTSP over CCTSP in the generation of the assembly schedule will be illustrated.A novel method proposed here is to obtain the best AND/OR precedence-constraint assembly schedule using neural network computation. The geometric constraints of an assembled object are transformed into the elements of the connection matrix which specifies the connection strength among neurons. A modified Hopfield network is used to tackle the AND/OR precedence-constraints assembly scheduling problem. Multirobot assembly sequences generation is also discussed. The designed algorithm can accommodate various constraints and applications. Detailed algorithms, examples and experiments are presented.  相似文献   

在非视距传播环境下无线定位的AOA算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兰云飞  王洪雁 《计算机仿真》2007,24(11):166-168,257
非视距传播(NLOS)是蜂窝无线定位的一个关键的问题,要提高无线定位的精度,必须有效减小非视距传播的影响.基于一种适合对各种定位算法进行分析的基于几何结构的单次反射统计信道模型(GBSB),提出一种减小非视距传播影响的AOA定位算法,该算法利用临近基站与移动台构成的三角函数关系和波达方向的最大角度扩展作为优化的约束条件,将基于波达方向(AOA)的无线定位问题转化为有约束的最优化问题,从而提高了无线定位的精度.仿真结果证明了该算法的有效性.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the distributed model predictive control (MPC) problem for a class of discrete-time Markovian jump linear systems (MJLSs) subject to actuator saturation and polytopic uncertainty in system matrices. The global system is decomposed into several subsystems which coordinate with each other. A set of distributed controllers is designed by solving a min-max optimization problem in terms of the solutions of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). An iterative algorithm is developed to achieve the online computation. Finally, a simulation example is employed to show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.   相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the problem of realizing associative memories via cellular neural networks (CNNs). After introducing qualitative properties of the CNN model, we formulate the synthesis of CNNs that can store given binary vectors with improved performance as a constrained optimization problem. Next, we observe that this problem's constraints can be transformed into simple inequalities involving linear matrix inequalities. Finally, we reformulate the synthesis problem as a generalized eigenvalue problem, which can be efficiently solved by recently developed interior point methods. The validity of the proposed approach is illustrated by a design example.  相似文献   

约束优化是多数实际工程应用优化问题的呈现方式.进化算法由于其高效的表现,近年来被广泛应用于约束优化问题求解.但约束条件使得问题解空间离散、缩小、改变,给进化算法求解约束优化问题带来极大挑战.在此背景下,融合约束处理技术的进化算法成为研究热点.此外,随着研究的深入,近年来约束处理技术在复杂工程应用问题优化中得到了广泛发展,例如多目标、高维、等式优化等.根据复杂性的缘由,将面向复杂约束优化问题的进化优化分为面向复杂目标的进化约束优化算法和面向复杂约束场景的进化算法两种类别进行综述,其中,重点探讨了实际工程应用的复杂性对约束处理技术的挑战和目前研究的最新进展,并最后总结了未来的研究趋势与挑战.  相似文献   

Presents a framework for efficiently solving logic formulations of combinatorial optimization problems using heuristic search techniques. In order to integrate cost, lower-bound and upper-bound specifications with conventional logic programming languages, we augment a constraint logic programming (CLP) language with embedded constructs for specifying the cost function and with a few higher-order predicates for specifying the lower and upper bound functions. We illustrate how this simple extension vastly enhances the ease with which optimization problems involving combinations of Min and Max can be specified in the extended language CLP* and we show that CSLDNF (Constraint SLD resolution with Negation as Failure) resolution schemes are not efficient for solving optimization problems specified in this language. Therefore, we describe how any problem specified using CLP* can be converted into an implicit AND/OR graph, and present an algorithm called GenSolve which can branch-and-bound using upper and lower bound estimates, thus exploiting the full pruning power of heuristic search techniques. A technical analysis of GenSolve is provided. We also provide experimental results comparing various control strategies for solving CLP* programs  相似文献   

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