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MATLAB与Visual Basic相结合及其在测绘数据处理中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
阐述了应用ActiveXAutomation协议,将MATLAB软件的矩阵计算功能和图形显示功能内嵌到VB环境中,用VB环境中友好的人机交互界面实现测绘数据分析与图形显示一体化,形成相关的测绘数据分析处理可视化实用软件,并给出了部分示例。  相似文献   

基于Monte Carlo在体生物光学成像的光子传输模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李慧  田捷  王革 《软件学报》2004,15(11):1709-1719
随着分子标记技术和光学成像技术的发展,在体生物光学成像倍受关注,并广泛应用于对生物组织的生理或病理过程的无损实时动态成像.研究生物组织中的光子传输模型和光子传输规律,是开展在体生物光学成像研究的两个关键环节.提出了一种基于Monte Carlo方法的在体生物光学成像中的光子传输模型.已知荧光光源参数、生物组织参数和探测器参数,建立荧光光源发射光子、光子在生物组织中传输的数学模型,并利用Monte Carlo方法实现这些模型.最后做了对比实验,实验结果表明了该算法的正确性和有效性.  相似文献   

针对模拟电路的软故障,提出一种基于混合粒子群算法的BP网络方法来诊断模拟电路中的故障。该方法是把遗传算法和粒子群算法结合起来优化BP网络的权值和阈值,试图解决传统的BP网络在模拟电路故障诊断过程中易陷入局部最小的问题。详细阐述了该算法的实现,给出了该算法的详细流程图,并通过仿真实例比较了传统BP网络与混合粒子群算法优化下的BP网络在故障诊断中的表现,给出了实验实例仿真结果的图形和数据表格。由仿真图形和数据表格,形象直观地看出了两种算法运用在模拟电路故障诊断中的差别,验证了混合粒子群算法优化BP网络在模拟电路故障诊断中的有效性及可行性。  相似文献   

针对超声弹性成像系统在医学诊断中的广泛应用,为了提高超声弹性成像算法的计算速度,提出采用GPU加速基于互相关算法的弹性成像技术。首先分析采用这种技术的可能性,然后通过GPU开发工具中的JACKET来实现互相关算法的并行计算,实现超声弹性成像技术。最后通过实验数据证明该方法在处理单帧弹性图条件下,能大幅提升图形计算的能力。与传统的互相关方法比较,具有25倍的加速比。  相似文献   

针对超声弹性成像系统在医学诊断中的广泛应用,为了提高超声弹性成像算法的计算速度,提出采用GPU加速基于互相关算法的弹性成像技术。首先分析采用这种技术的可能性,然后通过GPU开发工具中的JACKET来实现互相关算法的并行计算,实现超声弹性成像技术。最后通过实验数据证明该方法在处理单帧弹性图条件下,能大幅提升图形计算的能力。与传统的互相关方法比较,具有25倍的加速比。  相似文献   

为了研究、设计和拓展过程监控系统研究的试验平台,开发了基于TE过程(Tennessee Eastman process)的软硬件一体实时仿真系统。本文对这套仿真系统的硬件构造及功能,TE过程的实时仿真数据采集、数据处理、数据图形及表格显示等功能的实现予以详细地阐述。实验表明该系统功能完善,达到了预期的教学及科研目的。  相似文献   

徐东亮  李卓球  宋显辉  吕泳 《测控技术》2006,25(9):22-24,28
机敏混凝土电阻率层析成像(ERT,electrical resistance tomography)是新近发展起来的一种可视性无损检测技术.为了对其深入研究,设计并实现了一个机敏混凝土ERT实验系统.系统的各功能模块都采用参数化设计技术,能够进行不同试件、不同电极数下ERT成像研究.实现了多种ERT成像算法,各算法参数和成像显示参数也可直接修改.介绍了该系统的主要功能及其实现方法,给出了部分ERT实验图.  相似文献   

针对卫星姿态控制物理仿真实验任务的需要,在单轴气浮物理仿真平台环境下,研制了转台机动控制参数实时监测和卫星三维动画实时仿真演示实验系统;用LabVIEW软件实现了转台机动控制参数实时采集及显示,自动打印及自动存储功能,并调用STK的Connect函数功能,实现了转台机动过程的卫星实时三维图形动画演示功能,并在LAN下实现数据共享和数据备份;该实验系统可提供转台机动控制参数,如机动角度,机动时间,机动角度误差,最小机动角度,最大机动角度及卫星三维姿态和轨道实时仿真参数;实验结果表明达到了预定设计效果和实验任务要求。  相似文献   

为提高视频跟踪算法的研发效率,降低成本,设计了基于.net的视频跟踪仿真平台.首先介绍了重心跟踪、相关跟踪、运动检测等实际工程中常用的视频跟踪算法.在此基础上提出了基于计算机的视频跟踪仿真平台的设计思路.结合.Net,特别是 CImage类介绍了视频跟踪仿真平台的实现过程:用CFileDialog打开图像文件、用图像处理算法实现视频跟踪、用Bitblt等显示处理结果的图像和数据等.实验结果表明该设计能够很好地实现视频跟踪的功能,便于视频跟踪算法研发人员分析不同算法的跟踪性能和计算时间,以验证算法的可行性,为算法的工程移植提供有力的参考依据.  相似文献   

针对竹地板加工中的“选片工艺”,构建了基于机器视觉的竹片缺陷检测与颜色分拣平台,研究了竹片缺陷与颜色检测过程中图像采集、光学成像、光学照明等关键问题,设计了竹片缺陷检测及颜色识别的图像处理算法及软件流程,并探讨了竹片缺陷检测与颜色分拣平台的机械传动、分拣执行装置及电控实现。仿真实验表明,提出的竹片缺陷检测及颜色识别算法能够对采集系统摄取的竹片图像进行准确的检测与识别,能够完成竹片6种常见的缺陷检测以及4种以上的色差识别,对提高选片工艺的生产效率具有重要意义。  相似文献   

荣耀  王建东  徐涛 《计算机工程》2009,35(20):16-19
为了给航班延误预警平台提供图形生成服务,设计并实现航班延误预警图形组件包,用于自动生成航班延误波及DAG、高级Petri网、贝叶斯网络和元胞自动机等数学模型的仿真视图,以及棒图等统计图。图形组件包包括外层服务和核心引擎两部分。外层服务生成图形XML文档,核心引擎解析该文档并渲染生成图形。图形组件包以Web服务暴露接口,以XML作为数据交换媒介,提高了互操作性和通用性。实验表明,该图形组件包可以有效满足航班延误预警平台的图形生成和表现需求。  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation is a crucial tool for understanding principles behind important biochemical processes such as protein folding and molecular interaction. With the rapidly increasing power of modern computers, large-scale MD simulation experiments can be performed regularly, generating huge amounts of MD data. An important question is how to analyze and interpret such massive and complex data.One of the (many) challenges involved in analyzing MD simulation data computationally is the high-dimensionality of such data. Given a massive collection of molecular conformations, researchers typically need to rely on their expertise and prior domain knowledge in order to retrieve certain conformations of interest. It is not easy to make and test hypotheses as the data set as a whole is somewhat “invisible” due to its high dimensionality. In other words, it is hard to directly access and examine individual conformations from a sea of molecular structures, and to further explore the entire data set. There is also no easy and convenient way to obtain a global view of the data or its various modalities of biochemical information.To this end, we present an interactive, collaborative visual analytics tool for exploring massive, high-dimensional molecular dynamics simulation data sets. The most important utility of our tool is to provide a platform where researchers can easily and effectively navigate through the otherwise “invisible” simulation data sets, exploring and examining molecular conformations both as a whole and at individual levels. The visualization is based on the concept of a topological landscape, which is a 2D terrain metaphor preserving certain topological and geometric properties of the high dimensional protein energy landscape. In addition to facilitating easy exploration of conformations, this 2D terrain metaphor also provides a platform where researchers can visualize and analyze various properties (such as contact density) overlayed on the top of the 2D terrain. Finally, the software provides a collaborative environment where multiple researchers can assemble observations and biochemical events into storyboards and share them in real time over the Internet via a client-server architecture.The software is written in Scala and runs on the cross-platform Java Virtual Machine. Binaries and source code are available at http://www.aylasoftware.org and have been released under the GNU General Public License.  相似文献   

Live cell imaging is an important biomedical research paradigm for studying dynamic cellular behaviour. Although phenotypic data derived from images are difficult to explore and analyse, some researchers have successfully addressed this with visualization. Nonetheless, visualization methods for live cell imaging data have been reported in an ad hoc and fragmented fashion. This leads to a knowledge gap where it is difficult for biologists and visualization developers to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different visualization methods, and for visualization researchers to gain an overview of existing work to identify research priorities. To address this gap, we survey existing visualization methods for live cell imaging from a visualization research perspective for the first time. Based on recent visualization theory, we perform a structured qualitative analysis of visualization methods that includes characterizing the domain and data, abstracting tasks, and describing visual encoding and interaction design. Based on our survey, we identify and discuss research gaps that future work should address: the broad analytical context of live cell imaging; the importance of behavioural comparisons; links with dynamic data visualization; the consequences of different data modalities; shortcomings in interactive support; and, in addition to analysis, the value of the presentation of phenotypic data and insights to other stakeholders.  相似文献   

全息数字化矿山管理平台依托3D-GIS技术和虚拟仿真技术,通过构建一体化的三维可视化平台,将矿山地形地貌、地表设施、井巷工程、矿体围岩等客观空间构造,在平台系统中真实再现,充分利用现代空间分析、数据采矿、知识挖掘、虚拟现实、可视化、网络、多媒体和科学计算技术,为矿产资源评估、矿山规划、开拓设计、生产安全和决策管理进行模拟、仿真和过程分析提供新的技术平台和强大工具。  相似文献   

EAST已经初步建立较为完善的分析数据数据库,相较于存储原始采集信号的一级数据库,科研人员称这个包含EAST各个子系统(诊断、加热、加料等)具体物理信息的数据库为EAST二级数据库.为了便于科研人员从EAST二级库中查看和分析等离子体剖面数据,采用Python及PyQt开发了数据可视化图形用户软件.它可以分析比较来自不同诊断系统的剖面数据,具有将剖面数据用图形表示出来并改变图形属性等功能.同时在等离子体放电实验期间,提供了炮间分析等离子体剖面数据可视化的功能.本文介绍了EAST剖面数据可视化系统的设计方案与实现方法,同时也给出了系统的初步测试结果.  相似文献   

Today’s time-of-flight (TOF) sensors measure full-range distance information by estimating the elapsed time between emission and receiving of active light in real-time. Such sensors are inexpensive, compact, and they have a high performance, which especially fits real-time applications, e.g. in the fields of automotive, robotics, 3D imaging, and visualization. The simulation of such sensors is an essential building block for hardware design and application development. Therefore, the simulation data must capture the major sensor characteristics.This paper introduces a simulation approach, which is motivated by physics, for the Photonic Mixing Device (PMD) sensor which is a specific type of time-of-flight sensor. Dynamic motion blurring and resolution artifacts such as flying pixels as well as the typical deviation error are prominent effects of real world systems. Flying pixels arise when an area of inhomogeneous depth is covered by a single PMD-pixel whereas the deviation error is based on the anharmonic properties of the optical signal. The modeling of these artifacts is essential for an authentic simulation approach. We present a detailed comparison between a real PMD-device and the simulation data regarding the sensor characteristics.The proposed algorithms are implemented in a hardware accelerated solution which makes use of the programmability of modern Graphics Processing Units (GPUs). This way, an interactive simulation feedback is provided for applications and further data processing. The simulation takes place in real-time and thus all required control mechanisms are accessible in real-time, too.  相似文献   

陈铮  彭晓源 《计算机工程》2007,33(24):274-276
将DSP软硬件技术与PC人机交互技术相结合,构建了基于DSP平台的景象匹配算法评估环境,设计和实现了评估环境中各软硬件功能模块。采用PC-DSP的架构形式对评估环境进行模块划分,在DSP端实现了与真实设备功能、性能接近的模拟硬件设备和嵌入式软件,在PC端对DSP的运行接口进行封装,并通过数据可视化、图像化操作等人机交互手段实现用户对DSP端算法程序运行过程的控制和观测。  相似文献   

研究偶然误差的统计规律,期待一个简便、实用的数据处理软件,利用图形化的虚拟仪器开发平台LabVIEW,可便捷地开发出虚拟仪器环境的实验仿真与数据处理系统,该系统可视化效果好,实用和便于操作。文章对系统的设计思想、GUI、功能与特性作了阐述。  相似文献   

基于LabVIEW平台的光度测量与校正系统   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
利用MS2821C面阵CCD图像传感器、NIPCI—1408图像采集卡构建了成像微光度数据采集与处理系统,在LabVIEW IMAQVision虚拟仪器技术软件开发平台上开发了实用校正与测量软件。实际应用表明,使用基于VI技术的数据采集与处理系统满足了光度测量对采集校正系统的要求,取得较好效果。最后对应用中进行高精度光度测量的校正方法和实际效果进行了讨论。  相似文献   

利用组件式GIS对南海观测数据进行管理,建立一个可视化、人工交互的客户端平台系统,从而更好地分析和解释南海海洋信息。该系统利用ArcGIS Engine结合.NET平台进行二次开发,采用三层架构,实现了基本GIS图形操作、专题图制作、空间分析、动态跟踪等功能。经测试系统运行良好。  相似文献   

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