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基于总空闲时间增量的无等待流水调度混合遗传算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将NP-难的最小化最大完工时间无等待流水调度问题等价转化为最小化总空闲时间的问题,改变传统求解调度序列目标函数的模式,通过目标函数变化量判断新解的优劣,大大降低算法所需计算时间.分析启发式算法基本操作和进化算子的总空闲时间增量性质,设计基本总空闲时间增量法以快速评估新产生解的质量.提出混合遗传算法IHGA(increment based hybrid genetic algorithm)求解该问题,构造相应初始种群生成方法和进化算子,提出进化概率动态更新策略和种群收敛判断与再生机制;算法混合了迭代改进局部搜索以进一步提高解的质量,基于120个经典Benchmark实例,将IHGA与目前求解该问题的有效算法RAJ,GR,SA2,TSM和FCH进行比较,实验结果表明:IHGA在性能方面优于其他,计算效率方面优于SA2和TSM,略逊于GR,RAJ和FCH.  相似文献   

不确定型车间作业调度问题是由确定型车间作业调度问题转化而来的一个随机规划问题.针对目前求解SJSSP问题的启发式算法存在的一些局限,利用目标函数理想最值的条件,以最大加工时间最小化的期望为目标函数,提出了自适应超启发式遗传算法(Adaptive Hyper-Heuristics genetic algorithms,AHHGA),解决此类问题.在上层利用目标函数理想最值的条件,对于不同的场景选用不同的启发式规则.在下层根据上层选择的启发式规则,构造可行解,然后搜索获取最优解.通过上下两层的协同搜索,确保在有限的搜索范围内,找到性能更为优良的解,与此同时,尽可能的减少运算时间.仿真分析表明,对于FT类基准问题,当加工时间服从正态分布时,本文提出算法较目前求解此类问题的同类方法的求解质量具有一定的改进.  相似文献   

求解一类并行多机调度问题的混合启发式算法   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
该文研究了一类工件具有不同释放时间的并行多机调度问题,调度目标为使总流程时间最小。针对该类调度问题具有强NP—hard的特点,首先构造了的一种启发式算法,该算法能够在很短的时间内找到次优解。由于通常启发式算法会随着问题规模的扩大导致求解的质量有所下降,结合遗传算法的全局搜索能力,提出了一种混合启发式算法进一步改善解的质量。仿真结果表明该算法很好地结合了启发式算法和遗传算法的特点,能够在较短的时间内求解较大规模的调度问题,算法的计算量小,鲁棒性好。  相似文献   

带平衡约束圆形Packing问题属于NP-hard问题,求解困难.提出一种求解该问题的快速启发式并行蚁群算法.首先提出一种启发式方法:在轮盘赌选择定序的概率公式中增加质量因子和外围逆时针排列定位待布圆,并用它构造出多样性种群个体(相交圆数不超过3的布局方案).然后将蚁群优化与并行搜索相结合,使种群个体快速收敛到最优解或迭代出存在少量干涉的近似最优解(1~3个相交圆).若为后者,则基于物理模型用最速下降法将其快速调整成最优解.所采用的启发式方法、并行蚁群搜索机制和快速调整策略有机结合提高了算法的搜索精度和效率.数值实验表明该算法在性能指标上优于已存在的算法.  相似文献   

航班着陆调度问题是多目标优化问题,难以使用最优化方法求解。为了解决这一难题,以减少航班延迟时间和降低飞行延误成本为目标,提出一种整合的启发式方法。该方法使用吱呀轮算法SWO(Squeaky-Wheel Optimization)进行导向式搜索,并利用改进的GA充分扩展SWO的搜索空间,最后通过合理整合GA和SWO,取得求解效率和求解质量的提高。通过实验仿真对比表明该算法能高效求解该问题,满足了实时调度的需求,同时求解质量也优于其他启发式算法,节省了更多降落时间和成本。  相似文献   

连续空间优化问题的自适应蚁群系统算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蚁群算法是进化计算中一种新型优化算法,其基本算法用于求解排序类型的组合优化问题本文提出一种用于连续空间优化问题求解的蚁群算法,采用了新的基于目标函数值的启发式信息素分配算法,以及搜索过程中最优解的筛选方法.根据目标函数来自适应调整蚂蚁的路径搜索行为,从而保证算法快速找到全局最优解.一个多极值点的连续优化问题求解实例证明了该方法的有效性  相似文献   

利用迭代变化邻域搜索算法(IVNS)求解最小化总完工时间的有准备时间无等待流水车间调度问题.设计局部搜索算法需要考虑3个关键因素:所用邻域、解评估和局部最优的克服.因此,定义了3个较大规模邻域以扩大搜索范围.为加速解评估,利用目标增量来避免重新计算每个解的目标函数值,使相邻解比较只需常量时间,NEH插入算法的时间复杂度降低一阶.IVNS通过切换邻域和扰动重启,来克服局部搜索易于陷入局部最优解的缺点.通过与求解该问题的当前最好算法在5400个标准算上,以相同CPU时间进行的实算比较,实验结果统计分析验证了IVNS的寻优性能明显优于参照算法.  相似文献   

求解混流装配线调度问题的蚁群算法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以最小化总的传送中断时间为目标函数的混流装配线调度问题是丰田生产方式中自动化概念的一个重要问题,而新颖的蚁群算法具有通用性、鲁棒性、并行搜索以及易于与其他启发式算法结合的优点,可以解决多种组合优化问题,对其进行了改进,以便更适于求解混流装配线的调度问题。实验表明:改进的蚁群算法解决了混流装配线的调度问题,得到了优于分支定界法、模拟退火法和遗传算法的可行解。  相似文献   

针对无等待流水车间调度问题,提出了一种新颖的量子萤火虫优化算法用于最小化总完工时间.首先,将量子进化机制嵌入萤火虫算法中,并设计一种快速的局部邻域搜索方法,在每次迭代时只搜索部分邻域,同时采用目标增量计算邻域解变化,这样极大地加快了算法迭代速度,加速了算法收敛.最后,应用Taillard基准测试实例仿真,与目前较优的启发式算法IHA(improved heuristic algorithm)和群智能算法DGSO(discrete glowworm swarm optimization)、 GA-VNS(genetic algorithm-variable neighborhood search)及DHS(discrete harmony search)相比较,产生最好解的平均百分比偏差均下降了40%以上.实验结果验证了所提算法在求解无等待流水调度中的优越性.  相似文献   

介绍了嵌套分区算法(NP)的基本思想, 并用于求解流水作业优化调度问题. 算法用嵌套分区树来描述流水作业调度问题, 对可行域进行系统性分区, 然后集中搜索有优良解的区域. 在每一步迭代中, 算法跟踪最有希望的分区, 并结合启发式算法和邻域搜索来实现分区转移. 仿真实验表明, 该算法比单纯的启发式算法和邻域搜索有较好的寻优能力.  相似文献   

No-wait flow shops with makespan minimization are classified as NP-hard. In this paper, the optimization objective is equivalently transformed to total idle-time minimization. The independence relationship between tasks is analyzed, and objective increment properties are established for the fundamental operators of the heuristics. The quality of the new schedules generated during a heuristic is judged only by objective increments and not by the traditional method, which computes and compares the objective of a whole schedule. Based on objective increments, the time complexity of the heuristic can be decreased by one order. A seed phase is presented to generate an initial solution according to the transformed objective. Construction and improvement phases are introduced by experimental analysis. The FCH (fast composite heuristic) is proposed and compared with the most effective algorithms currently available for the considered problem. Experimental results show that the effectiveness of the FCH is similar to that of the best methods but requires far less computation time. The FCH can also be efficient in real time scheduling and rescheduling for no-wait flow shops.  相似文献   

Quay cranes (QC) are key resources at container terminals, and the efficiency of QC operations is vital for terminal productivity. The Quay Crane Scheduling Problem (QCSP) is to schedule the work activities for a set of cranes assigned to a single berthed vessel with the objective of minimizing the completion time of all container handling tasks. The problem is complicated by special characteristics of QC operations. Considering QC moving time and interference constraints, the concept of contiguous bay operations is proposed and a heuristic is developed to generate QC schedules with this feature. The heuristic is efficient and effective: it has polynomial computational complexity, and it produces schedules with a completion time objective bounded above by a small increment over the optimal completion time. Importantly, the heuristic guarantees that no quay cranes are idle due to interference. Numerical experiments demonstrate that the optimality gap is small for practical instances.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on a scheduling problem in a semiconductor wafer probing facility. In the probing facility, wafer lots with distinct ready times are processed on a series of workstations, each with identical parallel machines. We develop a heuristic algorithm for the problem with the objective of minimizing total tardiness of orders. The algorithm employs a bottleneck-focused scheduling method, in which a schedule at the bottleneck workstation is constructed first and then schedules for other workstations are constructed based on the schedule at the bottleneck. For scheduling wafer lots at the bottleneck workstation, we consider prospective tardiness of the lots as well as sequence-dependent setup times required between different types of wafer lots. We also present a rolling horizon method for implementation of the scheduling method on a dynamic situation. The suggested methods are evaluated through a series of computational experiments and results show that the methods work better than existing heuristic methods.  相似文献   

We consider a one machine scheduling model, minimizing a classical objective function—either the total completion time or the maximum tardiness—and with two sets of jobs: one with initial jobs already scheduled and one with new jobs that must be inserted in the schedule. As such rescheduling can create a modification of the schedule of the initial jobs, a disruption objective is considered in addition to the original objective. This additional objective can be formulated in four different ways. Such model has been introduced by Hall and Potts, minimizing either a linear aggregation of the two objectives or the initial objective under a constraint giving an upper limit of the disruption objective. In this paper, the aim is to obtain the set of efficient schedules in regard to the two objectives. Algorithms are provided for the eight possible bi‐objective problems and illustrated by some didactic examples.  相似文献   

结合增量更新算法,为不同时间段内的数据赋予不同的权值,通过引入最小支持数阈值及其自适应调整方法,提出一种加权增量关联规则挖掘算法Apriori+。算法中反映客观规律的时间权值使项集的频繁性在增量情况下具有时变特性,因此挖掘出的关联规则更符合实际需要。  相似文献   

The performance of a scheduling system, in practice, is not evaluated to satisfy a single objective, but to obtain a trade-off schedule regarding multiple objectives. Therefore, in this research, we make use of one of the multiple objective decision-making methods, a global criterion approach, to develop a multi-objective model for solving FMS scheduling problems with consideration of three performance measures, namely minimum mean job flow time, mean job tardiness, and minimum mean machine idle time, simultaneously. In addition, hybrid heuristics, which are a combination of two common local search methods, simulated annealing and tabu search, are also proposed for solving the addressed FMS scheduling problems. The feasibility and adaptability of the proposed heuristics are investigated through experimental results.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the job shop scheduling problem with total weighted tardiness objective (JSPTWT). This objective reflects the goal to achieve a high service level which is of increasing importance in many branches of industry. The paper concentrates on a class of baseline heuristics for this problem, known as neighborhood search techniques. An approach based on disjunctive graphs is developed to capture the general structure of neighborhoods for the JSPTWT. Existing as well as newly designed neighborhoods are formulated and analyzed. The performance and search ability of the operators (as well as combinations thereof) are compared in a computational study. Although no dominant operator is identified, a transpose-based perturbation on multiple machines turns out as a promising choice if applied as the only operator. Combining operators improves the schedule quality only slightly. But, the implementation of operators within a meta-heuristic enables to produce a higher schedule quality. A structural classification of neighborhood operators and some new analytical results are presented as well.  相似文献   

针对隐形矫治方案制定过程中传统牙齿运动路径规划方法准确度及效率低下问题, 根据牙颌评价参数提出新的目标函数,再以传统的人工蜂群算法(ABC)为基础,通过外部存储 存放Pareto 解集,然后以改进的Harmonic 距离对Pareto 解集进行更新,从而提高种群的多样 性。随后通过Slerp 球面线性插值以及线性插值获取牙齿运动路径初始值,与人工蜂群算法中 的初始食物源生成方式相结合,生成更好的食物源。通过改进后的人工蜂群算法采用优先级方 案对新目标函数进行优化,得到牙齿的无碰撞运动路径。通过验证本文方法的矫治方案效果, 并与传统目标函数进行比较,结果表明目标函数可以生成更符合临床治疗要求的矫治方案,改 进ABC 算法相比基本ABC 能够获得更优的路径,缩短了矫治阶段数,具有实用价值。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a new method for scheduling jobs with due dates on sequential and parallel machines. The jobs have different levels of importance (weights) and various processing times, and some of the jobs must follow certain sequences on the machines. The objective is to minimize the total weighted tardiness of the schedule. The new approach is based on Lagrange relaxation and it is a near-optimal approach. For the problem tested, the result is within 1% of the optima with reasonable CPU time. Furthermore, the method provides job interaction information which can be used to reconfigure the schedule to accommodate dynamic changes, and also to schedule new jobs. These capabilities have enormous value for researchers and practitioners alike, and would result in considerable direct and indirect savings.  相似文献   

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