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王成涛  张芃  王斌  张涵  张辛铎 《软件》2023,(8):65-68+84
随着机器人技术的不断发展,机器人在工业自动化、医疗卫生和服务业等领域得到广泛应用。为满足机器人控制系统对开放性、通用性和扩展性的要求,本文在IEC61131-3标准的基础上,使用CODESYS软件开发环境设计了一种机器人开放式运动控制系统,该系统能够实现机器人的正逆运动学求解、插补运动等功能,并设计了可视化界面进行操作。此外,还使用UGMCD模块进行了UR5机器人控制仿真,通过观察仿真过程中机器人的运行状态,验证了机器人控制系统的有效性。实验结果表明,该机器人控制系统运行稳定,具有良好的应用前景和广泛的适用性。  相似文献   

邱金新 《网友世界》2014,(14):201-202
本文通过调查法、现场观察法,了解到排球教练员,在青少年排球运动员的早期训练中存在着事业心不强,选材、身体训练、排球基本技术、战术、比赛意识的训练和场上作风的培养与培养优秀的排球运动员有一定的差距。笔者为了便于广大教练员搞好青少年排球的训练工作和少走弯路,提出了青少年排球训练工作中应注意的几个问题,以便为更好地培养高水平排球运动员后备人才供教练员参考。  相似文献   

为了满足多自由度关节型工业机器人多机交互控制的需求,以嵌入式工业PC为硬件平台,RT-Linux操作系统为软件平台,采用模块化的软件设计方法,设计了工业机器人开放式控制系统。该系统采用共享内存的方式实现内外部信号的交互,通过执行PLC程序中定义的不同的M指令来实现与外部系统的交互控制功能。在浇铸机器人交互控制中的实际应用表明:该控制系统开放性好,实时性强,运行稳定可靠。  相似文献   

运用人体测量学、人体工程学等相关理论,汇集整理了运动员的人体工程学数据.使用工程图学的高级造型软件(Pro/ENGINEER)作为主要的建模平台,对运动员人体三维造型进行了设计,得到了易于编程控制的人体三维模型.在该三维模型基础上,建立运动员多体系统的运动学模型,获得运动员训练或比赛的真实模拟效果.仿真结果表明,该模型可以准确模拟运动员的各种动作,可应用于各种模拟训练当中;实践中,将该模型运用于排球电子模拟拦网训练系统的研制,准确地模拟了排球运动员的拦网技术动作,对提高国家排球队技术水平起到了有效的辅助作用.  相似文献   

为了给机器人控制系统构建高精度超高速控制解决方案,采用开放式自动化Beekhoff控制系统的XFC技术,以TwinCAT作为软件平台,采用高性能ARM9S3C2440为SoC,超高速开放式EtherCAT为通信系统,并通过分布式Eth-erCAT时钟进行同步,提升了系统高动态处理运行性能,确保所有子流程的延迟降低,为机器人多样化运动控制提供了新的思路和解决方案.  相似文献   

排球运动在近些年来受到了越来越多人的关注,与此同时很多运动员在训练过程中出现的损伤情况也呈现上升趋势,由此会影响日常的训练日程乃至个人的身体素质。因此,我们需要加强排球训练之中运动损伤出现情况的研究,及时的找到应对运动损伤的策略,以便于提升排球训练的水平以及质量。  相似文献   

基于DSP和CPLD的开放式机器人控制器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计了一种新型的基于DSP和CPLD的开放式机器人控制器。该控制器以IBM-PC为上位计算机,用一块DSP运动控制卡对PR教学机器人的4个关节运动进行伺服控制,采用PCI总线进行上、下位机之间的通讯,实现双速率运行,较好地实现了机器人的实时控制。同时,在控制卡中采用参数自调整模糊控制算法,以提高系统控制精度和动态性能。实际应用表明,该控制器实现了机器人控制系统的高速率实时控制,增强了系统的鲁棒性和抗干扰能力,取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

为了解决人工水冲洗变电站设备的问题, 文中介绍了一种新型的变电站带电水冲洗移动机器人及其开放式控制系统结构体系. 首先, 介绍了变电站带电水冲洗移动机器人总体设计, 然后, 给出了该机器人开放式控制系统结构体系. 变电站带电水冲洗移动机器人采用基于PC机、触摸屏和运动控制器的开放式控制系统, 提高了控制系统的开放性和交互性能; 基于分层递阶控制的思想, 将控制系统划分为组织级、协调级和执行级三个层次, 通过各层的配合保证了运动控制算法的实时性和各子系统的协调工作.  相似文献   

将人体工程学与工艺美术学相结合,整理排球运动员人体工程学数据,并运用数学语言准确的描述运动员人体和排球三维模型的工艺造型数据;以工程图学的高级造型软件(Pro/ENGINEER)作为主要建模平台,绘制排球和人体三维模型;将Pro/ENGINEER中的人体模型导入Visual Studio,运用OpenGL动画仿真控制三维实体模型,模拟排球运动员的各种拦网动作。研究结果表明,该系统可通过修改参数的方法快捷地制作出各种人体模型,模拟不同动作特征的运动员,可有效地辅助排球队进行拦网训练。  相似文献   

基于VC++与PMAC的机器人控制软件的开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以IPC DSP作为六自由度工业机器人的控制器,设计了一种基于可编程多轴控制器PMAC(Programmable Multi-Axies Controller)的开放式机器人控制系统.采用Visual C 编制控制程序,将机器人系统中管理、控制功能的实现分为若干个模块,负责底层伺服驱动的函数利用PMAC运动语言编写,可直接调用.整个控制软件能完成数据及运动状态显示、伺服驱动、机器人路径规划及定位等任务.实践证明该机器人控制系统运行平稳.  相似文献   

工业机器人控制系统的开放体系结构   总被引:22,自引:3,他引:22  
王天然  曲道奎 《机器人》2002,24(3):256-261
本文分析研究了开放式机器人体系结构的研究进展,探讨了利用PC技术、现场总线(CAN)技术以及 多传感技术,研究开发开放的工业机器人控制系统的问题.最后介绍了我们具有自主版权的开放式AIASUN-06B工业机器人控制系统.􀁱  相似文献   

Thielemans  H.  Demeestere  L.  Van Brussel  H. 《Real-Time Systems》1998,14(3):311-323
HEDRA, ESPRIT project (nr. 6768), aims to develop a heterogeneous distributed real-time architecture for robot and machine control. This paper describes an open and flexible programming system, as a part of this architecture, that is based on an existing system called VIRTUOSO. The programming system is an evolution of Virtuoso towards the aimed architecture. The work concentrates on the achievement of guaranteed real-time behavior, minimum interrupt latency and transparency of interprocessor data communication.  相似文献   

The design clue for the remote control of a mobile robot is inspired by the Talwar's brain-machine interface technology for remotely training and controlling rats. Our biologically inspired autonomous robot control consciousness-based architecture (CBA) is used for the remote control of a robot as a substitute for a rat. CBA is a developmental hierarchy model of the relationship between consciousness and behavior, including a training algorithm. This training algorithm computes a shortcut path to a goal using a cognitive map created based on behavior obstructions during a single successful trial. However, failures in reaching the goal due to errors of the vision and dead reckoning sensors require human intervention to improve autonomous navigation. A human operator remotely intervenes in autonomous behaviors in two ways: low-level intervention in reflexive actions and high-level ones in the cognitive map. Experiments are conducted to test CBA functions for intervention with a joystick for a Khepera robot navigating from the center of a square obstacle with an open side toward a goal. Their statistical results show that both human interventions, especially high-level ones, are effective in drastically improving the success rate of autonomous detours.  相似文献   

基于脑-机接口的无线智能机器人控制系统   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
提出一种基于思维脑电的无线智能机器人控制系统设计方案。该系统采用想象左右手运动时产生的脑电信号作为智能服务机器人运动的控制信号,实现对服务机器人的控制,改善瘫痪患者生活自理能力。采用基于小波包分解的方法提取特征向量,利用基于欧式距离的方法进行模式识别,进而产生机器人运动控制信号,并通过LabVIEW串口发给单片机,单片机对该信号进行红外编码后发给智能机器人,用以控制其运动方向。实验结果证明,该设计方案有利于提高脑-机接口的实用性。  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe how a mobile robot under simple visual control can retrieve a particular goal location in an open environment. Our model neither needs a precise map nor to learn all the possible positions in the environment. The system is a neural architecture inspired by neurobiological analysis of how visual patterns named landmarks are recognized. The robot merges these visual informations and their azimuth to build a plastic representation of its location. This representation is used to learn the best movement to reach the goal. A simple and fast on-line learning of a few places located near the goal allows this goal to be reached from anywhere in its neighborhood. The system uses only a very rough representation of the robot environment and presents very high generalization capabilities. We describe an efficient implementation of autonomous and motivated navigation tested on our robot in real indoor environments. We show the limitations of the model and its possible extensions.  相似文献   

This paper presents the design of a compact/open network-based controller incorporating modular software architecture for various kinds of robot applications. Within the proposed controller scheme, a standardized real-time network like CAN connects the central motion control part and the servo control part. Thus, the size of the servo controller becomes small enough to be attached inside the robot body and the control software can be designed with an open and modular concept. The open/compact controller incorporating a modular software architecture offers benefits of reduced engineering costs. The proposed architecture has been implemented on a KIST humanoid robot controller platform and its performance has been verified through experimental tests.  相似文献   

This paper takes the volleyball robot task as an example of a dynamic manipulation task and presents a multi-agent-based motion-planning framework for it. Each subtask in the motion planning is defined as an agent. The motion planning is accomplished by the solution of each agent activated by a blackboard. It is convenient to extend the module and enable real-time control compared to the hierarchy and subsumption architecture. In the solution of each subtask, one difference from the motion planning of other ball-playing robots is that simple fuzzy rules are adopted to determine the hitting position, which leads to smaller hitting velocities beneficial for task control. The other difference is that the task-based directional manipulability measure (TDMM) is used to optimize the robot configuration on the basis of optimal hitting path, so as to improve the manipulating ability on task direction. The simulation of a planar three-link manipulator ball-hitting task is implemented by the MATLAB/Simulink tool. The virtual target of the hitting motion is validated on the ABB manipulator by the ball-catching experiment.  相似文献   

A PC-based open robot control system: PC-ORC   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An open architecture manufacturing system pursues to integrate manufacturing components on a single platform. Therefore, a particular component can be easily added and/or replaced. In this paper, a modular and object-oriented approach for the PC-based open robot control (PC-ORC) system is investigated. A standard reference model for controlling robots, which consists of a hardware platform, an operating system module, and various application software modules, is first proposed. Then, PC-ORC system, which can reconfigure the control system in various production environments, is developed. The PC-ORC is constructed based upon the object-oriented method. Hence, it allows an easy implementation and modification of various modules. The PC-ORC consists of basic software, application objects, and additional hardware devices on a PC platform. Finally, by applying the proposed PC-ORC to a SCARA robot, the performance of the PC-ORC is examined.  相似文献   

基于工业PC的六轴机器人控制系统设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文设计了一套基于PC的六轴机器人控制系统,叙述了系统的功能、逻辑结构、硬件组成、软件架构和安全措施等。此控制系统具有较好的开放性,在实际运行中工作平稳,安全可靠,并具有高扩展性能。  相似文献   

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