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一种新的相平面分区控制器的分析与仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盖晓华  刘叔军 《计算机仿真》2009,26(7):208-211,297
通过对相平面分区控制方式的分析,为扩大控制器适用范围和降低系统参数整定难度,提出了控制器的一种改进措施,引入分段相平面分区控制方法.采用了控制力的确定方法以及改进相平面分区控制器参数整定原则,并对系统稳定性进行了分析.通过高阶系统仿真示例,分析了改进相平面分区控制系统中的第一控制器参数、第二控制器参数、作用时间这三类控制参数对系统性能的影响.仿真结果表明,该方法能较好的兼顾系统的动态、稳态特性,并具有较好的抗干扰能力.  相似文献   

针对工业现场普遍存在参数不确定并有外界扰动的高阶对象,将误差驱动增益自整定思想和模糊滑模控制策略相结合,提出一种带有误差驱动参数自整定结构的递阶模糊滑模控制方法。该方法有效解决了传统模糊控制器在控制高阶对象时要输入更多系统状态信息而引起的"规则爆炸"问题,同时也削弱了一般滑模控制固有的"抖颤"现象。通过对典型高阶对象的仿真结果表明,误差驱动参数自整定递阶结构模糊滑模控制器较之传统控制方法有更好的控制效果和指标,并且有很强的鲁棒性和抗干扰特性。  相似文献   

针对高阶复杂系统提出一种分数阶内模控制器设计方法。利用微粒群算法(PSO)进行模型化简,基于内模控制(IMC)原理设计分数阶控制器,该控制器仅有一个可调参数,并根据鲁棒性能指标给出控制器参数整定的解析表达式。仿真结果表明,该方法可以使系统同时具有良好的目标值跟踪特性、扰动抑制特性以及克服参数变化的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

韩文杰  谭文 《控制与决策》2021,36(7):1592-1600
线性自抗扰控制(linear active disturbance rejection control,LADRC)是不依赖于被控对象的数学模型,在工业过程中具有极大的应用前景,LADRC参数整定是其在工业过程中能否应用的重要环节.鉴于实际工业控制中大都采用PID控制器,通过对二阶LADRC结构与其状态观测器的传递函数进行分析,得到二阶LADRC与PID控制器具有较强的联系,且LADRC比PID有着更好的控制性能.提出一种通过现有PID参数直接得到LADRC参数初始值的方法,以达到更好的控制性能,并基于一阶惯性加时延模型,得到将现有PID整定方法转化为二阶线性自抗扰控制参数整定方法.最后通过基准系统仿真表明所提出方法的有效性.  相似文献   

欧阳惠斌  阳武娇 《计算机仿真》2007,24(7):323-325,346
PID调节器的控制品质,主要取决于调节器的参数整定.计算量大是用理论计算方法整定PID调节器参数要解决的难题之一.针对PID调节器参数整定过程中计算复杂、计算量大的问题,提出了一种基于Matlab的调节器参数衰减频率特性整定法.该方法以Matlab为工具,将理论计算与仿真分析结合起来,根据控制要求计算并绘制出控制器整定参数关系曲线,对计算结果进行仿真,分析整定参数在解平面上变化时闭环系统的响应,从而确定出最佳的调节器整定参数.结果表明,对于不同的被控对象参数或不同的整定要求,该方法都能方便地求得最佳的调节器整定参数,使得采用理论计算法整定调节器参数具有了工程实用价值.  相似文献   

针对水泵系统具有非线型、大时滞的特点,将参数自整定模糊PID控制算法应用于水泵系统,利用模糊逻辑进行在线参数自整定的Fuzzy-PID控制.通过对PID参数进行在线自动调整,实现水泵系统自动控制.仿真结果和实际应用表明:采用参数自整定的Fuzzy PID控制,系统具有较强的鲁棒性和良好的稳定性.  相似文献   

自抗扰控制是我国著名学者韩京清原创的先进控制技术,本文针对自抗扰控制(ADRC)在高阶系统应用中控制器设计和参数整定问题,提出了串级自抗扰控制(CADRC). CADRC把高阶被控对象分解为含确定性部分和含总扰动的低阶部分的串联组合,采用由内环和外环组成的串级控制系统来完成控制.该CADRC方案的内环采用内模控制,外环采用经典ADRC.外环ADRC的被控对象是一个等效的低阶系统,可以采用带宽法进行整定,而内环的内模控制采用高阶低通滤波器进行回路成形设计和参数整定.仿真研究表明,所提出的方法是有效的,具有良好的工程应用前景.  相似文献   

高阶系统方法— I.全驱系统与参数化设计   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
段广仁 《自动化学报》2020,46(7):1333-1345
本文首先指出了控制领域中普遍使用的增广一阶系统方法的弊端, 介绍了高阶全驱系统的概念及其在控制器设计方面的优势, 并通过一些基础物理定律、串联系统、严反馈系统和可反馈线性化系统等例子说明了高阶全驱系统的普遍性, 进而指出高阶全驱系统是动态系统的一种描述形式, 是面向控制的模型.然后介绍了一类高阶全驱系统的一种参数化设计方法.通过适当选取一类非线性状态反馈控制律, 可获得一个具有希望特征结构的线性定常闭环系统, 并给出了闭环系统特征向量和反馈控制律的完全参数化表示, 讨论了解的存在性条件以及设计参数集合的稠密性等相关问题.最后对高阶全驱系统方法的后续问题做了说明和展望.  相似文献   

针对离心-振动试验系统的振动位移跟踪控制存在参数不确定性和干扰的问题,提出了一种基于高阶滑模的振动位移跟踪控制方法;首先介绍了高阶滑模控制基本原理,并建立了离心-振动复合试验系统数学模型,然后引入虚拟控制项,利用李雅普诺夫第二法推导出高阶滑模振动位移控制律;仿真结果表明该方法能够有效降低系统抖振,使得控制作用平滑连续,并实现振动位移跟踪的精确定位,具有较高的控制精度和可靠性。  相似文献   

针对自抗扰控制器在热力系统高阶大惯性过程控制中效果不佳的问题,提出一种利用高阶系统模型信息进行补偿的自抗扰控制器设计方法.基于理论分析,给出各可调参数的物理意义及其定量化参数整定方法,并从观测误差、开环频率特性和参数稳定域等方面分析补偿自抗扰控制器能够提高控制效果的原因.仿真对比实验和鲁棒性检验结果表明,所提方法在设定值跟踪、抗扰能力和性能鲁棒性方面均优于PI/PID,同时能够显著改善低阶自抗扰控制器对高阶大惯性过程的控制效果,具有很好的工程推广潜力.  相似文献   

Several power system networks exhibit bifurcation, chaos and instability behavior for some specific values of initial conditions and parameters. Angle and voltage instability behavior of power system is prone to such specific values and parameter variation. This paper proposes fractional order proportional integral controller (FOPI) based state feedback for precise and robust control of such undesirable behavior. This paper proposes first ever use of FOPI for precise rotor angle control leading to instability in power system dynamic behavior. FOPI controller is applied on generator connected to IEEE‐14 bus benchmark model. The ripple frequency of turbine torque is chosen as one of the cause of instability behavior of power system, which has the potential possibility to push system behavior to chaos and instability mode. The proposed FOPI controller design will inhibit the dynamic behavior of power system to safe and stable bounds. Proposed strategy can be applied to other large power system models as well due to its simplicity in design philosophy. Several phase plane trajectories with and without FOPI controller are used to support the viewpoint.  相似文献   

研究了分数阶系统的时域辨识问题,给出了一种新的分数阶系统时域子空间辨识算法.当分数阶微分阶次已知时,通过计算输入输出信号的分数阶微分,构造新的输入输出数据方程对系统的参数进行子空间辨识.当分数阶微分阶次未知时,通过代价函数将阶次辨识问题转化为参数寻优问题.采用Poisson滤波器有效避免了在计算分数阶微分时输入输出信号必须高阶可导的问题.通过分析给出了权矩阵的选取方式,提高了时域子空间辨识结果的精度.数值仿真结果表明了该算法的有效性.  相似文献   

This work deals with the robust D-stability test of linear time-invariant(LTI) general fractional order control systems in a closed loop where the system and/or the controller may be of fractional order. The concept of general implies that the characteristic equation of the LTI closed loop control system may be of both commensurate and non-commensurate orders, both the coefficients and the orders of the characteristic equation may be nonlinear functions of uncertain parameters, and the coefficients may be complex numbers. Some new specific areas for the roots of the characteristic equation are found so that they reduce the computational burden of testing the robust D-stability. Based on the value set of the characteristic equation, a necessary and sufficient condition for testing the robust D-stability of these systems is derived. Moreover, in the case that the coefficients are linear functions of the uncertain parameters and the orders do not have any uncertainties, the condition is adjusted for further computational burden reduction. Various numerical examples are given to illustrate the merits of the achieved theorems.  相似文献   

乌伟 《测控技术》2016,35(4):84-88
滑模变结构控制方法因其易实现,鲁棒性强等优点广泛应用于实际控制系统中,讨论了具有积分滑动流形的高阶滑模控制器的设计方法.通过设计含积分滑动流形的高阶滑模面,使系统状态在一阶乃至高阶滑模面上均能达到滑动模态.同时利用高阶滑模面为状态变量设计新的状态空间系统,将原先促使系统状态接近并停留在滑模面上的控制目标,拓展为使高阶滑模状态变量趋近于零的控制目标,并结合最优控制方法来设计等效控制量,利用积分流形设计切换控制的切换面,通过严格证明来证实控制器设计的稳定性.在仿真验证部分采用了一阶倒立摆模型,通过比较常规趋近律滑模控制方法和本文方法的仿真结果,可以得出本文方法在减小系统控制量抖振方面的重要作用和优异效果.  相似文献   

Using the Lyapunov function method, this paper investigates the design of state feedback stabilization controllers for fractional order nonlinear systems in triangular form, and presents a number of new results. First, some new properties of Caputo fractional derivative are presented, and a sufficient condition of asymptotical stability for fractional order nonlinear systems is obtained based on the new properties. Then, by introducing appropriate transformations of coordinates, the problem of controller design is converted into the problem of finding some parameters, which can be certainly obtained by solving the Lyapunov equation and relevant matrix inequalities. Finally, based on the Lyapunov function method, state feedback stabilization controllers making the closed-loop system asymptotically stable are explicitly constructed. A simulation example is given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design procedure.   相似文献   

This paper proposes novel produced order parallel queue processor architecture. To store intermediate results, the proposed system uses a first-in-first-out (FIFO) circular queue-registers instead of random access registers. Datum is inserted in the queue-registers in produced order scheme and can be reused. We show that this feature has profound implications in the areas of parallel execution, programs compactness, hardware simplicity and high execution speed.Our performance evaluations show a significant performance improvement (e.g., 10 to 26% decrease in program size and 6 to 46% decrease in execution time over a range of benchmark programs) when compared with the earlier proposed architecture.  相似文献   

《Asian journal of control》2017,19(2):521-531
In this paper, firstly a fractional order (FO) model is proposed for the speed control of a permanent magnet linear synchronous motor (PMLSM) servo system. To identify the parameters of the FO model, a practical modeling algorithm is presented. The algorithm is based on a pattern search method and its effectiveness is verified by real experimental results. Second, a new fractional order proportional integral type controller, that is, (PIμ)λ or FO[FOPI], is introduced. Then a tuning methodology is presented for the FO[FOPI] controller. In this tuning method, the controller is designed to satisfy four design specifications: stability requirement, specified gain crossover frequency, specified phase margin, flat phase constraint, and minimum integral absolute error. Both set point tracking and load disturbance rejection cases are considered. The advantages of the tuning method are that it fully considers the stability requirement and avoids solving a complex nonlinear optimization problem. Simulations are conducted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed FO[FOPI] controller over classical FOPI and FO[PI] controllers.  相似文献   

利用提取的系统高阶微分信息,提出了自适应高阶微分反馈控制器.某种程度上该控制器不依赖于单输入单输出(SISO)非线性仿射系统的模型.并且分析了闭环系统的稳定性和鲁棒性.通过将摆角方程的位移加速度看作是控制输入,将倒立摆系统转化成相互影响的两个SISO仿射系统,从而用两个串级高阶微分反馈控制器成功地实现了倒立摆系统的镇定与调节.数字仿真表明,控制器对摆的基准模型实现了较为满意的控制,而且该控制方法对非线性摩擦项,对摆长、摆质量、小车质量等参数变化以及外扰动具有强鲁棒性.  相似文献   

Modeling human operator's dynamics plays a very important role in the manual closed-loop control system, and it is an active research area for several decades. Based on the characteristics of human brain and behavior, a new kind of fractional order mathematical model for human operator in single-input single-output (SISO) systems is proposed. Compared with the traditional models based on the commonly used quasilinear transfer function method or the optimal control theory method, the proposed fractional order model has simpler structure with only few parameters, and each parameter has explicit physical meanings. The actual data and experiment results with the second-order controlled plant illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.   相似文献   

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