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唐品  赵曦  赵群飞 《计算机工程》2012,38(14):161-164
为更有效地测量电梯导轨的垂直度,设计一种基于机器视觉的自动检测系统。利用电梯导轨垂直度检测机器人携带垂直安装在导轨上的发光圆环,使其在导轨上自主运行。通过Canny变换提取摄像机采集的成像椭圆图像边缘,拟合椭圆参数,推导发光圆环几何参数与椭圆参数的关系式,确定其圆心和法向向量。发光圆环圆心的变化反映导轨垂直度的变化,法向向量与竖直方向夹角反映导轨的扭曲方向。实验结果表明,该系统能方便准确地测量出导轨形变。  相似文献   

垂直电梯导轨在使用过程中会受外力干扰而使得导轨的形态发生改变,影响电梯的平稳运行。该文针对电梯导轨垂直度、共面性、导轨间距等重要参数的检测难题,采用基于机器视觉的垂直电梯导轨多参数检测方法对其进行检测。以激光铅垂仪产生的光线为基准线,当检测装置紧密贴合导轨腹板进行攀爬时,导轨的状态将反映在装置与激光光线的相对位置变化上,装置携带CCD工业相机对基准线在装置上投影所成激光光斑的位置变化进行检测,从而得到导轨参数信息。现场实验结果表明,检测方法可以实现垂直电梯导轨多参数的自动化测量,对导轨参数最小变化偏差的检测精度可达0.01 mm。  相似文献   

本文讨论了用履带式磁吸附爬壁机器人实现喷漆的问题,阐述了喷漆机构运动的实现以及如何保证喷漆连续条件.设计了可工作于平面和弧面的喷漆机构,并且在罐壁上进行了实验,达到了预期的效果  相似文献   

徐浩  郭为忠 《集成技术》2022,11(4):3-18
轮子是人类的一项伟大发明,轮式移动系统为人类的生产和生活带来了极大便利,机器人采用轮式移动系统是一个十分重要的发展方向。为克服普通轮子对复杂地形适应性不足的问题,研究者们在轮子与行驶表面的吸附方式、轮子自身的几何形态、行驶过程中的转向方式等方面进行了探索。在轮子将滑动摩擦转变为滚动摩擦这一移动机理的基础上,针对崎岖地形翻越、垂立壁面爬升、地面全向移动等场景要求,该文提出了三模式变形轮、磁吸附轮、变参数全向轮等 3 类新型轮子结构,及其相应的轮式移动结构;通过连杆机构实现了三模式变形轮在圆轮模式、爪模式、勾模式之间的切换和机器人的向越障;通过磁吸附轮结构和被动三自由度悬架,使全部轮子始终贴合壁面,实现了机器人的壁面行驶;通过空间机构调节辊子安装角参数,使轮子摩擦力方向受控,保障了机器人的全向行驶;通过样机搭建和实验研究,验证了该文所提创新设计的可行性。  相似文献   

电磁诱导农用喷雾机器人路径导航系统的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对温室内农药喷洒作业自动化的需求,设计了一种电磁诱导式农用喷雾机器人路径导航系统.采用数字波形合成技术设计实现了基于ARM7单片机的信号发生器系统.研制了机器人位置检测传感器和以霍尔芯片为核心的磁标志检测传感器.利用信号发生器和传感器成功实现了喷雾机器人的导航控制.  相似文献   

磁弹效应索力传感器的磁路结构及其参数和磁路的磁动势是通过磁路设计和磁路分析来确定的。结合差动式索力传感器的结构,讨论了磁路结构设计及其参数确定,磁场强度选取及其磁通的确定,以及通过磁路分析确定磁路的总磁动势等关键问题,搭建了试验系统,进行拉力试验。试验表明:提出的磁路设计和磁路分析方法是合理的,为磁弹效应法监测索力的磁路设计开拓了一条新路。  相似文献   

履带式磁吸附爬壁机器人喷漆机的设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
潘沛霖  姜有 《机器人》1997,19(2):147-150
本文讨论了用履带式磁吸附爬壁机器人实现喷漆的问题,阐述了喷漆机构运动的实现以及如何保证喷漆连续条件。设计了可工作于平面和弧面的喷漆机构,并且在罐壁上进行了实验,达到了预期的效果。  相似文献   

一种新型仿生微型机器人的无缆测控系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计了一套基于磁场和射频信号的测控系统,用于实现仿趋磁细菌微型机器人的无缆操控及其运行参 数的检测.测控系统包括微型机器人的位姿检测子系统和微型机器人控制子系统.检测子系统中,磁传感器阵列实 时检测磁场信号,经过数据处理后获得微型机器人的状态信息,并与视频跟踪结果进行对照;控制子系统中,通过 射频发射的PWM 信号控制微型机器人的运动速度,同时通过导向磁场控制微型机器人的运动姿态.利用本系统, 实验研究了微型机器人的90± 转向运动,结果表明该系统能够有效控制微型机器人的运动.  相似文献   

以电梯用曳引媒介为主要研究对象,通过分析电梯曳引媒介技术发展现状,总结归纳钢丝绳、复合钢带等曳引媒介在检验检测、损伤识别、性能评价等方面存在的问题。着重讨论钢丝绳检测设备方法的发展和复合钢带检验检测存在的难点。分析认为,钢丝绳无损检测方法可延伸使用至复合钢带的检验检测中。同时,基于钢带电梯的特质,提出一种差分式双磁路的弱磁无损检测方法。今后的课题将进一步研究钢带内部钢丝缺陷弱磁检测理论、钢带内部钢丝缺陷的电磁响应特性和研制差分式双磁路电磁检测传感器,为复合钢带检验检测、安全评估等提供必要的技术支撑。  相似文献   

为解决爬壁机器人在船舶货舱清洗过程中多壁面过渡的问题,该文设计了一种具有壁面自适应能力的磁吸附爬壁机器人,其包括磁吸附机构、自适应清洗机构和行走机构。该文首先通过建立机器人壁面过渡时的力学模型,得到机器人磁吸附力的分布特点,并据此设计出一种弧形磁吸附机构。然后利用 ANSYS Maxwell 3D 软件对该机构磁吸附力的分布进行优化,以满足壁面过渡的需要;此外,还在机器人前端设计了一种自适应清洗机构,通过对该机构的结构原理进行分析和实验,验证了清洗机构也具有壁面过渡能力。最后通过模拟船舶货舱壁面的实际特点,对机器人样机进行壁面过渡综合实验,完成了机器人舱底过渡行走实验和舱顶过渡行走实验,验证了该机器人的壁面自适应和舱内行走的能力。  相似文献   

To facilitate the safe adsorption and stable motion of robots on curved metal surfaces, a wall-climbing robot with a wheeled-type mobile mechanism that can passively self-adapt to walls with different curvature is proposed. The robot is composed of two relatively independent passive adaptive mobile mechanisms and overrunning permanent magnetic adsorption devices to achieve effective fitting of the driving wheels to the wall surface and adaptive surface motion. The overall design is based on a double-hinged connection scheme and gap-type permanent magnetic adsorption. The minimum adsorption force required for the robot to achieve stable climbing motion with no risk of slipping or capsizing is determined by developing a static analysis model. The effects of air-gap size and wall thickness on the adsorption force are analyzed by means of magnetic circuit design studies and parametric simulations on the permanent magnet adsorption device, as well as design optimization of the permanent magnet device. The motion performance test of the fabricated prototype shows that the robot can achieve adaptive curvature motion with self-attitude adjustment, and has a certain load capacity, obstacle crossing capability, and good surface adaptivity.  相似文献   

This work presents a novel method to quasi-omnidirectional control of an intelligent inspection robot designed to work inside and outside spherical storage tanks. The main objective is to promote a stable and smooth navigation during inspection tasks, ensuring the safety motion under adhesion and kinematic constraints. The robot is designed with four independent steerable magnetic wheels and a mechanical topology that allows the correct adjustment of adhesion system. A scheduled Fuzzy control is developed to achieve an optimal behavior and maximize the robot’s maneuverability, considering the magnetic restrictions of adhesion system and kinematic constraints of the inspection robot. The high adaptability of its mechanical topology (i.e., wheel misalignment, magnetic adhesion system, wheel camber and flexibilities in mechanical structure) and gravitational disturbance introduce many nonlinear characteristics in dynamic behavior that cannot be neglected, making the determination of its dynamic model a complex task. The Fuzzy approach allows to project a control system without a depth knowledge of its dynamic properties, to minimize the dynamic disturbances found in robot structure. Thus, the proposed motion control works according to the robot specific characteristics to ensure the quasi-omnidirectional motion over a reliable adhesion to tank surface and to minimize the effects of wheels kinematic constraints.  相似文献   

磁轮式超声串列自动扫查爬壁机器人结构及位置调整   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐芸  刘宝生  费燕琼  赵锡芳 《机器人》2005,27(4):346-349
介绍一种新型爬壁机器人,它以超声串列法自动扫查和检测在役化工容器筒壁对接环焊的危害性缺陷. 着重介绍了它的机械结构及位置调整运动控制算法. 这种机器人采用磁轮吸附和小车式行走,利用磁带导航,光纤传感器检测,具有结构紧凑、导航性能好、位置调整方法可行和定位精度高等特点.  相似文献   

轮对数控车床检测装置是用于车辆轮对外形几何尺寸在镟修前后的检测.该装置在车辆轮对镟修前检测出轮对相关外形几何尺寸,并将检测的数据经工控机融合处理后传递给数控系统,以指导数控车床对车辆轮对的镟修,并保证车辆轮对的加工精度;车辆轮对镟修完成后,再用此装置检测出车辆轮对的外形几何尺寸,以用于车辆轮对的装配.  相似文献   

针对传统油罐检定方法中,径向偏差测量精度低、操作危险、效率低等问题,研制一种小型的立式金属罐爬壁检定机器人。该机器人采用永磁吸附三轮式结构,测控系统以单片机89S51为核心,并配备多种传感器,实施有缆遥控操作。现场实验表明,该机器人自动化程度高,径向偏差测量准确,大幅度提高了油罐检定效率和检定精度。  相似文献   

In this paper, a new collaborative robot with omni-wheels has been proposed and its dynamic control has been developed and validated. Collaborative robots (Cobots) have been introduced to guide and assist human operators to move heavy objects in a given trajectory. Most of the existing cobots use steering wheels; typical drawbacks of using steering wheels include the difficulties to (i) follow a trajectory with a curvature larger than that of the base platform, (ii) mount encoders on steering wheels due to self-spinning of the wheels, and (iii) quarantine dynamic control performance since it is purely kinematic control. The new collaborative robot is proposed to overcome the above-mentioned shortcomings. The methodologies for its dynamic control are focused and the simulation has been conducted to validate the control performance of the system.  相似文献   

In this article, a novel in-pipe inspection robot is designed and manufactured in Kharazmi University KharazmPipeBot. This robot is able to move through any pipeline with a predefined diameter range with a variable pitch rate and report any desired data within the pipe with the aid of the installed camera. To achieve the highest stability of the robot through the pipe, the robot's movement is based on the screw locomotion protocol provided by the aid of its rotor and stator. A simple suspension is designed for three legs of the robot by installing a passive prismatic joint equipped with a spring for each leg to provide a smoother movement for the robot chassis. The main novelty of the robot is adding an extra controlling actuator for the robot which is the steer of the front wheels. This input can control the pitch rate of the robot movement and consequently the spiral track of the wheels can be actively managed. This importance lets us to bypass the probable obstacles attached to the inner wall of the pipes. A brief presentation of the robot model is delivered. Afterward, to verify the claimed novelties of the system, a prototype of the robot is manufactured in Kharazmi University and the efficiency of the robot is demonstrated by conducting some initial experimental tests. It is shown that the robot can move with a variable pitch rate through the wall and pass a detected obstacle accordingly.  相似文献   

两轮自平衡机器人控制系统的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对自行设计的两轮自平衡机器人Opyanbot建立了动力学模型,应用最优控制和两轮差动等控制方法设计了控制器,提出了针对两轮自平衡机器人平衡和行进的新策略。为了提高两轮自平衡机器人的控制效果,利用基于DSP数字电路的全数字智能伺服驱动单元IPM100分别精确控制左右轮电机,并利用上位机实时控制机器人的运动状态,提高了控制精度、可靠度和集成度,得到了很好的控制效果。  相似文献   

针对两轮驱动机器人运动模型定向误差的累积问题,提出改进的三轮驱动机器人运动模型,对EKF-SLAM算法的一致性进行改进;该模型通过对机器人车轮线速度的解耦运算,将机器人运动过程中的旋转角速度提取出来并作为系统的控制输入之一,从而可以直接得到各个控制时间间隔内的机器人姿态角变化,很好地避免了机器人定向误差的累积;最后,基于归一化估计方差的检验标准进行实验,验证了三轮驱动机器人运动模型有效提高了EKF-SLAM算法的一致性。  相似文献   

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