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推导出自由浮动空间冗余度机械臂的广义雅可比矩阵,讨论空间机械臂避奇异问题,基于梯度投影法选取空间机械臂的运动学可操作度作为避奇异优化目标函数,利用关节空间的自运动,实现自由浮动冗余度空间机械臂的避奇异运动规划,混沌数值计算表明,空间冗余度机械臂避奇异运动时,其关节零空间的自运动处于混沌状态,利用状态延迟反馈控制来实现空间冗余度机械臂避奇异时的混沌抑制,将关节运动镇定到稳定的周期轨道。  相似文献   

陈力  刘延柱 《机器人》1999,21(6):401-406
本文讨论了载体位置与姿态均不受控制的漂浮基两杆空间机械臂系统的逆运动学问题 ,推导了系统的运动学、动力学方程.分析表明,结合系统动量守恒及动量矩守恒关系得到 的系统广义Jacobi关系为系统惯性参数的非线性函数.本文证明了,借助于增广变量法可以 将增广广义Jacobi矩阵表示为一组适当选择的惯性参数的线性函数.并在此基础上,给出了 系统参数未知时由空间机械臂末端惯性空间期望轨迹产生机械臂关节铰期望角速度、角加速 度的增广自适应控制算法.仿真运算,证实了方法的有效性.  相似文献   

针对现有机械臂控制算法,在轨迹控制和精度补偿方面存在的不足,设计了一种基于模糊补偿系统的自适应控制算法。先在笛卡尔空间内分析了机械臂的空间动力学运动过程,并得出机械臂运动中的最优力矩值,构建模糊控制规则并设定模糊子集;对经典模糊理论进行优化,引入可变论域思维在机械臂运动过程中,系统会实时反馈末端执行器行动轨迹,并实施动态化补偿;基于自适应算法对可变论域模糊控制器进行二次优化,修正模糊规则并校正模型的控制量参数,提升和改善整个机械臂系统的控制精度。实验结果显示,模糊补充自适应控制算法在多关节和多连杆机械臂的角度控制和位移控制精度方面有较大的优势,同时各关节和连杆的运动相应时间仅为0.27s和0.20s。  相似文献   

一种笛卡儿空间的自由漂浮空间机器人路径规划方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对自由漂浮空间机器人工作时需保证载体姿态稳定的问题,提出了一种笛卡儿空间内载体姿态无扰的自由漂浮空间机器人非完整路径规划方法.首先,基于自由漂浮空间机器人特征方程和角动量守恒方程得到广义雅可比矩阵;其次,出于路径规划的需要,分析了载体姿态无扰的自由漂浮空间机器人可达工作空间;最后,引入相关系数,设计了笛卡儿空间内的无扰向量合成算法.仿真得到的路径规划结果表明机械臂末端达到目标点的同时确保了载体姿态无扰动,从而验证了所提方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

讨论了载体位置不受控制的漂浮基空间机械臂本体与末端抓手协调运动的自适应控制问题. 对系统的运动学、动力学分析表明, 结合系统动量守恒关系得到的系统动力学方程及协调运动的增广广义Jacobi矩阵可以表示为适当选择的组合惯性参数的线性函数. 以此为基础, 对于系统存在未知参数的情况, 设计了本体姿态与机械臂末端抓手惯性空间轨迹协调运动的自适应控制方案. 上述控制方案的显著优点在于: 不需要测量、反馈飞行器本体的位置、移动速度及移动加速度. 仿真运算, 证实了上述控制方案的有效性.  相似文献   

考虑机械臂末端轨迹跟踪控制问题,以跟踪逆运动学求解出的末端期望轨迹对应的各关节期望角度为控制目标.设计了一种基于三步法的控制器,该控制器由类稳态控制、可变参考前馈控制和误差反馈控制3部分组成.证明了该控制器可以通过控制机械臂的各关节力矩实现各关节实际角度对期望角度的状态跟踪,进而使得末端轨迹渐近跟踪期望轨迹,并且跟踪误差是输入到状态稳定的.仿真表明基于三步法控制器的空间机械臂末端可以渐近跟踪期望轨迹,并且该算法可以克服系统的末端负载质量变化等不确定性的影响.  相似文献   

本文研究了有向通信拓扑条件下,线性多智能体满足一定暂态响应性能的H∞一致性控制。相比已有的无向通信拓扑条件下的结论,本文结论对通信拓扑结构要求大为降低,更具有一般性。文中通过对有向图下Laplacian矩阵特定形式的分解,将系统一致性问题转化成了低维系统的稳定性问题,进而根据Lyapunov稳定性分析给出了满足暂态性能指标的充分条件。文中给出了相应的控制设计方法,并结合空间二维二阶运动模型进行了仿真,结果表明该控制器设计方法有效。  相似文献   

针对在轨服务任务中服务航天器和目标航天器对接后组合体的姿态稳定问题,提出一种基于机械臂耦合力矩评估的组合航天器姿态协调控制方法.首先,对空间机械臂和组合航天器进行了动力学建模与分析;其次,利用空间机械臂和组合体平台之间的强耦合特点,采用空间机械臂的运动来协调组合航天器平台的姿态运动,并给出了相应的协调规划方法;然后,考虑传统航天器燃料有限、反作用轮易饱和等因素,采用以空间机械臂为主、反作用轮为辅的方式对组合航天器进行姿态协调控制,并设计了基于机械臂耦合力矩评估的姿态协调控制器;最后利用仿真实验与传统航天器姿态控制方法进行了比较分析,结果表明:所提方法仅通过空间机械臂和反作用轮就能实现对组合航天器的姿态稳定控制,而不需要消耗昂贵的喷气燃料.  相似文献   

针对传统控制方法难以解决自由漂浮空间机器人(free-floating space robot, FFSR)轨迹跟踪过程中的各类约束的问题,采用模型预测控制对自由漂浮空间机器人的轨迹跟踪问题进行了研究.在自由漂浮空间机器人拉格朗日动力学模型的基础上,建立了系统伪线性化的扩展状态空间模型;在给定系统的性能指标和各类约束的情况下,基于拉盖尔模型设计相应的离散模型预测控制器,并证明控制器的稳定性,控制器中引入任务空间滑模变量实现了对末端期望位置和期望速度的同时跟踪;以平面二杆自由漂浮空间机器人为例,对无约束末端轨迹跟踪和有约束末端轨迹跟踪两种情况进行对比仿真验证.仿真结果表明,该模型预测控制器不仅可以实现对末端期望轨迹的有效跟踪,还能满足各类约束.  相似文献   

多机械臂的精准协同控制已成为当前机器人领域的研究难点,为实现双机械臂精准控制,通过建立双机械臂动力学模型,采用时间延时估计简化机械臂动力学模型,在保证控制系统稳定性的前提下,引入自适应模糊滑模控制器实现对估计误差的修正和补偿,设计基于时间延时估计和自适应模糊滑模控制的双机械臂协同阻抗控制器,实现双机械臂协同操作的末端轨迹控制以及接触力精准控制.最后,将该控制器应用于两台六自由度机械臂仿真平台,实现双臂夹取和搬运同一目标物体的操作,通过与其他控制器进行对比实验,表明所设计的控制器具有响应快、无抖震、精度高的特点.  相似文献   

Most research so far on trajectory tracking of free-floating space manipulators has assumed that the kinematics of the space manipulator is exactly known. However, when a space manipulator picks up different tools of unknown lengths or unknown gripping points, its kinematics and dynamics change and are difficult to derive exactly. Thus, in this paper, we have proposed a passivity based adaptive Jacobian controller for free-floating space manipulators. The proposed controller consists of a transposed Jacobian feedback and a dynamic compensation term, and the parameter adaptation laws are derived by Lyapunov-like stability analysis tools. It is shown that the end-effector motion tracking errors converge asymptotically. To avoid using spacecraft acceleration, we define a new reference velocity, which is called spacecraft reference velocity. In addition, we have also conducted passivity interpretation of the proposed controller to obtain some physical insight into its properties. Simulation results are presented to show the performance of the proposed controller.  相似文献   

With the increasing industrial requirements such as bigger size object, stable operation, and complex task, multilateral teleoperation systems extended from traditional bilateral teleoperation are widely developed. In this paper, the integrated control design is developed for multilateral teleoperation systems, where n master manipulators are operated by human to remotely control n slave manipulators cooperatively handling a target object. For the first time, the control objectives of multilateral teleoperation including stability, synchronization, transparency, and internal force distribution are clarified systematically. A novel communication architecture is proposed to cope with communication delays, where the estimated environmental parameters are transmitted from the slave side to the master, to replace the traditional environmental force measurement in the communication channel. A kind of nonlinear adaptive robust control technique is used to deal with nonlinearities, unknown parameters, and modeling uncertainties existing in the master, slave, and environmental dynamics, so that the excellent tracking performance is achieved in both master and slave sides. The coordinated motion/force control is designed in the slave side by the optimal internal force distribution among n slave manipulators, and the impedance control is designed in the master side to realize the target transparency behavior. In summary, the proposed control algorithm can achieve the guaranteed robust stability, the excellent synchronization and transparency performance, and the optimal internal force distribution simultaneously for multilateral teleoperation systems under arbitrary time delays and various modeling uncertainties. The simulation is carried out on a 2‐master/2‐slave teleoperation system, and the results show the effectiveness of the proposed control design. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The path planning of free-floating manipulators is of great interest in space operations. The manipulators in the free-floating mode exhibit nonholonomic characteristics due to the nonintegrability of the angular momentum, which makes the problem complicated. This paper analyzes the path planning of redundant, free-floating space manipulators with revolute joints and 7 degrees of freedom. The primary task of manipulators is to move the manipulator arms so that the desired end-effector position and orientation can be achieved. The motion of the manipulators can produce an attitude disturbance of the base, which has an adverse impact on the spacecraft operation. Thus, it is necessary to minimize the base attitude disturbance in order to reduce the fuel consumption for attitude maintenance. Practically, the path planning of redundant free-floating manipulators with higher degrees of freedom (7 degrees of freedom in this paper) in three-dimensional space is more complicated than path planning with fewer degrees of freedom, including planar or fixed base cases. This paper provides a tractable planning method to solve this problem, which could avoid the pseudo inverse of the Jacobian matrix. The sine functions, whose arguments are the polynomial functions with unknown coefficients, are used to specify the joint paths. The PSODE algorithm (particle swarm optimization combined with differential evolution) is applied to optimize the unknown coefficients of the polynomials in order to achieve the desired end-effector position and orientation and simultaneously minimize the base attitude disturbance. The simulations demonstrate that this method could provide satisfactory smooth paths for redundant free-floating space manipulators.  相似文献   

In this paper a generalized design and control method for teleoperation systems with communication time delay is presented. The design method is based on the state space formulation and it allows to obtain the control parameters for any teleoperation system where the master and the slave manipulators would be represented by nth-order linear differential equations. Through state convergence between the master and the slave, the control system allows the slave to follow the master inspite of the time delay. The method is also able to establish the desired dynamics of this convergence and the dynamics of the slave manipulator. Experimental results are presented showing the validity of the proposed design and control method.  相似文献   

《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(6):603-624
This paper studies the motion control of a multiple manipulator free-flying space robot chasing a passive object in near proximity. Free-flyer kinematics are developed using a minimum set of body-fixed barycentric vectors. Using a general and a quasi-coordinate Lagrangian formulation, equations of motion for model-based controllers are derived. Two model-based and one transposed Jacobian control algorithms are developed that allow coordinated tracking control of the manipulators and the spacecraft. In particular, an Euler parameter model-based control algorithm is presented that overcomes the non-physical singularities due to Euler angle representation of attitude. To ensure smooth operation, and reduce disturbances on the spacecraft and on the object just before grasping, appropriate trajectories for the motion of spacecraft/manipulators are planned. The performance of model-based algorithms is compared, by simulation, to that of a transposed Jacobian algorithm. Results show that due to the complexity of space robotic systems, a drastic deterioration in the performance of model-based algorithms in the presence of model uncertainties results. In such cases, a simple transposed Jacobian algorithm yields comparable results with much reduced computational burden, an issue which is very important in space.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to investigating the recursive implementation schemes of adaptive control for free-floating space manipulators. Using spatial vector tool and some physical properties that free-floating space manipulators enjoy, we establish a general framework on the seeking of the centripetal and Coriolis matrix that satisfies the skew symmetry requirement. Under this general framework, we propose a recursive adaptive algorithm for free-floating manipulators, which is composed of two parts: the first part is the recursive derivation of the required manipulator control torques, and the second part is the recursive updating of the spacecraft reference velocity and acceleration. To guarantee the uniform positive definiteness of the estimated spacecraft inertia, we present a parameter projection algorithm to project the estimated parameters into some pre-specified parameter region. In the next, we extend the proposed recursive adaptive algorithm to task-space control of free-floating space manipulators. We examine the performance of the proposed recursive adaptive algorithms via numerical simulation on a six-DOF space manipulator.  相似文献   

In the present paper, we describe a method for constructing a remote ultrasound diagnostic system. Remote diagnosis can be realized using a communication network. We have developed a master–slave type remote medical system to diagnose shoulder diseases, such as dialysis-related amyloid arthropathy (DRAA), by ultrasonographic images. Proper positioning, orientation, and contact force between the ultrasound probe and the affected area of the patient are required in order to acquire proper diagnostic images. Safety and manipulability are also required when operating the remote medical system through a communication network. Therefore, the system has impedance control capability for positioning of the master and slave manipulators in order to convey the contact force and enhance manipulability. In addition, the system has continuous-path control capability for the orientation of the slave manipulator in order to realize smooth and accurate motion of the ultrasound probe, even if the sampling rate of the transmission of the orientation data of the master manipulator is not sufficient. The results of remote diagnostic experiments demonstrated that a healthcare professional could diagnose real patients through a communication network using the constructed system.   相似文献   

This paper addresses attitude synchronization and tracking problems in spacecraft formation in the presence of model uncertainties and external disturbances. A decentralized adaptive sliding mode control law is proposed using undirected interspacecraft communication topology and analyzed based on algebraic graph theory. A multispacecraft sliding manifold is derived, on which each spacecraft approaches desired time‐varying attitude and angular velocity while maintaining attitude synchronization with the other spacecraft in the formation. A control law is then developed to ensure convergence to the sliding manifold. The stability of the resulting closed‐loop system is proved by application of Barbalat's Lemma. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed attitude synchronization and tracking methodology. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Advanced Robotics》2013,27(4):429-448
This paper is aimed at presenting solution algorithms to the inverse kinematics of a space manipulator mounted on a free-floating spacecraft. The reaction effects of the manipulator's motion on the spacecraft are taken into account by means of the so-called generalized Jacobian. Redundancy of the system with respect to the number of task variables for spacecraft attitude and manipulator end-effector pose is considered. Also, the problem of both spacecraft attitude and end-effector orientation representation is tackled by means of a non-minimal singularity-free representation: the unit quaternion. Depending on the nature of the task for the spacecraft/manipulator system, a number of closed-loop inverse kinematics algorithms are proposed. Case studies are developed for a system of a spacecraft with a six-joint manipulator attached.  相似文献   

曹效英  黄惟一 《机器人》1996,18(5):268-272
本文对主从遥控系统理想性能的实现进行了理论分析和实验研究。对于位置/力控制的遥控机器人,理想性能就是要实现主从操作器的位置跟踪和力跟踪。文中首先通过分析得到了一组控制规律,利用这组控制规律就可以实现理想性能,而且这组控制规律由于引入了力微分信号而比较简单。接着以无源性为基础,对系统的稳定性进行了研究。最后通过实验可知在从操作器同环境有或无作用的情况下,主从遥控系统都可以实现理想性能。  相似文献   

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