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无线传感器网络动态重传算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
无线传感器网络路由协议通过点到点的重传来提高数据传输的可靠性,其重传机制没有考虑不同业务数据的可靠性需求差异,统一设定一个静态的最大重传次数。本文提出了一种动态重传算法,为每种业务分别根据其可靠性需求动态设定最大重传次数。对于较低可靠性需求的业务,相比于传统重传机制减少了重传次数。仿真表明动态重传算法能有效降低网络能耗。  相似文献   

为了改善802.11s无线Mesh网传输过程中因重传次数过大而造成的丢包问题,根据实际无线传输中的网络重传次数特性,提出一种基于最大重传次数的空中传播时间改进路由判据算法.同时为了缓解因单根节点造成的网络拥塞,提高实际场景中边缘节点的传输性能,并保证网络中所有节点使用无线信道资源的公平性,基于树的寻径机制从拓扑结构的角度,提出一种改进的多根节点的混合无线Mesh网路由协议(M-HWMP).理论及仿真结果表明,改进的路由判据算法及路由协议优化了无线Mesh网传输不同数据流时的吞吐量、时延特性,并在一定程度上避免了网络拥塞.  相似文献   

研究工业无线通信可靠性问题.工业无线通信环境恶劣,可靠性难以满足现场需求;现场仪表通信功能有限,缺少有效的通信可靠性改进方法.针对这种情况,提出一种优化重传方法,在现有资源和通信调度模式下,有效提高工业多跳无线通信可靠性.首先建立多跳无线通信链路可靠性优化模型,然后对优化模型进行转化,提出适于应用的优化方法.进而,研究了有冗余路由的多跳无线通信链路重传时的情况.通过数学分析和数值仿真,证明了优化方法有效提高了工业无线通信可靠性.  相似文献   

针对传统的车载网路由协议在拓扑快速变化的情况下未能提供较好的服务质量的问题,提出一种基于跨层设计的路由协议。利用物理层参数信号干扰噪声比和MAC层参数重传次数估计值以及节点移动性信息计算节点可靠性指数,可靠性指数越小的节点链接越稳定、质量越好,网络层选择可靠性指数最小的节点作为下一跳节点。移动模型仿真软件Vanet Mobi Sim和网络仿真器NS-3的仿真结果验证了该路由协议具有数据包传输率高和传输时延小的特性。  相似文献   

在无线传感器网络中,时延与功耗性能往往是一对不可兼得的指标,如何优化和平衡这两个指标是路由和MAC算法中的难点.线型无线传感器网络由于拓扑结构的线型性,功耗-时延的均衡问题显得更加突出.基于线型无线传感器网络拓扑模型,理论分析了能耗最优传输距离,然后基于节点剩余能量,构建联合优化目标函数.进一步地,将数据包类型在时间敏感性方面分为紧急数据包和普通数据包,并相应调整发射功率,以便在当前通信范围内找到最优下一跳中继节点.最终提出了一个功率可调的时延-能耗自适应优化中继节点选择算法(LEARS).通过仿真实验将该算法与经典及类似算法比较,LEARS能够在保证紧急数据包传输实时性的同时,进一步降低网络的整体功耗,延长网络的生命周期.  相似文献   

在无线通信系统优化问题的研究中,多输入多输出(MIMO)系统的混合自动重传技术能够提高无线通信传输的可靠性.根据空时编码的重传技术多次重传样本进行联合解码,能够提高解码功能;减少信道传输差错.为了进一步减小重传次数,提高重传效率,提出了一种基于波束赋形的MIMO系统混合自动重传技术.在空时编码重传的基础上,引入自适应波束赋形,使MIMO发射的空间波束更加集中地对准用户,从而提高发射功率利用率,减小干扰,进而增加了混合自动重传合并增益,提高了重传效率.计算机数值仿真验证上述方法提高了系统的增益和可靠性.  相似文献   

在能量捕获无线传感器网络(EH-WSN)中,采用网络编码(NC)技术可有效提高数据传递的可靠性。已有的研究成果大多采用固定的数据速率(DR)和固定的最大重传次数(MNR),传输时延较高。为了降低传输时延,结合EH-WSN中节点的能量捕获特性和相邻节点之间的无线链路质量,提出一种优化数据速率和最大重传次数的低时延数据传递方案。通过对节点的能量捕获过程和能量消耗进行建模,给出了节点的剩余能量公式;对相邻节点之间的无线链路质量进行建模,推导出节点发送数据包的成功收包率和每个数据包的期望传输次数,进而推导出传输路径上每一跳的传输时延公式;基于优化方程,在节点满足链路收包率条件和剩余能量条件的前提下,对其数据速率和最大重传次数进行优化配置,使得每一跳的传输时延最小。实验结果表明,与采用固定数据速率和固定最大重传次数的数据传递方案相比,所提出的方案具有最小的端到端传输时延。  相似文献   

针对工业无线传感器网络对路由协议的QoS要求,研究了一种基于链路可靠性的两跳QoS路由(Link-Reliability Based Two-Hop Routing for QoS Guarantee in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks, LRTHQR).采用两跳速度策略和数据优先级调度策略提高实时性,采用改进的信任评估模型以选择可信路径进行路由,采用基于接收功率的链接概率和数据包重传次数作为衡量链路可靠性的指标,同时采用能够综合考虑节点剩余能量和转发能耗的转发策略,以改善网络寿命.仿真结果显示:与未考虑链路可靠性的NCSRT (NodeCredible Security Routing for IWSN Based on THTR)算法相比, LRTHQR算法在丢包率、时延以及包平均能耗方面有着明显优势;与同样侧重QoS要求的LRTHR (Link-Reliability based Two-Hop Routing)算法相比, LRTHQR算法在截止期错失率、路由开销以及包平均能耗方面有着显著提升.  相似文献   

虚拟(协作式)MIMO技术被认为是传感器网络中有效的节能解决方案之一,然而,现有虚拟MIMO传输策略的设计大多只关注如何有效降低网络能耗,而很少关注反映网络性能的其他指标,例如网络效用(Network Utility),该指标反映了网络数据采集和传输量的多少.为了联合优化网络效用和网络生存时间这两个网络性能参数.本文首先分析虚拟MIMO传输能耗特点,然后基于网络效用最大化(Network Utility Maximization)思想对虚拟MIMO传感器网络进行联合网络生存时间和网络效用的优化建模.在该模型的求解过程中,通过使用对偶分解技术将原需要集中计算的优化问题分解为可以在不同节点上进行计算的子优化问题,并得出一种联合优化网络效用和生存时间的分布式优化算法.该算法的仿真结果显示,网络中的虚拟MIMO节点仅需要交互邻居节点信息,通过有限次的迭代计算,就能收敛到全局最优的发送速率以及功率值.从而使系统总的效用和网络生存时间之间能够达到帕累托(Pareto)最优平衡.  相似文献   

针对终端直传(Device-to-Device, D2D)通信技术的移动边缘计算场景中计算卸载的高时延、高能耗问题,提出一种基于多目标优化的计算卸载策略。该计算卸载策略基于时延和能耗多目标优化模型,引入过度卸载问题的分析,对NSGA-II算法进行改进,包括适用于计算卸载的基因编码策略、交叉和变异方法,通过求解帕累托最优来最小化任务执行时间和能耗。此外,还提出一种数据路由算法,以平衡路由设备的传输能耗,并优化路由路径。通过仿真实验,该算法的平均提升效率最高可达41.7%,任务重传率降低至7.8%。实验结果表明,本文提出的算法能明显减少执行时延、能耗,降低任务重传率和提高任务卸载成功率。  相似文献   

Wireless multi-hop networks can vary both the transmission power and modulation of links. Those two parameters provide several design choices, which influence the performance of wireless multi-hop networks, e.g. minimize energy consumption, increase throughput, reduce contention, and maximize link quality. However, only network-wide metrics are considered in previous works. Further, per-flow performance metrics, such as the end-to-end energy consumption and latency, have not been studied. Those parameters directly impact the experience of users, which should be considered in capacity and performance studies. Our model incorporates per-flow metrics while also considering fading, contention, hidden terminals and packet error probabilities. We instantiate the model into an IEEE 802.11 multi-hop scenario, and evaluate common routing decisions such as maximizing link quality, maximizing data rate or minimizing the transmission power.  相似文献   

在无线Ad Hoc网络路由协议中引入功率控制不但可以降低网络能量消耗,同时还能改善网络的吞吐量、投递率等性能,已成为当前Ad Hoc网络的一个研究热点.本文提出了一种基于跨层功率控制的按需路由算法CPC-AODV(Cross-layer Power Control Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector).算法按需建立多个不同功率级的路由,节点选择到目的节点最小功率级的路由来传递分组,并对网络层的数据分组、路由分组和MAC层控制帧的传输采用不同功率控制策略来降低能量消耗.仿真结果表明:算法有利于降低通信能量开销,延长网络寿命,提高网络投递率及改善网络时延.  相似文献   

针对用于监测系统的长链树状无线传感器网络数据传输的实时性和高可靠性等要求,并考虑到近汇聚节点处易形成"漏斗"等问题,本文提出用基于云模型的多蚁群算法对无线传感器网络路由进行跨层优化的设计思想。算法通过种群间信息素的相互作用并行地完成路径的搜索并及时对信息素进行更新,在搜索的过程中把节点的时延、跳数、负载及分组成功率作为路径的启发值,利用多规则云发生器对更新策略中的信息素残留系数和信息素强度进行自适应调整。仿真结果表明,该路由算法能够保证无线传感器网络具有很强的实时性、可靠性及鲁棒性,实现了网络的负载平衡及拥塞控制机制。  相似文献   

Power-aware localized routing in wireless networks   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A cost aware metric for wireless networks based on remaining battery power at nodes was proposed for shortest-cost routing algorithms, assuming constant transmission power. Power-aware metrics, where transmission power depends on distance between nodes and corresponding shortest power algorithms were also proposed. We define a power-cost metric based on the combination of both node's lifetime and distance-based power metrics. We investigate some properties of power adjusted transmissions and show that, if additional nodes can be placed at desired locations between two nodes at distance d, the transmission power can be made linear in d as opposed to dα dependence for α ⩾ 2. This provides basis for power, cost, and power-cost localized routing algorithms where nodes make routing decisions solely on the basis, of location of their neighbors and destination. The power-aware routing algorithm attempts to minimize the total power needed to route a message between a source and a destination. The cost-aware routing algorithm is aimed at extending the battery's worst-case lifetime at each node. The combined power-cost localized routing algorithm attempts to minimize the total power needed and to avoid nodes with a short battery's remaining lifetime. We prove that the proposed localized power, cost, and power-cost efficient routing algorithms are loop-free and show their efficiency by experiments  相似文献   

针对传统的水下无线传感器网络(UWSNs)的位置路由存在路由空洞问题,提出了基于深度的抑制空洞路由(DSVR)的UWSNs路由协议.DSVR协议通过融合跳数、物理距离和邻居数多个指标决策路由.为了提高通信可靠和缓解路由空洞,DSVR协议选择具有最小跳数路径、最少邻居数的节点作为下一跳转发节点.同时,DSVR协议利用定时器抑制冗余数据包.仿真结果表明:提出的DSVR协议能有效地提高数据包传递率,并降低端到端传输时延以及能耗.  相似文献   

Robust streaming of video over 802.11 wireless LANs (WLANs) poses many challenges, including coping with packets losses caused by network buffer overflow or link erasures. In this paper, we propose a novel error protection method that can provide adaptive quality-of-service (QoS) to layered coded video by utilizing priority queueing at the network layer and retry-limit adaptation at the link layer. The design of our method is motivated by the observation that the retry limit settings of the MAC layer can be optimized in such a way that the overall packet losses that are caused by either link erasure or buffer overflow are minimized. We developed a real-time retry limit adaptation algorithm to trace the optimal retry limit for both the single-queue (or single-layer) and multiqueue (or multilayer) cases. The video layers are unequally protected over the wireless link by the MAC with different retry limits. In our proposed transmission framework, these retry limits are dynamically adapted depending on the wireless channel conditions and traffic characteristics. Furthermore, the proposed priority queueing discipline is enhanced with packet filtering and purging functionalities that can significantly save bandwidth by discarding obsolete or un-decodable packets from the buffer. Simulations show that the proposed cross-layer protection mechanism can significantly improve the received video quality.  相似文献   

为了降低无线传感器网络信号功率的衰减以及节点干扰对数据传输效率所造成的影响,提出了一种基于信号功率随机衰落模型的无线传感器网络干扰感知路由。首先,根据概率论提出了干扰节点不同分布情况下成功传输数据的两种概率干扰模型,并将节点的干扰、路由收敛及节点剩余能量问题作为路由度量建立了干扰感知路由;然后,通过将干扰、路由收敛,以及节点剩余能量作为评估权值,来共同决定最佳的下一跳节点。通过NS2的仿真数据表明,与基于差异化服务的干扰感知路由算法和基于编码的干扰感知路由协议相比,所提出的算法在数据投递平均成功率、能量消耗及平均延迟时间上均有一定优势。  相似文献   

Random routing protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) forward packets to randomly selected neighbors. These packets are ‘agents’ carrying information about events or ‘queries’ seeking such information. A novel mathematical framework is proposed for analyzing random routing protocols. Exact probability of a packet visiting a given node within a given hop count as well as the rendezvous probability of agents and queries meeting at a given node in a 2-D grid-based WSN are derived. The basic relationship needed for extending the models to a 3-D grid topology is provided. Exact probabilities of agents meeting queries are derived while ignoring physical boundary effects and packet losses, under two different strategies for forwarding the packet to a neighbor: (a) with equal probability, and (b) self-avoiding forwarding. We then extend the model to account for packet losses by considering the case where a packet is forwarded to a neighbor with equal probability. Also provided is the extension of the analysis for a network with rectangular boundaries. The exact solutions presented, unlike existing models relying on asymptotic behavior, are also applicable to small and medium scale networks. They can be used to set parameters and optimize performance of several classes of random routing protocols. All the models are validated using Monte Carlo simulations. Simulation results indicate that the model is also a good approximation for sparse arrays with 75% or higher node density. Finally, the utility of the model is demonstrated by determining the protocol parameters to optimize the performance of rumor routing protocol under a fixed energy budget.  相似文献   

Wireless sensor networks are inherently plagued by problems of node failure, interference to communications from environmental noise and energy-limited sensor motes. These problems pose conflicting issues in the design of suitable routing protocols. Several existing reliable routing protocols exploit message broadcast redundancy and hop count as routing metrics and their performance trade-offs are revealed during simulation. In this paper, we study and analyse related design issues in proposed efficient and reliable routing protocols that attempt to achieve reliable and efficient communication performance in both single- and multi-hub sensor networks. Simulation results of four such routing protocols show that routing performance depends more on optimal (near-optimal) routing in single hub than in multi-hub networks. Our work also shows that optimal (near-optimal) routing is better achieved when historical metrics like packet distance traversed and transmission success are also considered in the routing protocol design.  相似文献   

刘韬  李天瑞  殷锋  张楠 《计算机应用》2014,34(11):3196-3200
针对周期汇报型无线传感器网络(WSN)中的无线信号冲突和能量利用效率问题,提出了一种基于网络效用最大化与冲突避免的媒体访问控制(UM-MAC)协议。该协议基于时分多路复用(TDMA)调度机制,将效用模型引入无冲突的节点工作时隙分配过程中,把链路可靠性、网络能耗归纳到一个统一的效用优化框架中;进而提出了一个启发式算法,使网络能够快速找到一个基于网络效用最大化与冲突避免的节点工作时隙调度方案。将UM-MAC协议与S-MAC协议和冲突避免MAC(CA-MAC)协议进行比较,在不同节点数量的网络环境中,UM-MAC获得的网络效用较大,平均数据包成功发送率较高,生命周期介于S-MAC与CA-MAC之间,在不同的网络负载下所有节点发数据包到汇聚节点的平均时延有所增加。仿真实验结果表明:UM-MAC协议较好地解决了冲突干扰问题,提高了网络的数据包成功发送率和能量利用效率等性能;在低网络负载时,TDMA类协议的性能并不比竞争类协议好。  相似文献   

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