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可伸缩的增量连续k近邻查询处理   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
廖巍  熊伟  王钧  景宁  钟志农 《软件学报》2007,18(2):268-278
针对基于TPR树(time-parameterized R-tree)索引的大量并发CKNN(continuous k-nearest neighbor)查询处理,提出了一种可伸缩的增量连续k近邻查询处理(scalable processing of incremental continuous k-nearest neighbor queries,简称SI-CNN)框架,通过引入搜索区域进行预裁剪以减少查询更新所需要的TPR树节点访问代价,并引入了增量结果表以保存候选对象,批量地更新查询结果集,具有良好的可伸缩性.基于SI-CNN框架提出了一种增量更新的SI-CNN查询处理算法,能够基于上次查询结果增量的更新查询,支持查询集合中加入或删除查询和移动对象数据集的插入、删除等动态更新操作.实验结果与分析表明,基于SI-CNN框架的SI-CNN算法可以很好地支持大量并发的CKNN查询处理,具有良好的实用价值.  相似文献   

倪巍伟  李灵奇  刘家强 《软件学报》2019,30(12):3782-3797
针对已有的保护位置隐私路网k近邻查询依赖可信匿名服务器造成的安全隐患,以及服务器端全局路网索引利用效率低的缺陷,提出基于路网局部索引机制的保护位置隐私路网近邻查询方法.查询客户端通过与LBS服务器的一轮通信获取局部路网信息,生成查询位置所在路段满足l-路段多样性的匿名查询序列,并将匿名查询序列提交LBS服务器,从而避免保护位置隐私查询对可信第三方服务器的依赖.在LBS服务器端,提出基于路网基本单元划分的分段式近邻查询处理策略,对频繁查询请求路网基本单元,构建基于路网泰森多边形和R*树的局部Vor-R*索引结构,实现基于索引的快速查找.对非频繁请求路网基本单元,采用常规路网扩张查询处理.有效降低索引存储规模和基于全局索引进行无差异近邻查询的访问代价,在保证查询结果正确的同时,提高了LBS服务器端k近邻查询处理效率.理论分析和实验结果表明,所提方法在兼顾查询准确性的同时,有效地提高了查询处理效率.  相似文献   

谷峪  于晓楠  于戈 《软件学报》2014,25(8):1806-1816
随着智能移动设备和无线定位技术的飞速发展,使用基于位置服务应用的用户越来越多.特别地,不同于传统的针对固定位置的快照查询,移动的用户往往基于移动轨迹发出连续的查询.在真实和虚拟的空间环境中,障碍物的影响都是广泛存在的,障碍空间内的查询处理技术得到了越来越多的关注,其中,障碍空间内的连续反k近邻查询处理有着重要的应用.对障碍空间中的连续反k近邻查询问题进行了定义和系统的研究,通过定义控制点和分割点,提出了针对该问题的处理框架.进一步地,提出了一系列的过滤和求精算法,包括剪枝数据集、获取障碍物、剪枝和计算控制点和更新结果集等处理策略.基于多种数据集对所提出的算法进行了实验评估.与针对每个数据点进行k 近邻计算的基本方法相比,这些方法可以大幅度提高查询处理的CPU 和I/O 效率.  相似文献   

李晨  申德荣  朱命冬  寇月  聂铁铮  于戈 《软件学报》2016,27(9):2278-2289
互联网上每天都会产生大量的带地理位置标签和时间标签的信息,比如微博、新闻、团购等等,如何在众多的信息中找到在时间和空间地理位置上都满足用户查询需求的信息十分重要.针对这一需求,提出了一种对地理位置和时间信息的k近邻查询(ST-kNN查询)处理方法.首先,利用时空相似度对数据对象的地理位置变量和时间变量进行映射变换,将数据对象映射到新的三维空间中,用三维空间中两点之间的距离相似度来近似代替两个对象之间实际的时空相似度;然后,针对这个三维空间设计了一种ST-Rtree(spatial temporal rtree)索引,该索引综合了空间因素和时间因素,保证在查询时每个对象至多遍历1次;最后,在该索引的基础上提出了一种精确的k近邻查询算法,并通过一次计算确定查询结果范围,从而找到前k个结果,保证了查询的高效性.基于大量数据集的实验,证明了该查询处理方法的高效性.  相似文献   

周新  张孝  安润功  薛忠斌  王珊 《软件学报》2014,25(S2):157-168
基于位置的服务可以指引用户找到在特定位置或区域内能够提供所需要服务的对象(比如找某个高校附近(经纬度标识)的咖啡店).向这类服务提交一个查询位置和多个关键词,该类服务返回k个最相关的对象,对象和查询的相关性同时考虑空间相近性和文本相似性.为了支持高效的top-k空间关键词查询,出现了多种混合索引,然而现有的这些索引为了提供实时响应均耗费大量存储空间.提出一种基于压缩技术的索引CSTI,该索引显著减少了存储开销(至少减少80%甚至到两个数据量级),同时保持高效的查询性能.大量基于真实和仿真数据集的实验结果表明,CSTI在空间开销和响应时间上均优于已有方法.  相似文献   

移动对象的连续范围查询是许多基于位置的服务的核心问题。针对该问题,提出一种面向大规模移动对象并发范围查询的分布式搜索方法。首先,设计了一种由全局网格索引(GGI)和局部弹性四叉树构成的移动对象分布式动态索引(DDI)结构。其次,提出了一种基于DDI结构的分布式查询算法(DSA),该算法首先引入了一种在移动对象和查询点的位置连续变化的情况下的查询结果增量更新策略;然后,在增量更新过程中引入一种面向多并发查询的共享计算优化策略,该策略能够根据已有计算结果对移动对象范围查询结果进行增量搜索。最后,基于德国路网模拟了3个具有不同空间分布的移动对象数据集,将DSA与NS(Naive Search)、GI(Grid Index)和分布式混合索引(DHI)进行对比。实验结果表明,与性能最好的对比算法DHI相比,DSA的初始查询时间减少了22.7%,增量查询时间减少了15.2%,性能优于对比算法。  相似文献   

李淼  谷峪  陈默  于戈 《软件学报》2017,28(2):310-325
随着地理位置定位技术的蓬勃发展,基于在线位置服务技术的应用也越来越多.提出一种查询类型——反向空间偏好top-k查询.类似于传统的反向空间top-k查询,对于给定的空间查询对象,该查询返回使该对象满足top-k属性得分的那些用户.但不同的是,该对象的属性不是自身具有的特性,而是通过计算该对象与其他偏好对象之间的空间关系(如距离)而确定.这种查询在市场分析等许多重要领域具有需求,例如,根据查询结果,分析出某个地区中某个设施受欢迎的程度.但是,由于大量空间对象的存在导致对象之间空间关系的计算代价非常高,如何实时地计算出对象的空间属性得分,给查询处理带来很大的挑战.针对该问题提出优化的查询处理算法包括:数据集剪枝、数据集批量处理、基于权重的用户分组等策略.通过理论分析和充分的实验验证,证明了所提出方法的有效性.与普通方法相比,这些方法能够大幅度提高查询处理的执行时间和I/O效率.  相似文献   

李鸣鹏  高宏  邹兆年 《软件学报》2014,25(4):797-812
研究了基于图压缩的k可达查询处理,提出了一种支持k可达查询的图压缩算法k-RPC及无需解压缩的查询处理算法,k-RPC算法在所有基于等价类的支持k-reach查询的图压缩算法中是最优的.由于k-RPC算法是基于严格的等价关系,因此进一步又提出了线性时间的近似图压缩算法k-GRPC.k-GRPC算法允许从原始图中删除部分边,然后使用k-RPC获得更好的压缩比.提出了线性时间的无需解压缩的查询处理算法.真实数据上的实验结果表明,对于稀疏的原始图,两种压缩算法的压缩比分别可以达到45%,对于稠密的原始图,两种压缩算法的压缩比分别可以达到75%和67%;与在原始图上直接进行查询处理相比,两种基于压缩图的查询处理算法效率更好,在稀疏图上的查询效率可以提高2.5倍.  相似文献   

周宇  赵威  刘国华  貟慧  翟红敏  万小妹 《软件学报》2014,25(S2):136-146
查询结果重复率高是top-k查询处理过程中亟待解决的问题,已有的解决方法需要遍历初始结果集中所有的对象,因此,查询处理的效率较低.为了提高查询处理的效率,把初始结果集映射到欧氏空间中,根据拉式策略,可选用基于得分或基于距离两种方法之一从该空间选出差异最优子空间,在基于距离的方法中,对欧氏子空间进行分割并且利用探测位置和Voronoi图的几何特性减少二次查询对象的数目.在此基础上,提出了top-k查询结果有界多样化算法,并证明了算法的正确性.实验结果表明,所提出的算法提高了top-k查询处理效率.  相似文献   

蒋涛  张彬  余法红  柳晴  周傲英 《软件学报》2015,26(9):2297-2310
不同于传统的k-Skyband 查询方法,提出一种相互k-Skyband 查询(MkSB),它从对称角度执行Skyline查询,找出所有既在q的动态k-Skyband(DkSB)中又在q的反向k-Skyband(RkSB)中的数据对象.进一步地,为了更好地支持用户决策和数据分析,排序操作被引入到MkSB算法中.因为MkSB 需要执行q的DkSB 和反向RkSB,故它需要遍历索引多次,从而导致了大量冗余的I/O 开销.利用信息重用技术和若干有效的修剪方法,MkSB 将多次的索引搜索合并成单次,极大地降低了I/O访问次数.同时,证明了基于窗口查询的MkSB(WMkSB)算法具有最低的I/O 代价.在真实与合成数据集上的实验结果表明,所提出的算法是有效的且明显胜过基于BBS 的算法,尤其WMkSB 算法具有极少的I/O 开销,通常能够减少95%以上的冗余I/O.  相似文献   

Tianyang  Dong  Lulu  Yuan  Qiang  Cheng  Bin  Cao  Jing  Fan 《World Wide Web》2019,22(4):1765-1797

Recently more and more people focus on k-nearest neighbor (KNN) query processing over moving objects in road networks, e.g., taxi hailing and ride sharing. However, as far as we know, the existing k-nearest neighbor (KNN) queries take distance as the major criteria for nearest neighbor objects, even without taking direction into consideration. The main issue with existing methods is that moving objects change their locations and directions frequently over time, so the information updates cannot be processed in time and they run the risk of retrieving the incorrect KNN results. They may fail to meet users’ needs in certain scenarios, especially in the case of querying k-nearest neighbors for moving objects in a road network. In order to find the top k-nearest objects moving toward a query point, this paper presents a novel algorithm for direction-aware KNN (DAKNN) queries for moving objects in a road network. In this method, R-tree and simple grid are firstly used as the underlying index structure, where the R-tree is used for indexing the static road network and the simple grid is used for indexing the moving objects. Then, it introduces the notion of “azimuth” to represent the moving direction of objects in a road network, and presents a novel local network expansion method to quickly judge the direction of the moving objects. By considering whether a moving object is moving farther away from or getting closer to a query point, the object that is definitely not in the KNN result set is effectively excluded. Thus, we can reduce the communication cost, meanwhile simplify the computation of moving direction between moving objects and query point. Comprehensive experiments are conducted and the results show that our algorithm can achieve real-time and efficient queries in retrieving objects moving toward query point in a road network.


Traditional spatial queries return, for a given query object q, all database objects that satisfy a given predicate, such as epsilon range and k-nearest neighbors. This paper defines and studies inverse spatial queries, which, given a subset of database objects Q and a query predicate, return all objects which, if used as query objects with the predicate, contain Q in their result. We first show a straightforward solution for answering inverse spatial queries for any query predicate. Then, we propose a filter-and-refinement framework that can be used to improve efficiency. We show how to apply this framework on a variety of inverse queries, using appropriate space pruning strategies. In particular, we propose solutions for inverse epsilon range queries, inverse k-nearest neighbor queries, and inverse skyline queries. Furthermore, we show how to relax the definition of inverse queries in order to ensure non-empty result sets. Our experiments show that our framework is significantly more efficient than naive approaches.  相似文献   

Nearest and reverse nearest neighbor queries for moving objects   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
With the continued proliferation of wireless communications and advances in positioning technologies, algorithms for efficiently answering queries about large populations of moving objects are gaining interest. This paper proposes algorithms for k nearest and reverse k nearest neighbor queries on the current and anticipated future positions of points moving continuously in the plane. The former type of query returns k objects nearest to a query object for each time point during a time interval, while the latter returns the objects that have a specified query object as one of their k closest neighbors, again for each time point during a time interval. In addition, algorithms for so-called persistent and continuous variants of these queries are provided. The algorithms are based on the indexing of object positions represented as linear functions of time. The results of empirical performance experiments are reported.  相似文献   

The moving k nearest neighbor (MkNN) query continuously finds the k nearest neighbors of a moving query point. MkNN queries can be efficiently processed through the use of safe regions. In general, a safe region is a region within which the query point can move without changing the query answer. This paper presents an incremental safe-region-based technique for answering MkNN queries, called the V*-Diagram, as well as analysis and evaluation of its associated algorithm, V*-kNN. Traditional safe-region approaches compute a safe region based on the data objects but independent of the query location. Our approach exploits the knowledge of the query location and the boundary of the search space in addition to the data objects. As a result, V*-kNN has much smaller I/O and computation costs than existing methods. We further provide cost models to estimate the number of data accesses for V*-kNN and a competitive technique, RIS-kNN. The V*-Diagram and V*-kNN are also applicable to the domain of spatial networks and we present algorithms to construct a spatial-network V*-Diagram. Our experimental results show that V*-kNN significantly outperforms the competitive technique. The results also verify the accuracy of the cost models.  相似文献   

In multimedia databases, k-nearest neighbor queries are popular and frequently contain non-spatial predicates. Among the available techniques for such queries, the incremental nearest neighbor algorithm proposed by Hjaltason and Samet is known as the most useful algorithm [16]. The reason is that if k > k neighbors are needed, it can provide the next neighbor for the upper operator without restarting the query from scratch. However, the R-tree in their algorithm has no facility capable of partially pruning tuple candidates that will turn out not to satisfy the remaining predicates, leading their algorithm to inefficiency. In this paper, we propose an RS-tree-based incremental nearest neighbor algorithm complementary to their algorithm. The RS-tree used in our algorithm is a hybrid of the R-tree and the S-tree, as its buddy tree, based on the hierarchical signature file. Experimental results show that our RS-tree enhances the performance of Hjaltason and Samet's algorithm.  相似文献   

An important query for spatio-temporal databases is to find nearest trajectories of moving objects. Existing work on this topic focuses on the closest trajectories in the whole data space. In this paper, we introduce and solve constrained k-nearest neighbor (CkNN) queries and historical continuous CkNN (HCCkNN) queries on R-tree-like structures storing historical information about moving object trajectories. Given a trajectory set D, a query object (point or trajectory) q, a temporal extent T, and a constrained region CR, (i) a CkNN query over trajectories retrieves from D within T, the k (≥ 1) trajectories that lie closest to q and intersect (or are enclosed by) CR; and (ii) an HCCkNN query on trajectories retrieves the constrained k nearest neighbors (CkNNs) of q at any time instance of T. We propose a suite of algorithms for processing CkNN queries and HCCkNN queries respectively, with different properties and advantages. In particular, we thoroughly investigate two types of CkNN queries, i.e., CkNNP and CkNNT, which are defined with respect to stationary query points and moving query trajectories, respectively; and two types of HCCkNN queries, namely, HCCkNNP and HCCkNNT, which are continuous counterparts of CkNNP and CkNNT, respectively. Our methods utilize an existing data-partitioning index for trajectory data (i.e., TB-tree) to achieve low I/O and CPU cost. Extensive experiments with both real and synthetic datasets demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithms in terms of efficiency and scalability.  相似文献   

Continuous K-nearest neighbor (CKNN) query is an important type of spatio-temporal queries. Given a time interval [ts, te] and a moving query object q, a CKNN query is to find the K-nearest neighbors (KNNs) of q at each time instant within [ts, te]. In this paper, we focus on the issue of scalable processing of CKNN queries over moving objects with uncertain velocity. Due to the large amount of CKNN queries that need to be evaluated concurrently, efficiently processing such queries inevitably becomes more complicated. We propose an index structure, namely the CI-tree, to predetermine and organize the candidates for each query issued by the user from anywhere and anytime. When the CKNN queries are evaluated, their corresponding candidates can be rapidly retrieved by traversing the CI-tree so that the processing time is greatly reduced. A comprehensive set of experiments is performed to demonstrate the effectiveness and the efficiency of the CI-tree.  相似文献   

This article presents a novel type of queries in spatial databases, called the direction-aware bichromatic reverse k nearest neighbor(DBRkNN) queries, which extend the bichromatic reverse nearest neighbor queries. Given two disjoint sets, P and S, of spatial objects, and a query object q in S, the DBRkNN query returns a subset P′ of P such that k nearest neighbors of each object in P′ include q and each object in P′ has a direction toward q within a pre-defined distance. We formally define the DBRkNN query, and then propose an efficient algorithm, called DART, for processing the DBRkNN query. Our method utilizes a grid-based index to cluster the spatial objects, and the B+-tree to index the direction angle. We adopt a filter-refinement framework that is widely used in many algorithms for reverse nearest neighbor queries. In the filtering step, DART eliminates all the objects that are away from the query object more than a pre-defined distance, or have an invalid direction angle. In the refinement step, remaining objects are verified whether the query object is actually one of the k nearest neighbors of them. As a major extension of DART, we also present an improved algorithm, called DART+, for DBRkNN queries. From extensive experiments with several datasets, we show that DART outperforms an R-tree-based naive algorithm in both indexing time and query processing time. In addition, our extension algorithm, DART+, also shows significantly better performance than DART.  相似文献   

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