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产品设计知识重用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
沈斌  宫大 《计算机工程》2006,32(18):186-188
产品设计是一个知识积累-重用的循环上升过程,而产品设计知识的管理、利用仍然处于杂乱的状态。针对不同的设计知识形式,采用面向对象技术将知识对象封装成不同的知识单元,综合利用不同的知识表示方法来描述知识单元,从而建立集成于设计对象的产品设计的多类型、多层次知识表达模型,提出了产品设计知识重用概念模型。  相似文献   

可视化智能界面系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可视化自适应人机交互界面的设计是智能系统能否成功实施与应用的关键之一,基于此提出了将Agent技术引入用户界面设计中。界面采用可视化的知识表示,知识库直观,知识获取直接面对领域专家,实现了知识自动获取;同时界面针对不同用户群设计了多种界面变体,从而增强了系统的灵活性和对用户的适应性;建立了智能引导和帮助,集成了语音合成技术,实现了界面系统的“声形”并茂,降低和减少了用户使用系统的要求与学习时间,使系统更易学易用。  相似文献   

智能CAD中的产品设计知识研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
如何表达产品设计知识是智能CAD系统开发中的一个关键技术,本文从智能CAD使用者-产品设计人员和智能CAD的开发者-软件开发人员的角度,对产品设计知识的结构进行了研究,提出了一个合乎设计人员思维习惯和便于软件开发实现的和识体系结构,并以CBR技术为设计知识推理使用方法,智能CAD实现了对产品设计过程的多个设计阶段的智能支持。  相似文献   

提出了基于知识的工作流方法,对协同设计的过程进行建模。该方法采用可扩展的和可定制的知识模板对协作活动进行描述,它满足了协作过程管理、资源管理和知识管理的需要,并对协同系统的设计知识和过程知识的重用性提供支持。依据该模型,应用一种扩展的KQML语言实现了一个原型系统。最后对该系统的优缺点和将来的工作进行了讨论。  相似文献   

针对航空发动机设计过程中的显性知识特点,结合元数据(Metadata)与都柏林核心(Dublin Core)方法,进行面向航空发动机设计知识资源描述的“元素集”定义;利用RDF/XML技术建立设计知识资源描述的XML文档,从而实现航空发动机设计知识的表达、获取与管理.  相似文献   

当前高校大数据应用面临数据集成困难、成果难以应用、知识难以管理等问题,急需加以解决.本文结合知识管理与软件工程方法,首先设计了基于CRISP-DM的高校大数据挖掘流程;在此基础上,设计了高校知识管理系统的总体架构和功能模型;然后对主要功能模型进行了详细设计,并对其关键技术——数据集成方法、大数据挖掘技术进行了分析和设计;最后给出了该系统的开发环境及测试情况.该系统设计方案对高校大数据应用提供了参考和借鉴.  相似文献   

李保珲  徐克付  张鹏  郭莉  胡玥  方滨兴 《软件学报》2016,27(6):1384-1401
虚拟机自省技术是备受学术界和工业界关注的安全方法,在入侵检测、内核完整性保护等多方面发挥了重要作用.该技术在实现过程中面临的一个核心难题是底层状态数据与所需高层语义之间的“语义鸿沟”,该难题限制了虚拟机自省技术的发展与广泛应用.为此,本文基于语义重构方式的不同将现有的虚拟机自省技术分为四类,并针对每一类自省技术中的关键问题及其相关工作进行了梳理;然后,在安全性、性能及可获取的高层语义信息量等方面对这四类方法进行了比较分析,结果显示不同方法在指定比较维度上均有较大波动范围,安全研究人员需综合考虑四类方法的特点设计满足自身需求的虚拟机自省方案.最后,本文详细介绍了虚拟机自省技术在安全领域的应用情况,并指出了该技术在安全性、实用性及透明性等方面需深入研究的若干问题.  相似文献   

文章对专家系统技术在产品维修性设计中的应用进行了研究,提出了该系统的总体结构方案和特点、知识表示和知识获取、推理机技术,并对计算机辅助维修性设计现状进行了简要分析。  相似文献   

实体对齐是目前知识融合阶段的主要工作之一,基于表示学习的方法是实体对齐的主要研究方向。首先,通过全面地研究当前代表性的实体对齐技术,总结出这些技术的特征及架构,并提出了一个捕捉这些技术关键特征的框架;然后根据这些技术使用的知识表示模型将其分成2类:基于Trans的技术和基于GNN的技术;给出了2个当前广泛使用的数据集,搭建了11个有代表性的基于TransE的模型和基于GNN的模型,并在DBP15K上的3个跨语言数据集上进行对比实验;评测主流模型和添加属性或字面等不同侧面信息后的模型的对齐效果,为未来大规模单模态乃至多模态知识图谱实体对齐研究提供参考。  相似文献   

网格的体系结构是网格技术的核心,是网格的骨架和灵魂。选择设计适当的网格体系结构对网格系统的实现至关重要,因为只有设计出合适种类的网格体系结构,才能在网格环境中高效方便地运行应用程序。随着相关技术和网格应用的发展,网格体系结构将更加成熟和完善,这将直接推动网格的发展,对其研究产生深远的影响。文中主要分析比较了五种不同类型的网格体系结构,并列出最近研究成果。  相似文献   

马斌  郭志英  周华民  李德群 《计算机仿真》2006,23(4):279-282,286
塑料注射成型技术的发展与注射模具设计人员需求的增长十分迅速,模具设计人员学习必要的塑料成型基本原理是掌握注射模具设计方法的现实需要。该文在虚拟现实(VR)技术的基础上,结合基于三维模型的注塑成型FEA技术、面向对象的编程技术和OpenGL图形库,研究并实现了沉浸式、交互式的虚拟塑料注射成型教学仿真系统(VPIM),提出了立体成像算法,给出了模拟注射成型过程运动仿真的方法,借助VR外设及通过建立知识化、数字化、可视化、现实化的教学平台来提高设计人员的学习效率、学习兴趣及对问题理解的深入程度。  相似文献   

齐飞 《微型电脑应用》2020,(4):112-114,123
研究了基于CAD技术的注塑模具设计流程,并对模具的工艺参数进行了分析和优化,具体采用CAD注塑模集成系统实现。完成了最优工艺参数方案的确定,通过UG的CAE分析模块的应用并以模拟结果为依据完成了对注塑件应力应变分布情况的分析,应力最大值及位置通过实验对比完成确定,为模具结构的优化方案提供参考。最佳注塑制品工艺参数通过分析相关工艺参数获取,并以音箱零件为例,对注塑模具型腔设计方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The rapid growth of Internet and information technologies in recent years provides a solution to support and facilitate collaborative product developments among different geographically distributed enterprises. An effective and feasible tool to aid the collaborative development of injection moulds can be realized by developing an Internet-based mould design system as one of the modules of a collaborative product development system. This paper presents a prototype Internet-based intelligent design system for injection moulds. The architecture of the system consists of an interactive KB mould design system embedded in an Internet environment. A Java-enabled solution together with artificial intelligence techniques is employed to develop such a networked interactive CAD system. In this system, the computational module, the knowledge base module and the graphic module for generating mould features are integrated within an interactive CAD-based framework. The knowledge base of the system would be accessed by mould designers through interactive programs so that their own intelligence and experience could also be incorporated with the total mould design. The approach adopted both speeds up the design process and facilitates design standardization which in turn increases the speed of mould manufacture. A practical case study is presented to illustrate the operations of the Internet-based mould design system.  相似文献   

针对所开发的注塑模电极CAD系统,利用Pro/E提供的二次开发工具Pro/TOOLKIT和MFC对话框技术,在Visual C++ 6.0编译环境下,对Pro/E的工程图模块进行二次开发,实现了注塑模电极工程图的自动生成,提高了注塑模电极工程图的设计效率。  相似文献   

基于实例推理的注塑模概念设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于实例的推理方法是使用已有的经验来解决新问题,该文尝试把它用于注塑模的概念设计。首先分析了基于CBR的系统在表达模具设计领域强经验弱理论知识的优势,然后给出了注塑模概念设计系统工作流程。提出了模具设计实例特征描述模型和实例的框架表示。最后讨论了基于模糊相似优先比的相似度量及实例检索过程。  相似文献   

为提高塑料卡扣模具设计的速度,利用ImageWare对塑料卡扣进行点云数据处理、特征线网格划分和曲面重构;将重构的塑料卡扣模型导入UG,借助UG的曲面修复功能缝合不连续的曲面,并以STL格式保存;利用UG的Mold Wizards模具设计模块,根据已保存的STL格式卡扣模型建立模具装配模型,设计分型面,生成模具成型零件的三维实体模型;用Moldflow/MPI进行塑料卡扣注射成型分析.结果表明采用优化后的模具设计参数与实验结果基本吻合。  相似文献   

The cooling system of an injection mould is very important to the productivity of the injection moulding process and the quality of the moulded part. Despite the various research efforts that have been directed towards the analysis, optimization, and fabrication of cooling systems, support for the layout design of the cooling system has not been well developed. In the layout design phase, a major concern is the feasibility of building the cooling system inside the mould insert without interfering with the other mould components. This paper reports a configuration space (C-space) method to address this important issue. While a high-dimensional C-space is generally required to deal with a complex system such as a cooling system, the special characteristics of cooling system design are exploited in the present study, and special techniques that allow C-space computation and storage in three-dimensional or lower dimension are developed. This new method is an improvement on the heuristic method developed previously by the authors, because the C-space representation enables an automatic layout design system to conduct a more systematic search among all of the feasible designs. A simple genetic algorithm is implemented and integrated with the C-space representation to automatically generate candidate layout designs. Design examples generated by the genetic algorithm are given to demonstrate the feasibility of the method.  相似文献   

This paper describes a knowledge-based and object-oriented approach for the design of the feed system for plastic injection moulds. The gating system of a plastic injection mould plays a significant role in producing a quality part. Designing of this gating system entails a great amount of effort from an experienced designer and it is time-consuming. CADFEED (Computer-Aided Design of the FEED system of the plastic injection mould) is developed to accurately and efficiently design the type, location and size of a gating system of a plastic injection mould. This system provides an accurate and fast means of obtaining solutions based on the users' requirements, which are easily handled by the rating algorithm in the system. CADFEED generates acceptable solutions at a lower cost than most traditionally and commercially available analysis packages. This system can be used to verify designs proposed by the design engineers. It can also help novice engineers in the understanding of mould design. Another important feature of CADFEED is that it is a low cost system, which uses AutoCAD and an expert system shell on a personal computer. This feature makes CADFEED easily affordable by small-scale industries.  相似文献   

Case-based reasoning (CBR) often shows significant promise for improving the effectiveness of design support in mould design, which is a domain strong in practice but poor in theory. However, existing CBR systems lack semantic understanding, which is important for intelligent knowledge retrieval in design support system. This hinders the application of CBR in injection mould design. In order to develop an intelligent CBR system and meet the need of design support for injection mould design, this paper integrates ontology technology into a CBR system by constructing domain ontology as case-base with a new method, in which two means of acquisition are combined, one is acquiring ontology from existing ontologies, the other from established engineering knowledge resources, and proposing a new semantic retrieval method as the first grade case retrieval. Numerical measurement is also employed as the second grade case retrieval, which adopts various methods to calculate different types of attribute values. A case is executed to illustrate the use of proposed CBR system, then a lot of experiments are organized to evaluate its performance and the result shows that the proposed approach outperforms existing CBR systems.  相似文献   

利用Pro/engineer对折叠夹板进行产品及注塑模的参数化设计及虚拟装配。检测模具开模时的干涉情况;同时,仿真注射时的模流过程,实现在设计模具时就确切了解塑料在型腔中的充填和流动情况,预测折叠夹板产品质量,从而优化了模具的设计流程,减少了设计周期。  相似文献   

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