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散乱数据点的细分曲面重建算法及实现   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
提出一种对海量散乱数据根据给定精度拟合出无需裁剪和拼接的、反映细节特征的、分片光滑的细分曲面算法.该算法的核心是基于细分的局部特性,通过对有特征的细分控制网格极限位置分析,按照拟合曲面与数据点的距离误差最小原则,对细分曲面控制网格循环进行调整、优化、特征识别、白适应细分等过程,使得细分曲面不断地逼近原始数据.实例表明:该算法不仅具有高效性、稳定性,同时构造出的细分曲面还较好地反映了原始数据的细节特征。  相似文献   

为了提高矢量化图像的重构质量,提出一种基于细分曲面的误差可控矢量化算法.首先提取图像特征,构建特征约束的初始网格,并利用二次误差度量方法简化初始网格,得到特征保持的基网格;然后利用带尖锐特征的Loop细分曲面拟合图像颜色,得到控制网格;最后计算重构图像的误差,对控制网格进行自适应细分,直至重构误差达到用户需求.实验结果表明,该算法能够大幅度提高初始重构结果的质量,并在一定程度上做到误差可控.  相似文献   

针对Loop细分模式细分后的曲面不可控的缺点,提出利用反求控制点的方法对Loop细分模式进行改进,改进后的算法不仅形成光滑的曲面,同时可以过原始的控制点。实验证明,改进的Loop细分模式算法行之有效,可以广泛应用于曲面的造型设计和三维重建。  相似文献   

Loop细分曲面的等距曲面的逼近   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了一种生成Loop细分曲面的等距曲面的逼近方法.通过让生成的等距曲面在对应于其控制网格顶点的地方是精确的等距,作者将等距曲面的逼近问题转化为求解一个线性方程组.文中提出了一个用于快速求解该线性方程组的改进的Gauss—Jacobi迭代法.另外,该文还考虑了逼近的误差控制和等距曲面的自交问题.  相似文献   

徐岗  汪国昭 《软件学报》2007,18(11):2914-2920
为了实现PDE(partial differential equation)曲面造型技术与传统CAD(computer aided design)造型系统的数据交换,基于约束优化的思想,给出了PDE曲面的Bézier逼近算法,并利用张量积Bézier曲面的细分性质对该算法进行了优化.所给出的计算实例及误差比较结果说明了该算法的有效性.  相似文献   

等距曲面在CAD/CAM 领域有着重要的作用,由于细分曲面没有整体解 析表达式,使得计算细分曲面等距比参数曲面更加困难。针对目前已有的两种等距面逼近算 法进行了改进,利用加权渐进插值技术避免了传统细分等距逼近算法产生网格偏移的问题。 此外,提出了针对边界等距处理方案,使得等距后的细分曲面在内部和边界都均匀等距。该 方法无需求解线性方程组,具有全局和局部特性,能够处理闭网格和开网格,为Loop 细分 曲面数控加工奠定了良好的基础算法。最后给出的实例验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

Loop型半静态细分方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在拓展四次三方向Box-样条曲面离散定义的基础上,导出了半静态Loop细分方法,并构造了该细分方法的二邻域细分矩阵.通过对细分矩阵特征值的理论分析,证明了文中方法的细分极限曲面收敛且切平面连续.半静态Loop细分方法的细分矩阵随细分次数规则变化,与传统Loop细分方法相比,该方法具有更大的灵活性和更丰富的造型表现能力.  相似文献   

带尖锐特征的Loop细分曲面拟合系统   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
实现了一个基于带尖锐特征的Loop细分曲面的三角网格拟合系统,其基本原理来自文献,但在系统设计层面对原算法作了相当大的补充和完善.整个系统框架包括尖锐特征提取、保持尖锐特征的三角网格简化、保持尖锐特征的网格平滑和拓扑优化、基于最近点策略的重采样和线性拟合系统求解.所得到的拟合曲面质量较原来的结果有了显著提高。  相似文献   

针对现有基于细分曲面的血管建模算法不能处理任意拓扑结构的血管数据,以及保证血管分叉处的光滑过渡等问题,对该算法进行了改进.首先采用有向图表示血管段之间的关系,然后对血管中心线模型进行双向自适应采样,最后采用Loop细分模式生成血管曲面.实验结果表明,采用文中算法能够有效地处理任意拓扑复杂的血管数据,并且能生成高质量的三维血管模型.  相似文献   

一种带噪声的密集三角网格细分曲面拟合算法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
实现了一个从带噪声的密集三角形拟合出带尖锐特征的细分曲面拟合系统.该系统包括了一种改进的基于图像双边滤波器的网格噪声去除方法,模型的尖锐特征提取以及保持尖锐特征的网格简化和拓扑优化.为了处理局部细节特征和模型数据量问题,提出了自适应细分方法,并将根据给定精度估计最少细分深度引入到细分曲面拟合系统中,使得拟合得到的细分曲面模型具有良好的细节特征和数据量小等特点.大量3D模型实验结果和实际工程应用结果表明了该细分曲面拟合系统的有效性.  相似文献   

对原有的递归插值分割曲面算法进行了分析,给出了基于递归插值与逼近的曲面拟合改进算法,克服了原有算法在复杂曲面拟合中由于已知点分布不均匀等因素造成的困难,改善了曲面拟合的效果和效率。  相似文献   

Various methods have been proposed for fitting subdivision surfaces to different forms of shape data (e.g., dense meshes or point clouds), but none of these methods effectively deals with shapes with sharp features, that is, creases, darts and corners. We present an effective method for fitting a Loop subdivision surface to a dense triangle mesh with sharp features. Our contribution is a new exact evaluation scheme for the Loop subdivision with all types of sharp features, which enables us to compute a fitting Loop subdivision surface for shapes with sharp features in an optimization framework. With an initial control mesh obtained from simplifying the input dense mesh using QEM, our fitting algorithm employs an iterative method to solve a nonlinear least squares problem based on the squared distances from the input mesh vertices to the fitting subdivision surface. This optimization framework depends critically on the ability to express these distances as quadratic functions of control mesh vertices using our exact evaluation scheme near sharp features. Experimental results are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method.  相似文献   

Loop and Catmull-Clark are the most famous approximation subdivision schemes, but their limit surfaces do not interpolate the vertices of the given mesh. Progressive-iterative approximation (PIA) is an efficient method for data interpolation and has a wide range of applications in many fields such as subdivision surface fitting, parametric curve and surface fitting among others. However, the convergence rate of classical PIA is slow. In this paper, we present a new and fast PIA format for constructing interpolation subdivision surface that interpolates the vertices of a mesh with arbitrary topology. The proposed method, named Conjugate-Gradient Progressive-Iterative Approximation (CG-PIA), is based on the Conjugate-Gradient Iterative algorithm and the Progressive Iterative Approximation (PIA) algorithm. The method is presented using Loop and Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces. CG-PIA preserves the features of the classical PIA method, such as the advantages of both the local and global scheme and resemblance with the given mesh. Moreover, CG-PIA has the following features. 1) It has a faster convergence rate compared with the classical PIA and W-PIA. 2) CG-PIA avoids the selection of weights compared with W-PIA. 3) CG-PIA does not need to modify the subdivision schemes compared with other methods with fairness measure. Numerous examples for Loop and Catmull-Clark subdivision surfaces are provided in this paper to demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of CG-PIA.  相似文献   

This paper presents an algorithm dealing with the data reduction and the approximation of 3D polygonal curves. Our method is able to approximate efficiently a set of straight 3D segments or points with a piecewise smooth subdivision curve, in a near optimal way in terms of control point number. Our algorithm is a generalization for subdivision rules, including sharp vertex processing, of the Active B-Spline Curve developed by Pottmann et al. We have also developed a theoretically demonstrated approach, analysing curvature properties of B-Splines, which computes a near optimal evaluation of the initial number and positions of control points. Moreover, our original Active Footpoint Parameterization method prevents wrong matching problems occurring particularly for self-intersecting curves. Thus, the stability of the algorithm is highly increased. Our method was tested on different sets of curves and gives satisfying results regarding to approximation error, convergence speed and compression rate. This method is in line with a larger 3D CAD object compression scheme by piecewise subdivision surface approximation. The objective is to fit a subdivision surface on a target patch by first fitting its boundary with a subdivision curve whose control polygon will represent the boundary of the surface control polyhedron.  相似文献   

《Graphical Models》2002,64(2):78-93
In this paper we describe the generation of a displaced subdivision surface directly from a set of unorganized points. The displaced subdivision surface is an efficient mesh representation that defines a detailed mesh with a displacement map over a smooth domain surface and has many benefits including compression, rendering, and animation, which overcome limitations of an irregular mesh produced by an ordinary mesh reconstruction scheme. Unlike previous displaced subdivision surface reconstruction methods, our method does not rely on a highly detailed reconstructed mesh. Instead, we efficiently create a coarse base mesh, which is used to sample displacements directly from unorganized points, and this results in a simple process and fast calculation. We suggest a shrink-wrapping-like shape approximation and a point-based mesh simplification method that uses the distance between a set of points and a mesh as an error metric to generate a domain surface that optimally approximates the given points. We avoid time-consuming energy minimization by employing a local subdivision surface fitting scheme. Finally, we show several reconstruction results that demonstrate the usability of our algorithm.  相似文献   

We present a novel geometric algorithm to construct a smooth surface that interpolates a triangular or a quadrilateral mesh of arbitrary topological type formed by n vertices. Although our method can be applied to B-spline surfaces and subdivision surfaces of all kinds, we illustrate our algorithm focusing on Loop subdivision surfaces as most of the meshes are in triangular form. We start our algorithm by assuming that the given triangular mesh is a control net of a Loop subdivision surface. The control points are iteratively updated globally by a simple local point-surface distance computation and an offsetting procedure without solving a linear system. The complexity of our algorithm is O(mn) where n is the number of vertices and m is the number of iterations. The number of iterations m depends on the fineness of the mesh and accuracy required.  相似文献   

《Graphical Models》2005,67(5):452-473
We present a method for scattered data approximation with subdivision surfaces which actually uses the true representation of the limit surface as a linear combination of smooth basis functions associated with the control vertices. A robust and fast algorithm for exact closest point search on Loop surfaces which combines Newton iteration and non-linear minimization is used for parameterizing the samples. Based on this we perform unconditionally convergent parameter correction to optimize the approximation with respect to the L2 metric, and thus we make a well-established scattered data fitting technique which has been available before only for B-spline surfaces, applicable to subdivision surfaces. We also adapt the recently discovered local second order squared distance function approximant to the parameter correction setup. Further we exploit the fact that the control mesh of a subdivision surface can have arbitrary connectivity to reduce the L error up to a certain user-defined tolerance by adaptively restructuring the control mesh. Combining the presented algorithms we describe a complete procedure which is able to produce high-quality approximations of complex, detailed models.  相似文献   

We present a novel approach for real-time rendering Loop subdivision surfaces on modern graphics hardware. Our algorithm evaluates both positions and normals accurately, thus providing the true Loop subdivision surface. The core idea is to recursively refine irregular patches using a GPU compute kernel. All generated regular patches are then directly evaluated and rendered using tile hardware tessellation unit. Our approach handles triangular control meshes of arbitrary topologies and incorporates common subdivision surface features such as semi-sharp creases and hierarchical edits. While surface rendering is accurate up to machine precision, we also enforce a consistent bitwise evaluation of positions and normals at patch boundaries. This is particularly useful in the context of displacement mapping which strictly requires inatching surface normals. Furthermore, we incorporate efficient level-of-detail rendering where subdivision depth and tessellation density can be adjusted on-the-fly. Overall, our algorithm provides high-quality results at real-time frame rates, thus being ideally suited to interactive rendering applications such as video games or authoring tools.  相似文献   

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