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非线性模型下的摄像机自标定   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
摄像机标定是从二维图像获取三维信息必不可少的步骤,线性(小孔)模型摄像机自标定,目前已成为计算机视觉领域的研究热点之一,对于非线性模型下摄像机的自标定,目前还未见到相关的研究报道,用于线性模型一般不能准确地描述真实像机的几何成像关系,因此对非线性模型摄像机自标定的研究具有十分重要的实际意义,该文主要探索非线性模型摄像机的自标定方法,基本原理是将非线性模型视为线性模型和畸变项的叠加,然后利用线性模型的基本矩阵或单应矩阵,给出非线性模型参数的约束方程,从而实现非线性模型摄像机的自标定,模拟和真实图像实验均表明该文所给的方法是可行的,具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

直线电机的发展及应用概况   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了直线电机的分类及特点,直线电机是一种将电能直接转换成直线运动,而不需要通过任何中间转换机构的新颖电机.阐述了直线电机理论分析和优化设计的研究手段和最新研究成果,分析了直线电机核心控制部件、外围输出通道、控制理论和控制技术发展状况,简要叙述了直线电机在工业、办公设备、交通、家庭自动化、军事装备等领域的的应用现状和动态.根据直线电机应用研究的发展趋势,指出在利用计算机提高直线电机的控制精度和依据新原理研制新型直线电机的新技术推动下,直线电机具有广阔的应用和发展前景.  相似文献   

In reality, virtually every process is a nonlinear system. Nevertheless, linear controller design methods have proved to be adequate in many applications. In practice, the linear controller design is usually done disregarding a possible nonlinear plant/linear model mismatch. In this work we introduce a general framework for the development of linear controllers for nonlinear systems based on nonlinearity measures. Nonlinearity measures are tools to assess the extent of a system’s inherent nonlinearity instead of just recognizing a system as being linear or nonlinear. Recent work shows that nonlinearity measures characterize the magnitude of the modeling error when an optimal linear model is used for the nonlinear system. The best linear model can then be used to design a linear controller that robustly stabilizes the linear system in presence of the nonlinear modeling error. A crucial point is that both, the best linear model and the modeling error, are determined for a specified region of operation, thus significantly increasing the class of applicable nonlinear systems. Examples demonstrate the (necessity and) effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

城市线性景观是景观设计学中的一个综合概念,可以理解为人类活动与生态环境相互叠加形成的具有线性特征的复合生态系统。文章以城市线性景观为主要研究对象,结合北方地区的实际情况,对如何构建城市线性景观进行探索研究,总结线性景观对于景观设计学的影响,并在线性景观构建的基础上探讨其在城市中的发展方向与趋势。  相似文献   

综合线性复杂度、k错线性复杂度、k错线性复杂度曲线和最小错误minerror(S)的概念,提出m紧错线性复杂度的概念。 序列S的m紧错线性复杂度是一个二元组(km,LCm)。序列S的k错线性复杂度曲线的第m个跃变点对应的km值和对应km错线性复杂度LCm,称为序列S的m紧错线性复杂度。通过使用简洁的cost二维结构,给出了周期为2n的二元序列的紧错线性复杂度算法,并证明具有Stamp-Martin模式的线性复杂度算法均可以简单地推广为求紧错线性复杂度的算法。与现有k错线性复杂度算法不同,该算法中省去了原来序列元素的运算。在王-张-肖算法基础上,通过使用cost二维结构,给出了周期为pn的二元序列的紧错线性复杂度算法,其中p是一个素数,2是一个模p2的本原根。  相似文献   

一种SPN线性层的设计方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了线性码理论用于SPN分组密码线性层(或称扩散层)设计,并给出了过线性码设计最优扩散线性层的方法,从而为密码结构中的线性变换的没计提供了理论基础。利用该方法进行了实例设计与分析,并对其扩散特性进行了仿真。  相似文献   

周彬  任玉武  姜怀远 《控制与决策》2023,38(9):2433-2443
各向同性线性系统作为一类特殊的线性系统,不仅具有广泛的应用背景,还具备许多一般线性系统不具有的特殊性质.鉴于此,系统地归纳总结各向同性线性系统的特点,特别是这类系统与其对应的复系数线性系统之间的关联;此外,讨论对各向同性线性系统设计各向同性反馈的必要性,并以航天器姿态控制系统为例介绍各向同性线性系统的具体应用实例;结合几类常见的可用各向同性线性系统描述的工程控制系统,对现有的相关结果进行归纳和介绍;最后对各向同性线性系统进一步的研究方向进行简单的展望.  相似文献   

Fuzzy controller design includes both linear and non-linear dynamic analysis. The knowledge base parameters associated within the fuzzy rule base influence the non-linear control dynamics while the linear parameters associated within the fuzzy output signal influence the overall control dynamics. For distinct identification of tuning levels, an equivalent linear controller output and a normalized non-linear controller output are defined. A linear proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller analogy is used for determining the linear tuning parameters. Non-linear tuning is derived from the locally defined control properties in the non-linear fuzzy output. The non-linearity in the fuzzy output is then represented in a graphical form for achieving the necessary non-linear tuning. Three different tuning strategies are evaluated. The first strategy uses a genetic algorithm to simultaneously tune both linear and non-linear parameters. In the second strategy the non-linear parameters are initially selected on the basis of some desired non-linear control characteristics and the linear tuning is then performed using a trial and error approach. In the third method the linear tuning is initially performed off-line using an existing linear PID law and an adaptive non-linear tuning is then performed online in a hierarchical fashion. The control performance of each design is compared against its corresponding linear PID system. The controllers based on the first two design methods show superior performance when they are implemented on the estimated process system. However, in the presence of process uncertainties and external disturbances these controllers fail to perform any better than linear controllers. In the hierarchical control architecture, the non-linear fuzzy control method adapts to process uncertainties and disturbances to produce superior performance.  相似文献   

 In [15], we introduced the concepts of fuzzy bases, fuzzy linear interpolation and fuzzy polygon of four-component fuzzy linear bases. In [16], these concepts were used in the maximal profile of the set of polygons generated from a set of break points for each variable dimension. Theconcept was operationalized in a fuzzy linear basis algorithm (FLBA) for nonlinear separable programming problems involving no more than a finite number of discontinuities. The FLBA provides a powerful platform forparallel processing of the fuzzy linear sub-problems included in the finite FLB-chain. In this paper we extend the theory of fuzzy linear bases from the set of polygons toapolyhedral representation of four-component fuzzy linear bases defined on a closed subset of the real line.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of semi-global stabilization of a class of partially linear composite systems. We show, by explicit construction of the control laws, that a cascade of linear stabilizable and nonlinear asymptotically stable subsystems is semi-globally stabilizable by a dynamic feedback of the state of the linear subsystem if (a) the linear subsystem is right invertible and has all its invariant zeros in the closed left half s-plane, and (b) the only linear variables entering the nonlinear subsystem are the output of the linear subsystem. Our work generalizes previous results by C.I. Byrnes and A. Isidori (1991), H.J. Sussmann and P.V. Kokotovic (1991), and A.R. Teel (1992).  相似文献   

Triviurn是国际重要的序列密码,贾艳艳等人曾提出对2轮Trivium进行单线性和多线性密码攻击(电子与信息学报,2011年第1期)。针对其中的线性近似方程个数少和偏差小问题,提出通过改变第1轮Trivium所占的时钟数和线性逼近式的方法对2轮进行线性逼近,给出一个偏差为2书的线性符合和8个偏差为2。。的线性符合,并利用贾艳艳文中算法对2轮Trivium进行单线性和多线性密码攻击。研究结果表明,在相同攻击成功概率的前提下,所需的数据量均为上文中所需数据量的1/16,即需要选择初始化向量的个数分别为258和257。  相似文献   

Design of Switched Linear Systems in the Presence of Actuator Saturation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
For a group of linear systems, each under a saturated linear, not necessarily stabilizing, feedback law, we design a switching scheme such that the resulting switched system is locally asymptotically stable at the origin with a large domain of attraction. By expressing each saturated linear feedback in a convex hull of a group of auxiliary linear feedbacks, we formulate and solve the problem of designing such a switching scheme as a constrained optimization problem with the objective of maximizing an estimate of the domain of attraction. Simulation results indicate that the resulting domain of attraction extends well beyond the linear regions of the actuators.   相似文献   

某型涡扇发动机分段线性化模型的建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于某型涡轮风扇发动机非线性动态模型,建立并实现了该发动机的分段线性化模型.介绍了拟合法建立涡轮风扇发动机线性状态空间模型的建模方法,并以发动机高压转子转速为参考参数选取发动机的稳态工作点,分别求取了这些工作点处的线性状态空间模型.以这些线性状态空间模型为基础,在Simulink仿真平台下,采用S-function模块建立了分段线性化发动机模型,并实时地对模型进行求解,得到所需要的高低压转子转速、涡轮落压比以及燃烧室温度等发动机参数.分段线性化模型与非线性模型的仿真结果比较表明此种建模方法输出精度高,能够很好的反映该型发动机的特性.  相似文献   

通过采用线性拉伸增强→边缘检测增强→优选图像最佳值为阀值进行二值化→矢栅转换→拓扑重建→干扰信息剔除→遥感影像线性体分布图的流程方法,成功地自动提取了辽西钼多金属矿床遥感影像线性体,且通过线性体长度-频数、线性体方位-频数及构造强度分析,得出提取数据地质上的有效性。最后运用证据权重法得出构造线性体与矿床的关系,即构造强度分级4~7为最佳致矿异常上下限。  相似文献   

线性有限自动机的同步序列及其生成算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章主要讨论了线性有限自动机的同步序列,得到了线性有限自动机有同步序列的充要条件,还讨论了一类输入存贮线性有限自动机及可等价嵌入输入存贮线性有限自动机的极小线性有限自动机的同步序列。最后给出了判断线性有限自动机有无同步序列以及求线性有限自动机(最短)同步序列的一些算法。  相似文献   

图像欧氏距离在人脸识别中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
图像欧氏距离可以嵌入到许多传统的图像分类识别算法中,该嵌入是通过对原始图像的线性变换来实现的,给出了一种基于数据场的图像线性变换方法,将其应用到图像欧氏距离中.实验结果表明,基于数据场的线性变换方法是一种可行的图像线性变换方法,该方法可以完成大尺度图像的线性变换,方便地将图像欧氏距离嵌入到传统人脸识别算法中.  相似文献   

本文研究了存在参数不确定性的离散时间高阶多个体系统保性能一致性问题,给出了一种设计其线性一致性协议的方法.首先,通过模型转换的方法将该问题转换为一组离散时间不确定系统的稳定性问题;然后,构造合适的Lyapunov函数并利用离散时间系统稳定性理论,推导出一个使离散时间高阶不确定多个体系统获得保性能一致的LMI充分条件;接着,以一致性序列的形式给出参数不确定条件下的离散时间高阶多个体系统的一致性收敛结果.最后,参数不确定的对比数值仿真验证了本文理论的正确性和有效性.  相似文献   

分析了频率非选择性衰落信道下STOFDM系统载波间干扰的具体内容,利用连续发射已知ST-OFDM符号来估计ST-OFDM中各个子载波对其他子载波的干扰,然后通过特定的线性均衡方法达到STOFDM载波间干扰的抑制。在莱斯衰落信道下的仿真结果表明,选择6个相邻子载波12个干扰系数的均衡技术ST-OFDM系统可获得至少10dB的信干比增益,可以使STOFDM系统在性能和运算量上获得最佳。  相似文献   

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