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医学影像存档与通信系统(PACS, Picture Archiving andCommunication Systems)是近年来迅速发展起来的、旨在全面解决医学图像的获取、显示、存贮、传送和管理的综合系统。它使医学图象的采集、显示、存储、交换、输出实现计算机数字化管理,同时具有采集、存储、分析处理、打印影像图文报告等多项功能。PACS使医学影像诊断报告系统应运而生并得到了快速发展,使整个放射科发生着巨大变化,提高了影像学科在临床医学中的地位和作用。可以预见PACS将成为国内医学图象处理与传输领域的…  相似文献   

TCP拥塞控制的实现与改进   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以Tahoe和Reno及Reno的两种改进版本New-Reno和SACKTCP的实现为例,讨论了TCP的实现和发展,通过对它们的拥塞控制算法的分析,比较了这几种TCP实现的性能,指出了SACKTCP的优越性及其未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

面向Internet的组件式PACS系统设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
鲍捷  余永强 《计算机工程》2000,26(7):9-10,115
总结了近几年我国PACS的发展概况,分析了PACS的发展方向,认为PACS的发展应遵循模块化设计、部门级优化、阶段化实现的方针,针对大型PACS的发展提出基于C(OM技术的和DNA结构的“组件式PACS系统”的概念,系统重视各部门工作的协调统一,面向Internet,较好解决了系统界定、部门优化、远程通信、柔化实现等问题。  相似文献   

PACS中的三维小波图象压缩   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
满足医学影象临床诊断需要的无失真压缩编码技术的研究是图象压缩研究的新领域,也是PACS系统和远程医疗诊断系统研究的热点之一。该文提出将三维小波压缩技术应用于CT,MRI等所产生的多帧断层图象,把二维医学序列图象组视为三维图象进行了研究,并提出了一套完整的,切实可行的三维小波压缩方案。通过实验证明,三维小波压缩技术大大优于目前PACS中最常用的二维JPEG编码和二维小波压缩技术。  相似文献   

SPARC(ScalableProcessorArchitecture)是一种RISC计算机体系结构,本文分析了RISC的原理及发展,着重论述了SPARC的技术及产品特点,并展望SPARC技术在我国加固计算机领域的应用,最后简要介绍了中国船舶工业总公司第七研究院第七0九所研制开发的990系列加固工作站产品。  相似文献   

用ASP技术动态交互地查询标准件的有关参数,并由Java调用JavaScript,获取查询结果,生成TXT数据文件,传到AutoCAD中实现参数化的三维图形显示。  相似文献   

申腾召开PACS系统应用研讨会 日前,上海申腾信息技术有限公司医疗软件分公司在上海市计算技术研究所举行了“医院PACS系统应用研讨会”,参加研讨会的有计算机应用系统的专家和来自医院。医疗行政部门的院长、医学信息管理人员及医疗技术人员,大家一起对医学图像传输系统在医院实际应用问题展开了讨论。 医学图像摄取和传输系统PACS(Flcture Achiving and Commu-nication System)是近十年来国际上迅速兴起的一项在医学领域的计算机应用新技术,这项技术集合了计算机网络技术、计算机…  相似文献   

SDAI的C++联编及其基于VERSANT的实现   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
SDAI是STEP的标准数据访问接口,C++作为一种面向对象语言,可以全面包容STEP信息建模语言EXPRESS的语义功能,本文论述了SDAI的C++早,晚联编的有关概念,从SDAI的原始数据类型/实体数据类型/聚集数据类型的C++联编,父/子类关系等方面对C++晚联编展开讨论,并介绍基于面向对象数据库VERANT进行SDAI/C++联编实现的工作。  相似文献   

本中主要介绍PASCAL程序设计多媒体教学系统的硬件环境、工作方式,介绍PASCAL程序设计的CAI课件组成、实现方法和系统的特点。  相似文献   

世纪之交话自动化仪表工业   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章分三个部分。第一部分讲述 DDZ-Ⅱ、Ⅲ型仪表的形成和4~20mADC国际统一信号的使用。第二部分讲述近20年DCS的广泛使用及PA、FA、OA的形成。第三段部分展望新世纪,指出市场对自动化仪表工业的需求和DCS的发展。  相似文献   

PACS系统的存储技术研究与实现   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
介绍了PACS系统在医学影像领域的应用,分析了PACS系统对存储的需求,论述了不同存储技术实现机制和在PACS中的应用.并利用SAN,NAS,DAS几种不同的技术,设计并实施了医院的存储方案,突出在线存储为特点,利用虚拟化存储技术,实现大容量、高性能、高可靠性的医学影像存储.  相似文献   

PACS在医疗诊断和治疗过程中占有非常重要的地位,其重要性已被人们所认识。在我国由于PACS中若干关键技术没有得到解决,共发展仍然处于起步阶段,本介绍了一个基于无损压缩和影像传输技术的PACS,对其设计中的总体结构、存储策略、涉及到的国际标准进行了描述,并重点介绍了基于医学影像特征的无损压缩方法,以及基于TCP/IP协议的影像传输方法。实际系统的运行结果表明,系统的设计是合理的,压缩算法针对于医学影像有较好的压缩效果,同时传输方法可以很好地支持医学影像服务器和医生工作站之间点对多点的通信。  相似文献   

We have a plan to adopt PACS as a medical image information system in the new hospital. In order to construct PACS suitable for our hospital, a preliminary survey was carried out to determine how PACS should be introduced and what are the physicians requirements for a new medical image system. The most important requirement of the physicians was a good quality workstation. Our plan of a new medical image information system is as follows. A primary database will be constructed according to each of modalities in the Department of Radiology. In the Department of Medical Information Science, we will make a secondary database according to the patient. Although it may be difficult for us to obtain a sufficient budget digitalizing all medical images by our move to the new hospital, our goal is to establish total PACS throughout the new hospital in 1995.  相似文献   

DICOM数据集研究和DICOM图像处理软件的实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对DICOM3.0标准,详细分析了DICOM文件结构及DICOM数据集,给出了其中一些关键技术问题及相应的解决措施。最后基于VC.Net2003开发出一种DICOM医学图像处理软件,该软件能实现DICOM医学图像的显示、测量以及与通用图像格式转换等功能。  相似文献   

为了实时而高效地记录整个手术导航执行过程,提出基于PACS的计算机手术导航过程归档技术,通过在手术过程中实时采集能够反映整个手术过程的图像和位置坐标数据,并将这些图像和坐标数据转换为PACS系统能够支持的DICOM文件,进而存入PACS系统数据库中,实现手术过程的记录,通过数据提取从PACS系统中获得手术过程的原始数据,并依据获得的原始图像和位置坐标数据回放和还原整个手术导航过程,完成手术导航过程的归档。  相似文献   

PACS has been regarded as a system which will bring a new era to image handling, radiology departments and its services to other departments of the hospital. However, many recently held international conferences indicate that a worldwide consensus on 'what is PACS, why is PACS needed and who is PACS for' has not been established. Although the actual PACS implementation will vary among the countries and according to each situation, a worldwide consensus of PACS should be possible. This would help those involved to speed up the implementation of PACS. It is suggested that this consensus needs to be developed by convergence of three points of view; the availability, maturity and cost of the technologies on which PACS is built, the user requirements for PACS and standardization in PACS. These themes were the topics of the 2nd Japan-Nordic PACS Symposium which was arranged in Tampere, Finland, June 9-11th 1991. A summary of the papers and discussions of the symposium is produced in this paper.  相似文献   

Status of PACS and technology assessment in Japan   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The situation of PACS installations in Japan from 1987 to 1999 has been investigated. By 1999, 751 PACS units have been installed. Of these, 613 are small-size PACS with less than four image display terminals, 96 are medium-size with 5-14 terminals and 42 are large-size with 15 up to 300 terminals. The 42 hospitals with large sized PACS have been retrospectively investigated from 1984 for PACS experiments and from 1989 for PACS operation. Most of these 42 hospitals have increased the number of PACS terminals by installing additional PACS units instead of reinforcing the existing single PACS. Some (23%) PACS installations have obviously not been successful because of low image transfer speed and inadequate image quality. The use of DICOMM interfaces has increased the number of modalities connected to PACS and influenced the spread of PACS installations in Japan. The status of HIS and RIS coupling to PACS and the use of PACS in primary diagnosis or in image referral are discussed. Assessment of PACS is now in a very early stage. Baseline studies of HIS/RIS/PACS effectiveness have been carried out to assess quantitatively the PACS merit. Radiologists' answers to the questionnaire on PACS usage do not fully support the finding that the number of PACS installations is growing in Japan.  相似文献   

针对目前医院信息化建设中急待解决的影像信息共享的问题,围绕医学图像的国际标准DICOM这一技术核心,提出并构建一种基于DICOM标准的中间件软件,成功实现多家医院PACS间医学影像信息的远程存储和远程通讯,有效地解决不同PACS之间医学图像数据的兼容性问题,满足传输过程中的安全性和可靠性的要求,从而达到了多家医院PACS系统之间医学影像资源异地共享的目的.  相似文献   

基于DICOM标准的大型医学影像分布式存储系统研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
提出了一种符合DICOM标准的大型医学影像分布式存储系统的体系结构。采用多级分布式存储体系,引入JPEG2000压缩技术,结合大型数据库,实现智能、稳定和高效的存储管理。切实解决了医院影像中心PACS目前和未来对大容量/超大容量医学影像数据存储的需求。  相似文献   

It was recognized early on that the digitization of medical information would advance the efficiency of diagnostic technology. However, the digitization of image data, which makes up the majority of medical information, is dependent on advances in technologies such as input, processing, transmission, storage, and display. Insufficient advances in such technologies has effectively limited the digitization of image data for medical use. The result of this has been non-networked systems or LANs confined to a single hospital. Such isolated systems integrate only portions of digital medical images such as x-ray computer tomography (CT), magnetic resonance (MR), and computed radiography (CR).Fortunately, recent advances in the areas of super high definition image I/O, high-quality encoding, super high speed transmission, and high-capacity storage has turned the tide in favor of the digitization and networking of all medical information. This paper will focus on the digitization and networking of medical image information used within hospitals and provide a multifaceted study of the technologies necessary for these advances. This will allow us to discuss the present state of related technical developments and the level that has been attained so far. In addition, we have targeted image information that demands the highest level of quality (radiological and pathological images) for application in medical diagnosis using super high definition images, the image technology being developed by the authors of this paper. We will cover the concrete issues and approaches to solutions that must be investigated when building and networking a digital system.  相似文献   

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