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运用局部纹理映射加速曲面纹理合成   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
基于样图的纹理合成方法能够在网格曲面上合成高质量纹理,但合成速度有待进一步提高,对此提出一种运用局部纹理映射加速曲面纹理合成的算法.首先以三角形法向量、切向矢量与纹理尺度为约束,将三角网格曲面分割为一系列映射区与合成区;然后用基于块的平面纹理合成方法生成大面积样图,用调和映射方法对映射区进行纹理映射;最后采用基于三角块的合成方法生成合成区纹理.实验结果表明,该算法对一般的随机性纹理与半结构性纹理具有很高的合成质量,能够控制纹理方向与尺度的变化.由于大部分三角形的纹理通过局部纹理映射得到,仅需要合成少数三角形的纹理,纹理合成过程得到大幅度地加速.  相似文献   

袁帅  张静 《计算机仿真》2021,38(4):151-154,163
为解决纹理合成过程需要消耗大量时空资源的问题,提出一种VR技术下多投影视频纹理合成方法.设计以VR内容制作环节为核心的VR视频处理,经过拼接、投影映射与投影图像帧纹理合成生成一个封装帧,通过服务器显示在客户端.针对VR视频内三维平面或曲面场景,通过屏幕投影将三维场景透视变换投影至二维平面上.赋予二维平面上的三角网格一个连续的缩放因子场,将给定纹理缩放成不同等级,令其与网格上的缩放因子相对应.采用曲面纹理合成方法,利用矢量加平滑方法确定曲面内各三角面片的纹理方向矢量场,根据这些纹理方向合成纹理;依照扫描线顺序搜索样本纹理空间,确定对匹配的纹理坐标,结合缩放因子实现纹理合成.仿真结果表明,上述方法纹理合成用时与对比方法相比下降300%以上,存储空间与对比方法相比节省50%以上.  相似文献   

局部纹理映射可以增添三维模型的局部细节,加强模型的真实感。为了实现对三维模型的局部特征描写,增强局部纹理映射的用户可交互性,提出一种基于区域增长和平面投影的方法来实现三角网格模型的局部纹理映射。区域增长是以指定的三角面片为初始种子面片,搜索与种子面片共顶点的增长规则扩散出待映射区域。算法不仅保证了选取区域的完整性,不会出现缺角的情况;同时用户可以改变待映射区域的位置和大小。采用平面投影法对待映射区域进行纹理映射,将三维顶点投影到基准平面上,建立二维坐标系与纹理坐标系的关系,从而确定三维顶点和纹理坐标的对应关系。算法成功应用于实验,表明该方法的可行性。  相似文献   

基于模型上相邻三角面关系的纹理合成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据模型上相邻三角面的关系,采用广度优先策略依次为每个三角面指定纹理坐标。对于具有约束面的搜索与映射过程,首先使相邻面有最小的纹理误差,最后采用图的分割技术将纹理拼接成一个连续的整体。该算法适用于任意曲面和多种纹理。  相似文献   

用户控制的纹理合成   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
提出一种基于用户控制的纹理合成算法.该算法适用于任意二维平面和任意拓扑的三维网格.可方便地控制纹理合成时方向和尺度的连续变化.对于任意平面区域需剖分成较均匀的三角网格,以剖分得到的二角形作为基本的合成单元来进行合成.根据用户在此三角网格上指定表示纹理方向和大小的矢量来插值生成矢量场,用以控制合成纹理的变化.该算法可以自然扩展到三维三角网格,以三角面片作为合成单元,合成后直接输出每个顶点的纹理坐标.该算法对二维和三维纹理合成给出了统一实现的框架.实验结果表明,该算法可以在任意目标区域根据用户的交互生成令人满意的纹理合成效果.  相似文献   

纹理合成是真实感图形绘制中重要的技术.对由三角网格组成的曲面模型,提出了一种基于表面三角块矢量场的纹理合成方法.首先用矢量加平滑方法来计算曲面上每个三角块上的纹理方向矢量,并根据这些纹理方向来合成纹理;然后在样本纹理空间按扫描线顺序搜索样本纹理空间,找出最匹配的纹理坐标;算法用队列作为存取结构,并且结果保存在队列中,达...  相似文献   

以Wang Tiles纹理合成算法思想为基础,提出一种新的三维网格纹理合成算法。首先,分析给定的样本纹理,得到适当的纹理块尺寸,根据该尺寸从样本纹理中选取3个菱形纹理块,生成T-Tile初始框架;其次,从样本纹理中提取与T-Tile初始框架尺寸相同的纹理块作为替代纹理块,与初始框架完全重叠放置,制作T-Tile;最后,调整给定的三角网格模型为等边三角形网格模型,按照T-Tile边界颜色匹配的原则进行三角形面片的纹理合成。实验结果表明,该算法能够以较快的速度进行纹理合成,达到了实时纹理合成的效果,同时也可以得到较高的纹理合成质量。  相似文献   

基于弹簧-质点模型的不规则曲面纹理映射   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对三角网格表示的不规则曲面的纹理映射问题,提出一种基于弹簧-质点模型的简单、高效、失真小的纹理映射算法。结合调和映射的参数化方法以及弹簧-质点模型的复杂平面展开方法,保持拓扑关系地将三维曲面投影于平面内;通过建立三角网格表示的投影面的弹簧-质点模型,将不规则曲面参数化于给定大小的矩形域;利用参数化的结果计算不规则曲面各顶点的纹理坐标,进行纹理贴图。实验结果表明,该算法能够实现纹理高效、均匀、变形小地映射于任意不规则曲面上。  相似文献   

大规模地貌场景的实时纹理合成   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
朱涛  罗仕鉴 《计算机工程》2009,35(10):264-266
提出一种新的高效的大规模三维地貌纹理合成方法。把三维地貌场景进行透视变换投影到平面上,对这些平面上的三角网格赋一个连续的缩放因子场,把给定的纹理缩放成很多级别,使得可以和网格上的缩放因子相对应,按二维平面三角面片纹理合成的思想进行合成。实验表明,该方法在不拉伸纹理的同时能够达到实时,取得良好的视觉合成效果。  相似文献   

三角网格的能量优化参数化方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
三角网格参数化是纹理映射、曲面拟合与曲面重构、网格编辑等工作的基础和环节,参数化变形的大小是衡量参数化好坏的标准.为此提出一种基于变形能量优化的三角网格参数化方法.采用区域增长算法逐层展平空间三角网格,得到空间三角网格曲面的自由边界的参数化结果,并利用保形变换将自由边界的参数化结果变换为规则边界的参数化结果;同时兼顾了参数化的角度变形和面积变形,使得参数化结果具有整体变形较小的特点,并能够避免三角形折叠的现象.将该方法应用于纹理映射中的数值实验表明,其比常见的几种参数化方法具有更好的纹理映射效果.  相似文献   

Method of Direct Texture Synthesis on Arbitrary Surfaces   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A direct texture synthesis method on arbitrary surfaces is proposed in this paper. The idea is to recursively map triangles on surface to texture space until the surface is completely mapped. First, the surface is simplified and a tangential vector field is created over the simplified mesh. Then, mapping process searches for the most optimal texture coordinates in texture sample for each triangle, and the textures of neighboring triangles are blended on the mesh. All synthesized texture triangles are compressed to an atlas. Finally, the simplified mesh is subdivided to approach the initial surface. The algorithm has several advantages over former methods: it synthesizes texture on surface without local parameterization; it does not need partitioning surface to patches; and it does not need a particular texture sample. The results demonstrate that the new algorithm is applicable to a wide variety of texture samples and any triangulated surfaces.  相似文献   

基于医学图像序列轮廓线重建三维表面的改进算法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
基于医学图像重建三维表面是医学图像可视化的主要手段之一。传统的方法直接采用由序列轮廓线生成的三角片来拟合曲面,重建的效果和表达的信息均有限。该文提出一种基于三角Bernstein-Bezier曲面拟合和纹理映射的改进算法,即在对生成的单个三角片进行三角Bernstein-Bezier曲面拟合的基础上,通过对三角片三顶点法矢的二次插值来重新计算三角Bernstein-Bezier曲面的法矢,使拟合曲面的显示效果整体连续且光滑;同时通过对重建后的表面模型施以平面剖切,并给剖切后模型的断面和截面贴上纹理来增加图像信息。该算法已运用于伽玛刀治疗计划系统中,重建效果较传统算法取得了较大的改善。  相似文献   

一种保留特征的网格简化和压缩递进传输方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对数字博物馆中三维藏品网络传输及传输过程中藏品特征保留的需要,提出了一种保留拓扑及纹理特征的网格简化方法,在三角形折叠简化算法的基础之上,通过引入边界三角形和色异三角形等概念,对误差矩阵的计算和误差控制方法进行了改进,保留了原始模型的几何边界和纹理属性等特征信息;并结合递进网格和压缩编码,构造了基于八叉树编码的递进网格文件,从而实现了基于网络的三维模型递进传输系统.  相似文献   

A number of 3D digitizing methods, including stereopsis, are capable of measuring not only an object's shape but also its surface texture. Measured shape data can be expressed as a polyhedron whose faces are triangular, and object-surface texture data can be represented in the form of color data for each of the vertices of the various triangles. The ability to apply object-surface texture data directly to the creation of computer graphics images has been severely limited by the extreme difficulty of expressing such texture data in the image from which conventional texture mapping proceeds (commonly referred to as a texture map). Proposed here is a method that generates a texture map from object-surface texture data. First, the method reduces the number of triangles in the polyhedron while preserving essentially all the color data that it originally contained. Next, it arranges the triangles in the simplified triangle mesh onto a plane, and generates a texture map from this arrangement. This method preserves the full texture of an object, no matter how complex its shape, an advantage over the conventional cylindrical texture representation approach. Furthermore, since essentially all color data has been retained, the reduction in the number of triangles does not produce any significant reduction in the texture-realism of the object image produced.  相似文献   

曲面三角网格模型顶点法矢计算与交互式分割   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文给出一种三角网格模型顶点法矢计算公式,该公式采用网格模型中三角片面积与顶角角度综合加权,其计算精度高于现有的面积加权计算方法.另外,本文还提出了一种简便灵活的任意拓扑曲面三角网格模型交互式分割方法.利用该方法,可有效地将任意拓扑三角网格模型分割为几个与盘形拓扑同胚的区域,为后续处理提供方便。  相似文献   

Detecting self-intersections within a triangular mesh model is fundamentally a quadratic problem in terms of its computational complexity, since in principle all triangles must be compared with all others. We reflect the 2D nature of this process by storing the triangles as multiple 1D textures in texture memory, and then exploit the massive parallelism of graphics processing units (GPUs) to perform pairwise comparisons, using a pixel shader. This approach avoids the creation and maintenance of auxiliary geometric structures, such as a bounding volume hierarchy (BVH); but nevertheless we can plug in auxiliary culling schemes, and use stencils to indicate triangle pairs that do not need to be compared. To overcome the readback bottleneck between GPU and CPU, we use a hierarchical encoding scheme. We have applied our technique to detecting self-intersections in extensively deformed models, and we achieve an order of magnitude increase in performance over CPU-based techniques such as [17].  相似文献   

Synthesis of transition textures is essential for displaying visually acceptable appearances on a terrain. This investigation presents a modified method for synthesizing the transition texture to be tiled on a terrain. All transition pattern types are recognized for a number of input textures. The proposed modified patch-based sampling texture synthesis approach, using the extra feature map of the input source and target textures for patch matching, can synthesize any transition texture on a succession pattern by initializing the output texture using a portion of the source texture enclosed in a transition cut. The transition boundary is further enhanced to improve the visual effect by tracing out the integral texture elements. Either the Game of Life model or Wang tiles method are exploited to present a good-looking profile of successions on a terrain for tiling transition textures. Experimental results indicate that the proposed method requires few input textures, yet synthesizes numerous tileable transition textures, which are useful for obtaining a vivid appearance of a terrain.  相似文献   

The estimation of surface curvature is essential for a variety of applications in computer graphics because of its invariance with respect to rigid transformations. In this article, we describe a curvature estimation method for meshes by converting each planar triangular facet into a curved patch using the vertex positions and the normals of three vertices of each triangle. Our method interpolates three end points and the corresponding normal vectors of each triangle to construct a curved patch. Then, we compute the per triangle curvature of the neighboring triangles of a mesh point of interest. Similar to estimating per vertex normal from the adjacent per triangle normal, we compute the per vertex curvature by taking a weighted average of per triangle curvature. Through some examples, we demonstrate that our method is efficient and its accuracy is comparable to that of the existing methods.  相似文献   

Geometry mesh introduces user control into texture synthesis and editing, and brings more variations in the synthesized results. But still two problems related remain in need of better solutions. One problem is generating the meshes with desired size and pattern efficiently from easier user inputs. The other problem is improving the quality of synthesized results with mesh information. We present a new two-step texture design and synthesis method that addresses these two problems. Besides example texture, a small piece of mesh sketch drawn by hand or detected from example texture is input to our algorithm. And then a mesh synthesis method of geometry space is provided to avoid optimizations cell by cell. Distance and orientation features are introduced to improve the quality of mesh rasterization. Results show that with our method, users can design and synthesize textures from mesh sketches easily and interactively.  相似文献   

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