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半透明物体透明效果的真实感绘制是近年来研究的热点,提出一种针对半透明物体漫散射效果的实时真实感绘制与材质动态编辑方法--基于双向表面散射反射率函数(BSSRDF)的Dipole近似.通过主元分析将Dipole近似中的漫散射材质甬数分解为与形状相关甬数和与半透明材质相关函数的乘积形式;利用该分解表示,在预辐射传输的实时真实感绘制框架下,通过对散射传输的预计算来实现在多种光源环境下对半透明物体材质的实时编辑.此外,还提出一种对预计算辐射传输数据在空域上进行二次小波压缩的方法,利用表面点在空间分布位置的相关性,在保证绘制质量的前提下,大大压缩了数据,提升了绘制效率.实验结果表明,文中方法可以生成具有高度真实感的半透明效果并保证实时的绘制速度.  相似文献   

采用空间分割的平滑曲面重构算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
顾耀林  袁江琛 《计算机工程》2007,33(21):226-228
面绘制是科学计算可视化中一个重要的研究方向,移动立方体是实现面绘制的一个重要算法,八叉树是一种有效的表示三维物体的方法,该文在八叉树生成的基础上,提出一种基于空间分割的表面重构算法,将绘制空间分别按X轴、Y轴和Z轴进行分割,生成的树的节点个数小于等于8个,与八叉树方法相比,减少了所生成叶结点数量,再通过移动立方体算法生成三角面片。三角面片通过平滑处理,提高了图形显示质量。  相似文献   

GPU加速的八叉树体绘制算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出一种针对物体空间为序体绘制的空域跳过算法:采用双层次空间跳过,先以规则的数据分块作粗略地跳过,再以八叉树获得更高粒度的优化。该方法进一步解决了超过可用纹理内存容量的大规模体数据实时绘制问题,允许实时改变传递函数。针对该算法引入的CPU高负载瓶颈,提出一种新算法,在图形处理器(GPU)内快速计算采样面片,平衡了CPU与GPU间的运算负载。结合上述两种算法,实现高效的大规模体数据绘制并无损图像质量。  相似文献   

艺术家进行设计时,常常需要一种可以交瓦地修改模型表面材质的工具.为了在环境光下对模型表面的材质进行实时编辑,提出一种基于预计算辐射传输的算法:首先预计算环境光相对于模型表面每一个顶点的可见性;然后在绘制时实时计算物体表面的双向反射分布函数(BRDF);最后通过查找环境光相对于模型表面每一个顶点的可见性,快速绘制出物体表面材质.实验结果表明,使用该算法,用户可以通过调节BRDF的参数,实现物体表面材质的实时动态编辑,同时支持动态视点和动态环境光.  相似文献   

根据非透明物体内部不可见的实际,提出了一种基于图片序列的三维表面重建算法.该算法首先利用传统的八叉树算法重建出物体的三维模型,然后利用一种新颖的表面点提取算法提取出物体表面点,最后利用这些表面点进行三角网格剖分,进而重建出光滑的三维物体表面.在表面点的提取过程中,算法对处于不同状态(处于立方体的顶点、棱、面)的点赋予不...  相似文献   

赵沁平  李帅  郝爱民  高玉建 《软件学报》2010,21(11):2959-2970
在给出非均匀材质建模描述方法的基础上,通过对光线类型和光的次表面散射物理过程进行分解,分别给出了图像空间非均匀材质单次散射和多次散射的近似计算方法。延迟着色思想的融入,满足了动态物体实时绘制的需要,并可较好地适用于分层非均匀半透明材质。  相似文献   

体绘制是三维数据可视化的主要方法之一。用于体绘制的数据体中包含有大量的空体素,导致光线投射算法进行没有意义的重采样计算,必然降低绘制算法效率。针对全空子数据体体绘制低效问题,本文提出基于GPU体高效绘制方法。利用八叉树数据结构组织数据,有效管理包含许多空体素的子数据体。通过绘制八叉树非全空叶子结点子数据体表面,使光线投射算法中起始和终止重采样位置更接近数据体中的可视部分,同时根据八叉树全空结点子数据体判定纹理查询结果,计算合适的跳跃步长,快速跳过八叉树中全空结点子数据体,减少无效重采样点。当数据体中空体素较多时,实现对原基于体包围盒表面绘制的GPU光线投射算法的加速。设计不透明度函数,凸显数据体中层位面,并将算法成功应用于地震数据可视化,取得很好应用效果。  相似文献   

利用八叉树结构将四面体数据转化为规则网格数据,能有效提高系统的交互性能.八叉树的划分层次越高,绘制效果越好,但数据的存储空间以及处理时间也将大幅增多.提出自适应的规则化表示方法来构建八叉树结构,改进原有的单一采样策略,并结合深度信息将采样结果转换成适用于GPU的八叉树纹理结构.然后采用光线投射算法来对体数据进行绘制,根据各区域深度不一的特点,提出了变步长的采样绘制策略.实验结果表明,本文方法降低了数据的空间存储量和处理时间,同时在绘制质量、绘制效率方面都得到了较大提高.  相似文献   

采用非均匀纹理层的短毛实时绘制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
提出一种采用非均匀纹理层来实时绘制真实感短毛的方法,通过混合绘制多层次半透明纹理层来表示物体表面的毛发效果,根据视点位置以及物体表面各部位毛发形态的不同,自适应地采用不同的层数来表示物体各部位的毛发.这种非均匀层数的方式可以在保证绘制质量的情况下尽量减少绘制的面片数,从而加快绘制速度.该方法对中等规模的模型达到了实时的处理速度,并可以有效地表现物体表面的局部性长毛或倒伏毛发等各式毛发形态.  相似文献   

基于线性八叉树的快速直接体绘制算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了基于线性八叉树的加速体绘制算法.利用线性八叉树对物体进行空间剖分,光线投射法跨越体数据集中的空体素,以提高绘制的速度.针对光线穿越体数据时的特殊情况,改进线性八叉树邻域查找的方法,特别是不同尺寸的邻域查找方法,克服了层次八叉树邻域查找的低效率,同时提出了光线离开平面的简洁判定方法,方便光线下一个采样点的计算.实验结果表明,该算法能够有效地提高绘制的速度.  相似文献   

Subsurface scattering using splat-based diffusion in point-based rendering   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Point-based graphics has gained much attention as an alternative to polygon-based approaches because of its simplicity and flexibility. However, current point-based techniques do not provide a sufficient rendering quality for translucent materials such as human skin. In this paper, we propose a point-based framework with subsurface scattering of light, which is important to create the soft and semi-translucent appearance of human skin. To accurately simulate subsurface scattering in multilayered materials, ...  相似文献   

温佩芝  朱立坤  黄佳 《计算机应用》2016,36(10):2842-2848
针对具有半透明特性玉石的真实感渲染问题,提出一种利用高光层、漫反射层、透射层三层光照模型叠加的解决方法。首先对散射层结合漫反射剖面来模拟半透明玉石的次表面散射效果,提出一种可改变漫反射剖面的散射方法,表达不同种类玉石漫反射剖面的特点;然后对透射层利用预计算的本地厚度贴图结合高斯线性和,实现基于表面厚度光的透射效果,再在能量守恒的基础上与基于微平面的高光反射项进行叠加,得到一个基于三层光照模型的真实感半透明材质表现。实验结果表明,所提出的方法能实现不同种类半透明玉石真实感渲染,且在片面数达160万时可保证30帧/秒的实时效率。  相似文献   

梁仕宇  高阳  丛宇  郝爱民 《软件学报》2023,34(8):3757-3773
近年来,随着电影、游戏、虚拟现实应用等对真实感要求的不断提高,针对人体组织、牛奶等半透明材质的实时渲染变得越发重要.针对当前大部分次表面散射计算方法难以正确估计散射范围的问题,提出了一种全新的次表面散射计算方法用以精确表示最大散射距离.首先,针对暴力蒙特卡洛光子追踪结果进行模拟,以得到反射剖面结果.其次通过多项式模型进行反射剖面拟合,计算精确着色点处的最大散射范围.最后,提出了一种新的重要性采样方案以减少蒙特卡洛所需的采样数,进一步提高计算效率.此外,方法所需的参数仅由着色点上的反射率以及材质平均自由程提供,以便于灵活调整渲染效果.实验证明,所提模型避免了之前对于散射范围的错误估计,对材质反射率复杂的区域具有更好的渲染精度,且渲染速率满足实时要求.  相似文献   

This paper presents an efficient caching-based rendering technique for translucent materials. The proposed caching scheme, inspired by the irradiance caching method, is integrated into a hierarchical rendering technique for translucent materials. We propose a split-disk model to determine the cache distribution and derive the subsurface illuminance gradient used for interpolation by reformulating the equation of dipole diffusion approximation as a 3D convolution process. Our experiments show that only a few caches are required to interpolate the entire image, while the visual difference is negligible. The speedup could be achieved up to one order of magnitude.  相似文献   

We present a method to synthesize solid textures from heterogeneous translucent materials that have a complex pattern and subsurface scattering effect. A solid texture provides consistent texture throughout the volume, so that it can be used to model the texture on an arbitrary geometry. However, solid texture synthesis requires a huge amount of time to generate the volume. Moreover, a synthesized solid texture acquires only the color information from an input exemplar. Therefore, it has been difficult to render the appearance of a translucent object realistically without additional appearance data. In this paper, we introduce a new search method to accelerate synthesizing of solid textures. This method decomposes the candidates in an exemplar into several subgroups and searches for the best similar neighborhood in each decomposed subgroup. We also apply subsurface scattering effects to the shell layer of a synthesized object for realistic rendering of a translucent solid texture. Experimental results show that our rendering method can produce realistic rendering results for various heterogeneous translucent objects. It can also represent cross-sections of an object realistically without reconstructing the texture and surface geometry.  相似文献   

This paper presents a rendering method for translucent objects, in which viewpoint and illumination can be modified at interactive rates. In a preprocessing step, the impulse response to incoming light impinging at each surface point is computed and stored in two different ways: The local effect on close‐by surface points is modeled as a per‐texel filter kernel that is applied to a texture map representing the incident illumination. The global response (i.e. light shining through the object) is stored as vertex‐to‐vertex throughput factors for the triangle mesh of the object. During rendering, the illumination map for the object is computed according to the current lighting situation and then filtered by the precomputed kernels. The illumination map is also used to derive the incident illumination on the vertices which is distributed via the vertex‐to‐vertex throughput factors to the other vertices. The final image is obtained by combining the local and global response. We demonstrate the performance of our method for several models. ACM CSS: I.3.7 Computer Graphics—Three‐Dimensional Graphics and Realism Color Radiosity  相似文献   

参与介质在现实世界中广泛存在,光线在参与介质中的传播过程比在表面上的传播过程更加复杂,比如在高度散射参与介质中会发生成千上万次反射、在低散射参与介质中由于表面聚集出现体焦散效果,从而使得光线的模拟过程非常耗时。目前常用的方法包括点、光束和路径统一模型法(unifying points,beams and paths,UPBP)以及流型探索梅特罗波利斯光线传递方法(manifold exploration Metropolis light transport,MEMLT)等,这些方法在一定程度上改进了原有方法,但是在一些特殊情况下仍然需要很长时间才能收敛。本文介绍几种针对均匀参与介质的高效渲染方法。1)基于点的参与介质渲染方法,主要通过在参与介质内分布一些点来分别加速单次、二次和多次散射的计算,在GPU (graphics processing unit)实现的基础上,最终达到可交互的效率,并且支持对任意的均匀参与介质的编辑。2)基于多次反射的预计算模型,预计算出无限参与介质中的多次散射分布,通过分析光照分布的对称性,将该分布的维度从4维减低为3维,并且将该分布应用到多种蒙特卡洛渲染方法中,比如MEMLT、UPBP等,从而提高效率。3)参与介质中的路径指导方法,通过学习光线在参与介质中的分布,该分布用SD-tree (spatial-directional tree)来表示,与相位函数进行重采样来产生出射方向。以上3种方法分别从不同角度加快了参与介质的渲染效率。  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a novel real-time rendering algorithm for heterogenous translucent objects with deformable geometry. The proposed method starts by rendering the surface geometry in two separate geometry buffers—the irradiance buffer and the splatting buffer—with corresponding mipmaps from the lighting and viewing directions, respectively. Irradiance samples are selected from the irradiance buffer according to geometric and material properties using a novel and fast selection algorithm. Next, we gather the irradiance per visible surface point by splatting the irradiance samples to the splatting buffer. To compute the appearance of long-distance low-frequency subsurface scattering, as well as short-range detailed scattering, a fast novel multiresolution GPU algorithm is developed that computes everything on the fly and which does not require any precomputations. We illustrate the effectiveness of our method on several deformable geometries with measured heterogeneous translucent materials.  相似文献   

Light‐matter interactions is one of the most important factors of realistic rendering. While a lot of work has already been performed in the light transport and simulation area, we believe that “virtual materials” have not yet been studied enough to achieve a high degree of realism. Some good models exist in order to take into account homogeneous materials. However, there are only a few studies of heterogeneous granular materials. In this paper, we propose a method based on mimicking natural phenomena to take into account these materials. Our study focuses on granite, which can be considered as a heterogeneous agglomerate of individually homogeneous grains. First we present a nucleation/growth process inspired technique giving a full 3D model of granite. Then, we use a rendering process taking into account each material component and subsurface scattering in a simple way.  相似文献   

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