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基于Agent的分布式系统信任模型仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对当前信任模型仿真缺乏理论支撑,仿真过程描述及建模步骤不规范的问题,将多Agent建模仿真方法应用于信任模型的仿真,建立信任模型Agent仿真过程框架.由信任模型微观机制入手,对个体Agent进行设计,建立Agent实体模型;针对信任模型中Agent之间的交互问题设计基于推荐网的Agent协作算法;在充分考虑系统宏观约束的情况下,建立微观Agent到宏观系统之间的联系.通过实例验证了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于信任机制的多Agent协作系统的形成方案.通过借鉴社会学中的人际关系信任模型,建立Agent间的信任关系,利用Bayesian方法对Agent的可信度进行评估,通过Agent间基于信任关系的链接更新形成稳定的多Agent协作系统.仿真结果证实,提出的协作方案能有效地促进Agent间的协作效率,提高共同完成任务的成功率.  相似文献   

面向主体设计方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面向Agent方法是分析复杂系统问题空间的有效途径,它和面向对象技术的比较在很多方面具有巨大的优点,面向对象设计方法的一切优点都可以被面向主体所吸收和容纳,特别在用Agent技术解决问题的方法及应用方面.通过一个例子来说明用Agent技术构建系统逻辑模型的过程.主体成为软件系统的基本单元,为协同工作提供了服务层次上的封装,整个系统的行为由构成系统的各个主体的交互、协作和协调决定.面向Agent建模方法提供了一系列的操作规程,据此可将现实系统以既定逻辑模型的形式描述出来.  相似文献   

多Agent的自动协商   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
李勇  李石君 《计算机工程》2003,29(6):59-60,63
协商是多Agent系统实现协调、协作和冲突消解的关键环节。如何构造有效的协商模型来提高Agent的协商能力,是多Agent系统研究中待解决的问题之一。文章主要讨论了双边多项目协商问题,提出了相应的协商模型、协议和协商算法,具有一定的通用性。  相似文献   

李畅  冯晓洁 《软件》2011,(3):51-53
为了解决大型层次系统中多Agent间的协作问题,提出了一种基于政策的协作模型。首先分析层次系统中Agent间协作的特点,然后给出相关概念定义,构建Agent政策框架及政策分享机制,最后提出协作模型算法。实践表明,该模型能够在大型、分布式环境中实现资源和服务的协同,使Agent的行为决策更加规范可控,因此具有高度的灵活性及扩展性,对于解决层次MAS协作问题具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

一种基于Agent网络的多Agent系统的协作组织方式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甘泉  曾振柄 《计算机应用》2004,24(Z1):62-63
对分布式多Agent系统中的Agent组织方式,协作机制进行了讨论,提出了根据Agent间的物理位置和通信代价关系建立Agent网络,通过Agent网络模型,模仿计算机网络中的动态路由机制,进行Agent协作组织的方法.  相似文献   

研究了多Agent环境下的协作与学习.对多Agent系统中的协作问题提出了协作模型MACM,该模型通过提供灵活协调机制支持多Agent之间的协作及协作过程中的学习.系统中的学习Agent采用分布式强化学习算法.该算法通过映射减少Q值表的存储空间,降低对系统资源的要求,同时能够保证收敛到最优解.  相似文献   

本文以面向敏捷企业的智能制造执行系统(I-MES)为研究对象,采用多Agent技术作为系统的实现形式,对系统的多Agent组织结构、系统中多Agent间的通信和协作机制以及多Agent的基于事件和周期的动态调度策略等理论问题和关键技术进行了研究,针对可集成制造执行系统中最常见的资源冲突问题,提出了一种基于多Agent合作的冲突消解模型;在此基础上针对敏捷环境下传统的制造执行系统的不足,以烟草企业这类流程性工艺企业为背景,基于多代理技术,构建了一个基于多代理具有开放性、集成性、动态性、敏捷性和可互操作的敏捷制造智能执行系统,  相似文献   

基于政策的多主体协作维护机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以维护多Agent的协作进程的顺利进行为目标,克服传统多Agent协作维护研究中,通用性和易管理性的不足,提出以动态约束和调整系统行为的政策为手段的,基于政策的多Agent协作维护机制。首先给出政策的描述方法和规范,然后阐述了由联合政策遵从模型和政策遵从机制构成的多主体协作维护机制,最后给出了基于政策的协作异常处理实现结构和方法。  相似文献   

多Agent系统的组织结构是Agent个体之间交互的框架。对分布式多Agent系统的组织方式、协作机制进行了简要讨论,提出了Agent域及Agent图的概念。根据不同Agent之间的地理位置和通信代价,由Agent个体、Agent组及Agent域三级组织结构形成一个Agent图,并借鉴计算机网络的分布式自适应路由选择策略进行多Agent系统的协作组织。分析表明,该模型具有高效、健壮、通信开销较小等优点。  相似文献   

面向机床产品的协同设计支持环境的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
孟秀丽  曹杰  韩向东 《计算机工程》2006,32(20):235-237
对机床产品协同设计过程及其特点进行研究,采用UML统一建模语言中的泳道图表示机床协同设计过程,提出了面向机床产品的协同设计支持环境的层次结构,该协同设计支持环境主要由3个方面的内容组成:对机床产品设计开发活动的支持、对设计活动单元组织和管理的支持、对设计活动单元间协同的支持。采用分布式为主、集中式为辅的方式,建立了面向机床产品的协同设计支持环境的体系结构,并对实现该体系结构的任务规划、协同约束模型、冲突消解等关键技术进行了研究。在此基础上,开发了面向机床产品的协同设计支持环境的原型系统。  相似文献   

New organizational frameworks for companies dealing with product development are required for the new market rules as for the rising pressure and complexity in product and process development. Thus, the new stake is to examine new methods of leading design activities as the cooperative design that deals with the sharing of various interests and resources among various actors, with the aim of reaching a common purpose. The latter lay on the development of products by means of knowledge sharing and interactions with a certain level of coordination between these varied activities. Embedded into the IPPOP research project perspectives, this paper focus on the particular collaborative situation of conflict management occurring during design activities. From an analysis of the conflict management domain, we shall specify a collaborative design framework dedicated to conflict handling thanks to one specification method based on the UML language. The specified solving process is applied on a real-life industrial case: a windmill stator sheet design. The design context of the artefact is exposed and the met conflicts are explained. Extracts of IPPOP demonstrator's graphical user interfaces, illustrating these collaborative aspects of the software application are then presented. They show the ability of the demonstrator to run the conflict solving process and to subscribe relevant actors in this process as well as filers to track pertinent past solutions suitable for the current problem.  相似文献   

基于层次图变换的多Agent组织结构动态重组机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何动态适应环境是基于组织计算的多Agent系统的关键研究内容之一.组织结构的动态重组为多Agent系统柔性地实现组织目标提供了有效途径.结合Agent组织结构特点,给出了一种描述组织结构的社会结构、角色指定和Agent协调的单根节点层次图模型.通过单根节点和层次化地维护组织结构内元素的拓扑关系,有效地降低了大规模Agent组织重组问题的复杂性;扩展DPO(double-pushout)代数图变换,形式定义了Agent组织结构的重组过程.单根节点层次图描述了重组过程中给定时刻的组织结构状态,图变换规则序列定义了组织结构的变化过程.Agent组织重组和图匹配算法实验结果表明,该层次图变换方法有效地刻画了多Agent组织动态重组过程,并支持图形化重组过程要素设计和大规模Agent组织的重组计算.  相似文献   

A framework for formal modeling and analysis of organizations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A new, formal, role-based, framework for modeling and analyzing both real world and artificial organizations is introduced. It exploits static and dynamic properties of the organizational model and includes the (frequently ignored) environment. The transition is described from a generic framework of an organization to its deployed model and to the actual agent allocation. For verification and validation of the proposed model, a set of dedicated techniques is introduced. Moreover, where most computational models can handle only two or three layered organizational structures, our framework can handle any arbitrary number of organizational layers. Henceforth, real-world organizations can be modeled and analyzed, as illustrated by a case study, within the DEAL project line  相似文献   

基于计算组织理论,采用了多Agent模拟和离散事件模拟的集成方法,以组织成员间的协作关系为出发点,分析了不同的协作模式对组织效率的影响,讨论了在这些协作模式下沟通机制和激励机制的作用,得到了一些对组织结构设计有意义的结论。  相似文献   

Software development is a collaborative activity that requires teams of software engineers to cooperate and work in parallel on versions of models. However, model management techniques such as model differencing, merging, and versioning have turned out to be difficult challenges, due to the complexity of operations and graph-like nature of models. Therefore, a well-developed support for model merging process, as well as conflict management, is highly desired. This paper presents a novel process for model merging, called the Epsilon-based Three-way Merging Process (E3MP) process. Model merging is a significant problem where there are different versions of a system model amongst modeler teams. E3MP includes three components implemented into the Epsilon framework. First, modelers can define domain-specific rules that customize the merging process. Second, E3MP enables an automated method for syntactic and semantic conflict detection amongst different versions of the system model. Third, E3MP puts forward a pattern-based approach for conflict resolution. We applied two generic benchmarks to assess conflict detection and resolution capabilities of our approach and carried out an initial scalability evaluation for the model merge with large models and large change sets. The results of our experiments revealed that the proposed process allows generating consistent and semantically correct merged models.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a computational model of dialogue, and an underlying theory of action, which supports the representation of, reasoning about and execution of communicative and non-communicative actions. This model rests on a theory of collaborative discourse, and allows for cooperative human–machine communication in written dialogues. We show how cooperative behaviour, illustrated by the analysis of a dialogue corpus and formalized by an underlying theory of cooperation, is interpreted and produced in our model. We describe and illustrate in detail the main algorithms used to model the reasoning processes necessary for interpretation, planning, generation, as well as for determining which actions to perform and when. Finally, we present our implemented system.Our data are drawn from a corpus of human–human dialogues, selected and transcribed from a day-long recording of phone calls at a phone desk in an industrial setting (Castaing, 1993). We present an analysis of this corpus, focusing on dialogues which require, in order to succeed, helpful behaviour on the part of both the caller and the operator.The theoretical framework of our model rests on the theory of collaborative discourse developed by Grosz and Sidner (1986, 1990), Grosz and Kraus (1993, 1996), and further extended by Lochbaum (1994, 1995). An important objective guiding the design of our dialogue model was to allow the agent being modelled to interpret and manifest a type of cooperative behaviour which follows Grosz and Kraus's formalization of the commitment of each collaborative agent towards the actions of the other collaborative agents. The model we propose extends Lochbaum's approach to discourse processing in extending her interpretation algorithm to allow for the treatment of a wider range of dialogues, and in providing an algorithm of task advancement which guides the generation process and allows for the interleaving of execution and planning, thereby facilitating cooperation among agents. The cooperative behaviour of the agent being modelled rests on the use of communicative actions allowing agents to share additional knowledge and assist each other in performing their actions.  相似文献   

An organizational maturity model of software product line engineering   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Software product line engineering is an inter-disciplinary concept. It spans the dimensions of business, architecture, process, and the organization. Some of the potential benefits of this approach include cost reduction, improvements in product quality and a decrease in product development time. The increasing popularity of software product line engineering in the software industry necessitates a process maturity evaluation methodology. Accordingly, this paper presents an organizational maturity model of software product line engineering for evaluating the maturity of organizational dimension. The model assumes that organizational theories, behavior, and management play a critical role in the institutionalization of software product line engineering within an organization. Assessment questionnaires and a rating methodology comprise the framework of this model. The objective and design of the questionnaires are to collect information about the software product line engineering process from the dual perspectives of organizational behavior and management. Furthermore, we conducted two case studies and reported the assessment results using the organizational maturity model presented in this paper.  相似文献   

张艳明  张敏 《数字社区&智能家居》2010,6(7):1625-1626,1634
协作模型是CSCW系统的核心和基础,其目的是描述群体协作的方式、机制、管理、协调以及对协作过程的控制等。该文从软件协同开发的特点出发,在分析和利用现有协作模型的基础上,建立了任务、活动和操作三层结构的软件开发协作模型,给出模型及其基本元素的形式化定义,并将其应用于建立RUP协作模型。  相似文献   

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