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三维模型表面特征的水墨效果渲染算法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
提出一种对三维模型实现水墨效果渲染的两步二维纹理映射方法.该方法首先通过模型顶点的视线向量和法线向量的点乘积计算其夹角的余弦值,作为第一步的纹理坐标进行映射;再通过欧拉公式计算径向曲率及其方向导数值,作为第二步映射的纹理坐标.为达到实时的交互浏览,在第二步映射时还可采用基于视点无关的曲率特征的映射策略(如平均曲率、高斯曲率、主曲率等).在快速生成水墨画效果的同时也显示出更多的特征细节.  相似文献   

在体绘制过程中,为了给物质表面加入材质(光照和纹理)来提高结果的可读性,提出一种带材质的体绘制算法.通过引入2D球面光照贴图,用纹理映射替代了GPU中复杂的光照模型计算;利用物质表面单位法向量索引球面光照贴图中对应点的颜色信息,从而给物体表面赋予各种材质属性;并结合基于3D纹理的GPU光线投射算法完成绘制.实验结果表明,该算法简单易行,在增强可视化效果的同时使得绘制的效率也得到提升.  相似文献   

实时绘制3D中国画效果   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
介绍了一个利用可编程图形硬件对3D山峦模型进行实时水墨效果绘制的系统.首先建立对应于不同层次的一组纹理图像,图像中的笔刷纹理按照手工绘画那样非均匀分布并构成明暗变化的纹理序列.系统在运行,首先检测山峦模型的位置来确定它所在的层,然后根据山峦模型的光照值对相应的纹理进行混合,山峦底部则与背景的云雾图进行混合,以得到最终的具有国画风格的画面.  相似文献   

针对三维重建表面模型的任意切面纹理显示,分为3D纹理采样和切面纹理映射两阶段。前者通过模型包围盒及模型横断面轮廓定位纹理部位并去掉图像背景,经采样形成多精度3D纹理;后者先计算剖切平面和模型及纹理空间中包围盒交面,然后利用向量叠加原理及立方体线性插值方法快速提取纹理空间的交面图像,经Alpha测试后映射到模型空间相应切面上,形成具有切面纹理的剖切模型。实验表明,该方法克服了面绘制技术不能体现内部数据的缺点,有效地提高了大数据量模型任意剖切面纹理绘制速度。  相似文献   

基于位图的三维地形速绘算法及其OpenGL编程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
三维真实感地形是虚拟场景中的基础部分,其绘制的速度与质量是构建三维虚拟场景成败的关键.利用Visual c++环境下的MFC机制,以通用的标准三维图形函数库OpenGL为工具,通过在位图的灰度值与地形高程数据之间建立相应的映射关系,建立标准的地形高程数据组,并依托OpenGL平台快速生成了三维网格地形.为增强地形的真实逼真性,对地形网格的法向量作出多重处理,应用OpenGL的光照和纹理映射技术来生成地形的阴暗效果,最后对三维地形的整个场景进行综合编程,实现了三维地形场景的实时、快速绘制.  相似文献   

讨论的是基于摄影原理的三维物体表面纹理的重建技术.该技术从国内外研究现状和主要不足出发,对三维物体表面纹理的采集和映射方法进行研究和改进,提出了较为合理的算法.纹理采集过程中分析了回转工作台的结构、纹理采集的原则并建立相关的坐标系;根据拍照和投影变换的原理建立三个坐标系对应点间的关系、推导出坐标变换关系式和转换矩阵;对模型表面微小面片法向量进行均匀化处理;通过计算面片的法向量与纹理采集方向向量的位置关系确定其最佳纹理,最后通过多角度映射达到三维物体表面纹理重建的目的.  相似文献   

提出一种面向未来掌上移动设备(如高端手机,PDA等)的灵活实用的纹理映射方法.该方法仅需要一张正面人脸照片作为输入,不要求模型和纹理的精确匹配,通过简单的交互实现在较低资源配置下人脸纹理的提取.采用了一种交互调整映射的方案,通过用户对模型中特征点及其影响区域的编辑,实现对局部纹理坐标的定义,得到满意的映射效果.实验结果表明,文中方法具有较高的效率和真实感,可以用于产生真实感三维人脸表情动画.  相似文献   

为了解决非真实感渲染方法中三维模型的细节特征保持不足的问题,提出一种基于三维模型内在属性特征绘制图的带水墨画效果的非真实感渲染方法.将模型曲面的平均曲率转化为表面材质,使用帧缓冲对象渲染到纹理,经过像素变换、高斯模糊等处理得到水墨效果;再经过非线性映射得到黑白分明的内在属性特征绘制图,然后在图像空间通过GPU进行图像处理;通过调节光源位置可以实时地调整水墨笔画的分布,调整阈值以改变特征细节的展示层次.大量实例结果表明,文中方法是高效、可靠的.  相似文献   

非真实感渲染是图形学的重要研究领域。本文利用Opengl实现了一种非真实感的水墨渲染的方法,方法首先通过模型定点的视线矢量和法线矢量的点乘积计算其夹角的余弦值,然后根据计算的余弦值进行纹理映射,最后进行显示完成了水墨渲染效果。  相似文献   

随着计算机图形学在模拟真实环境方面的广泛应用和快速发展,人们对其模拟的视觉真实性要求越来越高。法向量纹理(NormalMap)凭借其本身特征,在虚拟环境中可以营造出非常细腻且逼真的表面材质效果。目前法向量纹理的生成主要是利用ATi、NVIDIA的特殊工具,这种工具需要读入专有的模型类型,但DVE_Nowa系统中三维模型均采用OpenFlight文件格式存储。文章在分析现有生成工具的情况下,提出了可行的改进方法,提高了法向量纹理的生成质量,使生成工具支持OpenFlight格式。  相似文献   

Efficient and Handy Texture Mapping on 3D Surfaces   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
There has been a rapid technical progress in three-dimensional (3D) computer graphics. But gathering surface and texture data is yet a laborious task. This paper addresses the problem of mapping photographic images on the surface of a 3D object whose geometric data are already known. We propose an efficient and handy method for acquiring textures and mapping them precisely on the surface, employing a digital camera alone. We describe an algorithm for selecting a minimal number of camera positions that can cover the entire surface of a given object and also an algorithm to determine camera's position and direction for each photograph taken so as to paste it to the corresponding surfaces precisely. We obtained a matching accuracy within a pixel on a surface through three experimental examples, by which the practicability of our method is demonstrated.  相似文献   

We introduce MesoGAN, a model for generative 3D neural textures. This new graphics primitive represents mesoscale appearance by combining the strengths of generative adversarial networks (StyleGAN) and volumetric neural field rendering. The primitive can be applied to surfaces as a neural reflectance shell; a thin volumetric layer above the surface with appearance parameters defined by a neural network. To construct the neural shell, we first generate a 2D feature texture using StyleGAN with carefully randomized Fourier features to support arbitrarily sized textures without repeating artefacts. We augment the 2D feature texture with a learned height feature, which aids the neural field renderer in producing volumetric parameters from the 2D texture. To facilitate filtering, and to enable end-to-end training within memory constraints of current hardware, we utilize a hierarchical texturing approach and train our model on multi-scale synthetic datasets of 3D mesoscale structures. We propose one possible approach for conditioning MesoGAN on artistic parameters (e.g. fibre length, density of strands, lighting direction) and demonstrate and discuss integration into physically based renderers.  相似文献   

The study of vascular structures, using medical 3D models, is an active field of research. Illustrative visualizations have been applied to this domain in multiple ways. Researchers made the geometric properties of vasculature more comprehensive and augmented the surface with representations of multivariate clinical data. Techniques that head beyond the application of colour-maps or simple shading approaches require a surface parameterization, that is, texture coordinates, in order to overcome locality. When extracting 3D models, the computation of texture coordinates on the mesh is not always part of the data processing pipeline. We combine existing techniques to a simple parameterization approach that is suitable for tree-like structures. The parameterization is done w.r.t. to a pre-defined source vertex. For this, we present an automatic algorithm, that detects the tree root. The parameterization is partly done in screen-space and recomputed per frame. However, the screen-space computation comes with positive features that are not present in object-space approaches. We show how the resulting texture coordinates can be used for varying hatching, contour parameterization, display of decals, as additional depth cues and feature extraction. A further post-processing step based on parameterization allows for a segmentation of the structure and visualization of its tree topology.  相似文献   

The commonly used solution for real-life 3D model representation is polygonal spatially consistent geometry, with texture, and, optionally, bump or displacement maps attached. Although the idea of displacement mapping is well known, there are just a few approaches to its efficient implementation. In this paper we develop a technique that allows for efficient representation and rendering of 3D models by getting a new angle on the displacement mapping concept. We introduce a new primitive that is defined as the range image of a small part of the model's surface; therefore, it is called a spatial patch. The whole model is just a collection of patches with no connectivity information between them. Such a representation can be directly acquired by 3D scanning machinery, and stored in a compact uniform form. It also allows for efficient visualization, which is the major focus of this paper. Thus, we present the logical structure of a rendering unit based on conventional z-buffering, and discuss the involved algorithms in detail. These algorithms benefit from modern features of computing units for which we believe the proposed technique can be used in a wide range of applications dealing with real-life 3D data.  相似文献   

Automatic Image-Based Pencil Sketch Rendering   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
This paper presents an automatic image-based approach for converting greyscale images to pencil sketches,in which strokes follow the image features.The algorithm first extracts a dense direction field automatically using Logical/Linear operators which embody the drawing mechanism.Next,a reconstruction approach based on a sampling-and-interpolation scheme is introduced to generate stroke paths from the direction field.Finally,pencil strokes are rendered along the specified paths with consideration of image tone and artificial illumingation.As an important application,the technique is applied to render portraits from images with little user interaction.The experimental results demonstrate that the approach can automatically achieve copmelling pencil sketches from reference images.  相似文献   

Computer-Generated Graphite Pencil Rendering of 3D Polygonal Models   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Researchers in non-photorealistic rendering have investigated the display of three-dimensional worlds using various display models. In particular, recent work has focused on the modeling of traditional artistic media and styles such as pen-and-ink illustration and watercolor painting. By providing 3D rendering systems that use these alternative display models users can generate traditional illustration renderings of their three-dimensional worlds. In this paper we present our graphite pencil 3D renderer. We have broken the problem of simulating pencil drawing down into four fundamental parts: (1) simulating the drawing materials (graphite pencil and drawing paper, blenders and kneaded eraser), (2) modeling the drawing primitives (individual pencil strokes and mark-making to create tones and textures), (3) simulating the basic rendering techniques used by artists and illustrators familiar with pencil rendering, and (4) modeling the control of the drawing composition. Each part builds upon the others and is essential to developing the framework for higher-level rendering methods and tools. In this paper we present parts 2, 3, and 4 of our research. We present non-photorealistic graphite pencil rendering methods for outlining and shading. We also present the control of drawing steps from preparatory sketches to finished rendering results. We demonstrate the capabilities of our approach with a variety of images generated from 3D models.  相似文献   

三维虚拟环境漫游是虚拟现实技术应用的基本方向之一,具有重要的研究意义与应用价值。基于成熟的游戏引擎技术,提出一个具有较强通用性和可扩展性的三维虚拟漫游系统开发框架,并从3D场景快速构建、3D场景实时绘制、高级视觉特效生成和基于物理的场景模拟等四个方面详细介绍了该框架的关键技术实现。通过对系统原型的测试表明,采用该开发框架所构建的三维虚拟漫游系统可在一般的普通主流PC机上达到较好的性能和表现效果。  相似文献   

3D水墨线皴渲染的仿真研究与设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
皴法是历代画家根据山石的地质构造外形或树木的表皮状态而创造的表现形式,用来表现山石和树皮的纹理。对3D模型进行皴法渲染主要采用了非物理仿真方法,直接从线皴中典型的披麻皴的外观特征入手,提出了一种在3D模型上仿真披麻皴的方法。首先通过确定笔道位置、控制笔道方向得到笔道关键线,并对其进行风格化处理,再结合笔模型和笔法模型绘制笔道。利用提出的算法能够灵活控制皴法笔道的密度,得到典型的披麻皴效果。  相似文献   

We introduce a novel technique to generate painterly art map (PAM) for 3D non-photorealistic rendering. Our technique can automatically transfer brush stroke textures and color changes to 3D models from samples of a painted image. Therefore, the generation of stylized images/animation in the style of a given artwork can be achieved. This new approach works particularly well for a rich variety of brush strokes ranging from simple 1D and 2D line-art strokes to very complicated ones with significant variations in stroke characteristics. During the rendering/animation process, the coherence of brush stroke textures and color changes over 3D surfaces can be well maintained. With PAM, we can also easily generate the illusion of flow animation over a 3D surface to convey the shape of a model.  相似文献   

孔令霞  姚远  胡庆夕 《计算机工程》2010,36(18):177-179
针对三维封闭三角网格模型的缺失实体孔洞,提出一种边界识别算法。以手绘曲线作为输入,结合轮廓线法得到目标孔洞的近似边界点集,生成连续的孔洞轮廓线。按照曲线点集并以孔洞轮廓线辅助搜索孔洞的上边界,根据上边界向下搜索得到孔洞的下边界。该算法可用于满足二维流形、可定向及封闭的三角网格模型上孔洞边界的定位,能够简化孔洞边界的定位过程,提高设计系统的易用性。  相似文献   

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