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陈殿生  范兴  胡磊 《高技术通讯》2006,16(10):1030-1033
在对C臂X光图像和现有的医学图像匹配方法分析的基础上,提出了一种基于自制标尺的C臂X光图像拼接方法.该图像拼接方法分为失真校正、图像匹配和图像合成三步,其中图像匹配是算法的关键.首先采用双线性变换模型进行失真校正;然后基于自制标尺,采用图像灰度匹配法对校正后的C臂X光图像进行图像匹配;最后将其余各幅图像间的匹配矩阵均换算成以第一幅图像为基准,据此合成出全景图像.通过尸腿骨X光图像拼接实验验证了该方法的准确性.  相似文献   

架构于双树轮廓波及GGD模型的纹理图像检索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种基于双树轮廓波变换的纹理图像检索方法.双树轮廓波由塔型双树方向滤波器组构建,它保持了轮廓波灵活的方向选择性,同时克服了传统轮廓波不具有移不变性的缺点.根据双树轮廓波系数的统计特性,本文利用广义高斯分布对各子带进行建模,采用矩估计法提取模型参数,并用KL距离度量图像之间的相似度,实现纹理图像检索.为评价检索性能,从Brodatz图库创建了包含800幅纹理图像的数据库.实验结果表明,本文算法的平均检索率比基于小波和轮廓波的方法分别提高了10.46%和6.94%,而且保持了较高的计算效率.  相似文献   

基于三角形几何相似性的图像配准与拼接   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
介绍了一种基于三角形几何相似性的图像配准方法.提取两幅待拼接图像的特征点,将每幅图像各自的重叠区域内或图像内容复杂情况下的选定区域内的特征点任意组合为三角形,得到分别对应于每一幅图像的三角形集合.然后根据定义的新的三角形表示方法,包括最大角方向和最小角方向,在两组三角形集合内层层筛选任意组合的三角形对,最终找到其中的匹配三角形对,即相似三角形对,从而找到匹配的点对.最后计算图像间变换矩阵,对图像进行拼接,得到了一张具有更宽视野的无缝拼接图.该方法只与特征点间相互几何位置有关,所以对两幅图像间的灰度差异、任意的旋转、缩放等都表现了很强的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

音频信号截幅失真的修复是信号修复工作的重要组成部分,目的是使得信号恢复完备性,以便于对其进行进一步研究。提出了一种音频信号截幅失真的检测与修复方法。首先通过研究截幅失真特性,描述了基于音频信号峰值大小而进行的检测算法,并创造性地将基于AR模型以及最小均方误差的LSAR算法应用于修复算法中。随后给出应用该算法后得到的实验结果,以及在截幅失真测试集上得到的信噪比及PESQ值改善的统计,由上述实验数据可以验证,该方法对不同采样率截幅失真的修复均有一定效果,达到了音频修复的要求,提高了音频质量。  相似文献   

李庆武  倪雪  石丹 《光电工程》2007,34(11):103-107
提出了一种新的基于多个小波基的图像融合去噪方法.首先利用多个不同的小波基对含噪图像进行阈值去噪,得到多幅恢复图像.然后对这些图像采用小波融合方法进行融合.对于低频系数采用基于边缘的融合算法,在多幅恢复图像中选择最有可能是边缘的点加以保留;对于高频系数,采用了平均的融合算法.最后得到一幅去噪图像.实验结果表明,无论是在视觉效果上还是在峰值信噪比定量指标上该方法去噪效果均明显优于单一小波基去噪.  相似文献   

基于形状内容描述子的点特征匹配   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
冯晓伟  田裕鹏 《光电工程》2008,35(3):108-111
针对两幅图像中特征点的匹配问题,本文提出了一种新的基于形状内容描述子的点特征匹配方法.该方法首先利用基于曲率尺度空间(CSS)的角点检测技术获得两幅图像中的角点及其所在的曲线;然后,计算两幅图像中每个角点的形状内容描述子,运用x2统计检验函数得到描述子的匹配度,对该匹配度进行评估,如果高于某一个阈值,则认为初始匹配成功;最后对初始匹配成功的点对,利用半局域限制完成点集之间的最终匹配.实验结果表明,本文所提出的匹配算法具有较高的点特征匹配准确率.  相似文献   

基于结构相似性的图像质量评价方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱里  李乔亮  张婷  汪国有 《光电工程》2007,34(11):108-113
分析现有图像质量评价方法特点,针对基于失真敏感度的质量评价方法的局限性,提出了一种新的基于结构相似度的图像质量评价方法,从亮度、对比度、结构三个子方面得到一个总的相似性度量作为质量客观评价标准.该方法充分考虑了图像的结构信息和人类视觉的特性,从图像内容的理解功能出发,通过数学建模估算出人眼对图像质量的主观视觉感受,使结构相似性计算模型符合图像处理应用的本质.通过理论推导和算法验证,该方法可以为选择图像压缩算法和评价图像质量提供依据.将采用压缩算法SPIHT编解码后的图像与传统的峰值信噪比方法评价图像相比,实验表明,本文提出的算法是一种更为有效的图像质量评价方法.  相似文献   

基于虚拟点的可见光和SAR图像配准研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文以机场场景下的可见光和SAR图像为研究对象,提出了一种基于虚拟点特征的可见光和SAR图像配准方法.该方法以虚拟点特征和控制点匹配技术为基础,处理具有全局仿射几何失真的异源图像配准问题.首先根据两类图像的特点,使用Canny算子和一种兴趣算子提取两幅图像中的共有特征一直线特征,然后在直线特征的基础上拟合虚拟点特征,采用基于特征一致的粗配准和基于虚拟点特征的精确配准相结合的方法,对两幅图像实现由粗到精的自动配准,实验结果表明,本文方法可行且能取得较高的配准精度.  相似文献   

在现有轴类零件相似性检索方法的基础上,将轴类零件的信息模型划分为结构特征层和加工工艺层,并利用可拓基元方法进行形式化描述.提出从轴类零件结构和加工工艺两方面进行相似性检索的方法:首先基于结构矩阵表达方法,对轴类零件的结构特征进行相似性检索,从实例库中检索出2~5个相似实例,然后以可拓综合关联函数进行加工特征的相似度匹配,得出与新零件最相似的零件.通过实例验证,该方法具有可行性,并且可在检索过程中动态调整系数水平,具有检索适应性强的优点.  相似文献   

基于特征匹配的地图图像自动配准技术研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文针对地图中的特征点,提出了一种基于广义特征点的图像自动配准方法,将特征点从单纯的点拓展到特征区域。以Moravec算子结合其他特征约束条件来自动搜索广义特征点。分别对两幅图像提取广义特征点后,利用基于根均方误差和交叉相关的两级匹配算法完成同名控制点的建立。并以局部加权直线拟合方法来校正图像的几何畸变。最后建立两幅图像之间的函数映射关系,完成图像的配准。实验结果证明了该方法的有效性。该方法可用于校正近景面地图影像的几何畸变和遥感图像的局部几何畸变。  相似文献   

A method is proposed for estimating the parameters of a mixture of exponential and Weibull distributions for which the accuracy of preliminary estimates obtained by graphical analysis is refined in accordance with the criterion of maximum likelihood. The efficiency of the proposed method is supported by the results of statistical modeling.  相似文献   

A novel method for the determination of the optical properties of tissue from time-domain measurements is presented. The data analysis is based on the evaluation of the first moment and the second centralized moment, i.e., the mean time of flight and the variance of the measured distribution of times of flight (DTOF) of photons injected by short (picosecond) laser pulses. Analytical expressions are derived for calculation of absorption and of reduced scattering coefficients from these moments by application of diffusion theory for infinite and semi-infinite homogeneous media. The proposed method was tested on experimental data obtained with phantoms, and results for absorption and reduced scattering coefficients obtained by the proposed method are compared with those obtained by fitting of the same data with analytical solutions of the diffusion equation. Furthermore, the accuracy of the moment analysis was investigated for a range of integration limits of the DTOF. The moment analysis may serve as a comparatively fast method for evaluating optical properties with sufficient accuracy and can be used, e.g., for on-line monitoring of optical properties of biological tissue.  相似文献   

Australia has several uranium mines and a large number of mineral sand mines, with associated processing facilities. Exposures resulting from these mining and processing operations usually involve intakes of mixtures of radionuclides. This work describes the development of a suite of first order, linear compartment models, based on the ICRP Publication 66 respiratory tract model, and an analytical solution to the decay equations, for assessing the consequences of such intakes. The computer programs based on these models directly compute excretion, organ retention and organ and whole-body doses for intakes of either single radionuclides or any mixture of radionuclides belonging to the same radioactive decay chain. The intake can be via inhalation, ingestion or injection, and can be acute, chronic or of limited duration. The starting concentration and degree of secular (dis)equilibrium can be specified for each radionuclide. No assumptions need to be made about the relative magnitudes of the radioactive half-lives of the different nuclides.  相似文献   

Conventional methods for summation of direct measurement errors are considered. Conditions under which these methods provide consistent results are stated. It is proposed to utilize for characteristic of the total error, its interval estimator or the half-sum of the value obtained by adding up its arithmetic and geometric random errors.Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 4, pp. 10–12, April, 1995.  相似文献   

由于空压机进气侧轴承箱蜗壳温度探头密封效果不好,使空压机及其后续管道受到油污染。后将温度探头的O形圈密封改为骨架油封,杜绝了轴承箱漏油问题。文章简介空压机的结构和技术参数,详细介绍了骨架油封的制作和优点。  相似文献   

The article suggests a method of evaluating the microstructural inhomogeneity of deformation of metals by modeling. The method includes the measurement of deformations of metal according to meshes of a dividing grid with small base and the calculation of the distribution parameters of microdeformations in model representation. It is shown that the modeling method makes it possible objectively to evaluate the microinhomogeneity of deformation of metals independently of the chosen mesh size of the dividing grid. New structural characteristics are introduced: the base and wave of variation expressing the degree of crumbling or amalgamation of metal grains by inhomogeneity of deformation.Translated from Problemy Prochnosti, No. 7, pp. 40–44, July, 1991.  相似文献   

It is shown that conditions of attainment of marginal states in the material of structural components are formulated on the basis of analysis of force and deformation criteria of formation and development of destruction. The parameters of these criteria are data on types of structural materials, standard and special characteristics of their mechanical properties, structural forms of considered elements of the equipment, and their operating stress loading. In this case, the construction of a system of state equations for describing interrelation of current damage, external actions, and responses to them is based on the concept of calculating variations in properties of materials at all stages of the design life cycle.  相似文献   

An analysis of anisotropy of the properties of a Bi2Se0.3Te2.7 solid solution was carried out using construction of demonstrative surfaces for thermoelectric effectiveness and thermal expansion coefficients. It is shown that the texture is an important factor forming anisotropy of properties and technological fitness of ingots for manufacturing modules. Anisotropy of properties based on the studies of the ingot textures obtained using the float-zone method and Bridgman method (growing thermoelectric plates in a flat cavity) was studied.  相似文献   

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