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中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所固体润滑国家重点实验室空间润滑材料研究组在类金刚石(DLC)薄膜材料润滑应用方面取得了系列进展。研究发现,DLC薄膜材料具有优异的减摩和抗磨性能,但传统摩擦副用润滑剂并不适合DLC摩擦副,或者说,  相似文献   

近年来,高温固体润滑涂层在许多领域得到了快速的发展,各种新型涂层材料及其制备工艺日益成为研究的热点.在综合大量最新文献资料的基础上,对高温固体润滑涂层中的材料体系(主要包括基体材料、润滑材料、耐磨材料)、涂层结构设计、涂层制备工艺取得的进展进行了综述,指出了值得关注的材料体系和制备工艺,提出了固体润滑涂层有待进一步研究的问题.  相似文献   

刘泊天  张静静  高鸿  王向轲  邢焰 《材料导报》2017,31(Z2):290-292, 306
概述了空间用润滑材料的种类、需求特性及其研制进展,介绍了润滑材料在航天领域的应用情况,并提出空间用润滑材料的评估要求,展望了空间用润滑材料的研究前景。  相似文献   

前言 固体自润滑复合材料的应用越来越广泛,本文仅对固体自润滑复合材料CF/PTFE应用于高速伺服电机轴承的情况进行探讨。固体自润滑复合材料滑动轴承的特征是:在轴承的两相对滑动摩擦面间,没有润滑油脂的流动,其润滑靠固体材料自身来实现,这类固体润滑材料不包括涂覆料外那些在常温下是固体,在摩擦状态下室现出流体性质的材料,如石腊等。这类滑动轴承具有易起动,摩擦力小,维修方便,使用温度范围宽,耐蚀性好,能耗低,环境清洁以及不用油脂而省掉润滑系统等优点。如前西德、英国等国家已应用了固体自润滑滑动轴承的微特电机,其寿命可达到一万小时左右,而轴承的成本降低数十分之一到百分之一。在目前固体自润滑轴承材料主要分为三类:金属基自润滑复合材料,如青铜-固体润滑剂;银-固体润滑剂等;粉末冶金基自润滑复合材料-如粉末冶金青铜-浸氟塑料-固体润滑剂;非金属基自润滑受合材料,如氟塑料-增强剂-固体润滑剂等,我们多年来对多种固体润滑轴承材料在伺服电机上作了使用和寿命试验,选出了适合于作伺服电机轴承用的较为理想的材料,即碳纤维增强聚四氟乙烯固体润滑复合材料。  相似文献   

近年来,微型机械系统对摩擦接触表面和界面性能的要求越来越高,表界面设计与改性问题亟待解决。石墨烯自发现以来,由于具有高机械强度、超薄的厚度、原子级光滑表面及低的层间剪切力和高的化学稳定性,作为表面固体润滑材料在摩擦学领域成为研究热点。本文主要介绍了石墨烯及其衍生物薄膜材料的制备方法,作为固体润滑材料在摩擦学方面的研究现状,指出石墨烯薄膜在摩擦应用时仍须进行机制研究和技术突破。  相似文献   

固体润滑国家重点实验室是在原中国科学院固体润滑开放研究实验室的基础上,连续两次(1992和1997年)被国家评为优秀实验室后,经专家论证,于1999年10月获国家科学技术部批准组建的,2001年4月通过科技部验收并对外开放。固体润滑国家重点实验室的建设目标是,在材料摩擦学和固体润滑领域成为国内外均具有重要影响的研究中心、学术交流中心和人才培养基地之一,  相似文献   

为了提高空间固体润滑滚动轴承耐磨寿命,采用全方位离子注入和磁控溅射技术对空间固体润滑轴承用9Cr18材料进行耐磨减摩表面改性研究。首先对9Cr18不锈钢试样表面注入N+、Ti+、Ti++N+,对离子注入后试样采用磁控溅射技术沉积MoS2-Ti薄膜。通过测试注入前后试样粗糙度及硬度,评价不同注入离子及无离子注入不同基底材料下溅射MoS2-Ti薄膜的附着力、真空摩擦学、薄膜磨损率等性能。结果表明离子注入通过提高9Cr18不锈钢基底硬度,能够提高复合改性后9Cr18不锈钢材料真空摩擦学性能20%。  相似文献   

卫星、人造飞船、空间实验室、空间站等航天器涉及诸多的机械运动部件,润滑材料和润滑技术是空间机械运动部件长期可靠工作的关键,对于降低机械运动部件的摩擦磨损、延长其工作寿命发挥着重要作用。在空间环境条件下,润滑材料可能会面临高真空、极端温度、温度交变、原子氧、紫外/质子/电子辐射、微陨石及空间碎片等苛刻环境因素,上述空间环境因素可能会引起润滑材料结构、组分的变化及其性能的堕化,从而导致机械运动部件的润滑失效。主要综述了目前常用的空间润滑材料及各种空间环境因素对润滑材料的影响,着重探讨了真空、极端温度及原子氧辐照对润滑材料的影响,并对空间润滑材料的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

正陶瓷润滑复合材料除具有一般固体润滑材料的优点,如使用温度范围宽、低摩擦、抗污染、高承载外,还具有密度低、结构理想、化学稳定性和热稳定性优异以及使用寿命长等特点,可以在超高温、强腐蚀等特殊工况下实现有效润滑,在高技术领域具有广泛的应用前景。中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所先进润滑与防护材料研究发展中心特种润滑油脂与密封材料课题组多年来致力于陶瓷润滑复合材料的研究。最近,他们在前期发展的陶瓷润滑  相似文献   

近年来随着富勒烯(C_(60))、纳米金刚石(Nano diamond)、碳纳米管(Carbon nanotube,CNT)、石墨烯(Graphene)等的相继发现和相关制备技术的成熟,纳米碳材料作为润滑材料的研究已经取得了很大的进步。首先介绍了纳米碳材料的分类及其制备方法。其次以C_(60)、纳米金刚石、碳纳米管以及石墨烯为研究对象,系统介绍了它们作为润滑油添加剂、固体润滑薄膜和润滑填料的研究进展,阐述了C_(60)等纳米碳材料的减摩抗磨机制。最后,指出了C_(60)等纳米碳材料作为润滑材料仍需解决的关键问题,并展望了它们在未来摩擦学应用方面的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Wear is closely related to friction and lubrication; the study of these three subjects is known as tribology. In science and technology it is concerned with interacting surfaces in relative motion. Soft or hard film coating, alloying and composite structuring have all been developed to control wear and friction. This is achieved by improving materials and surfaces with some characteristics that improve resistance to friction and wear. In recent years, several new solid lubricant and modern lubrication concepts have been developed to achieve better lubricity and longer wear life in demanding tribological applications. Most of the traditional solid lubricants were prepared in the form of metal, ceramic and polymer–matrix composites. They have been used successfully in various engineering applications. Recent progress in thin-film deposition technologies has led to the synthesis of new generations of self-lubricating coatings with composite or multilayered architectures, by using multiplex surface treatments. In this study, typical wear behaviors of representative materials of metallic alloys, ceramics, polymeric materials, and composites are reviewed in relation to their friction behaviors. Additionally, modeling for the wear prediction is outlined.  相似文献   

Tailoring mechanical properties of aerogels for aerospace applications   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Silica aerogels are highly porous solid materials consisting of three-dimensional networks of silica particles and are typically obtained by removing the liquid in silica gels under supercritical conditions. Several unique attributes such as extremely low thermal conductivity and low density make silica aerogels excellent candidates in the quest for thermal insulation materials used in space missions. However, native silica aerogels are fragile at relatively low stresses. More durable aerogels with higher strength and stiffness are obtained by proper selection of silane precursors and by reinforcement with polymers. This paper first presents a brief review of the literature on methods of silica aerogel reinforcement and then discusses our recent activities in improving not only the strength but also the elastic response of polymer-reinforced silica aerogels. Several alkyl-linked bis-silanes were used in promoting flexibility of the silica networks in conjunction with polymer reinforcement by epoxy.  相似文献   

耐磨高熵合金具有主元多、强度高、硬度大、磨损率低和耐高温等特征,应用前景广阔,是近几十年发展起来的一种新型耐磨材料。围绕耐磨高熵合金的主要制备工艺与耐磨性能的影响因素两方面,对近年来耐磨高熵合金的主要研究进展进行了综述。重点阐述了固、液、气态成型的耐磨高熵合金制备技术,总结了影响高熵合金耐磨性的因素,包括金属元素与非金属元素在内的多种元素对高熵合金耐磨性能的影响,说明了高熵合金及其碳氮化物涂层耐磨性能的研究进展。耐磨高熵合金的制备工艺较多,应根据合金形态成分的不同选择合适的制备方法;通过添加金属或非金属元素诱导硬质相析出仍是提高合金耐磨性能的主要手段;有些高熵合金或高熵合金涂层在高温、润滑等条件下也能够表现出优异的耐磨性能。  相似文献   

朱亚辉  乔红斌  郭强 《材料导报》2005,19(6):39-41,51
评述国内外高分子粉末涂料高性能化研究的几大热点,包括高耐候型、耐磨自润滑型和抗菌型等先进功能粉末涂料的开发,装饰性和抗腐蚀性等粉末涂料传统使用性能的提高,低温固化、快速固化和UV固化等特殊工艺性能粉末涂料的发展,同时分析和讨论了高性能高分子粉末涂料的开发动向和发展趋势.  相似文献   

聚合物压电材料聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)及其共聚物P(VDF-TrFE)、P(VDF-HFP)是一类典型的具有压电性的有机高分子材料,它们由于具有良好的力学性能、耐腐蚀性、生物相容性以及易于加工等特点而受到研究人员的广泛关注。但相对于传统无机类压电陶瓷材料来说,聚合物压电材料的压电常数仍相对较低,因此提升这类聚合物压电材料的压电性能已成为目前国内外的研究热点之一。本文对近年来国内外利用PVDF及其共聚物与不同功能材料进行复合来改善其压电性能的方法进行了概述,并对不同类型填料掺杂不同聚合物压电材料的利弊及发展趋势进行了展望。   相似文献   

Molecular orientation of polymer chains affects considerably the final properties of plastic products, such as stiffness, creep and impact resistance, barrier properties and transparency. Different orientation processes, such as solid state extrusion, die-drawing and roll-drawing are currently being investigated in order to produce parts with large dimensions. Examples include the die-drawing process for the obtention of oriented tubes and shapes, roll-drawing for flat and simple geometry profiles as well as uniaxial and biaxial solid state extrusion. These processes have been used successfully to form different materials, from polyolefins to engineering and specialty resins, and mechanical properties comparable to fiber reinforced plastics have been achieved. Solid state forming was performed in our laboratories on several polymeric materials using rolling, roll-drawing and solid state extrusion. Significant improvements in the mechanical behavior were observed and materials with tensile modulus and strength above 10 GPa and 400 MPa, respectively, were obtained. An improvement in the transverse mechanical properties was also observed for the roll-drawn polymers.  相似文献   

In view of the pressing need for improvements in space mechanisms and tribology research work, a thermal high‐vacuum mechanism test facility has been constructed at Rome ‘La Sapienza’ University. The purpose of this facility is to provide fundamental data on the performance of mechanical components and materials in high vacuum in order to test the validity of space mechanism designs. The facility also makes it possible to examine the behaviour of both mechanisms and materials under combined environmental factors, such as ultraviolet radiation, atomic oxygen and temperature. This paper reports on the behaviour of titanium recirculating ball screws provided by Umbra Cuscinetti SpA (Foligno, Italy) under thermal‐vacuum conditions. It is to be noted that these ball screws—well known in the aeronautical field—may be particularly attractive as a new generation of space mechanisms. A solid multilayer film of tungsten carbide/carbon (WC/C) was deposited on screw surfaces as a lubricant and was then compared with the case of no lubrication, which presently appears promising for many mechanisms. In order to compare experimental results, traditional stainless steel mechanisms were also tested and analysed. The requisites imposed by the space environment, as well as by contact mechanical stresses, have given useful information on a preliminary geometrical configuration and choice of materials, both of which are presented in this paper. Thermal‐vacuum effects on overall ball screw efficiency and on ball screw coating friction and wear are also reported and commented on herein as well as numerical contact simulations of crack mechanisms.  相似文献   

The frictional properties of an immobilized fluorinated polymer nanosheet were investigated to develop an ultrathin solid lubrication film with an excellent wear-resistant. N-(1H,1H-Pentadecafluorooctylmethacrylamide) copolymers containing carboxyl group as a reactive moiety form a stable monolayer on the water surface and a highly ordered reactive fluorinated polymer nanosheet can be fabricated by the Langmuir-Blodgett technique. The reactive fluorinated polymer nanosheet was immobilized onto solid substrates through chemical binding with an aminosilane coupling agent, and the film showed smooth surface even after the reaction. The immobilized fluorinated polymer nanosheet had a low friction coefficient and strong wear-resistant.  相似文献   

现代工业发展对润滑形式要求多样化,拓展了润滑材料的类型。传统意义上的润滑油、润滑脂已经不能满足现代工业发展对润滑方式多样性的要求,很多新的产品类型被开发出来用于不同的特种润滑方式。本文对一些新型的润滑材料,比如自修复润滑材料、纳米润滑材料、可生物降解润滑材料、特殊工况润滑材料等进行了较为详细的综述。  相似文献   

有机硅改性丙烯酸酯聚合物研究进展   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
从共混和共聚两个方面综述了有机硅改性丙烯酸酯聚合物的制备方法 ,指出乳液聚合法是目前制备该类材料最重要的手段。介绍了国际上几个大公司在该领域研究开发方面的最新进展 ,简要说明了该类材料在塑料、橡胶、涂料和粘合剂等方面的应用。  相似文献   

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