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采用下采样和位平面匹配的局部运动估计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对电子稳像系统的实时性要求,提出了一种基于下采样、位平面匹配和三步搜索策略的快速局部运动估计算法。该算法将搜索比较次数由 225 次减少为 24 次而精度基本不变;利用图像下采样技术将参与估计的子图像像素增加 4 倍而运算量基本不变,提高了由于子图像中运动物体引起干扰的抵抗能力。实验表明,该算法搜索速度明显提高,而精度基本不变,所得到的匹配位置非常接近全搜索匹配法获得的匹配位置。  相似文献   

基于最小二乘准则的模糊估计和图像复原   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在计算光学显微成像技术中,点扩展函数往往是未知的,且不易获取,从而给图像复原带来很大困难。基于最小二乘准则和最优化理论,提出了利用变尺度法的三维点扩展函数参数估计算法;针对传统EM算法存在复原效果细节丢失严重等问题,提出最小二乘共轭梯度三维图像复原算法。算法在点扩展函数参数估计和求解真实图像之间进行交替迭代,从而得到图像的最优估计。实验表明,新算法在较短时间内,能够较准确地估计出点扩展函数参数,并得到较好的复原结果。  相似文献   

为了提高视频的压缩效率,在传统菱形搜索算法基础上提出一种改进菱形搜索算法.该算法通过引入动态阈值,在起始搜索点预测、菱形搜索模式和搜索中止算法方面进行了优化,减少了SAD计算的内部冗余和搜索区域中不相关的块匹配计算,同时采用自适应搜索模式选择技术减少运输复杂度.实验结果表明:提出的改进菱形搜索算法适合各种运动类型的视频序列,特别适用于运动变化剧烈的序列,相比于FS算法,能够在PSNR值和码率值极其接近于FS算法的情况下对所有序列的MET减少约95%,大大减少运动估计时间.  相似文献   

矢量水听器阵时频MUSIC算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
时频MUSIC算法利用信号的时频分布构造空间时频分布矩阵,并用该矩阵代替传统的相关矩阵进行DOA估计,可以有效抑制噪声和干扰,提高算法的稳健性。时频子空间算法突破了传统子空间算法中阵元数对估计信号个数的限制,时频点包含了信号的时频空三维信息,通过时频点的选择可直接确定信号的频率从而确定阵列流型矩阵。对于宽带信号,在进行方位估计时避免了频域搜索,减少了运算量。将时频MUSIC算法应用于二维矢量水听器垂直线阵中,充分利用矢量水听器的标、矢量信息和信号的时、频信息进行宽带信号的二维波达方位估计。仿真研究验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

为了减少运动估计在图像编码中所占用时间,提出了一种基于局部极值搜索的运动估计算法。首先根据搜索块的大小将搜索区域进行完全分割。然后从搜索原点进行螺旋扫描,确定扫描点所处分割区域的局部极小值位置,与前面极小值进行比较得到现阶段最小值。并根据一系列提前终止条件和标记跳过机制,在全局扫描的同时保持快速性。最后得到所有分割区域的最小值作为全局最小值,并进行步长为1的菱形细化搜索,确定最佳位置。实验表明,与UMH算法相比,该算法可在码率上升最大不超过0.03 kb/s、信噪比下降最大不超过0.005 dB的情况下提高编码速度,特别是对于中高运动复杂度图像的编码速度可比UMH算法提高10%左右,具有应用价值。  相似文献   

针对二维刚体图像配准,本文提出了一种由粗到细的图像配准方法.该方法首先由多尺度Harris角点检测算法提取出参考图像和目标图像的特征角点,采用基于投票策略的特征点匹配算法进行初步配准,有效地减少假点和不稳定点,然后对变换矩阵参数进行初估计,采用基于窗的精细算法对变换矩阵参数进行精估计,并得到最终的变换矩阵.实验结果表明,该算法具有高精度,对噪声鲁棒和低计算量的特点.  相似文献   

目的:在采用三轴加速度计的倾角测量系统输出值解算中存在灵敏度非线性的情况下,为提高测量精度。方法:通过采集加速度传感器三个轴的测量值,应用三种不同的倾角计算方法对静态倾角进行计算;然后利用贝叶斯估计算法对计算结果进行数据融合计算。结果:融合计算结果的平均误差相比单一解算算法减小了77%以上,且误差分布更均匀。结论:采用贝叶斯估计融合以后的计算结果克服了单一算法固有的灵敏度非线性问题并且进一步降低了测量噪声,有效提高了静态倾角测量系统的测量精度。  相似文献   

以三维空间声源定位为实际物理模型,将三维模型推广到N维空间,建立起该模型的N维二次非线性方程组.通过坐标平移和旋转变换方法,得到新坐标系下系数矩阵为半角矩阵的N维二次非线性方程组.通过不完全归纳法得到该方程组的通解.通过与坐标变换相反的逆变换,得到N维空间声源位置,并且得出了N维二次非线性方程组的通用求解方法.实验结果表明,运用该方法得到的理论声源位置坐标与实际坐标最大误差为0.0132%.  相似文献   

针对传统波达方向(Direction of Arrival, DOA)估计方法通过空间平滑对相干信号进行处理损失阵列孔径的问题,文章提出了一种基于协方差矩阵托普利兹(Toeplitz)矩阵重构的多重信号分类(Multiple Signal Classification, MUSIC)算法的波达方位估计方法。该方法首先根据阵列接收数据的协方差矩阵及其翻转矩阵来构造新协方差矩阵,并利用新协方差矩阵构造Toeplitz矩阵,然后对其进行特征值分解,得到Toeplitz矩阵的噪声子空间,利用噪声子空间求出信号空间谱,通过谱峰搜索估计入射信号的方位角。文中方法拓展了阵列孔径,增加了可估计相干信号的数量,提升了方位估计的性能,提高了阵列的空间分辨率。仿真和湖上实验数据处理结果表明,文中方法可估计出更多的相干信号,而且在低信噪比、少快拍以及信号入射角度间隔较小时仍然具有良好的方位估计性能。  相似文献   

现有头部姿势估计方法主要是基于几何分析和基于外现线性变换的方法,计算复杂、通用性不强.提出一种新的利用非线性的核变换算法进行姿势估计的方法,根据流形学习理论,不同姿势的高维人脸图像存在一低维流形结构,提取该流形结构可估计头部姿势.核主元分析是一种非线性降维算法,能够把这种流形结构嵌入到低维空间.利用核主元分析训练姿势估计曲线,然后把新图像投影到姿势曲线上,利用插值方法估计新投影点对应得姿势角度.核主元分析的方法克服了传统线性估计方法的缺点,实验证明该方法估计效果良好,并给出进一步提高估计效果的途径.  相似文献   

梁仕杰  王彪  张岑 《声学技术》2021,40(1):123-127
水声信道具有稀疏性的特点,因此高精度低复杂度的稀疏信道估计算法对水声通信具有重要意义。基于自适应滤波算法的信道估计问题本质上是线性回归模型参数的求解问题,传统的最小二乘(Least Square,LS)、最小均方(Least Mean Square,LMS)及递归最小二乘(Recursive Least Squares,RLS)算法在估计稀疏信道时不仅复杂度较高,而且在求解线性回归模型时,因忽略自变量的多重共线性而使稀疏信道估计精度降低。针对上述问题,首先,在经典RLS算法的代价函数中加入信道系数的范数对其进行约束,从而提高了稀疏信道估计的精度,然后,采用滑动窗的方式对其代价函数进行处理以减少算法的计算量。在此基础上又引入二分坐标下降(Dichotomous Coordinate Descent,DCD)算法搜索单次迭代中使代价函数最小的解,进一步降低了算法的复杂度。仿真结果表明,文中所提的算法相较于经典算法在估计精度和复杂度方面具有一定的优越性。  相似文献   

Usually engineers try to achieve the required reliability level with minimal cost. The problem of total investment cost minimization, subject to reliability constraints, is well known as the reliability optimization problem. When applied to multi‐state systems (MSS), the system has many performance levels, and reliability is considered as a measure of the ability of the system to meet the demand (required performance). In this case, the outage effect will be essentially different for units with different performance rate. Therefore, the performance of system components, as well as the demand, should be taken into account. In this paper, we present a technique for solving a family of MSS reliability optimization problems, such as structure optimization, optimal expansion, maintenance optimization and optimal multistage modernization. This technique combines a universal generating function (UGF) method used for fast reliability estimation of MSS and a genetic algorithm (GA) used as an optimization engine. The UGF method provides the ability to estimate relatively quickly different MSS reliability indices for series‐parallel and bridge structures. It can be applied to MSS with different physical nature of system performance measure. The GA is a robust, universal optimization tool that uses only estimates of solution quality to determine the direction of search. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

伊雅丽 《工业工程》2018,21(4):104-109
现阶段,研发型企业的项目处于多项目环境下,为了解决多项目并行时人力资源争夺问题,本文针对该类企业多项目管理中人力资源调度进行优化研究,以考虑项目延期惩罚成本的最小总成本为目标函数,将现实问题抽象建模。基于国内外的研究提出了一种超启发式算法进行求解,该算法将人力资源调度问题分为项目活动分配和人员选择项目活动两个部分,采用蚁群优化作为高层启发式策略搜索低层启发式规则,再进一步根据规则解构造出可行解。最后本研究设计多组仿真实验与启发式规则进行对比,结果表明该算法有较好的搜索性能,为人力资源的调度问题提供了新的解决方案。  相似文献   

In multi-objective optimization computing, it is important to assign suitable parameters to each optimization problem to obtain better solutions. In this study, a self-adaptive multi-objective harmony search (SaMOHS) algorithm is developed to apply the parameter-setting-free technique, which is an example of a self-adaptive methodology. The SaMOHS algorithm attempts to remove some of the inconvenience from parameter setting and selects the most adaptive parameters during the iterative solution search process. To verify the proposed algorithm, an optimal least cost water distribution network design problem is applied to three different target networks. The results are compared with other well-known algorithms such as multi-objective harmony search and the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm-II. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm is quantified by suitable performance indices. The results indicate that SaMOHS can be efficiently applied to the search for Pareto-optimal solutions in a multi-objective solution space.  相似文献   

In color flow imaging (CFI), the rejection of tissue clutter signal is treated separately from blood velocity estimation by high-pass filtering the received Doppler signal. The complete suppression of clutter is then difficult to achieve without affecting the subsequent velocity estimates. In this work, a different approach to velocity estimation is investigated, based on a statistical model of the signal from both clutter and blood. An analytic expression for the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) is developed, and used to determine the existence of an efficient maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) of blood velocity in CFI when assuming full knowledge of the clutter statistics. We further simulate and compare the performance of the MLE to that of the autocorrelation method (ACM) using finite-impulse response (FIR) and polynomial regression clutter filters. Two signal scenarios are simulated, representing a central and peripheral vessel. Simulations showed that, by including 3-9 (independent) spatial points, the MLE variance approached the CRLB in both scenarios. The ACM was approximately unbiased only for the central scenario in the clutter filter pass band, then with a variance of up to four times the CRLB. The ACM suffered from a severe bias in the filter transition region, and a significant performance gain was achieved here using the MLE. For practical use, the clutter properties must be estimated. We finally replaced the known clutter statistics with an estimate obtained from low-rank approximations of the received sample correlation matrix. Used in the model-based framework, this method came close to the performance of the MLE, and it may be an important step toward a practical model-based estimator, including tissue clutter with optimal performance.  相似文献   

The Weibull distribution is the most widely used model for the reliability evaluation of wind turbine subassemblies. Considering the important role of the location parameter in the three-parameter (3-P) Weibull model and its rare application in wind turbines, this study conducted a reliability analysis of wind turbine subassemblies based on field data that obeyed the 3-P Weibull distribution model via maximum likelihood estimation (MLE). An improved ergodic artificial bee colony algorithm (ErgoABC) was proposed by introducing the chaos search theory, global best solution, and Lévy flights strategy into the classical artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm to determine the maximum likelihood estimates of the Weibull distribution parameters. This was validated against simulation calculations and proved to be efficient for high-dimensional function optimization and parameter estimation of the 3-P Weibull distribution. Finally, reliability analyses of the wind turbine subassemblies based on different types of field failure data were conducted using ErgoABC. The results show that the 3-P Weibull model can reasonably evaluate the lifetime distribution of critical wind turbine subassemblies, such as generator slip rings and main shafts, on which the location parameter has a significant effect.  相似文献   

柳雅真  王利强 《包装工程》2023,44(17):229-236
目的 针对面向仓储物流环境下多型号多批量产品的订单包装问题,提出一种预制物流箱规格优化模型及算法。方法 对产品订单建立订单分包规则,确定分包方案,以订单包装材料总成本最小为优化目标建立物流箱规格优化模型。针对该模型提出一种改进模拟退火算法,通过贪婪策略求解最优分包方案,降低模型计算复杂度,设计一种新型解更新算子,以提高算法寻优能力,设计一种自适应步长策略,以平衡算法前期全局搜索与后期局部搜索的能力。结果 通过实例证明,文中提出的算法相较于其他算法,具有更强的求解能力,与实例企业仓储包装现状相比,同批订单降低了17%的包装材料成本。结论 该方法可用于解决产品种类多、尺寸差异大、动态更新等应用场景下的系列运输包装纸箱规格优化问题,为企业物流运输管理提供了一种有效的包装优化思路和解决方法。  相似文献   

We have developed a parallel algorithm for microdigital-holographic particle-tracking velocimetry. The algorithm is used in (1) numerical reconstruction of a particle image computer using a digital hologram, and (2) searching for particles. The numerical reconstruction from the digital hologram makes use of the Fresnel diffraction equation and the FFT (fast Fourier transform), whereas the particle search algorithm looks for local maximum graduation in a reconstruction field represented by a 3D matrix. To achieve high performance computing for both calculations (reconstruction and particle search), two memory partitions are allocated to the 3D matrix. In this matrix, the reconstruction part consists of horizontally placed 2D memory partitions on the x-y plane for the FFT, whereas, the particle search part consists of vertically placed 2D memory partitions set along the z axes. Consequently, the scalability can be obtained for the proportion of processor elements, where the benchmarks are carried out for parallel computation by a SGI Altix machine.  相似文献   

《Composites Part B》2003,34(4):405-413
In this paper, design of a laminate is treated as a combinatorial optimization problem. Optimization of the stacking sequence of a laminate for buckling response, matrix cracking, and strength requirements is conducted. Optimum designs are generated using a heuristic search technique known as Tabu search. Preliminary studies used to examine the effect of different aspects of Tabu search are presented. Three load cases, which have been used in previous studies with Genetic Algorithm, were utilized in this work. The relative performance of Tabu search compared to Genetic Algorithm was found to depend on the load case. For the first two cases, and for average of all the three load cases, Tabu search was found to reduce the computing cost of generating equivalent results by 26, 55 and 1%, respectively. For the third load case, the computing cost with Tabu search was higher by 302%.  相似文献   

We study the two-parameter maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) problem for the Weibull distribution with consideration of interval data. Without interval data, the problem can be solved easily by regular MLE methods because the restricted MLE of the scale parameter β for a given shape parameter α has an analytical form, thus α can be efficiently solved from its profile score function by traditional numerical methods. In the presence of interval data, however, the analytical form for the restricted MLE of β does not exist and directly applying regular MLE methods could be less efficient and effective. To improve efficiency and effectiveness in handling interval data in the MLE problem, a new approach is developed in this paper. The new approach combines the Weibull-to-exponential transformation technique and the equivalent failure and lifetime technique. The concept of equivalence is developed to estimate exponential failure rates from uncertain data including interval data. Since the definition of equivalent failures and lifetimes follows EM algorithms, convergence of failure rate estimation by applying equivalent failures and lifetimes is mathematically proved. The new approach is demonstrated and validated through two published examples, and its performance in different conditions is studied by Monte Carlo simulations. It indicates that the profile score function for α has only one maximum in most cases. Such good characteristic enables efficient search for the optimal value of α.  相似文献   

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