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30CrMnSiNi2A钢焊接接头热处理后的组织与性能   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
张莉  张玉凤  霍立兴  陈芙蓉 《焊接学报》2002,23(1):73-75,84
研究了30CrMnSiNi2A钢电子束焊接接头热处理后的组织和性能。试验结果表明,该钢电子束焊接接头焊缝为典型的粗大针状马氏体加残余奥氏体组织,HAZ(热影响区)为中温组织,经过900℃油淬加低温回火处理后,焊缝和热影响区组织转变为回火马氏体和残余奥氏体。焊态下,由于母材的强度较低,此种电子束焊接接头的拉伸试验断裂部位均在母材;经过上述热处理,母材的强度有了大幅度的提高,焊缝的强度虽然稍有降低,但伸长率提高了将近1倍,获得了良好的综合力学性能。但上述热处理后,焊缝和热影响区的冲击韧度和断裂韧度值较低,这主要是因为中碳马氏体中含碳量略高造成的。焊缝由于组织细小且均匀,与热影响区相比,具有相对较高的断裂韧度。  相似文献   

在HWI-IFW-130型轴/径向多功能惯性摩擦焊机上,成功实现热轧态与热轧态AMS6308钢、淬火+回火态与淬火+回火态AMS6308钢惯性摩擦焊接. 对两种不同热处理状态的焊接接头进行检测分析. 结果表明,母材为热轧态的焊接接头,焊缝区为马氏体组织,热力影响区和热影响区为马氏体+贝氏体组织;母材为淬火+回火态的焊接接头,焊缝区为马氏体组织,热力影响区和热影响区为马氏体回火组织. 以焊缝为中心,显微维氏硬度呈对称分布,焊缝区显微维氏硬度最高;两种不同热处理状态母材获得的焊接接头,拉伸均断于母材.  相似文献   

聚变堆用CLAM钢激光焊接接头显微组织及性能   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对聚变堆用CLAM钢进行了激光焊接试验,并对接头进行740℃/1 h焊后回火处理,分别对热处理前、后接头的显微组织及性能进行了研究.结果表明,获得了成形良好、无缺陷的焊接接头;焊态下,焊缝由淬硬的板条马氏体和大量的δ铁素体组织组成.完全淬火区由板条马氏体和极少量的δ铁素体组成,其硬度高达545 HV;焊后热处理使焊缝及完全淬火区的板条马氏体分别转变为碳化物弥散分布的回火马氏体和回火索氏体组织.显著降低了接头的淬硬程度,最大硬度仅比母材高约15%;焊后回火热处理前、后接头的抗拉强度均高于基体母材,虽然焊后热处理使接头强度有所降低,但仍达到原始母材的98%以上.  相似文献   

采用MIG焊焊接超高强钢35Cr Mn Si A,对热处理前后焊接接头组织进行分析,并对热处理后焊接接头进行了硬度测试、拉伸试验、冲击试验及断口分析,从而研究分析了35Cr Mn Si A的焊接性。结果表明:焊态下,焊缝区组织为针状马氏体和少量残余奥氏体,热影响区组织为板条状马氏体、贝氏体和残余奥氏体;热处理后,焊缝组织为回火马氏体和残余奥氏体,热影响区组织为回火马氏体、少量贝氏体和残余奥氏体;焊接接头焊缝区的硬度高于热影响区和母材;焊接接头抗拉强度为1640.8 MPa,伸长率为9.2%,焊缝区冲击功为37.6 J,焊缝区的冲击断口为混合断口。  相似文献   

采用气体保护焊方法对汽车覆盖件用模具表面失效部位的焊接修复过程进行了模拟,并对接头的焊态和回火态金相组织和力学性能进行了检验。结果表明,焊态接头焊缝区主要组织为晶粒细小的马氏体,完全淬火区组织为淬硬马氏体和残余奥氏体,回火区组织为回火索氏体;回火态接头的焊缝区和淬火区中过饱和碳形成碳化物析出,组织转变为回火马氏体。焊态接头抗拉强度为860 MPa左右,回火态试样抗拉强度为785 MPa左右,拉伸试样断口形貌均为准解理断裂,但回火后的接头断口有少量的韧窝;焊态接头硬度分布为淬火区最高,焊缝和母材次之,回火区最低,焊后回火对母材和原回火区硬度几乎没有影响,而焊缝区和淬火区硬度明显降低。  相似文献   

对35CrMnSi超高强度钢进行了惯性摩擦焊试验研究,对热处理前后焊接接头组织、显微硬度进行分析测试,并对热处理后焊接接头进行了拉伸性能、冲击性能及拉伸断口分析。结果表明:焊后接头焊缝组织为板条马氏体与残余奥氏体,热力影响区组织为细小的马氏体、索氏体、珠光体和铁素体混合组织;热处理后焊缝组织为回火马氏体与少量铁素体;摩擦焊接头焊缝区的硬度高于热力影响区和母材,热处理后焊接接头硬度趋于一致,焊接接头抗拉强度大于1 890 MPa,断后伸长率大于7. 5%,焊缝区拉伸断口为混合断口;焊接接头冲击吸收能量大于18. 5J。  相似文献   

30CrMnSiNi2A钢由于其出色的质强比成为制造飞机起落架、襟翼的重要材料。电子束焊的焊接速度对工程应用中30CrMnSiNi2A钢的微观结构和机械性能产生极大影响。接头微观组织从热影响区细小等轴的回火索氏体与马氏体混合组织,转变为焊缝区域的树枝状板条马氏体晶粒。显微硬度由母材向焊缝中心逐渐增高,焊缝区域显微硬度最高可达690HV0.2,约为母材的两倍;拉伸强度最高为842MPa,达到母材强度的96.9%。此外随着焊接速度的提高,晶粒尺寸减小,显微硬度随之提高;但HAGB和渗碳体数量的下降对接头强度不利,使得接头抗拉强度随焊接速度提高而下降,不同焊接速度下接头断裂模式均为脆性断裂。  相似文献   

研究了焊接电流对淬回火态铸造模具钢焊接接头成形和力学性能的影响,并对比分析了焊态和回火态焊接接头的显微组织和力学性能。结果表明,焊接电流为90~110 A时,焊接过程中不会出现断弧或者飞溅现象,焊缝中也未见明显夹渣等缺陷存在,焊缝成形性较好;500℃/2 h回火处理对焊接接头焊缝区和淬火区组织有明显改善,而对母材和回火区组织影响较小,回火态焊接接头淬火区组织为回火马氏体,焊缝区为回火马氏体+铁素体+少量残余奥氏体;焊后进行回火处理可以明显提高焊接接头的抗拉强度,但是断裂位置并不会发生改变;焊接电流为90~110 A时,焊态和回火态焊接接头的抗拉强度都要高于焊接电流为110~140 A时的焊接接头,且其回火态焊接接头的抗拉强度达到铸造模具钢母材的81.4%。  相似文献   

高蕊  赵云志 《现代焊接》2011,(7):48-49,51
超低碳马氏体不锈钢大型铸锻件最终回火热处理温度一般不超过600℃,因而其焊后回火热处理温度要低于600℃一般为550~570℃,这样造成其焊接区的强度,比正常回火热处理温度下的强度、硬度偏高。在限制条件下,为了尽量降低超低碳马氏体不锈钢铸件焊接接头的焊后残余应力,改善焊接接头的综合性能,进行了焊后回火热处理试验,分析了延长回火保温时间,对超低碳马氏体不锈钢焊缝强度、硬度、冲击韧性和组织的影响。  相似文献   

采用小铁研试验对正火及正火+回火态的00Cr13Ni5Mo马氏体不锈钢进行了焊接冷裂纹敏感性研究。焊接接头微观组织和显微硬度分析结果表明,两种热处理状态条件下的00Cr13Ni5Mo马氏体不锈钢均有良好的抗冷裂纹敏感性,正火态马氏体不锈钢焊后热影响区发生明显软化,正火+回火态焊后接头硬度则为焊缝区至母材区逐步降低的趋势。  相似文献   

研究了31CrMoV9钢电子束焊接接头在焊后去应力退火、焊后调质两种不同焊后热处理状态下的焊缝组织与性能,并与同等强度等级下的母材组织与性能进行了对比研究。结果表明,接头焊后组织为板条马氏体及少量残留奥氏体;焊缝经调质处理后,组织为相对均匀的回火索氏体,接头力学性能与母材相当,相比于焊后去应力退火处理,焊缝冲击性能大幅提高。两种类型的焊后热处理均未消除焊缝柱状枝晶等凝固组织形态,但焊后调质工艺可减轻焊缝柱状枝晶组织偏析,并使之细化,使得焊缝与母材的组织与硬度更加均匀;焊后经多次重复淬火,焊缝经检测均未见裂纹,说明焊后采用调质工艺可行,这为提高焊缝冲击性能提供了可行工艺路线。  相似文献   

The effects of two post-weld heat treatment processes on the microstructure and fatigue properties of the electron beam welded joints of 30CrMnSiNi2A steel were studied. Electron beam local post-weld heat treatment ( EBLPWHT) , in a vacuum chamber, immediately after welding and a traditional furnace whole post-weld heat treatment (FWPWHT) were accepted. The experimental results show that, after EBLPWHT, the main microstructure of weld is changed from coarse acicular martensite into lath martensite, and base metal is changed from ferrite and perlite into upper bainite and residual austenite, however the microstructures of different zones of joints in FWPWHT conditions are tempered sorbite. The fatigue crack growth rate da/dN of welds and base metal are not obviously changed among EBLPWHT, FWPWHT test and as-welded (AW) test, as the mechanical properties of materials have a certain but not large effect on the da/dN of welded joints. The resistance to near threshold fatigue crack growth data of welded joints can be largely improved by EBLPWHT and it is related to microstructure and crack closure effect.  相似文献   

对马氏体不锈钢0Cr13Ni5Mo焊接接头经过1000℃油淬后,分别进行了600℃,620℃+600℃,400℃回火。通过显微组织分析、拉伸试验、冲击试验和硬度检测对3种焊接接头的组织和力学性能进行了研究。结果表明,3种焊接接头中焊缝组织粗大,硬度最高;焊接接头的韧性低于相应热处理状态下母材的韧性;随着回火温度的降低,韧性下降,强度提高。二次回火比一次回火组织更加细小,强度和韧性更好;620℃+600℃二次回火后焊接接头具有比较理想的综合力学性能。  相似文献   


Low transformation temperature welding (LTTW) wire has been found to improve the fatigue strength in welded joints. In the present study, the temperature dependence of the mechanical properties in a dual phase microstructure of austenite and martensite was estimated using the properties of full austenite and full martensite in numerical analyses. A welding method effective for residual stress reduction and fatigue strength improvement was shown by applying a calculation method under transformation superplasticity and transformation induced plasticity in high strength steel welded joints. With this method, the influence of the welding pass sequence on the residual stress distribution and fatigue strength was examined in a boxing fillet welded joint using LTTW. The transformation tensile residual stress in the weld toe was decreased by sectioned welding, and the fatigue limit by sectioned welding with LTTW improved in comparison with the fatigue limit of a joint welded with conventional wire in the same process.  相似文献   

中国低活化钢激光焊接接头微观组织与硬度分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
采用功率为4 kW的Nd:YAG激光器,对6 mm厚CLAM钢板采用不同的焊接参数进行了激光焊接试验,焊后对部分试样进行回火处理.分别对焊后和回火试样的硬度和微观组织结构进行了测试和观察.结果表明,回火处理前焊接接头金相组织主要为粗大的板条马氏体,随着焊接速度的提高,焊缝硬度有所提高;回火处理后焊接接头金相组织为板条特征明显的回火马氏体,使用扫描电镜对回火后焊接接头进行观察发现在原奥氏体晶界和马氏体板条上有碳化物析出,导致焊缝区的硬度相对母材略有提高,焊接热影响区未出现软化现象.  相似文献   

用金相显微镜和扫描电镜观察了FV520B钢焊接接头母材、焊缝及热影响区的微观组织;并通过透射电镜给出了母材和焊缝的微观形貌。结果表明:母材组织为细小均匀的回火马氏体、弥散分布的析出相及高密度位错,而焊缝为粗大的板条马氏体及少量的析出相,说明母材力学性能优于焊缝。利用疲劳实验获得了高平均拉应力下接头的疲劳强度及S-N曲线等。通过对疲劳断口的观察,发现疲劳断裂主要有两种形式:破坏于焊趾处和焊接缺陷处,由于这里严重的应力集中,加速了疲劳裂纹的萌生。  相似文献   

In this paper, cold-rolled DP590 dual-phase steel sheets with 1.5 mm thickness were butt-welded by a fiber laser, and the evolution and effect on microhardness, tensile property and fatigue property of the welded joint microstructure were studied. The results showed that the base metal is composed of ferrite and martensite, with the martensite dispersed in the ferrite matrix in an island manner. The microstructure of the weld zone was lath-shaped martensite that can be refined further by increasing the welding speed, while the heat-affected zone was composed of ferrite and tempered martensite. The microhardness increased with increasing welding speed, and the hardness reached its highest value—393.8 HV—when the welding speed was 5 m/min. Static tensile fracture of the welded joints always occurred in the base metal, and the elongation at break was more than 16%. The conditional fatigue limits of the base metal and the weld joints were 354.2 and 233.6 MPa, respectively, under tension–tension fatigue tests with a stress rate of 0.1. After observation of the fatigue fracture morphology, it was evident that the fatigue crack of the base metal had sprouted into the surface pits and that its expansion would be accelerated under the action of a secondary crack. The fatigue source of the welded joint was generated in the weld zone and expanded along the martensite, forming a large number of fatigue striations. Transient breaking, which occurred in the heat-affected zone of the joint as a result of the formation of a large number of dimples, reflected the obvious characteristics of ductile fracture.  相似文献   

针对海洋钻井平台齿轮的修复问题,采用冷金属过渡(CMT)技术在40CrNiMo调质钢表面进行堆焊,利用扫描电镜、显微硬度测试、冲击性能测试和拉伸性能测试等手段,研究了焊后回火温度对40CrNiMo调质钢堆焊热影响区(HAZ)组织和性能的影响。结果表明:随着焊后回火温度的升高,焊接热影响区的硬度逐渐下降,堆焊试样的抗拉强度逐渐下降,伸长率逐渐提高。焊后回火温度为400 ℃和500 ℃时,析出的碳化物在马氏体的条界、束界和晶界上分布,恶化了堆焊试样的冲击性能;焊后回火温度为600 ℃时,碳化物聚集长大和球化,并愈发弥散分布,从而改善了冲击性能。  相似文献   

It has been generally recognized that the fatigue life of welded joints is little influenced by the strength of steels owing to the high-stress concentration and the tensile residual stress near the weld toe. In this paper, improvement of the fatigue life of welded joints using steel with high resistance to fatigue crack growth (ferrite/martensite (F/M) steel) is investigated. F/M steel has a microstructure with an elongated and banded martensite phase distributed in a ferrite matrix and a fatigue crack growth rate of about one-half to one-tenth in the thickness direction, compared with conventional steel. As a result, the fatigue life of an out-of-surface gusset-welded joint increases with the decrease of the fatigue crack growth rate. The fatigue life of welded joints using F/M steel with the highest resistance to fatigue crack growth increases to about twice that of joints using conventional steel. Whereas the fatigue crack growth rate decreases significantly, the fatigue life of welded joints increases only slightly. This can be attributed to the stress ratio independent of the fatigue crack growth rate. In other words, the fatigue crack growth rate of F/M steel increases with the increase of the stress ratio, approaching that of conventional steel. In the case of welded joints, even if a fatigue test is carried out at a low-stress ratio, the region near the weld toe is under a high-stress ratio due to tensile residual stress. Therefore, improvement of the fatigue life of welded joints becomes comparatively small so that the effect of fatigue crack retardation of F/M steel decreases.  相似文献   

针对核聚变反应堆试验包层模块(TBM)中使用的CLF-1低活化铁素体/马氏体钢进行焊接试验,采用15 kW光纤激光,实现了17.5 mm厚CLF-1钢的穿透焊接,得到了正反表面成形良好、无明显缺陷的焊接接头,并对接头显微组织及力学性能进行了分析研究. 结果表明,焊缝区主要为粗大的板条马氏体;熔合线附近热影响区为细小的板条马氏体和少量贝氏体;不完全淬火区为经焊接热循环作用下二次回火的回火索氏体及马氏体双相组织;接头室温及550 ℃高温抗拉强度较高,均断裂于母材;焊缝显微硬度高于母材,且热影响区无明显软化;接头冲击韧性良好. 接头综合力学性能良好.  相似文献   

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