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赵向东 《华中建筑》2004,22(B07):B0131-B0133
中国古典园林有着独特的审美体系,内涵丰富的人文精神融汇在追求言外之意的诗文题名当中。园林的审美受这种诗性思维影响,体现着解释美学的开放与创意。该文以圆明园“夹镜鸣琴”为例,以解释学的思路来展现中国古典园林的内在魅力。  相似文献   

《金陵四十景图考诗咏》是明代朱之 蕃等人对彼时“金陵四十景”的总结集称,其景 图与题咏共时关联,集中揭示了金陵名胜的风景 特色和品题风尚,对解读金陵风景名胜的地方 意识和传统内涵具有重要意义。论文基于现代 声景理论,以声要素识别及其环境特征为契入 点,结合《金陵四十景图考诗咏》的景图诗词 判读,在景观空间建构、听觉系统感知等相关理 论的基础上,针对“金陵四十景”声音要素及其 动态场景进行联立解析,进而总结归纳传统声 景营造手法。以“天印樵歌”为例,通过图文解 析展现了朱之蕃笔下声音场景及其想象空间的 内在关系与变动趋势,分析论证传统景图声环 境与风景境域的同一性。相关研究为传统景观 集称图册的当代阐释提供了现代声环境分析视 角,为当代风景名胜高质量发展提供了基于传统 声景解析的研究坐标与历史维度。  相似文献   

梁敦睦  余斌 《中国园林》1994,10(4):53-56
本文介绍山地游赏型风景园林规划注意结合自然景观,遵循因地制宜,因景制宜原则设计景点,组织游览路线的艺术构思,以“茶山四十景”为线索,体现巴岳山“面面削出金芙蓉”的雄秀意境。  相似文献   

陈薇 《建筑师》2018,(4):118-125
金陵四十景是明南京时的文化景观集景表达,其中山景十分突出。本文经过对于相关文本与实景的比照以及"诗话"和"画论"的研究,分析了金陵四十景排序之"道"、设计之"法"、见山之"理"。  相似文献   

谢辉  辛尚 《室内设计》2016,(5):92-97
在重庆市主城区选取了具有典型 山地形态和丰富声景的碧津公园为研究对 象,采用声漫步方法对该山地公园的声景和 视觉景观进行调查评价。结果表明,碧津公 园的声景组成可分为人工声(65%)和自然 声(35%)两大类;人们更偏爱流水声、鸟叫 声等自然声;公园平均声压级为62 .7d BA, 远超过相关标准的限值;声景的舒适程度 与声景类型、空间的围合程度都存在显著相 关性;“近的—远的”、“单一的—复杂的”、 “柔和的—刺耳的”、“无方向的—有方向 的”等词组是描述山地公园声景最贴切的 形容词。  相似文献   

“柳浪闻莺”是西湖十景之一,位于西湖之南,其西南有“雷峰夕照”和“南屏晚钟”二景,包括“花港观鱼”和“三潭印月”在内,构成西湖的“南五景”,与北五景(包括“苏堤春晓”)遥遥相对。但“北五景”自“断桥残雪”至“双峰插云”,景  相似文献   

本文以韩城司马迁祠为对象,探析了一种中国地方风景营造的内涵与价值。阐释了司马迁祠风景选址及其相址择位的基本原则,并通过宏观山水“场景”设计、风景图景设计、地景建筑设计等研究,探讨了司马迁祠风景营造的本土智慧,提出了一种结合山水地景的人居风景营造模式。  相似文献   

中国传统园林注重植物香景营造,而圆明园盛期的植物香景营造堪称典范。以文献研究为基础,首先对圆明园盛期的香景植物种类进行梳理,并结合景点景名,对主要香景植物的应用方式进行总结;其次依据乾隆御制诗,就香景植物的香味特征描写进行归纳与解析;最后探讨植物香景意境的生成过程,从闻香感觉、闻香感想、闻香感悟三个层面,就圆明园四十景中的典型香景意境进行探究,以期对现代植物香景营造提供借鉴。  相似文献   

英国 Alarmcom公司开发应用“黑镜”技术的西诺瓦系列 (synova range)光电感烟探测器。该系列光电感烟探测器的光学测量室内有一个极光亮的黑表面 (简称“黑镜”) ,可以减少环境光量、耐粉尘和灰尘污染 ,提高可靠性和减少误报危险。该系列光电感烟探测器还设有便于维护和清洁的夹式盖。西诺瓦系列产品包括许多组合式火灾报警设备 ,如广泛应用的控制盘、显示器和手动报警器等。黑镜技术  相似文献   

柏传儒 《中国园林》1993,9(1):34-37
中国园林十分讲究“景观”效果。造园,即造“景”,游园,是赏“景”,管园,就是要管好“景”。这是不断提高园林管理水平的关键所在。因此,园林管理工作者必须强化“景”的意识,突出“景”的管理。作此探索,以谋共识。  相似文献   

以曲水里商业街外部空间设计为例,阐述了商业街外部空间设计为场景化再现提供基础,本土文化在场景中实现。将曲水里商业街区定位为老济南文化场景体验式商业街区,通过梳理街巷肌理、控制建筑体量、塑造活力空间节点、融入民俗文化等手法,建构场景化的商业外部空间,使消费者在购物中体验济南本土文化。  相似文献   

从声景的概念出发,在回顾并总结国内外园林声景研究与声景设计理论和经验的基础上,探讨了城市公园声景设计的一些具体手法,并指出在城市公园设计中将声景与其他景素结合起来,可以营造出更为真切丰富的园林空间。  相似文献   

空间叙事体系藉由时空空间梳理、叙事框架的建构、主题的表达,能让空间形成秩序与逻辑,并强化用户对于空间的认知。本文以我国台湾地区大安森林公园站的地下空间开发项目为例,分析其如何从空间叙事主题构建、叙事要素选取、核心区的场景塑造、空间叙事的场景分布、叙事路径组织、延伸至外部的叙事强化等6个方面将空间叙事应用在地下空间的场景营造。同时,归纳出此方式能让大安森林公园站具有主题更为明确突出、形成与其他空间的逻辑与联系性、形成与城市要素的一体化发展等三方面与其他轨道站不同的优势,并能提供生活圈一个全天候活动的公共空间。最后指出,空间叙事营造场景会是我国地下空间设计的一种新选项。  相似文献   

在旧城更新的过程中,对历史街区的改造更新既要满足现代生活需求,又保留传统建筑特色,新建筑应融于整体城市风貌之中。泉州北门街改造工程是一个较成功的实例,整体街区的外部空间塑造和建筑单体的形式特征是泉州北门街改造设计中最为精彩的两个片断。  相似文献   

Estimating the depth of a construction scene from a single red-green-blue image is a crucial prerequisite for various applications, including work zone safety, localization, productivity analysis, activity recognition, and scene understanding. Recently, self-supervised representation learning methods have made significant progress and demonstrated state-of-the-art performance on monocular depth estimation. However, the two leading open challenges are the ambiguity of estimated depth up to an unknown scale and representation transferability for a downstream task, which severely hinders the practical deployment of self-supervised methods. We propose a prior information-based method, not depending on additional sensors, to recover the unknown scale in monocular vision and predict per-pixel absolute depth. Moreover, a new learning paradigm for a self-supervised monocular depth estimation model is constructed to transfer the pre-trained self-supervised model to other downstream construction scene analysis tasks. Meanwhile, we also propose a novel depth loss to enforce depth consistency when transferring to a new downstream task and two new metrics to measure transfer performance. Finally, we verify the effectiveness of scale recovery and representation transferability in isolation. The new learning paradigm with our new metrics and depth loss is expected to estimate the monocular depth of a construction scene without depth ground truth like light detection and ranging. Our models will serve as a good foundation for further construction scene analysis tasks.  相似文献   

Fire scene investigation relies on in situ investigation (observations that take place where the fire occurred) and laboratory analysis. Nowadays the role and place of fire modelling in fire forensic investigation are debated within the forensic community. The main objective of this work is to propose a methodology to consider the stochastic aspect of fire development in a specific case by using fire modelling. Therefore, a stochastic fire safety engineering tool so-called SCHEMA-SI (Stochastic Computation and Hybrid Event Modelling Approach-Sécurité Incendie) developed at the CSTB (French Scientific and Technical Construction Centre) has been used to reconstruct a fire scene that occurred in 2007 in a senior care facility situated in the Paris suburb (France). In this case study, several fire scenarios were generated with SCHEMA-SI from probabilistic data in order to perform fire scene investigation. Each scenario is composed on one hand by a succession of dated events and on the other hand by physical quantities time-evolution at different locations in the building (heat release rate, temperature, interface height…). The objective of this work was to find the scenarios which allow getting an acceptable agreement between the calculated values and the observations from the real situation in the fire scene. Among the thousands of fire scenarios generated, 20% were compliant with the fire scene observations. The analysis of these compliant scenarios gave a better idea of what might have happened in the care facility. At the end, the contribution of numerical simulation in a fire scene analysis is discussed.  相似文献   

当下城市化进程逐步加快,城市绿 地与健康关联的重要性引起人们的广泛关 注。哈尔滨市秋季较适宜恢复性活动发生, 因此本研究旨在探究哈市秋季不同空间特征 公园场景对健康恢复性影响差异,选取城市 公园6个典型秋季场景,针对其开放程度与自 然程度进行健康恢复性分析,对61名受试者 观看场景视频时的生理指标被同步记录代 表其压力水平,注意力恢复水平进行问卷调 查。结果表明:空间特征对环境健康恢复性 具有显著影响,城市公园场景中,给人以视线 围合感,并且能看到远景的半开敞空间的恢 复性更好,并且具有地形元素的场景恢复性 显著好于其他场景。  相似文献   

为了解火场环境下指纹显现技术的研究进展,对国内外相关研究进行了梳理,主要包括潜在指纹中不同物质成分在火场条件下的变化、火场中指纹显现的常见方法及其适用条件、火场环境下影响指纹显现效果的重要因素三个方面的内容,指出了当前研究存在的问题与不足,并对进一步发展方向提出展望。  相似文献   

吉林市是松花江流域的重要城市,其城市景观生态格局既与该流域其他滨水城市相似,又特色鲜明。从吉林市城水结构、滨水景观及水域环境三个层面入手,研究水域空间的结构布局、景观规划及生态保护路径,提出将吉林自然生态骨架与城市空间融为一体,构建"山水环绕组团结构"的城市景观格局,突出"城在景中,景在城内"的水域景观特质,以及建立城水和谐关系,保护水域环境的城市景观生态策略。  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the efficiency of elevator systems could be improved if lift controllers had access to accurate counts of the number of passengers waiting at each floor [1,9]. Video cameras and image processing techniques represent a convenient and non-intrusive solution to the people counting problem and can produce reasonably accurate counts for moderate cost. This paper addresses the problem of people counting using video techniques not the problem of lift control. For a video based counting system to be of use it must distinguish people from other (background) objects in the field of view; the principle difficulty being due to variations in the background scene caused by changes in lighting and the movement of objects. The system discussed here uses neural networks to distinguish between parts of the background scene and non-background objects (people). This system is able to form a compact representation of multiple background images and hence deal with variations in the scene under analysis without requiring large amounts of memory or processing time.  相似文献   

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